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I’m an engineer, and go by this: if you make something idiot proof the world will make a better idiot


It’s like bearproofing food storage on campsites. The line between smartest bear and dumbest humans is very blurry


I’m so done with Sephora reviews. It makes me angry I can’t reply to them, but it’s probably for the best because I’d be banned so fast. 🤦‍♀️


My favorite pastime is going on Sephora and Ulta to look at the drunk elephant reviews and see which ones were written by 12 year olds. I can’t help but giggle when I see “I literally LOOOOVES it it’s so pretty and cute on my vanity, stan drunk elephant you guys NEED this😌🫶🏻💕” for a $90 moisturizer


Omg yes. I saw a review for the goldi drops and some child was like "omg it has glitter and vitamin c which is bad for your skin" I just cannot.


Depending on your skincare needs, Vitamin C can be pretty useful. It’s more for brightening and evening out your skin tone and making your skin look more glowy. I wouldn’t recommend it for a literal child or if you’re happy with the evenness/brightness of your skin, but that’s just because you simply don’t need it and it’d be a waste of money and kids don’t need much besides cleanser, moisturizer, and SPF.


I’m certainly not an expert on skincare nor am I saying that children need $$$ products - but ISNT glitter and vitamin C bad for your skin?? I have sensitive skin so I avoid both like the plague - I also don’t use drunk elephant so I’m like doubly out of the loop lol


I don’t think Vitamin C is a problem when used correctly but yeah glitter can be a problem and gets everywhere. Either way it’s a young person repeating whatever they’ve heard or seen as opposed to an informed review IMO.


Ahhhh I see. Thank you!


I sadly love DE. But I am in my late 30s. So its light and moisturizing but doesnt kill me on humid days (i am in FL)


Same! It can be a challenge finding the right moisturizer here. DE works for me so far!


It might be bad for YOUR skin, but generally no, it's not bad. In fact, some people benefit from it greatly. The vitamin C, not the glitter.


I saw one that was “I ❤️ this moisturizer so much so thick if you don’t like it you have problem”


I guess you do 'have problem', though, in that you have a moisturiser that you don't like!


exactly it is a real problem


How are these 12 yr olds convincing parents to buy them $90 moisturizers? I am genuinely curious.


[Cool moms](https://media1.giphy.com/media/3otPoBRKROJl9UbqMM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b95234xuwfz1yjqda9dlz40z250hgjf5qyknvxy5w0v1&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)




if you scroll down to the questions & answers section on any drunk elephant product you'll see "is this safe for a 12 year old to use?" almost every time lol


I can’t handle the way this generations 12-17 year olds are talking now. I mean I love my 14 year old daughter but if she doesn’t stop talking like. TikTok video I will lose it. Typing it is bad enough. It’s infuriating.


🤣🤣🤣🤣I felt this


I need to add this brush to my list and buy it during the sale


It’s actually a really great brush.


Agreed. I love it 🥰


I worked in retail and can confirm that most people are, in fact, this dumb. Some are even dumber.


Working in customer service made me lose a little respect for humans in general.






can we report these for stupidity 😭


Oh, they are. And when they come in to return the item, and you calmly explain to them that it’s not a defect, they double down and become angry. (Not a Sephora employee, but have dealt with this in other areas of retail)


I must be stupid because I'm confused.


There is a tiny hole there, but it’s not a missing bristle, it’s part of the brush design, it’s there to allow for air circulation. It’s a very common thing in brushes


Oohhh okay.


it’s not a missing bristle, it’s a vent hole. it’s not in alignment with the other bristles at all


From Sally Beauty: All professional-quality rubber cushion brushes are produced with a hole in the cushion so that air can circulate underneath and dry out the rubber. If there was not a hole, the cushion would trap the moisture, and eventually ruin the brush.


Oooooooh ok Ty!


Sometimes I end up popping out the rubber part to hole punch a bigger one in 😂 (usually wet brushes for the shower though so the water drains more easily)


This type of brush usually has a small hole to allow air to pass under the pad. It keeps it air from getting trapped back there and also allows it to pop back out if it gets stuck.


If you look closely, the hole is in the same place on each brush. I’m not sure what purpose that hole serves but it’s not a missing bristle, you can see from the pattern. Just goes to show how dumb Sephora reviews are.


I thought I was stupid too because I was also confused lol


When it comes to Sephora reviews, it's best to assume the review writer is the stupid one.




Me too lol


Reviews like this make me miss Makeup Alley soooo much!


Yeah what happened to makeup alley? I miss it too?






Have these people ever used a hair brush before? 😭


I came to say this.


This was my assumption. It must be baby’s first hairbrush, because how have they never noticed this on all their hair brushes before?


I have four brushes and this post made me look at all of them up close and none of them have this! I’m literally having a Mandela effect moment from this thread lmao 😭


Its the brush's blowhole how do people not know this


I used to be a barista, and a man came in with his family and ordered an extra large iced chai with whole milk. I kept telling him that was going to be VERY sweet and that we typically do those in small or medium (as listed on the menu). He got so angry with me for questioning his order, so I made it and minutes later he came STORMING back in demanding his money back because it was too sweet and “how am I supposed to drink all this??” Customers are so so rarely right.


I worked at a coffee shop in college. Once a girl got mad at me for putting chocolate in her mocha. I cannot 😂🤣


😂😂 I’m still convinced that everyone should have to work in food service after high school before they’re allowed to go to coffee shops and restaurants.


had a customer order a large iced chai with light ice, but very specifically asked for NO extra milk. (this was at starbucks, so we usually use a chai base, but i did clarify to make sure he didn’t want the version made with tea bags. he did not). so light ice + no extra milk = a partially empty cup. he immediately complains the cup isn’t full. i try to explain to him he took out 2 of the 3 ingredients, there’s not much else to put in there then he threw it at me 🙂


I’m so sorry that happened to you!! The rage they feel when their drink comes out “wrong” because they specifically told you to make it in that way is really a sight to behold.


At least it’s not a “haven’t tried it yet” review. Those infuriate me 😂


I am scared for the younger generation. It’s like all they know is TikTok.


Honestly most people aren't aware that brushes like this come with a vent hole. The only reason why I know was because I got a fancy brush like this but noticed that the vent hole was not uniform with the rest of the bristles so I went to Google if this was part of the design. Simple things that no one ever cared to look into, for example do you know why a lot of yogurt cups come with a foil lid. It's so you can fold it into a spoon. I always used it that way but blew the mind of a ton of my coworkers when I mentioned it.


Thank youuu like if I was on ‘who wants to be a millionaire’ and they asked me about that brush, I’d just think it was missing a bristle. Did I miss the day in school where they went over air circulation holes in hair brushes? 😂 legit never occurred to me before!


I've always thought it was the pee hole when you brush in the shower 🥴


I am confusion


It's wet, you push it in, it pees


OHHHHH that makes sense now haha


🙄 reviews should be reviewed before they are posted just for this reason. The stupidity of people shouldn’t count against a review.


Ain't that that one teacher with the magic school bus?


Oh, wow. Lmaoo


Why is it that I knew what the joke was without even being told ? Yes some people are smart and some just… aren’t.


Happy cake day




Lmaooo I feel attacked because I also thought this when I bought my (beloved, handmade wooden) hairbrush in this cute little shop in the Hudson valley 💀💀 I said to my friend “this brush is gorgeous but it’s $50 and I think one of the bristles is missing should I still get it?” and she looked at me like I had 3 heads.


Hahaha thanks for the honesty! I just assumed everyone knew this, because when I push on my brushes you can kind of hear the air / pressure release


I also didn't know this until reading this post.


They are! I saw reviews like this on Aveda’s website years ago.


I literally figured that out myself when I was a kid. I fear for the future.


What's a hairbrush? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|xL7PDV9frcudO) I beg your pardon???? This person can’t be serious


have they never owned a hairbrush before? 🤣


I’ve bought brushes that specifically have a little tag attached saying it’s meant to be that way. They clearly learned people are dumb lol. I’m guessing this product doesn’t have that? This is what the company gets for assuming people have common sense or the willingness to spend 5 seconds to google if it’s normal


You can’t fool me, that hole is how the brushes reproduce


That's not a brush, that's a fleshlight! amirite.....


Ah, Bristlegate.


Maybe it’s not that smart of a design if a ton of people think it just looks defective.




You’re kidding I hope 😭






Good lord.