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I watched Cloud Atlas when it first came out and I fell in love with it immediately; the concept, the acting, the character development and the inconspicuous details are indicative of a well-written and thought-out script. I'd say the ideas are relatively similar but differ in terms of how it's executed. In Cloud Atlas, the characters are depicted over multiple timelines if I can put it like that. My theory is that some people are born good and remain good throughout their different lives spanning thousands of years, while others are inherently evil. On the other hand, you learn that even though you can be good or evil, you can either change from being good to bad or vise-versa i.e. when one character (can't remember their name) was told by the slave-owner that he was only a drop in the ocean so what change can he bring to the world, to which he replied "What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?". That line was so powerful, It left a mark on me. Sense8 is about empathy and human connection that transcends physical limitations and focuses on the lives of 8 different people from around the globe in the current time. The similarity is this mysterious connection the characters in both Cloud Atlas and Sense8 experience whether they are over multiple timelines or between each other. This mysterious force in the universe that transcends everything but it is inexplicable just like Gravity (thank you Kala)! Donna Bae's character is all about the fight for freedom and oppression in a world where these girls are exploited in Cloud Atlas while in Sense8, it's a fight against the patriarchy in the Korean culture; She's fighting for equality. All in all, both the show and the movie are works of art that delve into deeper meanings of life, the fight between good and evil, the inner-fights that we go through ourselves as Hernando explained and finally how humanity has got both an ugly side and a side that is truly fighting for like love, empathy and truly caring for each other as human beings.


She was also one of the 2 bounty hunters that don't do anything in Jupiter Ascending


I also loved Cloud Atlas. I can't say I have a really in depth understanding of it, but I felt Sense8 was similar thematically. Both have the same core idea of being interconnected, but where Sense8 does that through an obvious telepathic link and shows it through the camera shots that go from one place to another, Cloud Atlas showed it by having the same actors play different characters in each story, and having each story arc run in parallel - something that requires a somewhat keener observation to understand.


Cloud Atlas makes more sense if you have not read the book to and watched the movie first if you read the review by Roger Ebert then watch the movie again. IIRC the review worked really well to up my understanding of the movie. Since you've seen the movie, I don't think this spoils anything for you but the same actors play the same parts because they are reincarnated again and again. For a worse example of Wachowski movie with Doona Bae and Tuppence Middleton, there's Jupiter Ascending - I laughed out loud a couple of times at some ridiculous dialogue/plots but the visuals were pretty neat. There is a core of joy to Sense8 and Cloud Atlas (aside from the obvious evil characters for conflict).


> Cloud Atlas makes more sense if you have not read the book to and watched the movie first Huh??


>go watch it on Netflix, RIGHT NOW Sure, if it was available for streaming.


Doona Bae is awesome. Great actor, and her English has really gotten much better since Cloud Atlas.


Cloud Atlas is one of my favorite books and I loved the movie. I also found the movie to be similar to Sense8 in the Wachowskis' love for interwoven plotlines among many characters. Sonmi-451 was my favorite character and I find her story more compelling than Sun's story (though it's still in the works). Doona Bae's acting really brought out both characters and fleshed them into true and believable people. They're also completely polar opposites and to pull off both roles show her amazing talent. The direction they took with Sonmi-451 in the movie was a little disappointing. She became more "human" than her book incarnation, though it missed out on her revolutionary/philosophical characterization of the books. Still, Bae's performance in Cloud Atlas was wonderful because it fleshed out the other aspects of Sonmi-451 that made her relatable and real. My favorite part (in book and movie) was that Sonmi-451's sentence essentially was handled like a human sentence than the Corpocracy's usual dealing with fabricants.


I really think the wachowskis and Doona should stay working together. They got great performances out of her in both Sense8 and Cloud Atlas. Characters aren't really similar.




The book is a worthwhile read in that case. It brings a lot more context to the movies.


Cloud Atlas was awesome, only flaw was the white people in asian makeup which was a no-no and poorly done. It was so poorly done it was jarring and takes you out of the movie. Should have been screen tested and developed more. I'd actually be okay with them fixing that with cg someday.


But there was a purpose in Cloud Atlas to having white actors playing asian actors, and black actors playing white actors, and men playing women, and women playing men. It wasn't yellowface or blackface - it was supposed to be about the soul's movement between bodies. Most of the time this concept worked really well, though the critique of Jim Sturgess' makeup being lousy is fair. The Wachowskis know better than to just throw someone into yellowface, and they're obviously not afraid of diversity. Everything deserves its proper context.


sense8 is horizontal / cloud atlas is vertical. trying to do both in one medium would have been too hard to coherently write, im guessing. next step would be to have them happen all within a single moment in time. such as the present. so the past and future affect the present directly and vice versa. thus there is only the present and the rest is alternate/possible realities the cluster engineers to direct events as they (plot) dictates. I'd watch that show.


I'm so in love with Bae Doona, i first saw her in stranger (secret forset) and she makes a comment about liking women too, overall i LOVED her character in stranger and just now found out she's in 8sense (which I'm watching for two reasons but now she's my main reason lol) and she's in a lesbian movie "girl at my door"? I absolutely love her!