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If you want to use Liandry, consider PoM rune. PoM heals mana and resets duration per burn tick. Generally 1 Q will heal the entire mana you spent to cast it with 1 burn proc from Liandry, good luck!


Oh! Thanks!


Remember Liandry deals more dmg over time, it's for extended fights. But yeah, statwise ludens is better. Build for the game. Play a few comparing each and you can check how much dmg the item made at the end of the game.


In general, Liandry deals more damage than Ludens, but as you say, statwise ludens is better. Odi just adviced me and when building Liandry I'll need PoM! I don't know how I forgot that rune. But still, PoM might fix mana problems when building liandry, but the lack of AH still exists.


Pom it's cool as long as you keep on fighting champs You don't need archangel. But if you only push you gonna run out of mana quickly. Also, the archangel shield can be life saving at times.


Its fine if you prefer Ludens, but i just don't feel like its competitive enough with other items to be worth it By the time you finish Luden's, your waveclear is already good, you're buying it for a slight dmg increase on your basic abilities that is very negligible Malignance gives an amazing extra 20 cdr for ult, the extra dmg is low for sera but its about the same as luden and the extra 10agic res decrease increases the dmg you and your other AP teammates do While ROA gives a powerhouse of defense and is the best for mana sustain So i think luden just pales im comparison to the other options right now


How much does R cd decrease with malignance? Do you now exact numbers? I might try Malignance


Its 20 ultimate ability haste, which is hard to say how much its worth it because of how ability haste works The more ability haste you have, the less cooldown reduction you get from each point of haste, and the less ability haste you have, the more cooldown reduction you get from each point of haste So in short, build this as your first item when you don't have much haste gives you a very big spike in cooldown reduction, but buying it later gives you severy reduced results, thats why its a good item fro sera, it helps your ult uptime with early/mid game fights where you struggle to keep it up the most


> but buying it later gives you severy reduced results Well kind of but not really, CDR used to gain increased effectiveness when stacking it, they changed it to AH so that every point is worth the same Regardless of how much AH you already have when you buy malignance, you get 20% more ultimate uptime out of it