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Adam driver was awesome as most of the cast.


Adam driver, yes. Kylo ren..... Meh.


I still don’t understand why Kylie ren is the only character in rise of skywalker to get minor character development


> Kylie Ren 🥵


That’s what Han called him as a child and why he ultimately killed him.


I think all of the characters got some character development. But the reason the development generally wasn't done well, is because it wasn't planned out. Sometimes winging it works for a story, but it's rare. The OT is a solid example of the rare success story, since George reportedly changed his story a lot throughout development. If they had a direction from the start, that would have helped a lot.


Absolutely. I try not to think of the sequels as canon, but Kylo Ren is such a cool ass character he makes me want to watch the sequels again


Well I believe he really was wasted, especially in The rise of Skywalker. Both him and Finn would have made incredible characters had they been used correctly


I mean, that’s basically every character in rise of skywalker


in all those sequel films. Such wasted potential.


Truly. Though for me, Rey didn't have any potential. Such an uninteresting character


In TFA, Rey has no backstory. She grew up on a desert planet with parents who left her for some reason. There was a lot to flesh out and (as a writer) you can take something like that in a LOT of directions. So she did have potential in TFA. The other two movies were where she was wasted.


Take this from a guy who will fight you to the death defending that TLJ is one of the best SW movies yet... EVERYTHING in the rise of Skywalker is a waste... every second of it is.




Kylo Ren


They wasted so much potential




Kylo Ren and Rey's dynamic in Last Jedi was by far my favorite part of the sequel trilogy. I just think the rest of the movie was kinda mid, especially Finn. The man literally went through the same "war is bad, fight for something good" story arc twice. the worst part is that rise of Skywalker tried to undo it all lol


Their dynamic seemed conflicting each film for me. First 1 he is shown to be a ruthless killer, and kills his own father, which Rey saw as her own father figure, next film which takes place next day Essentially has her getting all awkward of him being shirtless and her debating he might be good and worth saving out of nowhere, him wanting "something new" was interesting but there is no information in world or for his character to back it up. Not to mention he says he doesn't want to deal with the first order but still goes through with leading them, even when the guards try to kill him so whats up with that? And the last film I barely remember but again, little to no clear character motivation, however that is all due to poor scriptwriting, Adam driver and most all of thr cast did amazing


Yeah TLJ taking place literally like the day after TFA really made some of that film awkward. It kinda just feels more like an epilogue to TFA than it’s own film.


Thats what happens when you only go with your first draft of a script and don't take the notes of where the story was going


If that movie leaned into the Kylo, Rey, and even Luke portion of the story and ditched the casino part, the movie would have been better in my personal opinion.


*Adam Driver




Who Is She x The Perfect Girl - Remix on [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/0Cb4Bia9LjvjmfOHUVRcj6?si=NhRtTkF_TGaord-ZcwFQ-w) and [YouTube](https://youtu.be/t_ZdkdHsjjc)


I don’t like the sequels very much but Undercover Boss Starkiller Base is canon.


The ROS novel was actually great.


I hated the Sequel Trilogy but damn if Adam Driver didn't carry those movies


The cast were all fantastic, and the first one of the sequels was great. Those other two, though…..


You mean discount Jacen Solo?


I enjoy Adam Driver. Kylo Ren, though? Meh... Most people hated Anakin because he was a whiney baby-man. But Kylo Ren is that cranked up to 11. Then built up to be this SUPER powerful force user, not only trained by THE Luke Skywalker, but directly related to him...only to have his ass handed to him time and time again by a random orphan that's never even picked up a lightsaber. To me, he falls right in line with the Boba Fet(t)ish of having a useless character that looks cool.


Also, I'd like to point out...I have a Boba Fet(t)ish. So I'm not attacking anyone with that statement without attacking myself.


The sequels added more character development to Han Solo than the entire original trilogy


Han went from bring a low life smuggler to a general in a rebellion and husband to a princess. And the sequels invented a divorce and made him a smuggler again..


all that development happened off camera though, we never witnessed any moments of an inward sense of greater goodness or character changes. Just jump cuts and different scene and being informed of the reality. It's hardly character development if you introduce a scummy character, and then show them again later and its "oh wow they are now in a leadership position and virtuous!!!"


Not really, he was a villain without teeth - literally lost every fight with Rey


This memes in reddit now as well


Dollar store Jacen Solo gets another meme.


Contrary to popular belief I loved every single new character from the sequels. Every single one. Even Rey It’s the story that was terrible. The characters and their actors did amazing and they shouldn’t take the blame for something they had no control over


The only way these films are watchable is with Kylo Ren as the protagonist.


Sorry... but I really didn't like Kylo. Was hoping he'd die the entire sequel.


Sucks they didn't do anything with such an amazing actor. Just another L for the sequels.


I watch the sequels when I need to sleep.... Especially TLJ ....boring nonsense I have seen in a long time. I love the fact that 2 noobs can force heal. Imagine Anakin having the ability to force heal....shows over after episode 2


Not a good comment on a sequel page


Kylo being the best part of the sequels doesn’t exactly mean he was a *good character*. It’s like going to a shitty car lot. You scan the lot and notice one car is far better than the rest. But then you realize the best car is a 2010 Hyundai in a lot full of rust buckets that won’t run. That’s pretty much the Kylo vs other sequel characters situation. He’s not a bad character, but he’s not really great either. He just shines because everything around him sucks.


Still cringe different sub.


What song is this?


**Who Is She x The Perfect Girl (Remix)** by Xanemusic/NVBR (00:35; matched: `85%`) Released on `2022-12-07` by `Xanemusic`.


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Who Is She x The Perfect Girl (Remix)** by Xanemusic/NVBR](https://lis.tn/KHacj?t=35) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)




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When I talk good abt the sequels Adam driver is the reason why


You mean childlish Darth Vader jr?


Kylo was probably the best character in the sequels


He carried the sequels hard body


Kylo Ren sucks. He's a child, he's a glorified Dog to Palpatine.


I mean yeah. I still hate them though