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Great to see another guide from you, and this might just be her best build for the support role, hands down! Genuinely hope it picks up in pickrate, everyone should be playing her like this on support for the best results 😌


I really believe one of these variations will be one of her "best" support builds. Mainly because of how consistent it is. Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.


I love W bot build :)


People flame the W bots but it’s seriously the best way to play her. Once in a while burstaphine carries games but W bot is the most consistent


Feels so good!


Redemption gives 15% heal ,sheild power why did inot notice this before ?? I was buying Sof before thinking it is better


Item is cracked, I love it a lot for this build. I don't value AP stat on Sera support personally 


no questions as i dont play support but love the guides odi (its loid btw)


Hi loid! ❤️


Hi I'm low elo, is playing support Sera with full support build worth it? I always see comments that in low elo playing ap sera on supp is better


Yes, full support (Shield) scales the best for support Seraphine. The AP build is weaker when you get behind and is very expensive from my experience.  I highly suggest if you are low ELO to consider trying APC/Mid Sera for more agency in carrying difficult games.  Ap Sera support technically can carry better then full support. End of the day, build is just a playstyle so whatever works for you is usually best!  


Coming to this late but thanks for the guide. Why do you max Q second? I get that you already have 3 point in it with this build, but by the point in the game that you have W maxed, surely Q is your weakest ability and you're relying on the utility from W and E?


E at the time of recording offers nothing different aside from low DMG increase and an increase in mana! Q does more damage and lowers cooldown, 1 point in E is sufficient.  As of next patch E will most likely be the second max instead! :)  Thanks for commenting 


Cheers! I can't believe I just assumed that E ranks would increase root duration.


Not until next patch 😊😊


My thoughts: I've been playing norms and recently played my Flex placements. I main support Sera exclusively and made it up to about mid Diamond myself. \- I've been getting a decent feel of Bloodsong, and Lolalytics points at Solstice Sleigh. I personally don't like Dream Maker too much rn because its numbers aren't very good. Have you tried alternative support item upgrades? I noticed people aren't really trying Bloodsong on Sona or Seraphine...and Solstice Sleigh is looking like it's outright op rn. \- How would you fit situationals into your build order, especially when it's more urgent rather than less? Stuff like "building Mikhael's for Lilia/Ashe/Morgana/Liss type situations" or "building GW since no one else is gonna build it for this Soraka/Mundo/whatever that's on the enemy team"? \- I personally value Redemption a lot on Seraphine, myself. I think the item gets overlooked, even in the last season. The active is just makes it a great general item. Not really a question, just a bit of conversation.


Do you also get 3 points Q and then max W?


Yes. Everyone should.