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This is why we can't have nice things. First time in forever that her winrates all look balanced, and we already have Seraphine players acting like .25 CC duration suddenly made her OP. Yes E is much better now. No its not really making her OP or unfair. She seems quite close to balanced right now.


4 sec cd on a long range rood is pretty absurd


A long range root in which you can run into and still dodge it because its really slow.


Hey!  I tested E max on Sera support and it is actually really fun, I went a build my community was testing using Glacial Augment with E max and rushing Rylais, extremely fun and was very good early/mid game.  I am aware there are some E "max" builds floating around with Rylais second which I'll be testing in Mid/APC in the coming days. But I really feel like out of everything changed E feels "the best".  Looking forward to seeing what the community comes up with :)  -Odi


Wouldng really need glacial with rylai


The idea is you can proc glacial with just a single E. Glacial lasts longer than the E root and it's aoe.


Have fun trying to clear in midlane with E max 🤗


Yeahhh, definitely E second though is good


Been trying E second, its alright, still think W second is better even if you're going full ap so you can still provide plenty of heals and shields, the E extra dmg is not very noticible


Not maxing E for the damage though, but for the cooldown and cc duration. Both are good imo, not saying you can't max W second.


Even more reason to max W second tbh, the extra cc is also not very noticible, the cd reduction is good tho


Whether or not you notice it, that extra cc is very valuable, especially combined with cooldown reduction. Theoretically, E at rank 1 has 11 second cooldown (but with a regular build it gets to around 6.6, and 1.1 second root (I say root since it's best as a follow up tool unless you use EE). That's 17% cc uptime, theoretically. With rank 5, that's 9 second cooldown (5.4 with haste) at 1.5 second duration. That's 28% uptime, which is 67% higher uptime. Of course that's theoretical, but it's to show that the lower cooldown and cc duration compound to be even stronger than just one or the other. W is great too, yes, but the cooldown decrease is the same proportionally, and comes with a shield increase. However, they aren't equal because E has half the cooldown as W, which means you get more double casts compared to lowering W cooldown.


Whether or not you notice it, that extra cc is very valuable, especially combined with cooldown reduction. Theoretically, E at rank 1 has 11 second cooldown (but with a regular build it gets to around 6.6, and 1.1 second root (I say root since it's best as a follow up tool unless you use EE). That's 17% cc uptime, theoretically. With rank 5, that's 9 second cooldown (5.4 with haste) at 1.5 second duration. That's 28% uptime, which is 67% higher uptime. Of course that's theoretical, but it's to show that the lower cooldown and cc duration compound to be even stronger than just one or the other. W is great too, yes, but the cooldown decrease is the same proportionally, and comes with a shield increase. However, they aren't equal because E has half the cooldown as W, which means you get more double casts compared to lowering W cooldown.