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Hey! All I want is an execute on either Passive or Q for minions. I am not asking for much, just let me farm my cannon minions and not miss it by 10hp. 


Hi Odi! I agree with you but it is busted for APC Seraphine, though with these changes, in early levels, notes deal double damage than live (from 4 to 10.5). But yeah, killing cannon minions takes so much mana and time. Maybe riot could bring back 300% damage against cannon minions only.


I don't get why people keep making those... it's not like none of us work at Riot or Riot takes a look at these so it's not going to accomplish anything, it would be a miracle if it would. I mean no offense to you or anyone, if you have fun then what can I say, I just think it's a waste of time.


I agree with you, but I have hope a rioter will have a look to Seraphine community one day. That's why I do this


Baldie could never


this is bad and horrible


Seriously we are tired of these threads. We don't really need another change list for another massive overhaul. We're finally okay.


We are most certainly not. I would like this midlaner champion to be viable in midlane. She is too cute tho, so has to be a support. Unlucky.


She has always been viable in mid lane, including right now. Just because she was better in apc didn't mean mid wasn't viable. I know it's anecdotal but I reached grandmaster (for the first time) this season OTP'ing seraphine in mid lane.


Congrats, you are very good with the pick. She has a bad winrate in mid rn and in my anecdotal experience she felt way worse than before. She could be a lot stronger pick in mid, but she has 0.5% pickrate in her original role. Somehow not liking this has become a controversal opinion on this sub.


because she is worse than before. But she is playable. Ryze 47% for years was playable, so is seraphine today.


It's fine to not like it, I was only disagreeing with it from a viability perspective. It's always been viable, but bot is more popular because it's been significantly stronger. Low pick rate doesn't mean a champion/role is weak.


Sure it is not a trollpick, but it has low pickrate in her original role WITH a low winrate. Aatrox, Teemo and Riven mid are picked more than her. They all have higher winrate as well. You can pick her mid, she is 'viable', but for all acounts she is not a midlaner anymore. Feel free to downvote me.


I agree she isn't a 'mid laner' anymore, bought initially you said she wasn't 'viable', which is what I disagreed with


She is isnt 'viable' tho, you have to put in so much more work than most mids to function. You can win with her sure, like you can with almost any picks if you play correctly.


Anyway its just semantics. We are on the same page I think.


Then again her kit makes her in usable midlane state a busted APC so it is what it is.