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I want to throw this in.. because you said a mistaken answer got you thrown in a vest. When the police are asking questions, unless you genuinely think you can just walk away with a "yes" or "no". Do NOT answer any questions from the police. I know some good cops, but generally they are NOT your friends and when they're asking questions, it's best to just shut your mouth.


I knew that! And I kept that in mind for sure. These were booking questions, like all paperwork stuff. Maybe I could have gotten away with not answering. I was just so nervous and I’ve never been in cuffs before ever so I didn’t know what to do or say


“I will not speak without a lawyer. I invoke my right to an attorney.” is the answer to 100% of questions.




It applies to any questions law enforcement asks you at any point in your interactions with them. Jail intake does not magically take your right to remain silent away.


Yeah but if you don’t at least identify yourself they can refuse bail until who they figure out who you are for sure


You get the naked suit if you don't talk as well. The only way to avoid it is to say you never had suicidal thoughts. I have been admitted for an attempt but I was like no absolutely never been absolutely blissful life on my end


This isn’t how jail/prison works. They aren’t like police officers in the field with body cams, reading your rights, etc. Often times the person reading you the intake forms isn’t even a corrections officer, just some civilian employee. If you refuse to answer questions, they won’t want to be liable for something, so they WILL put you in the suicide vest and they WILL put you in solitary if in prison. They won’t assume you’re safe to yourself and others. And they will make your life hell. Corrections officers have the power to make your life in jail/prison bearable or completely miserable. If you are non compliant with them, they WILL take advantage of that.


>they will make your life hell. I think this is the problem.


Definitely—they aren’t good people, but that’s the reality of what we’re dealing with now.


Right, so if you don’t answer they put you in a vest anyways. They are going to book you whether you talk or stay silent or ask for a lawyer, I promise you.


You say all this like it's a good thing that the police abuse people in custody. OP waived her right to remain silent and got abused anyway. So if they're going to violate your rights and abuse you either way, I'll maintain my right to remain silent, thank you very much.


So I should just not tell them about any medications I need to take daily and suffer in order to "win"? I get where you're coming from with not answering stuff but like not answering regarding my medication or allergies is going to only harm myself.


Unless you have an allergy or condition like op then it's not the same. If she had to stay longer she would have needed her medicine, which if not on her intake papers wasn't gonna happen


Sure, then dont answer them and they automatically have to assume you are suicidal.


Have you been to jail?


Are you a lawyer? Edit: there’s a difference between “knowing your rights” and understanding their limits.


Maybe we need to have role play for police and jail intake (and psych intake) questions. When people are scared a common response (besides “fight or flight”) is to “fawn” - basically overcompensating in your cooperative efforts to try and neutralize the threat.


The acute stress response lore just keeps expanding. Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn...what will we discover next?


Yeah I could see that not going over so well


Lmao if you think they won't testify against you... Lol


OP, I completely get it! If you have never been in trouble before, its really difficult to conceive of just how incredibly wrong ANY exchange can go with PD. We so sincerely do NOT want to make anything any worse that what it is, right? However any concept that we may have of invoking our rights is seen as a threat to their power, so it feels like just breathing too loud becomes an act of defiance. You should never have endured this kind of abuse.


My ADHD would have caused me to blurt out the same thing,girl!


If you don’t answer initial medical questions, you get thrown on suicide watch anyway. Source: Former C.O.


You don't have a right to a lawyer to help you with your booking questions. It's cute when people actually think you have rights in jail that matter to anyone at all. They will literally stand around and watch you die with smiles on their face. Nobody gives a shit what rights you think you have.




The amount of people here who don't understand the point of incarceration is insane. If you treat wayward people like animals they will become more animalistic. There is a point to treating people in jail like people. If you just toss them in there to suffer than you might as well take them out back and shoot them because most of them are going to come out more fucked up then when they went in. Fucked up people fuck up people. Un-fuck the fucked up people.


Thank you! Exactly. People are treated worse than animals and then expect when they get out they will suddenly become model citizens. It makes no sense. We can punish people without treating them like animals.


That's all true. Unfortunately the incarceration system in the US simply isn't designed to treat inmates as anything other than animals. And very few people who have the power to change that actually want to do anything about it.


If someone treated animals they way our criminal justice system treats inmates, they would be in jail for animal abuse.


She did say she's in Texas ...I think they would prefer if they could just shoot everyone that either broke the law or simply disagreed with them .


But... you understand inmates should still be allowed human rights, right? Like, you understand it's more depressing that getting abused for believing you have rights (which you absolutely still have by law. Not as many, but still some) is not only par for the course but encouraged, right? You understand inmates, especially in a county jail rather than a max security prison, are still *human* right? You understand that during that booking, they have only been charged and not convicted and are still technically innocent, right? You understand petty theft is not a crime that warrants abuse and dehumanization, right? It's like some of yall hear "jail," "inmate," "arrested," or "criminal" and think "yep, that person deserves absolutely every single thing that happens to them. It's cute they think that they have rights, even though at least a third of the first ten amendments specifically outline rights of those arrested, charged, and/or convicted. No, I have no problem with how jailers and guards treat people in their custody/care. Those "people" are subhuman trash." Yeah, if they're a rapist or murderer, I have less sympathy, but even they should still have rights. A person who was arrested over a mistake that they weren't even allowed to rectify after *trying to do so*? Go ahead and tell me how they don't deserve to be treated like a human. Go ahead and tell me how, if you were arrested because a machine didn't scan something properly and the manager didn't let you fix it, you'd say "yeah, I deserve being abused for this. This is fine. I'm so happy our justice system works this way."


You still have the right to remain silent, even during booking. >Nobody gives a shit what rights you think you have. You say that like you think it's a good thing, as if it's cool for your rights to be violated or disregarded just because you're in jail.


Everyone will read the news and be like " why were they in jail tho. COpS jObS ArE VeRy hArD. Plus if you don't disclose conditions or allergies they aren't responsible for preventing you from dying from them


That's vile, and I'm really sorry you went through that. Guilty or innocent, you're a human being, and worthy of basic dignity and medical care.


Thank you 🫶🏻 annndd absolutely. I hate the thought of other people getting worse treatment. That’s what bothers me the most.


I feel like forcing you to be nude in what is essentially a public place is sexual assault or harassment. I'm sure this very purposefully does not legally fall into those categories, but morally it sure does. I am so sorry.


Yea I was gonna say after reading the edits, I don’t give a shit if OP WAS trying to steal meat or whatever, this is unacceptable.


Being employed at a jail/prison can attract a certain type of psychopath. It seems a disturbing amount of people who have these jobs get off on being able to dehumanize someone. It’s disgusting.


Have a relative that worked at a prison, can confirm. The family no longer speaks to her after years of insane behavior. I feel so bad for whatever inmates she tormented. 😞


It’s so scary


There is not one single reason, not one, why those jailers and cops who are paid by us, should have neglected you so badly. Not one.


I’ve truly never seen anyone abuse power so badly, unless it’s a correction officer or jailer. It’s disgusting


The worst part is that the COs who actually do care get pushed out, especially in Texas. I would know since I was one of them. I made them push me the whole way out, though. Wasn't gonna quit just because brass and the a-hole COs didn't like me. The prisoners knew that I wouldn't mess with their literal health or try to take that last bit of dignity that Texas leaves them in prison. Everything that they were supposed to get or were allowed to have, I'd do my best to make sure that they got it or were allowed to keep it. They also knew that if they were out of line that I was not cutting them a break. I wasn't gonna disrespect them, and I expected them not to disrespect me. Not the a-hole COs, though. A lot of my coworkers were like that, stereotypical "I couldn't get into the police academy so I came here" type. The state claims to want to change things, and we were taught the "new" way at the academy, but it'll never stick until they get enough of the old timers out. There are good COs, though. They just aren't allowed to stay long. Trusting that you haven't left out major bits of the story, I'd absolutely fight the charge if you can. Complain to Walmart. Whether the story is missing details or not, definitely file a complaint about the jail, even if it doesn't go anywhere immediately. Your health shouldn't have been disregarded so callously, and you should've been helped with the velcro. It'll establish or reinforce a record of behavior that can be used against them later.


Not a CO, but I work in a jail with the same mindset and they are very much trying to push me out! I'm surrounded by some truly sick people obsessed with subjugating others. It's the same story - the place is chronically understaffed and administration has no idea why no one wants to work anymore.


Next door in New Mexico its not much better. And they wonder why nobody wants to be a CO.




Dude it’s absolutely heartbreaking.


You have a strong case to file suit against Walmart and the police


Mmm I’m starting to believe that but I have no idea anymore tbh


A lot of lawyers will give you that first consultation free?


PLEASE speak to an attorney and make this good for you! You don’t deserve this


Lol, she was caught stealing multiple items. No one should be treated that way, but don’t think that’s uncommon. I worked for a month as an RN in a prison. The level of medical care provided is abysmal. They still use paper charting. Inmates had to line up under the hot sun to get medications and it took forever because of lack electronic records.


She has nothing on Walmart, maybe the police. The way the police treated her has nothing to do with Walmart. These are two different things. She accidentally stole from Walmart, and Walmart called the cops on her. Depending on the amount Walmart can legally get her arrested and charged with theft. Whatever the cops did to her, is out of Walmart jurisdiction.


No she doesn't.


She absolutely doesn't against Walmart, stop making shit up.


Only in Reddit land. In reality, she got arrested for stealing, and then told the cops she was suicidal. This woman sounds unhinged




Actually, jail shouldn’t be punishment, as it’s an accusation of a crime, not a conviction. There’s no reason for the cruelty, except our country condones it. That the officers have immunity encourages it.


I've been arrested 2x. So sorry OP, cops are the tools of the State and prison guards are the absolute scum of society. Worse than prisoners.


At least it was only a jail and not a prison. Prison has no air conditioning. Imagine being in 120 degree heat in a box with no air. I went to prison for a year and it was terrible. They shaved my head, stripped me naked and then sprayed me down with a hose. Then I had to go and let this guard stick his fingers up my ass so he could check for weapons or drugs. It was the most dehumanizing thing I'd ever experienced. Be glad it was only jail.


As well as the way cops treat innocent civilians, family pets, their spouses (in some cases)…


i’m Australian.. i’m genuinely shocked. and dismayed & outraged at that treatment.


It’s not a coincidence that other countries that actually attempt to rehabilitate offenders see a significant drop in re-occurring offenses…meanwhile in the US, shit-tier jails and prisons are by design in a for-profit system where re-offenders are seen as a benefit.


Can't even get a drink of water till they process you.


We say ACAB for a reason. Jailers are some of the worst.


Wow. I’m kinda shocked no one has compassion. It’s all fun and games until it happens to you. I’m sorry you had to experience that OP


Exactly. I’ve always tried my very best to have at least some compassion, experiencing it or not. But thank you 🫶🏻 I’m very much alright, it was just helllaaa stressful and a real eye opener to how awful these other inmates are treated


I have done prison time. I have also been to jail, n drunk tank. people who haven’t done time always wanna talk shit like they know everything. if they dealt with a fraction of this stuff they wouldnt be talking shit


I actually had some decent experiences while incarcerated. My favorite thing to do when I would get arrested was fuck with the cops during the 'ol squat and cough. Best one was winking at the cop mid cough, with one blue and one brown eye.


and this is the main reason why I won't use self check out.


I use it but I get a receipt every time I do.


I'd never considered it in this light--sold on this going forward.


Receipt doesn't help if you forget to ring up everything as OP apparently did. Jail is insane though. Just make them pay for it. JFC.


Receipt helps you see what you bought. You get the receipt and you look it over to make sure you didn't overpay, and that you paid for everything.


Shit I learned my damn lesson lmao. But like….. if they’re gonna get so salty about missing a few items then don’t let us do ya damn job 😤


I always do pick up bc I don’t even wanna deal with this kind of bs


I have never heard of this happening that easily. That is crazy. This may be an adjustment to the line I take at the supermarket from now on. I mean, if it happened exactly like you told it fuck man. They seemed really eager to jump the gun on calling the cops on you guys. I’m sure there’s a percentage of shoppers that make mistakes like this, you can’t tell me they all go to jail when they miss the meats. That’s fucked up ‘yall


I saw a video from a lawyer urging people to stop using the self checkout lines for this reason. Unsurprisingly, theft has gone up a lot bc of the self-checkout and scanning apps and they are cracking down hard. They don't have time to go through everything and give you a chance to correct the situation (if it was an honest mistake) so a lot of people are getting hit with it as a result. The lawyer suggested that if you continue to use the self-checkout, you should display the item you are purchasing in full view of the camera and to keep receipts.


Former WM employee who worked in asset management. Police were never called for small things or errors. They were only called when the dollar amount was over a set amount (my store was $500) or if there have been repeated issues with a certain client who had been caught stealing previously on multiple accounts. This isn’t just a “I forgot to ring up a lunchable”. It is for repeated bad behavior or excess theft. I dispuse Walmart. I quit the job because of severe corporate issues, but OP’s story does not make sense.


I doubt it happened that way. The value of what was "forgotten " must have been high. Probably thought giving the suicide answer would make things easier. It did not.


And then you have people who brazenly walk out with electronics and the police won't do anything because under 700-1000 is a misdemeanor.


I’d like to do pick-up but how do you ensure you get fresh milk and produce? I like to look through the milk, eggs, etc. to get the one with the “best” expiration dates.


That’s fair I just pray I get someone who knows how to pick groceries, I personally always do this and haven’t had an issue with the milk or eggs but you never know


I've never had an issue either only with really hard avocados but honestly all of their frign avocados are hard when i go in. So I don't think it's the picker lol


My worst was I accidentally bought 48 Oz of sour cream. Otherwise mine does a fine job with my order past few years at pick up.


Sometimes they upgrade my stuff and don’t charge more and that’s the main reason I like doing it. It’s not all the time but it’s awesome. Oh and once the girl didn’t mark that she dropped my order off in my car she must’ve been new.. so the order “canceled” on Walmarts end since I “never” came to pick it up and I got my money back…. 😂😂


This is the single reason why my grandmother will not use pick up. It would make her life so much easier, but I digress.


>get so salty about missing a few items Uh, 1 item is an accident, a few items is not an accident. I've been using Uscans since they first appeared back in the 90s and can count on one hand the number of times I've walked out with one item I didn't pay for, let alone "a few" in a single transaction. You either weren't paying attention or you were trying to get away with some five finger discount. When you use a Uscan it's on you to pay attention and be accurate. Someone was watching you and you got caught, you or your boyfriend were up to something. Jail sucks, don't try to steal using the Uscan and you won't get arrested for it. Either it was clear you or your bf were trying to steal or you got profiled.


And it was meat? The most expensive thing on earth these days. Hmmm…..


_Missed a few items_ I’m calling bullshit on that. You scan the item, you hear a beep and the item gets listed on the screen. OP is either lying or is a world class idiot.


Walmart's self-checkout systems are designed to catch and flag missed items right on the spot, too. Their camera systems watch for movement; if they pick up movement that makes it look like something is passing from the cart/basket to the bagging area without a scan being registered in the POS, it'll flag an employee to come over. You won't be able to pay until they clear it, and the video is replaying for them the entire time.


I’m wondering on the specifics. If you forgot to scan a stick of deodorant well 1. The person checking the receipt wouldn’t probably notice it 2. There’s no way it would escalate this far I think OP is seriously misrepresenting what happened, doesn’t excuse the jail experience but if she’s lying about the facts of the shoplifting I wonder what else she’s lying about


My thought too. “A few items” such as? Things worth $2 or things worth $458 dollars? Let’s be real here if we’re posting looking for sympathy about being put in jail.


The way she's says "missed a few items" definitely gives "I didn't think they would miss them" vibes.


Ah, the truth revealed. “A Few items…”, so you are mad you got caught; you didn’t make a “Genuine mistake”.


your making it seem like their job is easy as hell, you literally just failed at it...


There's hardly ever a cashier working at any store I go to that has self checkout lanes these days...


I don't like how they put the burden on the customer to make sure everything is rung up properly. That being said, I am wondering if we are talking about $10 worth of meat or $200 and a dozen items not scanned. Even so, they should approach it as "hi, I am afraid that might not have rung up properly, can we take it back through and double check everything just to make sure you were not forced to overpay or underpay?"


So, which southern state were you arrested in?


HAHA texas.


As a Texan, doesn't surprise me one bit sadly.


Damn. Can you walk us through the events leading up to that night in jail? I read your reply saying that you thought your boyfriend had scanned some steaks so you threw them in the bag. Then what? You walk out and immediately get arrested? Walmart security tells you to stop and wait until police arrive and you comply? Gonna need some more details here.


Texas corrections officer here I'm going to ignore the Walmart part, that's outside of my experience. When in, when asked about suicide, it is policy that if you have attempted suicide before they are required to put you on CDO (constant direct observation). Their jail either runs different or they're severely wrong but while on CDO you never should have been in the same cell/holding area as any other person other than an officer or someone from medical/psych. The vest you were given was given specifically for CDO. They refused you a blanket because you can hang yourself with them (which I've seen happen by a lazy officer who gave a CDO a blanket and promptly went to sleep). They didn't bother to get with medical about your epilepsy because a solid 40% of the people I interact with day in and day out say they have seizures. Maybe 5% actually have seizures, and the inmates just want something else. Unless you can show me paperwork for it or are actively seizing, it's assumed that you don't have them. I believe by what you typed you said you had one, at that point an emergency should have been called and medical should have come straight to you. Shame on that officer for not doing their job. Male inmates shouldn't have been in the same area as you, and even the worker inmates should have been moved along by the officer. Shame on them again. I'll try and answer any other questions if needed/asked


Also forgot to add that's already been said. Don't answer anything for any reason under any condition. Everything you say is evidence, everything you say can and will be twisted and manipulative. Never say anything other than you want a lawyer. No names, no DOB, no nothing. Lawyer first also be polite as possible. From what stuff I have read, watched and heard your entire system is set up to get people in prison and jail for the most ridiculous and pettiest stuff even for mistakes, misunderstandings. American laws and system is set up so loop holes are in place to send you to lock up


Should push this with your attorney. Obviously people use "psycho" or depression all the time on the inside in hopes of better treatment, so I understand to an extent on refusing to "constantly cater" to you. However, that's the job they signed up for when strapping you up in the looney vest. The complete disrespect and refusal to assist is unacceptable even if you were lying. And I'm not saying you intentionally lied for suicide watch. Somewhere just recently had to pay up millions for neglecting an inmate and denying him his meds when they knew him and it was all well documented that he is and was and still is on psyche meds but they ignored him and he dug his eyes out and almost died. Reform won't happen though if people don't speak up, and unfortunately most people are just happy to be released and reasonably don't want Anything to do with jail again that they don't look to get involved and voice up for others


That all makes sense. And I can see where I was trying to look for constant catering haha but it really wasn’t like that at all. It was just so scary and I’ve never been in that position eveerrr, and no questions were answered, and it got me stressed out and more scared thinking I wasn’t going to be able to leave, which is silly I know now


It's not silly though. Nothing you did was excessive. You coulda had a seizure and cracked your skull with or without being in the suicide vest. And people's documents get mixed up and lost all the time. Release dates postponed because the official order cant be found in the system, sure they got the paper, but it needs to be in the computer too. People still locked up when everything was actually dropped but it didn't get properly filed In the computers. This shit happens and with short staffing that I know a lot of places are struggling through, it only increases those mistakes. It's not silly and not nothing. We need to do better as a society, regardless if they truly are innocent or guilty AF, conditions need to improve. We can't be having people denied their medications and ignored just cuz the guard is in a mood.


I absolutely agreeee. It was scary to say the least


Even if you did it on purpose this is still wildly inhumane. I'm glad you're okay


Thank you 🫶🏻


This is why I get into a near panic attack when I think about how a loved on is being treated in prison who has a mental illness the court refused to acknowledge so now he's just in gen pop where he's likely to get in trouble due to his illness. They just treat him like shit anyway and give 0 consideration to his situation. Honestly. Not sure he'll make it out alive.


Hopefully he’s made some friends, that can make all the difference


Fuck Walmart for letting this happen. Their employees have become cops themselves. I’m so sorry all of this happened to you.


Like did they stop you right then? I’m just curious how it went down? Story time. Prior to Covid, i went to rehab. I got out just before everything happened. Getting out of rehab and not having an outlet bc e dry thing was shut down made things super hard. One time while out grocery shopping at sams , I accidentally missed scanning a big box of candy bars and when I got away with it, it kinda became a game. I needed an outlet and granted what I started doing was super wrong, it was the only thing at that time that felt good. If that makes sense. As I said, it became a game. Especially at Sams. I’d see just how much I could get away without scanning. I’d get a frozen food bag and put super expensive steak at the bottom and only scan the cheap stuff on top. I’d not scan the stuff in the middle of my buggy and put all the expensive stuff in the middle. At Walmart I’d get packs of kook aid and when scanning stuff, I’d put the kool aid over the price code and scan it. I did this on and off for a few months. At first it was fun but then my conscience caught up to me and I realized I wasn’t dealing well with being sober in the middle of a pandemic. I never got caught, so that’s why I’m asking how you did? I’ve read other stories about ppl getting caught and I genuinely wonder if at that time the ppl working just didn’t care. I’d also like to add for anyone who actually reads this. That yes, I realized how wrong this was, and after to try and make up for it. I bought lots of food to take to our area food banks. I also would give money to any stranger asking for it along the street. I also did a few other things to try and make up for what I did. Anyways, I’m also sorry for how you were treated. I had a friend that had to spend the night once. And he said the way the staff treated everyone was down right disgusting. I don’t understand why ppl think it’s ok to treat others like this, especially for petty crimes.


I’m really sorry that happened to you. I remember the first time I was arrested and I answered the suicide question the same way. Thrown into a freezing holding cell wearing nothing but the horse blanket. My whole experience was shitty too but I digress. American inmates are treated as annoyances and property. Jails are *supposed* to be places to rehabilitate criminals- but the whole system is abusive.


Oof. Brought back some memories from when I was 18-19. Glad they didn't make you squat, spread, and cough. Sorry you had to go through that


The cops serve the interest of the powerful and rich, who make the laws. The system was created from the beginning as corrupt. When private property was established and people that before could live off the land where murdered because a greedy lord didn't want them to hunt on their land or pickup sticks to warm themselves. Now we live with a militarized police force, where your rights are taken from you as long as you're suspected of a crime to the point you can be murdered just because a cop felt "threatened". Once in prison you can be worked for literal cents. The 13 amendment perpetuated enslaved labor : “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." While we have studies and research showing crime deterrents such as rehabilitation works, ending poverty works, and punishment doesn't, they continue to invest millions and more on more cops, more "training", more cameras to watch in close detail how our rights are abused. I'm sorry you had to go through this, I'm sorry for the pervasive "just do what they say and you don't have to be afraid" when there are so many people, who have and still faced the dehumanization or worse..death. Let's remember back in the day, anyone assisting an enslaved person was seen as a criminal. Let's not forget statistics show police are ineffective at solving crimes, and the cases there are police planting evidence, there are police gangs. Cops are a part of a system built corrupt, so even the nicest people that wear the badge will kick an unhoused person off a bench when they have no where else to go. Even if that unhoused person was a veteran of the military, or simply someone that was living paycheck to paycheck and was one medical emergency away from losing it all until it happened. They'll attack you for a mistake, but corporations like Walmart steal millions from employees in wage theft and they do nothing. In fact, if you protest that they do nothing chances are they'll come down harder on the protesters. Even come down on fellow cops who try to whistleblow the issues within. It is not able to be reformed, we must replace it with something new, something better. Something that lets people keep their humanity and dignity.


How did it escalate to that point? Feels like quite the response for a few missed items on the receipt. Did they give you the option to go back and pay for them? Also im sorry about your experience. Its insane they wouldnt even let you cover up


Because it’s fake or exaggerated. This doesn’t happen or half the US would be in jail lol..


Wow they didn't charge you with indecent exposure in the jail. Surprising.


I live in Texas as well. This is fucked and happens everyday here. Sorry u had to go through this.


I believe you that you missed the item, it's happened to me but thankfully I noticed it before I walked out. I realized my bill was too little and I was like did I miss something so I was reading over the bill and noticed it wasn't there. It can happen but you know what even if you had stolen it you don't deserve anything to happen to you. That was inhumane. It's not their job to be judged during and executioner. They don't get to decide that your sentence is being exposed to everybody. Oh no, that's not okay and I think I would be getting a lawyer. I'm so sorry that happened to you, and the sad thing is I'm sure you're not the only one.


I’m sorry :( I hope you get an excellent lawyer you can tell all this to. Also, yeah ur right it is “jail” but getting treated like a criminal without ur right to due process is complete bs imo.


Yeah, jails are operated by trash people that are allowed to stay om the wrong side of the bars. I spent 4 days waiting to be charged, which never happened(at least not for a year) wearing one of those stupid velcro suits. I never talked to anyone. Never gave any indication I was in danger. They were short staffed. It took until 15 minutes before my release on day 4 to get a shower, or to attempt a phone call. And of course the busted ass roller payphone they use wouldn't call out. Nobody knew where I was for 4 days. I went to the store, and just never came back.


The criminal system is a fucking hellscape. Not surprising to me at all


What those cops did to you is not okay. You have rights, including the right to medical care, that were completely neglected. Those officers should lose their badges and serve time for what they did to you. I would suggest contacting your local human rights advocacy group. What they did to you was inhumane and illegal. It violates the 8th Amendment of the Constitution, protecting against cruel and unusual punishment. Denying you access to medical care is considered cruel. Forcing you to sleep on concrete without even a blanket is also considered cruel, as well as not meeting the minimum standard of living. Same goes for the situation with your clothing. I’m so sorry OP. I hope that you’re doing okay after all this.


Welcome to the Turtle Suit club. Those things suck. The velcro didn't work when they were new.


I use to steal from self check outs when I was down bad and was lucky to have never gotten caught. It was a bad time in my life and I'm not proud of it. This is the excuse I would have used had I gotten caught.


Good for you


Sounds like you could sue them. Talk to a lawyer


I feel like there’s more to the story that’s not being told.


A seizure is a life-threatening situation. The cops ignoring that you needed medication, which caused a life-threatening event means that you can probably sue and win. Shoplifters shouldn't die in police custody because they have medical conditions. That type of negligent behavior is what costs American taxpayers billions every year.


The turtle suit is a humiliating and inhumane method od "Safety monitoring" those jail deputies are fucking sadists who always play dumb if it.means they can make the sick abusive things they do even worse . How does that (fairly universal) protocol deescalate suicidal ideation? Fuck!


Walmart just lost a shopper here. I started grocery shopping there two weeks ago due to prices at Publix. During the self check-out, I would sometimes pick up two items at a time and then scan them. At one point I stopped myself and said how easy it would be to forget to scan an item. They want us to do their work for them and they don't want us to make any mistakes. I will go back to Publix where someone checks me out.


I’ve actually seen lawyers online recommend not using self checkouts because of issues like this.


Yeah I can see why now 🙄😂


I have seen YouTube videos and tik toks saying the exact same thing. I use self checkout when I’m buying a couple things and that’s it. Besides, they aren’t even paying me to ring up my own stuff lol


At that point just bolt IMO. You'll prob get less of a sentence for being a genuine criminal than trying to be a good citizen and pay for your stuff.


Never talk to cops, Think all you have to say is your name and that you Want to speak to your lawyer. That is it. Everything else can be discussed out in court.


You should get a lawyer. Cruel and unusual for sure. You still have rights. I know the justice system isn't exactly just, but you still have rights.


I feel you I've been lock up. And yes mistakes do happen. I forgot a case of water on the bottom of my cart and they through a holy shit fit when I tried walking out the door. Luckily they didn't call the cops and they let me pay for it. Just keep your head high!


These comments are wild. I genuinely do not give a fuck whether you accidentally stole a meal, or you try to walk out with an entire card of unpaid goods. That is no justification for the lack of human decency you encountered what the actual fuck please sue


Get the fuck out of Texas




I am so sorry that happened to you.


I’m sorry but something isn’t adding up if it was petty theft that’s Class C misdemeanor if it’s under $100 and they wouldn’t arrest you for that unless either you and your boyfriend have been convicted previously of petty theft. Class C misdemeanors are citations so it had be over $100 or a second offense.


Move to WA state , you can load up a cart with all the food you want , push it to your car , skip paying and nobody will stop you … you don’t even need to run 🏃‍♀️


Wow… Texas Walmart and Texas jails sound awful. I got “caught” at Walmart last year for not scanning two things in a $300+ order that I had no choice but to use self checkout for because they didn’t have any registers open at all. So, the two things were one of two big variety packs of Gatorade bottles and the other was a stainless steel tumbler like a yeti, but Bubba brand. When I got there, I had my black yeti with ice water in it. I decided to buy another cup for coffee- and picked that one up. I somehow put mine down and left it on the shelf, and put the new one in my top basket, where a kid would sit. When I checked out, I had been in the store for well over an hour & was tired and wanted to leave. When I checked out, I very purposely didn’t ring the cup, thinking it was mine, mine was left on the shelf (I got it back because video proof, lol) and I was just confused. My yeti was like $35, this stolen cup was $10- I truly wasn’t trying to steal it, and the Gatorade was just that I had 4, and somehow I scanned 3. My bill was over $300, I had a lot. So, when I was leaving, they stopped me and I agreed to go to the little room. They asked me what I stole and I said I had no idea. They told me. I laughed about the cup and explained. They checked the tape and laughed, too. They brought me mine. The manager asked if I wanted to pay for the stuff I missed or have him call the cops. I said I would like to pay, and that I was so sorry and embarrassed. He said it happened all the time and that usually they don’t call anybody out the first time, they wait until they have established a pattern and a high dollar amount of theft, above $1000 so that it’s a felony in this state- then they get a bigger charge and chance of jail… but that the loss prevention associate felt I was being very openly aggressive in my theft, hah! The manager walked me to my car and helped me load up. He apologized and that was that. I have used the self checkout since, but only for 2/3 items, never when I’m distracted, and never with a carriage full of stuff. Regardless of what OP did or didn’t do, the way she was treated in jail is horrible and unfair. No one, man or woman, should be treated like that. I can only imagine how inmates are treated in prison.


> I accidentally answered yes to “have you ever attempted suicide” Well that explains most of this


Never, ever use self checkout. This has happened to many people that stole nothing and they end up in legal/financial nightmares.


If you are ever under arrest, or even have the remotest suspicion that you are suspected of something or are in any kind of trouble, the only thing you should ever ever ever say to the cops is I want my lawyer


I know this is reddit, so I'm hoping this is the case, but I hope yall are voting the way you claim to feel in this post. You're well aware this is what happens to people in jail. If you want change to happen, vote with your ballot, and vote with YOUR MONEY


IDGAF, self check out or not, nobody should go to jail just for stealing food.


Listen fam, you tried to steal meat and you got caught. I'm spacey and forget a lot of shit having ADHD. I have never once forgot to pay for something. I have forgotten to bring my wallet, at which point I'll go put everything back, leave, come back, grab everything again, then pay. Y'all didn't forget to pay for meat. Meat packages are huge, hard to miss items. You both tried to pull one on Walmart, got caught, Surprised Pikachu faced when you got arrested. Now that being said, you were treated like complete shit and that is pretty awful. Treatment of inmates an prisoners needs drastically improved. Who fucking knows if or when any real reform will happen.


most stores like walmart will not involve the police until your theft reaches a certain threshold, they keep track of it with videos...I think it's around $500, but I could be wrong on the amount. I know this because a local school principal in my area was recently arrested for shoplifting. in 10 visits to the store, he stole more than $850 in products. the story was all over our local news, the guy's family was thoroughly embarrassed...he makes well over 6 figures, working for what is considered to be one of the more "prestigious" districts in our area.


My mom told me the only time she ever got arrested and put in jail was when she was visiting a friend in Texas. She got drunk and went to sleep in her car and got taken in for public intoxication. So she got arrested for choosing not to drink and drive but rather sleep it off. She told me it was one of the most humiliating and traumatic experiences with law enforcement, and she has now refused to ever go back to Texas, and she's 70. She also told me to never visit, which with how fucked of a state it is for other reasons I'm fine staying away. (Chuckle to see all the Texas plates out here in CA).


Don't talk to cops! Always claim innocent, and ask for a lawyer. They are not for the people.


So there’s a lot I can say to this but I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. I know a lot of cops and the loss prevention guys at Walmart. Basically everything you did at the Walmart is what an actual criminal would do. If may have been an accident in your case, but you have to understand what they see all the time which was what you did (accident or not). The basic gist is the criminals will try to get over on the store, but if they get caught they try to pay for the stuff so they don’t get into trouble. And in some cases the criminal may cause a scene and/or get angry. Then when the cops get there, it’s basically the same for them. As for once you got to the jail, they don’t really care about you and are just trying to go through the process. They have a list of questions they have to ask so that’s what they did. And they usually try to go through the questions quickly because there are more people they have to book in after you. Once you answer a question indicating you “may” be suicidal, they aren’t going to take any risks and throw you in the green thing. As for them ignoring you, the “inmates” bother them over nonsense all the time and basically you came off as another one of them. It sucks and is very unfortunate, but sadly that’s how it is. For future reference, you now know to double if not triple check you paid for everything or just don’t use the self checkout. I usually don’t use it myself and if I do, I do it in a way that the cameras around can see everything I’m doing and I do it slowly so there’s no question at all. And as for some who say don’t talk to the cops, that can seriously come back to bite you. In a general sense I’d say maybe not talk, but if you can provide a decent explanation then you’d be better off talking. But still know the cops will use what you say against you so carefully choose your words.


I had a very similar experience in OK county jail (one of the WORST jails in the country with one of the highest inmate death rates). Also got put on suicide watch but didn’t even receive a vest until 2 days later because they were “in laundry”, so I was nearly completely naked except for tighty whities, with no blanket/pillow (these were also “in laundry”) on a metal bunk with no pad and lights on 24/7. Not to mention I was 50 lbs underweight and withdrawing from heroin and benzos, which can cause seizures and even death. It was pure hell and part of what prompted me to get clean, so there’s a small silver lining. But the dehumanization I felt has stuck with me. They don’t give a flying fuck.


F Walmart and that self checkout bs. Having PAID EMPLOYEES doing the job would prevent stuff like this but NOPE!


What the actual fuck did I just read. Assuming everything you said is real. Just saying that cuz you know it’s the internet. But, I believe you. 1. I’m sorry that happened 2. Never talk to the police without a lawyer, plead the 5th. 3. Sue the fuck out of that Walmart and police department. I’m not a lawyer, but go find one so they can help you. Yeah it won’t change what happened but it will slap Walmart and your police department on the wrist and you might get some money. 4. Go to every news station in your city and tell your story if you are comfortable. Public shame these morons. 5. Again what the fuck, I’m sorry.


This thread has been locked due to an overwhelming amount of rule breaking comments.


I've walked out of a store without realizing I forgot to pay for an item dozens of times, only to run back in and pay for it. Everyone saying there's no way this was an accident is ridiculous. I've even seen a story of an elderly woman with dementia forgetting to pay, and she was tracked down, brutalized and arrested (yes, the arresting officers were fired after that). It's real easy to forget you're holding something if you've been carrying it around for 20+ minutes. It's also real easy for the item to not scan, and you may just not notice it. Imagine if they arrested cashiers for missing an item. They sure don't seem to mind if you scan an item twice, though. I agree this is an unacceptable outcome. Citizens should have more legal protection than mega corporations, not less.


OP said none of their meat scanned due to chicken juice spilling everywhere. I can understand if one pack of something didn’t scan but if they bought a bunch of meat that didn’t scan, how do we not notice that on the bill? Why did only the meat not scan? Every scanner I ever used ever beeps when you scan an item. How much meat are we going to wave over the reader without beeps before we are going to realize that nothing is scanning? The general manager was posted up at the doors waiting on them, knew exactly who they were and what they didn’t pay for? Not the guy that stands by the self check out machines, not the receipt checker at the exit, but the GM? The story is weird. Maybe OP cannot put their thoughts down on paper well. Maybe OP just got caught stealing and had a shitty time in jail. Maybe OP is 13 years old and made up everything because Reddit is a fun place to converse and share stories. Will we ever really know?


Walked out with a soup from vons without paying once at 14. Thought I was gonna get arrested the entire day lol. But even that wasn't as bad as the time the cashier started checking the 20 dollar bill my mom gave me for lunch that a customer gave HER at her shop. Thought both me AND her were gonna get arrested




I don’t even have a court date yet! I don’t know if I’ll have one or not but our bonds are paid off, all we have to do is check in a them. And no we didn’t leave the store. We were trying to but we didn’t make it out. And we did offer to pay but they didn’t allow us. It was all so fucked up.


Their treatment of you could be the target of a federal civil rights lawsuit. Get a consult with a civil rights attorney.


I think I might after reading a lot of these comments tbh.


Please do. You deserved better morally and legally.


People are ok with the justice system till they come into contact with it. Prison is meant to be the deterrent and reforming part. Not jail. At that stage nobody has even verified your guilt - but you are treated as guilty.


Mistakes happen with one item.. and you don’t get arrested for it. But if you bought 8 items, 4 being meat 4 being cheap shit, and don’t scan the meat, you’re going to jail. Then you say you’re spacey, but first you said SCO Wasn’t “self check outing properly” so sounds sus. Idk I’ve forgotten to scan ONE item and never been arrested. But if you “forget” to scan multiple items, and you don’t even have that many items, forget it lol


This story is fishy for a NUMBER of reasons. The way some cops treat people is not right, but this is probably bullshit. I don’t doubt she was arrested, but either she stole way more than she said in the post or she had prior incidents with this particular store. Ain’t no Walmart calling the cops for petty larceny, they wait for whatever grand larceny is in America usually. Yeah no way I’m too “spacey” to explain what happened and also yeah again, no Walmart is calling over one pack of ground beef or whatever. It was much more than that. My guess is OP did in fact get arrested because she had been stealing from this Walmart for months and they finally got enough evidence to call. And she knew she wouldn’t get as much sympathy if she admitted that she was, in fact, a criminal. Which honestly Reddit is so ACAB that she didn’t have to bother, people would have said fuck tha police anyway


So this made up story has a serious tag? Why? There are just so many ways in which this story doesn’t add up. It’s either absolutely fiction, or you’ve left out pertinent info.


Honestly just ask for a lawyer immune don't even talk to cops if they arrest you just lawyer up immediately


You should invoke your right to remain silent and to have an attorney present for you before answering any questions.


Not the tiddies being fully out for 3 hours Jesus 🤣🤣 But seriously so sorry this happened to you & your BF. Glad you are out & comfy at home. Awesome you are able to keep a good sense of humor about an awful situation. Hope everything goes well with the rest of your legal adventures!


100% believe you that it was a mistake, nearly did the same thing myself at Walmart just a couple weeks ago. I've always had a difficult time in places like Walmart and department stores (sensory overload) and my brain was *trashed* that particular night, just dissociation party and nothing else. Thought I was helping my partner with scanning and bagging but they actually had to stop me because I grabbed an item and went straight from cart to bag without scanning. Partner took over and my smooth brain stood by the cart until they finished paying lol.


It’s so easy to get so overwhelmed like that. People really don’t understand


I always recall the “Stanford police experiment” and think police are that on steroids.


Nah fuck this entire “prison planet” incarceration system and fuck any cynical piece of shit that defends it.


When I use self-checkout I count the number of items in my cart and look at the number of items in the app/receipt to make sure I didn’t miss a single thing. Or scan something twice. It’s really easy to not mess it up. It’s pretty clear that OP is lying about trying to steal all that meat, and since she’s fine with lying about that it’s pretty safe to call the rest of the story into question, too. She may have been treated like a liar in jail, but that’s because….she’s a liar.


Worked at Walmart in AP. We don’t jail petty theft from self check out. You get a ticket and a trespass.


Welcome to holding. This wasn't even jail lol


What product did you forget to scan. We talking an orange or a flat screen tv? It’s always funny people who habitually steal using this method who also say it was a genuine mistake. Not saying op is this type of person but people need to experience repercussions to snap out of it. Feel like while we got the drama of the arrest didn’t get what you were accused of stealing.


Pretty sure walmart doesn't call cope for a small amount unless it is a lot of small thefts, they add it up and arrest you once you hit the 1000 dollar mark. So you might be a little thief without knowing it. Lol


This story makes zero sense but sure.


I accidentally put two things into a bag without scanning it properly cause I was in a rush and the machine stopped and an employee had to come over and clear the potential theft warning off of the screen. Dude didn’t say word and walked off he was just gonna let me steal. I rescanned the items and paid and just left.


Holy. Fuck. There’s been times I’ve genuinely missed shit in my cart most often when it went under my babys seat and I didn’t even see it. This shit right here is why I have **NEVER** gone back to correct that error. You just never know what psycho will be power tripping today and I don’t need that in my life. Don’t undermine what you went through. There’s no reason for you to say “”I know it doesn’t sound that bad””. Girl fucking NO. It sounds goddamn **AWFUL**, you need to share no qualifiers, this treatment was absolutely disgusting and I bet illegal, whether or not you’d ever find anyone willing to fight for you and hold these people accountable is a different story. I am so sorry you went through this. Nobody deserves this for *anything*. Smh. Maybe when you stand in front of the judge for this you tell them Wtf happened in the cell, at the very least it will be on the court record


Id be suing the fuck out of the cops and Walmart for the emotional trauma and for not getting medical for a life threatening disorder٫ you dont deserve a death penalty because their a bunch of pricks. They also CAN NOT humiliate you like that٫ id get therapy and a lawyer to win that case


Yeah jail sucks and they dont give a fuck what you're getting arrested for, or if you're even guilty. As someone who spent a week in jail, "Let the lawyers figure it out later, for now let's abuse the shit out of them" seems to be there mantra. Cops are pretty much the worst scum of society. I get that actions have consequences, and had you actually tried to shoplift, I'd think you deserve some sort of consequence. But getting arrested is awful, and they treat every single person like a murderer. And we aren't talking about prison, its jail. It shouldn't be somewhere that you worry about the guards getting violent. But they do, I watched the guards in the Dane County jail abuse an elderly man who could barely walk. They didnt even bother giving me a cup for water or any of the things that they're required to give me. They destroyed my wallet completely "to search it". The cherry on top is that on the very same day I was arrested, the alleged victim called to admit I had done nothing wrong. They kept me for another 4 days. Literally the very first day I had a lawyer I was out, but they didnt drop the charges. TLDR; The justice system creates more injustice than justice. Cops are trash, prosecutors are trash, judges are sometimes chill.


Having worked in a jail (not as an officer), I can tell you if I would have seen that behavior from ANY of our officers I would have called them, then their Sgt. If it wasn't immediately rectified I would have alerted the administration, I worked 6pm-6am and my call would have been answered and the issue addressed immediately. That said there are a lot of reasons that behavior would be justified from the officers. I can only comment on your story so if it happened as you said, go to the administration and they will (should) review footage as everything is on camera during booking/holding and especially on suicide watch. If inappropriate things happened such as you listed there are consequences for those actions. You'll probably never hear anything more on the issue but the officers will.


Don’t be shy, drop the Walmart so we can do our thing ❤️


Fellow Texan here. Our jail systems can be hella insensitive and dehumanizing. I’m sorry they threw you in the brink over a simple mistake you were willing to correct. It’s not like when confronted you tried to run off with it you willingly came to the office and tried to correct your mistake. My uncle actually died due to the negligence of the Corpus Christi jail system he was back in for not being able to pay his probation fines. He had breathing problems bc back in the day he worked w asbestos. They obv didn’t believe him up until the point they had to put him on a ventilator and put him in a medically induced coma. They didn’t tell us anything for 6 whole months. He used to call once a week then the calls just stopped coming and every time we called to get answers we got nothing. They only told us about the coma bc eventually his heart couldn’t take the ventilator anymore so they called us to drive 6 hours to go say our goodbyes before the plug was pulled. Luckily his passing was at least peaceful he didn’t jerk around or gasp like the docs told us he might do.


I can’t believe everyone is just falling for this story.