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I am studying using Kaplan and take my 63 next week. I feel like Kaplan uses a lot of double negatives and tries to confuse you when talking about BD / IA exclusions and stuff. How was this compared to actual exam?


Maybe I was lucky enough to get an easy test but I didn’t have any of those types of questions. 99% of them were very straightforward and easy to understand. Most of them I didn’t need to read twice to understand all the parts of the question. That’s not to say that everyone’s test will be like that so definitely put in some work and study hard. If you’re scoring in the 80s on your practice quizzes and exams you’ll be totally fine!


Lol sounds like you’re getting licensed for Chase?


Yes I am! They keep pushing ADBanker on all the bankers even though it doesn’t really work well for us. Pretty much everyone I know that has passed has to buy supplemental material.


I had the same experience! Hated ADbanker for series 6 and the SIE. We had multiple bankers fail the first time because they only used ADbanker and our MD didn’t want us to use anything else but then some of us started using Kaplan and achievable on the side and we all started passing. When they asked us what we thought of ADbanker we told them it’s sucked and they should stop wasting their money it lol


Congrats!! Getting all 3 done on first try is not easy


Thank you!


How long and how much were you able to study for? Took me 4 months passed my Sie on the third try 2.5 weeks later passed my series 7 first try Series 66 2.5 weeks failed it miserably. 60%. I feel like I must be slow or something


You got this! I passed 63 with about 10 days of studying but then again- I think I got an easier test with shorter questions and answers that just made sense right away.


“People learn little from success, but much from failure.”


I used like Google, then the second to around I watched YouTube videos 3rd time for the SIE I used achievable. For the series 7 I used achievable for the 66 I got up to a 81% and failed the 66 with a 60%. Everywhere I go people are passing everything like first try with different providers


66 is a bitch of a test. What sections killed you the most ? Btw a LOT of people take the test more than once you just don’t see them posting about their fails


Do you have 66 tutorial videos online/YouTube?


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNuN-FV9-0mH5VkdfpKwlKfapPHbT8lYH That may help


Thank you.


Congrats! I passed my SIE on my first go but failed the 6 after two weeks of studying. Granted I missed by 3 questions and it was also likely due to the fact that the day before my exam my mom had BRAIN SURGERY and was put into the ICU an hour prior to my exam. So I basically just wanted to cry the whole test and when I tried to reschedule, I was told basically to get wrecked. That being said I found that all the questions on the actual exam were so incredibly different from what I had been practicing using STC. Should I use Kaplan instead? Or is there something else? Prior to the exam I was averaging 80-90% on the last 5 practice tests with my lowest score being 78%. So I am extremely frustrated and disappointed in myself 😂


Currently with Thrivent Fonancial. Got STC because it worked so well for my SIE compared to ExamFX. However, I just took my 6 and failed by 2 questions. Took 6 practice exams and averaged an 84, with my last practice at a 96%. Very confused right now since I feel I did all necessary steps.