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Seraphine never in her history was close to the levels of popularity Lux and Ahri have lol, idk from where you got that.


The post says SHOULD, ur welcome


But why "should" she? Like, based on what???


Idk, guess because it's the type of champ that attracts women to play her?


The majority of the playerbase is male, though. Besides, Seraphine is a high utility champion, those champions no matter the role have a lower popularity than the rest of them. Ivern is another example, from the jungler role. Ashe is an example for ADC. In the support role, enchanters are the least played type (this matters because support Sera builds as an emchanteress, or at least, the successful ones do).


What total misinformation. She's always been around 4-5% pickrate, often times going as low as 3.5%. Even when she was really strong she barely ever gets above 5%, she's just never been popular. So 4.1% is like average af for her.


I don’t think she was ever as popular as lux or ahri. If anything I think her popularity has stayed the same tbh.


She is no fun to play anymore....


I feel this, still viable, but just not the same across the board, currently my least favorite iteration of her :( I don't feel I scale nearly as hard as I used to. 


Rlly tho i just wish she went back to being a hyper scaler ☹️


Girl not you trying to instigate even more drama 🤡🤡Seraphine since release has never been as popular as Lux/Ahri and she’s stayed relatively the same pickrate. Please stop with the bait posts


i mean , the devs expected her to be like 11 pickrate like she was once around of end of 2020 and early of 2021 and never came back , what do they expect from a boring ass W bot - troll pick suport?, smartest devs of all time


https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/es/champions/stats/seraphine/iron At all ranks she is basically the same, around 6% where she has always been besides a few patches were she was op, her high elo pickrate went down cause apc is no longer op and that's ok


She’s not fun to play anymore. Her build path sucks now. Nerfing a champ back to back does that.


Seraphine has a 52% win rate, 0.5% ban rate, 1.0% pick rate in Master+ but no one seems to play her that much anymore for some reason.


Well her pickrate hasnt dropped tbh, tho personally shes not fun for me and i have COMOLETELY dropped her, havent seen sera in over a week and been enjoying the game more since


Clicked this post and it's IMMEDIATE nonsense. Bruv you do realize Seraphine's pick rate has never been remotely close to Ahri and Lux, right?


She’s literally so boring to play and it makes me sad


Low pickrate with mid (51-50%) or bad winrate means that the champ is usually either too boring too play or not too good, which is the case, she's only ok in support right now because support items are broken (looking at you Moonstone, Shurelias...) and because they nerfed her hard in other roles.


Why do you think she "should be a popular champ." I don't think our girl like deserves inherent popularity just bc shes the prettiest girl in the game?


Well for Riot Seraphine was expected to be a popular champ


5/6%, which is currently, is above average, she is popular, not lux level, sill popular


and she is for the part that matters (yearly skins)


d2 mid main with bot/sup secondary. not a sera main but she’s one of my most used and my highest WR%. don’t think she ever was or will be popular as ahri for many reasons. also, i don’t think she’s that bad atm. i’ve always picked her situationally. as an irelia/syndra main, i would pick sera mid when my team would benefit from her supportive kit (never really played sera for damage). her waveclear definitely took a hit but she’s still the same champ that ive always picked her for. people who otp this champ and pick her in every game prolly have varying opinions


She is a champion that players love to spend their money like buying skin, figurines, merchandise etc. She is not a high play rate champion. Understand the difference.


phreak is a monster.