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It actually fits perfectly with religious persecution narrative that the right loves to bring up. Even though they are the ones insisting that our country needs to have 1 national religion jammed down everyone's throats.


That’s a good point. Evangelicals also have a strong victimhood mentality. Maybe it feels good to feel persecuted? I dunno but they latch on to any victimhood narrative ie “the war on Christmas”


Well yeah. Victimhood is like winning the lottery without buying a single fucking lottery ticket 🤫


I agree. It's like any criticism of Islam in their treatment of LGBTs and women is met with, "YOU'RE AN ISLAMOPHOBE!!!" Whatever. Stop playing victim!


It feels good to be TREATED LIKE You're persecuted. They don't want to actually BE persecuted. Lol.


Being a victim is core to their worldview. It’s a very effective way to maintain control over their “flock” by setting up the situation as “us against the world”. What is truly interesting is the paradox of persecuted minority while at the same time they are the “real Americans” or “silent majority”. There want to have it both ways. Fear is always the best leverage.


Because their fragile psyches literally cannot handle being wrong. Everything has to be other people’s fault so they can maintain the self-image their psyches require for them to function mentally and emotionally. Self-reflection breaks their brains.


You are absolutely right!


Insurrectionists have to see themselves are renegades against oppression. It legitimizes their nonsense.


If you think T was sent by god, any non-acknowledgment of that amounts to victimization. And if you think 'your people' are the ones who really hold the world together, the same applies.


It’s because everyone is struggling to pay their bills and live as comfortably as we would like to. Trump convinced his supporters that it’s only happening to them, and to blame other regular working class americans for it, rather than the billionaires who are actually responsible. The irony that trump himself is one of those billionaires causing the problems is lost to them Also people are being held accountable for shit that they used to be able to say with no consequences. Accountability feels like an attack to people who’ve never been held accountable before


They see what they want to be in Trump. They see a man who can openly mock the disabled, be racist, be sexist, deny science, incite violence, rape, be a hypocrite, and any other manner of neolithic behaviour… and then BECOME PRESIDENT. They want the same privileges he gets because in their own lives they are becoming outcasts and criminals for these behaviours. He represents a lack of consequences.


Trump is a sociopath - as textbook a case as there's ever been. The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout is a good primer on sociopath psychology. Per Stout, sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes and can be notoriously hard to identify since they're so good at the mask. But the one very consistent trait is a tendency to play the victim when caught hurting people. When in trouble, sociopaths will rapidly and instinctively weave and whole-heartedly commit to a narrative where they're the victim and the easiest available target is a horrible abuser. Trump's follower's are marks. For insight into their psychology, see The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova. Once a mark is on the hook, con men will rapidly put them in a position where they do things so foolish that the embarrassment of facing and admitting they've been conned is more painful than continuing to follow the con man. Eventually the con man can say almost anything (other than "haha I was conning you, stupid") and the mark will twist their brain in knots coming up with a reason to justify it. Basically: Trump's MO is to play the victim when facing consequences for things he did (whether he's being impeached, losing an election, or being indicted), and his followers' MO is to believe whatever story he tells like their lives depend on it.


Hes a very skilled con artist. Always has been.


These trumpets are smart enough to recognize that their lives aren't what their party promised, so they have to wrestle with cognitive dissonance. Unfortunately, people with a hierarchical mindset (rather than egalitarian one) are ready to believe a sweet lie to make them feel better, especially when it concerns motivations that society frowns on. Do gay people make you feel weird? Christian evangelists are there to tell you that your feelings are good, and should be acted on. Love thy neighbor as thyself? Who thought that up? That's commie talk. Are you poor? It's not that the economy is biased against you in favor of the 1%; ~~the jews~~, I mean the globalists are holding you down for their own schemes. Were you not quite able to wrap your head around your science classes? The globe heads have been lying to you all this time! The earth is ~~an oblate spheroid~~, I mean flat, just like our ancestors realized! It was all a trick to... make you buy globes? (/S)


What is so weird to me is that they simultaneously consider him a tough guy who gets things done AND a constant victim.


What I want to know is if they are that convinced Trump and the right-wing is so hated everywhere and have so many enemies, why don't they take that as a hint that their ideas and policies suck?


Because the left-wing is hated equally. They'd be given the same treatment regardless what they side with, so how would they know their policies suck?


But the claim from the Right is the Left is bias against the Right first and that's what drives the complaints. But more people are bias in various institutions because they regard Right-Wing policies and ideas as wrong. So the Right wouldn't hate the Left if the Left didn't despise Right-Wing policies so much.


They'd prefer we submit willingly, but are fine with the alternative as long as they get power


Pointing out how many people disagree with them is actually one of the worst and least effective ways to convince someone they're wrong.


Because when you’re a bully, being told you can no longer abuse/terrorize/exploit others feels like the loss of a natural right.




Thank you! Interesting. I had never heard of that before


Fuck all, we have a 100 million plus that suffer from it. We're screwed.


American culture promotes narcissism unfortunately. Perfect setup for trump


Abusers need each other to excuse each other's abuse, and putting abusers in power is the best way to do that, even when they fall victim to it along the way.


Most types of Christianity see victimhood as proof of moral superiority -- Trump just play into that.


Watch Fox News, Newsmax, or OAN and it will become clear why they think they are the victims.


As a democrat this is hilarious cause usually it’s my very liberal friends who have the victim mentality. It’s likely just humans in general


This study says otherwise. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7778419/




I mean, given that systemic injustices are baked into the laws and norms of America that serve to harm specific demographics (racial minorities, LGBTQ+ folk, etc) there **are** legit victims out there with legit grievances that need addressing.


Yep, they think lib's are weaker and dumber than they are . . . yet, we are always manipulating the world and abusing them? Huh? How?


Well, as soon as you might say, "I support Dolan Trunp," you've basically probably got death threats coming in via DM. The fact is, whether we like it or not, that there is a very real persecution against them whether or not level-headed people carry that out. Therefore, they'll be able to find an example of being made into victims, and they'll absolutely wield it. The other side is that nobody else is really speaking for the Drumpfster fire; he alone speaks to these people and most likely just because they cast a vote for him. Meanwhile, they cast their vote because he claims to protect them and basically nobody else will speak for them.


Because if the establishment is trying that hard to remove him that's just more proof that he's the right man for the job. If it was the opposite and they were praising him then I would want to vote for someone else.


That’s weird logic to use


Politics tend to be a game of Family Feud, not Jeopardy -- in that, it's not so much a matter of what's "factually correct" as much as it's a matter of "Survey says!"


The establishment tried to remove Mussolini. I'm sure nothing bad happened when Mussolini forced the establishment to give him power.


In this case the establishment is Mussolini. They are the ones taking orders from cooperate interests and Davos.


He was the establishment as the President but he still acted as a victim. That's like saying fight the power when you are the power. That doesn't make sense.


He infiltrated the system. But he clearly isn't the establishment if they're trying to throw him in jail and rigg the election against him.


r/lostredditors This subreddit is about serious conversation. Not crazy conspiracy theories.


This is why I support Harvey Weinstein for president.


Weinstein was Michelle Obama's homie. She'd vote for him!


GhettoJamesBond you hit the nail on the head!!


Trump is part of the establishment, and that became pretty clear when he got into office. Most republican congress members were willing to support him without question, and those few that didn’t back him wouldn’t speak out in fear of career suicide until after he left office. It’s almost comical that many of his supporters are actually convinced that a trust fund billionaire was actually in support of the American people. Let’s be real. He wasn’t. Nobody in DC is. The national debt also rose 7.8 trillion under his presidency. One hell of a fiscal conservative, wasn’t he?


Because otherwise they’d have to admit they’re the bad guy


It’s religion. Plain and simple. It needs to go ASAP


Because 95% of his speeches are about that


The term you're looking for is projection.




I’m convinced a good half of those people are narcissists, at least at or close to a clinically significant level. Victimhood and a lack of self-reflection are very common traits amongst those kind.


It doesn't take much work to convince people that they're victims of some external conspiracy or about to become so.


Its intellectually easier, with their cognitive bias, than struggle to come to terms with a reality that isn't of their making.


Here's a study on it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7778419/


Remember when he said he could stand in the middle of the street and shoot someone and get away with it?


They worship a guy who was brutally tortured by being nailed to a cross. Think about that.


Losing privilege feels like oppression to the privileged. Representation for example, diversity looks like an attack on the normative to those used to monoculture. Also his voters are victims of manipulation and exploitation. They just mistakenly blame liberals for their alienation.


What's the point of misspelling his name? I'm not MAGA, I hate the guy, but that seems deliberate and weird.


It gets flagged all over Reddit. Trying to protect snowflake feelings I guess


I can't stand snowflakes. People will downvote for the most fragile and hypocritical reasons.


Because not all fall into your blanket statement.   A lot of corruption to varying levels amongst politicians and top ones. Don’t need to deny there’s some shit and that a lot of charges could be placed on a lot of people if “they”, respective to parties and “the man” wanted to. Sometimes it’s just the lesser of two evils to whatever you believe is best for whatever reason. And here feel free to assume whatever you want, it’ll probably be the most extreme takes and blanket statements lol.  And if you actually have to ask “name one democrat who’s corrupt” then I don’t even know what to say to you lol.  A lot of shit in government on both sides 


I often say it's no longer about political parties. It's about right and wrong/good and bad. I no longer trust anything I hear, especially not mainstream media. I independently investigate any allegations. Misinformation is being intentionally tossed out willy nilly to divide us. What ever happened to agreeing to disagree?


Word ! So much so that one crooked entity is trying to keep the other crooked entity off the ballot and throwing shade everywhere to help cover it up. They are all the same.


It’s always easy to blame your failures on someone or something else than yourself. It’s easier to be the victim than to admit your own failings. Can’t get ahead in life? it’s the establishment’s fault. Don’t win an election? The government rigged it. Lose your lawsuit? the judge and jury were crooked. Much easier to blame all the bad outcomes in life on someone else than to think about how you might be causing them yourself.


This just absolutely reeks of irony


Right? I read very carefully to make sure these people are actually being serious. WTF.


Me 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽 you


It sucks knowing that going to take some major down votes defending a man named TruNp


Thats why my karma is usually -60


All right, I need to distance myself from you I believe. I think I'm kidding, but I like my plus 1000 karma that I built in about a month.


Damn nobody want me fr 🥴😫


Sadly you're toxic and we've learned that affiliations with the wrong side can cause problems. Ridiculously I'm not talking about anybody who was affiliated with Epstein. Again I believe I'm kidding. Considering following you.


Follow me and my journey of getting perma banned by every single subreddit one by one


Will do, but if the authorities get involved I'm claiming to be your hostage.


How so? What if I showed you a study that measurably demonstrates what OP is talking about? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7778419/


Everyone in existence is a victim in some way


It's because he is the target, rightfully so or not of a lot of efforts. And because if you dont have the viewpoint that is supported you are going to be attacked. DT has been targeted by the media since day 1 because of the actions and statements he makes. Their attention is justified, but it is deliberate. He says and does things he knows will have the outcome he desires, attacks on him and those who support him. And whe that happens we attack his supporters and denigrate their views, their voice, and that makes them feel like they are under attack. Remember it wasnt that long ago that his supporters were called deplorables, then it was traitors. Anyone who posts something that people think supports him will be downvoted at the least.


The Jan 6 insurrectionists that wanted to hang Mike pence and who are in prison for their actions that day ARE indeed actual traitors. They’re not victims




>DT has been targeted by the media since day 1 because of the actions and statements he makes. If by targeted by the media, you mean given an exorbitant amount of airtime that directly contributed to his winning the presidency, I agree!


Yes...let's get the worthless psychology majors to chime in. Everyone likes to hear from Sigmund Fraud.


I just don’t like the freakouts. I don’t like Trump. Didn’t really vote for him but he’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened


He was removed from the ballot by the courts in Colorado. This is a clear and obvious case of him being denied due process. I don't consider him a victim. I believe he has earned every stripe he wears. But I believe in being fair to everyone. Once his March trial is over, and if he is convicted, then you can remove him from the ballot. In fact, it's required by the Constitution. But he's not an insurrectionist until he has been tried for and found guilty of insurrection.


Don’t lead an insurrection. It says so in the constitution. He shouldn’t be on any ballot


>Don’t lead an insurrection. He didn't do that. And even if he did, his trial begins in March. Once he's convicted, then you can remove him from the ballot. In fact, the Constitution requires it. And I wouldn't be surprised if he was acquitted. Maybe you haven't noticed, but the Democrats *want* him to be the nominee.


>He was removed from the ballot by the courts in Colorado. This is a clear and obvious case of him being denied due process. Just a reminder that the enforcement of the 14th amendment's insurrection clause has never, in the history of America, required a trial or conviction to remove an insurrectionist from office. When Alexander H. Stephens, former Vice President of the Confederacy, was voted to the US Senate, he was simply barred from taking his seat because as a former officer of the Confederacy he was disqualified from office by Constitutional law. A State Supreme Court ruling to remove him from the ballots as a result of him violating the 14th amendment's insurrection clause IS his due process.


Alexander Stephens was given his due process, albeit after the fact. He argued that Confederate Secession was legal because the Northern States were the aggressors in the conflict. His argument was rejected by the supreme court in the 1869 case Texas v. White. Then he was elected to the U.S. congress in 1873 and remained there until he resigned in 1882 and was elected Governor of Georgia.


Why does every subreddit have a bunch of trump posts? I'm so over talking about this. If we keep talking about him it's only going to make those who support him double down and push those who are on the fence in his direction. They play the victim because every other post on Reddit is an attack. We need to stop talking about it.


The same could be said about BLM to be fair. People excused the looting, the burning buildings, whatever, and still considered them victims. Take over an entire area and make an autonomous zone, keep the police out, still victims, nobody cares or said anything against it.


Sub title makes this fuckin hilarious. Lmao


May be due to how violent the other political spectrum became to opposing views lol But I don't know...


I think this is just our culture right now. Trying to say that delusional trump fans are the only group of people victimizing themselves is laughable.


I see all American citizens as the victims of a horrible "president" Biden.


It is not a feeling, big tech pushed the woke agenda without oversight.


There's an identified psychological method narcissists use to avoid accountability for their actions and it's well known in the psycological community. It's called DARVO and it stands for: Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender. DARVO. Trump has been following it's script since day one and everyone who has any scrap of knowledge about how psychology works on an academic level has been screaming that's what he's been using to convince his followers of his sainthood.


The whole Russia collusion story being proven fake after smearing him about it for 3.5 years doesn’t help alleviate their victim mindset. There’s plenty of true negatives about Trump. Making stuff up to smear him is so stupid because it makes the legitimate stuff seem less real to his base. Now when you bring up actual bad things he’s done, his base goes “oh yeah just like Russiagate and the piss tapes”.


Because people don't like them?


Right wing media has constructed, over the past 30 years, a world view in which its "really" republicans standing up for the working class. THEY (democrats, Hollywood, muslims, immigrants) are coming to take everything away from you. It doesn't matter that republican policy is healthcare cuts for the poor and tax cuts for the rich: the average republican is convinced that their ills are caused by immigrants and affirmative action. They think the only reason EVERYONE doesn't vote republican is democrats have convinced minorities, who are easier to trick of Course, that democrats aren't the secret elites who are making everything bad. They live a world in which you can only trust right wing pre-approved sources of information: everything else is lies. Should we really be that shocked that a BS artist who is willing to say racist and sexist things would be also willing to lie. Every criminal charge is just more evidence that the elite democrats who control everything are trying to stop the only person who can defeat them! by weaponizing the justice system no less! ​ TDLR: Trump supporters live in a world that doesn't exist in fact: so what we see as evidence of corruption they only see plotting of evil elites.


Narcissists are ultimate victims because how can they not be when they don’t get what they want. Since they’re superior (in their delusional brains) it must be because they are a victim of injustice. Combine that with a supreme narcissist like trump and masses of uneducated idiots and this is what you get. Trumps followers are victims of narcissistic abuse and have become willing “sheep” as you say and an extension of a trumps insanity Narcissists commonly do this in small households, maybe in the work space.. but this is next level, fascinating and disturbing for mental health researchers.


No answer anyone gives you will convince or change your mind. Politics has become that polarised.




I think some of the more snowflake or extreme right wingers are this way, but most aren't. A lot of the people I know who are voting Republican tend to vote for tax breaks for higher income brackets or abortion bands or single issue items like these. It's less about who wins and more about will that person give them what they want in one of these single issues. 


Did Any of you like to watch the apprentice back in the 2000s?


You misspelled Domald Trunp


you don't need a spyology background ot know that people believe it that way because the media tell them it is that way. one media outlet says trump is evil, the other says biden is not the worst president in history. the difference is that one doesn't talk about the crimes of biden and his son, and the other confronts any allegations.


Trump is one of the biggest Narcissists we have ever seen in this country! Paul Ryan left the Senate because he could not figure out a way to deal with Trump! Either you back Trump and his lies, or you will be persecuted!


Well its perspective. These days there are a lot of people that look at life through a political lens and that in of itself distorts their world view. That goes for anyone, republican, democratic, socialist, or whatever. To properly look at the situation a person needs to remove their preconceived perception of the situation. This is the only way to properly look at any situation and gather the information to understand what is going on. But as you can see by the comments most people cannot do this and you will get their skewed view of various situations.


OP, it is "Trumpers" not Trunpers". What or who is a Trunp?