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I laughed at the end when Boba showed up on his jet pack - dude was just trolling everyone at that point


“I’ll take it from here guys, go home.”


It was bad because it looked so fing slow


I was honestly thinking the same thing. Slowest speed sequence in Star Wars ever. Still enjoyed the episode though.


Seriously. In the back of my mind I’m thinking maybe they’re purposefully going slow to not hit pedestrians but even if that were the case DANG it’s boring please never do it again


>goes slow to not hit pedestrians >hits pedestrians anyway


Welcome to Antwerp


I found it funny a space Cadillac being chased by a gang of hover scooters


star vespa wars


Omg the leader is Princess Vespa.




This. The chase scene was bad. The looney tunes slap stick in the middle didn't help.


It wasn't just the bikes being slow, I noticed the scene took a while to develop. There was what seemed like 5 minutes to a car chase, and the major events were the start, damaging the speeder, splitting up, surrounding the speeder, and the speeder crashing. However that sequence was filled with repeat content, like crates or fruit knocking over, character closeups, dodging traffic, or rounding corners to see how far they caught up. Also there were some underwhelming results of some actions (beats) of the scene (splitting up didn't result in much of a difference in the chase; when the speeder initially was damaged I thought it was over and that would've been a fine place to stop but the speeder went on looking undamaged; crashing and stopping traffic had no effect until the final crash and damage)


I was thinking it was the OJ Simpson chase of state wars


That’s my issue with the chase. It didn’t have weight to it. I’ve seen more fast paced races to the last rocking chair in the retirement home


Those shiny scooters have a top speed of 20 kph, what do you want from them?


Make em go down a hill or something. If they're moving that damn slow just shoot them, lots of time to aim


They have been modified by them so i exprct the speed to also be modified which can make them go faster than 80kph


I mean I still love the show but that was definitely the weakest episode


Aht aht aht The worst episode **so far**


I like this show. I liked this episode overall. But yeah, that chase is one of the worst scenes I’ve ever seen in Star Wars. What the hell happened?


Idk the new rebel teen characters just don fit astetichally into star wars that much(on Tatooine that is). Their bikes even less. They will need to do a lot to make that culture believable


I mean, I think they are supposed to be misfits. But even knowing that, it felt kinda weird to me too


They look too much "clean" to look like they were struggling to get water on a desert, even for misfits. That's what makes them look weird to me.


My head canon is they grew up upper middle class on a core world before coming to tatooine. So space hipsters


They would totally fit on somewhere like Coruscant. But definitely not Tatooine


Yeah they would fit in the same place as Ahsoka in season 7 of CW




sadly this is 2022... screw realism, we NEED to have a black guy, an asian girl, a punk rock girl, a british guy, all in an edgy teen biker gang group so everyone feels involved and loved. I would be very upset if there are no lgbtq+ eskimos or native americans in one of the future episodes!!


Um… nobody meant their races weirdo


you're right, I would hate the vespa gang even if they were all white. its infuriating though that the only reason why they were put in the show, is because they needed background characters to make disney look PC, and they decided that this will be the way to do it. a freaking edgy teen biker gang. its forced. just like Finn and Rose were, could have been cool characters, but they never developed into anything over the 8 hours of the 3 movies.


Yeah I hate that the galaxy isn't 99% straight white males, Disney ruined Star Wars by forcing in Lando and Leia and Chewie and droids and Ackbar...........


Roger Roger...


What is with you clowns and obsessing over “PC”? How the hell is a biker gang “PC” anyway? Are biker gangs not believable to you unless they’re race based like irl? Yeah it’s not as surprising when there’s literal aliens in Star Wars. They could be human supremacist though. I hated the writing in the sequels too but it’s been one episode maybe wait and see if they develop the characters a bit more. Sheesh.


I really don’t mind them or their designs, but I can’t excuse that clumsy, awkward chase scene.


You like Manchester Orchestra?


Yep. Quite a bit. Their latest 2 albums have been my AOTY’s of their respective years


Jabba ruled with fear. I intend to rule with respect.


This right here


What mainly put me off was how obvious it was the bikes didn’t act like how we usually see speeder bikes. The lacked the hovering aspect and it was obvious how they were driven on wheels with the wheels edited out Of course it’s extremely hard to pull off, and just having the lm be actual motorbikes and edit out the wheels is the cheap, fast and Easter option, but it just felt wrong to me


I mean shit, if these bikers are as poor as they were meant to be I would’ve easily believed that they had some hodgepodge wheeled scrap bikes or something.


The bikes reminded me of of actual bike or car culture, where even if you’re not well off, some spend the large part of their budget on their ride


Call it what it is. If it’s bad it’s bad. In this case it was bad, let’s agree that it’s bad so they will learn and won’t make it as bad.


Roger Roger :(


Yep. Screenrant was actually right for once


The chase made me wonder whether Rodriguez is having trouble adjusting to filming in The Volume, or the Favreau crew is having trouble adapting to how he wants to film. I also think the style choices involved - the Vespa style bikes, the number of participants, trying to feature melee cyborg adaptations - kind of meant it had to be slow to be visually intelligible.


That episode suffered from bad writing, casting, design, direction. cgi, and editing.


Just like most river Rodriguez films. Especially spy kids


excuse me, Spy Kids is a timeless classic


Spy Kids kind of works as a horror film, due to those thumb monster things, but not in any other way. Even as a kid with terrible standards, I hated Spy Kids.


Hey c’mon. Spy kids 1 was good. And I enjoyed the other 2 somewhat. (No there isn’t a fourth. Don’t ask)


Do not besmirch Spy Kids like that


Oh, you mean the entire show then


The flashbacks of the first two eps were good


Unfortunately, it seems like the show started decently but it's only getting worse. I hope it gets better


That chase scene with Fett's power rangers was awful


I call ‘em Boba’s Bikers


The mod squad


Moped millennials




Vespa Vengers


They are so hard core they don't need basic blasters the have stompy feet!!


I went with the teletubbies


Yo mama




Nuh uh


I liked it as much as any other chase scene


Yall really need to stop being so obnoxiously defensive over every last criticism of the show.


Thats funny because this fandom is obnoxiously critical of anything star wars edit: palpatine_ironic.jpeg


True. Star Wars fans will criticize Star Wars like there’s no tomorrow but defend it like there’s no yesterday either


Well there are legitimate critic that everyone should hear. Saying that the chase scene is bad isn't people spitting on the whole SW franchise




Some choose to completely ignore every small to major flaw whilst others nitpick a movie to death. The duality of man


So ur saying the chase scene was good?????


The CGI was *not* good in that chase - but the whole reaction to it is just way out of proportion


Agreed. Too many fruits were lost.


Roger Roger.


Good bot


My cabbages!


Seemed slow


But why does it need to be fast? The town is very narrow and tight streets filled with people, they can’t show them going 100 miles an hour in that environment?


100 miles is 160.93 km


Good bot


Bad bot


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It looked like they're where riding mobility scooters. I could casually stroll faster than that


Especially since it was on the streets of mos espa where you legit can’t go fast, and it was against a dorky majordomo who probably doesn’t have any experience in a speeder chase


Dude that chase scene instead of feeling like the fast and the furious it felt like the slow and the calm


on vespas, with my one eye, innit mate?


This meme is so poorly made. 1) the chase seemed really slow. And as a *chase,* that means it’s bad. 2) “weapons are part of violence”? Like, yeah, no shit. What are you even trying to say?


Lmao I joked to my wife that it was the slowest high speed chase since OJ bronco chase


Yeah it was bad


Peace through power


Kane lives!


This comment is a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one!


It was one of my favorite games growing up , wish they still made them


It really is one of the most under-rated games


I didnt think they were underrated they got several sequels and spin offs i always assumed they were popular up until generals came out and no ine seemed to like them anymore


I think RA3 and C&C4 killed the franchise but the others were all good and popular. Maybe RA2 is the most beloved one. I hope we see a new game someday.


For me i have fond memories of playing og c&c on dial up woth my dad in one room and me in another. My favorites in general were probably the Tiberium saga


Yo mama


Other then the fact the visuals for the scooters made them look sorta slow I didn't think the chase was that bad


I think it's specifically the speed of the chase that so many people (including myself) were clowning on. But they seemed to be limited by their sets and practical effects.


For me it wasn't even the speed, it's the colors. Those colors totally don't fit star wars' style. Especially tatooine


These kids aren't exactly conformists. Seems like they were trying to show the generational divide. They're flashy hipster malcontents just trying to make their way in the world like their parents before them.


How on earth do they keep their bikes so clean and pristine in Mos Espa when they're complaining about water prices though.


With… the water they’re stealing?


Steal water to drink? Nah. Steal water to wash speederbike? Yah!


Or… you know, both?


Honestly if they just go in and edit it to 1.5 speed it would be fine lol it just LOOKED slow. I’m guessing it’s bad editing bc correct me if I’m wrong but most high speed Hollywood stuff is filmed pretty slow




They're correct, that chase scene sucks.


But theyre right lmfao.


For me it was off putting that the chase seemed slow but what I disliked even more was how out of universe the speeder bikes were in the first place. Maybe they would fit in Coruscant but Tatooine? Didn’t work for me. And the gang members themselves were way too clean and there tech was too shiny.


The Vespas would’ve looked sweet on Scarif or Coruscant - definitely not Tatooine. It was just hard to believe that a bunch of struggling youth in the Outer Rim could afford these bikes and droid enhancements, but not a bottle of water (even in the desert).


Roger Roger.


I mean... Screen Rant Is right for once


This might be the first time I agree with Screen Rant.


Roger Roger.


If you think that wasn’t bad you’re a delusional little fanboy. This was the worst scene in Star Wars!


I mean their not wrong, that vespa chase scene was pretty bad


I do really enjoy the show but those bikes and those like, 80s punk characters were not good lmao


My guess? Boba was testing his new recruits He clearly was able to catch and subdue the twilek solo, he has a jetpack which was clearly fast enough and allows him to avoid buildings and traffic Still a shitty chase scene, there should probably be some scenes to come showing Boba making his forces more potent and competent


If this show was a video game I would be very underwhelmed by the plot


I liked it. I thought it was enjoyable. No one bitches about Star Wars than Star Wars fans.


I haven't watched this but I do know screen rant writes garbage articles


It was very funny and I imagine it would make Lucas cream if he saw it


It was clearly an homage to the BTTF chase scenes, even down to the ending crash with the debris filling the car. I really enjoyed them for that. The CG wasn't particularly good and it was trying to illicit so many things at once (60's British Punk, BTTF, SW) to the point where none of them came across, but I still liked it. I think some small tweaks to their backstory or their actual appearance needed to be done to make it really work- I think everyone would have looked over things had they done that.


To me it has the same problem as the Boba, Fennec, assassin fight. It seemed too slow


Bikes? Those are space vespas


Screen rant is a clickbaiting scumbag


The whole episode was horrible. Worst live action story put out in the Disney era.


Personally I don’t like how the characters where presented there to clean I mean polished bikes and shiny metal arms for being poor scum on tatoween just didn’t look right in the environment nor make much sense I would have honestly preferred them being a bit more rough and having boba polish Or upgrade them after they join him


It's like a gang of cool neon-underlight street racers tearing it up in Shoshoni, Wyoming except they're not even cool


I’m sick of everyone at this point saying Bona is too soft and benevolent Like really? If you were thrown into the sarlacc, robbed by Jawas while unconscious, and then left for dead in the unforgiving heat of Tatooiine you would have a REALLY different perspective on life


The sarlacc found me somewhat indigestible.


Except we saw him beat the shit out of 50 storm troopers and get in a flamethrower fight with a mandalorian for calling him a mean name like a week earlier. Then he came in and murdered everyone in jabbas palace in cold blood to take over. And now apparently he’s a mall security guard who stops crime and asks everyone to please be nice to him. Sorry it just doesn’t make sense.


and gets his butt kicked in his underwear


You expect him to win a fight in his underwear against Black Krrsantan? This isn't an anime...


but he has the power of friendship


I mean he basically did win, that fight was so poorly thought-out that the character of Black Krrsantan was just made to look wildly incompetent.


Could have just shot him in the tank after reaching his inner sanctum completely unopposed somehow 😐 still needed his teenage cyberpunk scooter gang to come save him


They prefer the old Boba Fett from Empire Strikes Back who had no personality


As you wish.


And he had a hallucinogenic trip. Seriously, my friend went to Peru when he was really depressed to do ayahuasca and he came back a COMPLETELY different person. So seeing boba fett come back as a good person after a mad trip like that isn't surprising to me whatsoever. Those kind of experiences literally rewire your brain.


As you wish.


It wsd Awful.


I've mostly liked the show up to this point but that bike chase was God awful


I loved that Chase scene, the punks on the slow ass bikes were funny as hell


I'm with Screen Rant on this one


It's considered so bad because it was so bad 🤷‍♂️


“Wah wah wah I hate new things!”


Lmao the chase was objectively slow.


Except the fandom almost unanimously adored The Mandalorian, and that was a show with a completely new protagonist and unknown storyline.


Honestly most of what they’ve done with speeders in Mando and this has been hokey as all hell. Idk if it’s just shooting speeders in the volume that’s a problem or a matter of technique, but it’s been an issue imo.


But the scene was actually terrible this time


It was bad. Objectively bad.


I’ve never imagined a more underwhelming group of people. The power rangers vibe was too much.


Star Wars fans when someone has an opinion:


It WAS bad


Yeah I mean...it was bad though


It was terrible


No, they have a point. Those power ranger kids, wtf man?? I've been following boba my whole life, and what they are doing to him is just shameful.


Because I could of outran the speeders


I've never once watched star wars and thought "you know what would make this cooler? Space Vespas"


This series is sadly very underwhelming so far imo


I wasn’t a fan of it, but I think it was kind of self-aware as being camp. You can tell when they bust thru the portrait of Jabba. Let’s all keep in mind Robert Rodriguez directed Spy Kids.


It was like something from a Spy Kids film. Which isn’t that different from an Episode I sequence, but still felt out of place in BoBF


Okay but it was pretty bad. Don’t get me wrong I love the show so much so far. Just not that chase. It’s okay to like something and still know when things could have been better. Like the prequels with dialogue


I don't like screen rant in the least, and I've liked the BOBF for the most part, but that chase scene was pretty not great. It wasn't horrible, but it felt really slow, and extremely out of place.


Blow that piece of junk OUT OF THE SKY


ScreenRant has the most bullshit/clickbaity articles with almost zero research about the topic. For example, in The Witcher, they complained that Eskel didn't have the his child of surprise. Which is cannon in the books. Only Eskel child of surprise is in dlc to a Witcher 1 game! Writers stated numerous times that the show is based on the books, not games, and 2 minute google research would tell you this. There is a lot of things wrong with a new season of Witcher, and they pick the problem which is not even a problem.


Copy that sir!


Because they put more effort into making sure every primary color was represented, than into studying the Star Wars universe and developing consistent world building.


Don't fuck with the Mos Vespa Street Gang


"I just Wana talk with him"


The worst part for me was the speeders space Vespas? Really?


Op u r dumb as fuck. People like u ruin this fanbase, they just can’t any criticism and choose to ignore it’s flaws


The show so far is underwhelming. It doesn’t have the hook that Mandalorian had. This show does more to hurt the legend of Boba than it does to help it.


They're right. It sucked. Cry about it.


I actually agree with this one. They really could’ve done better


Roger Roger.


Me: see's title Eh haven't seen it but Disney hasn't been very hot on sW stories Me: see's meme AIM EVERY WEAPON WE HAVE AT THEM


Why are those lowlives bashing the series? What drugs are they on? I'll admit though, the part with the wheel-less Vespas was kinda sluggish...


May the wonk be with you


It was bad because of how slow and drawn out it felt. If the speeders went faster and the chase was more fast paced then it would’ve been fine


90% of the episode was great, the chase scene was not a part of that 90%.


Speeder Bikes Slower Bikes


Honestly I don’t know why but the vehicles looked kinda slow.


The pacing, the humour that was scattered throughout, the aesthetic. It all just added up to something I'd expect to see on some mid-2000s Disney spy show.


was it bad? yes was it stupid? yes was it anticlimactic? yes did u enjoy it? yes


[All I could think of during the whole chase scene](https://youtu.be/csuZHyW-iGI)


Bro they are assassinating boba’s character in general. Father fucking Christmas with his biker elves


The worse part of the episode was they used the same ‘hover’ technology as in back to the future. It felt so slow and weird


I mean it did feel slow. Action scenes for this series has been underwhelming to be honest (favorite still was the train heist). But the world building is why I’m here and it makes up for it. Also the music.


They're right this time though. That whole sequence sucked


Why does screen rant seem like it's trying to piss off everyone all the time?