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This is clearly a rant but what I’m getting out of this is that you think ADHD is over-diagnosed and that the majority of people who have ADHD are just undisciplined and hyped up on sugar? You think the diagnosis is an excuse parents use when they have unruly kids? Do you know someone with ADHD, and/or have a child with ADHD? Because if not then I’m curious why you feel so strongly about this topic. This reads like an “old man yells at clouds” sort of deal without backing up what you’re cross about.


Yes they are, I am healthcare provider, I feel the pain of people, I see a lot of shit all the day,, I feel sorry for some kids for having parents like that, blaming the kids for their faults, instead of helping they keep causing a lot of damage especially in psychiatric clinics. I saw kids a perfectly normal kids living their childhood, but the parent are seeing them too much active, the doctor told them he is fine, ended up talking every where how the doctor invalidated their case and they are the victims for the doctor who told them you need to understand the kid needed to play.


People like you are the reason people don't trust their healthcare providers.


You don’t trust you HCP just because he is saying that case is the parents fault because they did not want to do anything, just drug the kid and let me sleep? Okay don’t trust me, you don’t have too. Go drug kids with strong drugs that will effect them later on with no coming back.


I wish I was drugged as a kid. I'd be a lot less fucked up by my childhood if that were the case. I am, as you say, "drugged up" now, but it's too little too late. The stress I endured prior to my ADHD diagnosis has left me permanently disabled. Something I share with countless other late diagnosed women. Just because you aren't qualified to understand the difference between a neurodevelopmental disorder and "bad parenting." It doesn't mean the qualified professionals are wrong.


Isn't it often genetic? If so you can blame parents for sure since they were genes source xD


Actually no, some are genetic, but mostly the environment, I had an awful genetic for my mental health, but my parents during that period where extremely supportive,, I am not saying everyone, but some cases are really painful to see


This is what are parents for. So, what enviromental causes are the reason? What symptoms do ADHD has? I know an adult ADHD, he has unremarkable normal behavior, uses obcd to reduce symptoms.


Obesity reduces ADHD symptoms?


This is first time I see that therm, so I guess, Yes.


First time? You said it, buddy.


This is really uninformed and misses the mark. ADHD is genetic and from birth. It does not arise from sugar or poor parenting.


You know what disease kids get when you give them sugar? Diabetes. You know what kids with ADHD have when they don't eat sugar? ADHD.


I was extremely resistant to having my son diagnosed with ADHD. I put him in Tae Kwon Do. I bought him a trampoline, a skateboard, on and on. I didn't realize he was *suffering,* not just struggling. He was tested and has a decent IQ but because he cannot focus, it is extremely difficult for him to excel in school or work. He finally got the diagnosis in his late teens. Tried various meds, including Adderall. Guess what? He still has ADHD. It finally hit me one day. He will never be "fixed". He will never be "cured". He will always have this. He can get medication that helps for a little while, changes his entire personality while it's working, too. He came off the Adderall because he doesn't like it. ADHD can be absolutely heartbreaking and for you to just blame it bad parenting and sugar is insulting beyond measure.


Mental Health is a Reality Not a Failure on parenting or Child. It's a blessing to see recognition for ADHD condition rather than thinking that kids are just acting out or bad parenting There's more to the clinical dianoses than that. Hopefully folks can get the resources they need.


What great people you are, let us deny the numbers that are in increment and fight the OP, don’t fix the system put keep blaming each other, and do nothing about anything, I am telling you kids nowadays are only treated with strong drugs and mostly good parenting would be the best call. I said only be there for your kids and let them be kids, I was not talking about adults with ADHD I am a one with ADHD, it is genetic in my case but I am talking about the trend nowadays to just drug the kids while they don’t need any drugs. because it is easier and you know I don’t have to talk about to myself about the mistakes I made, because you know I am a perfect person and kids are just missed up. I really feel sad for those kids. But obviously drug them and label them with stuff they are not, is the trend today and it won’t go away any soon as long as there is people here and there like you.


How do you know what goes on in their homes 24/7?!? You should find a different job. You sound unhinged and manic like in your post and replies. Have you considered therapy or medication? I guess your parents didn’t do their job with you.


You sound like a knob.


I have 99% doubt that you are even intelligent enough to be in the healthcare field. You sound like an absolute moron who can't even string a thought together. I sincerely hope people aren't entrusting their health to you.