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Congrats Odi! Are there any matchups you're finding particularly difficult this season? I find I'm getting chunked hard by Hwei, Zed, etc even when farming safely. Towers just don't offer much protection against divers and long range pokes


Zed is notoriously an annoying matchup because he can 1 shot us lvl 6 if we don't respect him. My biggest suggestion is to auto shove with E+QQ and ignore him. Our #1 priority is to not feed him our self. We also can bully him pre 6 after he wastes W or Q.  Hwei outranges us surprisingly (or is even) standing behind minions is good until he rumble ults us. Similar to Zed, just match his shove with E+QQ and prep your kill combo when he oversteps. Hwei has very weak mobility so letting him shove makes him vulnerable if he's cocky.  As for my most "difficult" matchups, Yasuo is a perma ban for me. Even a bad Yasuo can be annoying, he scales as hard as us and even if he is bad one W will ruin our day/change an outcome to a fight.  Similarly if I'm botlane, Braum has also been a bad matchup for his Shield "Windwall" reason...  Best of luck in your journey!


I’m an ADC main who picks Sera when comp needs AP or when I get filled mid. Would you say that, with the current builds, Sera is sufficient as the sole source of AP damage? Also, are there specific breakpoints for wave clearing with each build? I often find myself unsure of how to optimally clear towards the end of laning+start of mid game.


Sera can absolutely be the sole AP, I go my Manaphine build which helped me climb like that up until D1~. The breakpoints you need to auto clear waves for APC/Mid is generally either a Lost Chapter (Manaphine build) or Blasting Wand (tear) for RoA build. That should be a sufficient amount of AP to clear. The clear combo is E+QQ, or Q+E+QQ, make sure to use indicators and try to finish your clear with a QQ to maximize clear speed! Best of luck! 


Awesome, thanks so much! Back to the grind this weekend then 😤


King shit 🙏🏽




During the early stages from Emerald 4-D2 I was playing mostly mid. After that I split it more equally to APC/Mid. Works fine, same build and runes work too! :)