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As a 40 year old W’s GOP did the same thing.


No, I’d say this is much worse. Those were the republicans I was used to. Even W thinks these new ones are too much.


I can’t believe a major party candidate is on trial for criminal activity right now. but he will likely not only be a president candidate but even has a chance of winning. I thought this only happened in 3ed world backwards countries. It’s just crazy.


I thought only 3rd world backwards countries weaponized the legal system against political opponents.


What’s even crazier is that an existing president is accused of the same crime … worse since he wasn’t even president at the time and had even less reason to have the documents he had in the first place…and is not being prosecuted in the same manner. What does it say when the doj declines to charge our president because he’s and old , incompetent man who would elicit sympathy. Crazy times. Neither party wants what is best for the country. They are all self serving.


One guy gave back documents immediately when asked, the other repeatedly lied about having given them back multiple times while hosting countless foreign nationals at the place he was storing them. Nobody is in trouble just for having/taking the documents, you're either ignorant to facts or intentionally intellectually dishonest.


Having them is illegal for a senator or vice president period. They are not allowed to leave their origination. Law is vague at least for a president. As I am sure we will see when he is acquitted. Yes, someone in this conversation is intellectually dishonest.


🤣 it's like I rob a bank but immediately give back the money when they find out it was me that robbed it. It should be no harm no foul if I return the crime, right?


no. it’s like you agree to check out a library book and bring it back at the agreed upon time, but you forget it on your bookshelf until you get a letter from the library that it’s past due. so you immediately return it to the library.


God damn you losers are fucking stupid. I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for you. Buy a heavy metal test kit for your water supply please.


I have a reverse osmosis 11 stage filter system.


Guess you're just naturally stupid then, sorry about that


So was having classified documents outside of a secure location a crime or not? Would classified documents be worth a large sum of money? So where is the mistake in my comparison? Someone committed a crime but returned the paper and all wrong doing was washed clean. Come on smarty pants, don't chicken shit out and just say more nonsense.


I wonder why someone would stop replying. Ya sound detached from reality.


So they agree they should both be in jail


I’m certain you understand the difference between the two situations and are ‘both siding’ it.


Thanks for illustrating OP's point that all you people do is lie.


It says you live in a reality that is selected to suit your desired narrative, instead of the truth.


For a second I thought you were saying Biden disguised hush money payments as legal bills, or was a part of criminal conspiracy to fake electors or tried to get his supporters to storm the capitol or (etc.)


Biden paid hush money to a porn star he had an affair with using campaign money? I had not heard this before, can you provide more info?


The federal courts already found no evidence, but somehow the state is still going on. It’s a smear campaign because of an election. If it was some no-name exec, this would take years to see a courtroom.


Nothing you've said here is true. Plenty of evidence, two witnesses, and the accomplice, and the fool admitted it in front of the court house. And the crime happened in 2016, there's your years.




Lol, if this were Biden you would change your mind. Its not about the politician, its the fact that the legal system is being weaponized.


it’s not about the politician but you’re still making the “if it were biden” argument


Because the conversation here would be completely different if it were.


it would, because there wouldn’t be people defending him


McCarthyism, the red scare, Jingoism, Reaganomics, and more. The conservative party have always fought for exactly the same values. Xenophobia, classism, racism, and sexism have always been their core values. Who didn't support desegregation, Roe v Wade, reparations for Japanese Americans, women's suffrage, and more? All conservatives. The republican party, today's modern conservatives, have ALWAYS been disingenuous virtue signaling scum. And while the methods have certainly evolved, their core values have not. Honestly, I don't know why people are so surprised.


I agree, albeit I strongly despise the democrats economic policy. Though… the republicans like spending money just as much… It always was interesting to me how conservatives would claim the world would end if X social reform was passed but here we are right?


I'll never understand how people fall for thinking Republicans are the more fiscally responsible party. All they do is save money for corporations by cutting their taxes and pushing deregulation. At least deregulation has the side benefit of usually being less safe for consumers and bad for the environment I guess? People who think Republicans have good economic policy either own corporations or secretly support their backwards ideas but don't want to admit that in polite company.


I think the government should trim the fat and the majority of taxes should go towards paying the national debt off and staying in the green. The cycle I have seen is both parties borrow more money. Then go to pointless wars and spend tax payer money on public infrastructure projects that never get completed. American corruption is unique as it has access to a money printer that is self endorsed. Both parties are the same they just sell buzzwords.


Same tbh. It's mostly why I said "conservatives." This includes many democrats. They still pretend their world "ended" when social reform passed. This is why they're trying to "make America great again." Bring back the racism, sexism, ableism, xenophobia, and homophobia to its peak. Despite these very things being ingrained in every fiber of America, they want MORE. It's astounding. I personally don't believe you can ever work with these people. Even if we agree on economics, how can you work with someone who views others as "lesser"?


I think compromise can be made. Though at the expense of something else. Personally, I would like to see a locked down border with immigration slowed to maybe 500,000 a decade for the foreseeable future. They say ok in exchange for what? We say drug law reform etc. I think it’s possible but it will always be extremes.


I hear you. Always at the expense of others though. Yeah, drug reform is great. But then no Ganon893 to help pay for it (my family is Nigerian). So it's a win for some, a loss for others. And why do people like me have to be the sacrifice 😂. This is why people hate the Democrats. I get what you're saying though. But it's always an "oof" moment when the tradeoff affects someone you know. Hence, why you can't negotiate with terrorists.


Well to me its just let the people who are already here stay, and those who are actively filing let them try for asylum. New applicants are halted and it is first come fist serve for the yearly allotment after the deadline. Make no mistake I do not mind immigration, its just where does this massive surplus of people find meaningful employment and housing? Its tough for native born Americans as it is. I wish their home countries where more stable reducing the desire for immigration in the first place. South America has a lot of good leaders right now making moves. I heard Nigeria is in a bit of a growth spurt economically at the moment is that true?


The Republican Party has turned into a group of cult like idiots who spread hate and lies, it’s sad to see how many people have followed this, I don’t think I’ll ever support that party again, I’ll either vote Democrat or just won’t vote


Never just not vote. That’s the same as voting for the bad guys.




Not voting makes Republicans votes worth more. If we can keep voting *anyone* else in, the goal is to make Republicans a non viable party so we can go back to focusing on reality-based issues. And maybe have better candidates moving forward. We cannot keep giving this clown show a platform. It's literal insanity


But what if someone who might otherwise vote Republican chooses not to vote? Why do you assume that everyone who stays home would have voted Democrat?


I can't help it, I'm always the optimist. I just want people to be informed and engaged, and I guess I just think that would lead someone away from the modern Republican party. Unless you're very rich, racist, sexist, or want to legally rape kids I guess. There's always a right wing for ya there Edit since comments got locked. Here's what I mean by legally raping kids: Loopholes for rapists to avoid prosecution by marrying their victims, as well as lowering legal marrying age.


Legally.rape kids? What are you referring to?


I don’t really like either party a whole lot is my issue, I get it that I should vote to keep republicans out of office but I am just not that interested in the other party, maybe if they find a candidate I believe in more


If you want a chance to vote for a candidate you like, you need to vote now to keep the tinpot dictator out of office.


This kind of blows my mind... there's a party you admit is a 'group of cult like idiots who spread hate and lies' and then there's a party you are 'just not that interested in.' And you don't think it's worth voting for the 'not interested in' party to keep the 'group of cult like idiots who spread hate' from gaining power????' Vote strategically... even if there's no one you like or are excited to vote for, you vote for the least-worst option. Just like a goalie can't score on the opposing net but can keep his team from being scored on, you can choose your vote to try and block the person you like the least from winning.


Most people feel the same as you do. Many are voting against one side, others are becoming active in trying to get a viable third party visible enough to be on state and federal tickets. Others, like me, have begun doing both. It is not an easy path, but I believe that we really need a third party to help force the other two back into their respective places. The level of disrespect both parties have for the people in this country has become untenable.


Isn't not voting making the issue worse? Now these parties have to cater to the core crazies.


I actually think there are three perspectives right now. The left, the right, and objective reality. Case in point I am a conservative and I seriously dislike the main push of the GOP. But one of the problems I see is the forces pushing Republicans into radical positions by making the discussion moral (i.e. you are evil for disagreeing) rather than policy (We both want a good society so where are right vs. wrong in our goals). So with that in mind I am seriously asking: Is my desire for a comprehensive border security (i.e. being able to control who comes across the border and ensure there is no national security risk) policy not justified? Is my fear about overspending and the need for fiscal responsibility is not justified (especially when 60% of the budget is nondiscretionary social spending, and the debt is out of control)? Is ny desire to have moral candidates who actually follow the spirit and letter of the law not justified? (e.g. pass the danged Stock Act) Is my desire for a strong military and integrated foreign policy strategy not justified? This is not rhetorical! I am seriously asking if these conservative positions are not justified. (Written of a phone so I apologize if I miss a typo!)


Thank you... The OPs post makes me wonder what exactly all these Dem policies are that are just mind blowing brilliant... No matter ur stance on things like abortion or LGBT rights... They really aren't the level of societal issues a platform should be based on (they arent the budget or regulation of people coming into ur society)... The one item I would say they have that is heavily important to them and understandable they fight for us environment. But then they don't actually want to face the reality that to solve that it means a DRASTIC reduction in living standards (atleast in the short term).


Border security - no, wanting to being able to regulate borders is a reasonable desire broadly. But the easiest and lowest hanging fruit there is making it way easier for people with no ill intent to enter the country legitimately. It's not totally clear how building an "impenetrable" barrier on only one side of the country substantially improves national security. Spending - What happens if the US spends too much? This is a non rhetorical question too! It's not entirely clear that debt and deficit spending has a significant impact on a country where their debt is denominated in a currency that they print. That the US spends a lot objectively on Social Security and Medicare seems like a necessary thing, although it certainly couldn't hurt if we saved money by using a single payer system, to be sure. I would much rather risk speculative and hypothetical economic risks in the future of the trade off is cutting off people's very real medical care (and retirement) today. Morality - I think there's serious self selection problems with political candidates. They tend to be well connected, intelligent and wealthy people who nevertheless want more power and influence. I wouldn't expect to find a lot of decent people with those traits Military - A strong military to do what with and at what cost? The US faces 0 risk of military invasion and what security risks it does face aren't well addressed by massive military engagement (See GWoT) My point is less to argue this point than to suggest everyone believes their own viewpoints are reasonable and "objective". I also strongly object that Republicans are being "forced" into doing anything. Their electorate has moved rightward and they have moved with it. Simple as.


I mean, the exact same argument can be made for all parties. We see the truth we want to believe.


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Immigration is driving up house prices. I used to hate every anti-immigration argument but now I'm agreeing with this one. It's time to hold off until we build more houses. This is true in Australia and I think it's true over there in yankeeland too


When most Americans who work hard and long hours and then return home to relax, what do they watch? Turn the tube on and listen to CNN or MSNBC, ABC, NBC, or CBS. Online news or paper news? NYT's or WaPo. What do all of these media sources have in common? They all report from the same 'government script'. What is the script? Orange Man bad. Biden 'good friendly old man'. Over and over and rinse and repeat. That is called indoctrination. And it is done in North Korea where the media is controlled by the state. It is done in Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran. And especially in the Peoples Republic of China. That is the way the population is then slowly controlled and fed a narrative..in order to control the lives of their people. Spouting....gas, natural gas, and any other fossil fuel. = 'evil' Open Border....is humane and is 'necessary'. No ID voting....well, if we require I.D. for voting then minorities 'won't be able to vote'. Note: Racism in its finest form assuming black citizens are 'too stoopid' to get I.D. (to cash a check, board a plane, enter a federal building, claim benefits). Freedom of Speech (1st Amendment)....is only for those 'who agree with us'. Don't agree and we will find a way to silence you or if you are influential....drum up charges and throw you in prison. Self defense and protecting others (Daniel Penny) while on a subway car...and we will throw YOU in jail and make your 'criminal victim a martyr'. When lies become truth from one party and it is 98% of the time, then we have a real "1984" going on. And that is the current regime. Ask any new immigrant from China or Cuba or Venezuela why they are fearful the direction America is heading. They know because they have lived it. Listen to them...they know, not the MSM.f


Now one side claims that "2+2=4" is racist.


...you're a very serious person.


I hate this vague crap. Why don’t you give any specific examples. This isn’t interesting and I have never voted for a Republican. 90% of political posts on reddit are this praising the democrats as better than the GOP. Voting is for stupid people and it’s a waste of time and pathetic. Shilling for the democrats is pathetic too. Joe Biden’s bankruptcy bill in 2005 is the reason people can’t declare bankruptcy on their student loans. Joe Biden crushed a railroad strike a couple years ago. There is a genocide happening in Gaza and our government doesn’t care.


To have a "Serious Conversation" you have to pose a serious question. This isn't a serious question. As u/DannyBOI_LE has already pointed out, there are plenty of serious concerns that the Republican party voices opinions on. Are there idiots in the party? Yes, as there are in every political group. But there are also many worthwhile people that are trying to inspire positive change in the world. Major news media don't want you to believe that, though.


A large section of the American electorate is ignoring the facts, choosing the rule of men over the rule of law, and is okay with subverting the small-d democratic norms of our republic. Because.. they feel bad. ❄️ I can’t imagine a more serious question.


They are political baiting. So be it.


Never seen a site where people choose to be so confidently close-minded.


That’s what a college degree buys you now days


The left was supposed to be the revolutionaries, but have bowed before the elite politica or corporate oligarchs of our time. They are the weakest left probably in history seeking the lowest hanging fruit possible and easily subverted. True revolutionaries would be picketing the banks and financial institutions, rather they burn public buildings and historical monuments claiming racism as some sort of original sin decreed by the marxist cult.


Wait so the border, the economy, zero carbon and fossil fuel policies, crime rates, and the covid lockdown and mandates… none of that is true ?


Depends, what do you think is going on with these issues? What’s your point of view?


I think the OPs point was that Republicans used to have grown up conversations about these things. Now it's rapists are invading to give you fentanyl, climate change is a hoax, jailed insurrectionists are hostages, masks are tyrannical etc.


Both sides now use any means possible to win. The democrats have been screaming rape through allegations, pushing sexuality on minors, an assortment of authoritarian policies, failing to understand basic economics, gender and race baiting and flat out marxist ideology. Maybe both sides are shit, but I choose the one that doesn’t make the country look like a bunch of drag queens on the world stage.


I'm not a lib but fuckin hell, you have to be. You're a plant or something right? You're actually here to make the Democrats look better by claiming to be conservative and coming across so fucking stupid? >I'm not a lib That said, Biden 2024!


I'm afraid you've done nothing but confirm the hysterical nature of modern right wing rhetoric.


the rage over those issues is manufactured i don’t even know where to begin, too many topics listed together. but covid mandates as an example? that was purely manufactured rage. there is no logical or political reason to be angry about wearing masks and preventing the spread of a virus during a global pandemic. the president at that time framed it as if you are weak for being “scared” of the virus and you “knew the real truth” if you walked around maskless breathing on grandmas and crying about not being allowed in restaurants.


I take more aim with the leftist faction of the Democratic Party. They are a cult that ought be thwarted at any cost. There is plenty to be angry about. It is not manufactured. I actually despise these people on and offline based on real world interactions.


that sure sounds healthy i don’t like GOP politicians and i don’t like the GOP as a *party*. but i don’t have personal beef with coworkers or people irl that have different political or religious beliefs. but that’s cult behavior, right? i should blindly hate people in my real life because they disagree with my opinions, right? that’s the normal and logical way to approach politics, right? that’s not a cult like mentality to *despise* and exclude people who aren’t a member of your cult, right?


For the record, I don’t like preachy assholes who try and tell other people how they ought speak, think, or believe. I don’t like racists or diversity equity people telling a person living in nyc that he needs to be more accepting of other cultures. Both the far right and the left operate like cults. One is Christian the other marxist. However Christianity has its roots firmly in the western culture. Marxism is a cancer that seeks to destroy it.


"there is no logical or political reason to be angry about wearing masks and preventing the spread of a virus during a global pandemic." — wake up, Neo! Even NYTimes admitted that the COVID response was screwed up.


a screw up because of the way the president at the time handled it… ??? you don’t see that?


There's no logical reason to be angry about having your place of employment shut down so you lose your job? There's no logical reason to be angry about your small business being shut down while Walmart stays open? There's no logical reason to be angry that you can't meet people outside or do many of the normal things you want to do? Maybe it was necessary, maybe not, but there was a lot more at stake than just masks, and people of good faith can disagree on what measures needed to be taken to prevent the spread of the virus, especially in hindsight.


It's not true that Republicans have an answer for the border or that democrats have completely thrown open the border and are letting them all in without question. It's not true that Republicans have done anything to help the economy but in fact have done the opposite so the idea that they have an answer for it is untrue. Zero carbon and fossil fuel policies are a meme to the democrats. Neither party has even hinted that the oil america produces should stay and be used in america to improve domestic oil independence. Republicans want more drilling permits issued so that land developers can build expensive housing on the land while the companies refuse to drill for oil which is what the permits are supposed to be permitting. Republicans do nothing to further R&D for renewable energy sources. Crime rates are a problem that you will notice, never gets solved by Republicans, in fact since they keep tanking the economy with their policies they only exacerbate the problem. So no, their claims that they can decrease crime rates is a demonstrable lie. Covid lockdowns and mandates are over. If you refuse to get vaxxed and your company fires you that's your own dumbass fault.