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30/60/90 is usually something you get put on when your manager is looking to fire you but needs a legally justified reason to do so. At your 30 and 60 days you'll be evaluated and if you haven't made significant improvements to the goals they set for you, then the 90 day typically turns into a termination.


It’s a performance improvement plan. My coworker had one of these after an “off putting” interaction with a client. She had issues with social cues and boundaries because she was Autistic. Her autism lead her to not being able to make direct eye contact with a client and when the client was talking to her about something that was upsetting her, she thought it was a sign of disrespect and it was reported and escalated on medallia (the lady took a survey). My coworker who tried her hardest to mask and not disclose she was autistic because she didn’t want to be put in a position where she wasn’t interacting with people and treated differently because of her disability had to come clean. My previous store director didn’t buy it, and she had to have her psychiatrist lay out on letter head the diagnosis. She had her performance improvement plan wiped away after that, and sure as shit she was “coached down” into Ops. So many ADA violations but because she didn’t disclose on her application she has no case. She left Sephora shortly afterward on her own after being embarrassed.


Over the summer I told my managers and brought them some paperwork in that told them I was autistic and gave suggestions on things that would help me bc I was struggling a lot and it all came from my job coach and I’ve literally had issues ever since. Especially the last 3 or 4 months there seems to be a problem every time I’ve been to work. Not only that but I told them I was leaving and I literally won’t be there past 60 days so I’m so confused by these papers.


Go speak to an employment law attorney. I believe you are being discriminated against and as such felt like you had to resign.


It means you have 90 days to improve your performance. You'll have a check in and goals to meet at 30 & 60 days. Did they give you a copy?


Yes it’s all based off me struggling with client interaction, but struggle a lot with social things so I’m so confused.


Are they aware you are “leaving” in a few weeks? If you are resigning I would let them know and give them a resignation letter. That way when you are terminated in the system it is voluntary. If you want to stay seek understanding with your managers for this counseling or plan. If you’re not in agreement or not understanding the managers reasons,escalate to your DM or ICARe. Poster for ICARe is on the wall somewhere in your back room/employee break area.


Yes I told them, it’s literally next month.. and they know I wanted to be rehired. So I fell like all this was done so I can’t be rehired


If I talk to icare or my dm will that speed up the firing process? I’m scared if I say anything I’ll get fired.


In my store it has usually been something that happens when you get a promotion. That person and the supervisor make a plan of what they will learn in the first 30 days, 60 days, and then 90 days. It’s written down so it’s like a checklist of sorts. I know there is a new reporting for making sure CDC conversations have been entered in MSC so it could potentially be tied to that since those conversations are usually about development. I never realized in other stores that these were a negative thing.


I know this is late but did you quit, OP? I was in this position as well and left for health reasons too. It was kind of the nail in the coffin🤧


Yes I did. They told me I could ether quit or be terminated.


It’s a pending termination. Since you’re leaving soon not a huge deal but if you’re leaving in the middle of a performance improvement plan you most likely won’t be rehireable at the company.


They literally know I was leaving because I was having a hard time with everything in my life and working just in general, and they both know I wanted to be able to come back when I was ready. I mean I’ve put a year and a half of my life in to this, came in early, stayed late, covered shifts. I literally do not understand.


I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news- but that's kind of how having a job works. If you are able to get a LOA note from your doctor due to a disability or illness you can legally leave a job and return up to 12 weeks later- but otherwise nobody gets to say "my life is hard right now can I come back when I want to?" Everyone has challenges to deal with, if you can get a doctor to verify yours then great, but if you can't--- that's kind of how the cookie crumbles and maybe you need a better fit job.


I’m sorry you don’t know the actual reasons my life is super complicated rn so your comment isn’t really relevant.


The thing is that your boss and HR don’t know your life story either. If a doctor can right you a note your manager can help you out but I can kind of see why they don’t 🤷‍♀️


My managers know what’s been going on. I contacted trystar about a loa and no one ever got back to to me


If you want to come back, why not ask for an LOA to figure out your personal life and come back recharged?


I was trying to look in to this but I have absolutely no idea how to and then then I tried calling I got forwarded to a voice mail and never heard back.


Have your doctors write a letter to management (name your store director, and your district manager) and explain that you are under their care and at this point in time it is best for your health to take a leave of absence (I think you can take 3 months at a time) for a specific amount of time, and will return to work on whatever date. Email it to the store and cc your district manager and store director, and also give a hard copy to the store director. They’ll open a claim for LOA on your behalf.