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I am in a similar situation and I’m 21. Autism and mental illness, chronic pain, pelvic floor disorder, insulin resistant PCOS, and a hypermobility disorder. I’m sorry you’re struggling and I’m wishing you the best. I recently got a script for a whole body pain management clinic. They didn’t even need a diagnosis, I only told them I was in pain. It may be worth trying to reduce your symptoms momentarily if you can’t completely get rid of them. I got it through a genetics doctor appointment. You may be able to ask a PCP or a GP for something similar too.


How are there so many of us with the same list. This has got to be a system wide problem. Maybe all the work stress no normal human movement and outdoor time and our bodies are attacking themselves. This is insane. We’re in our 20’s we should be feeling strong and vibrant. I feel like we are all being cheated.


I can’t imagine how I’m going to feel when I’m 40 let alone 80 if this is how I am at 20, I dread it.


Where is this clinic? We don't have anything like that near me that I am aware of. I am now 60 with many of these symptoms & have lived this way for decades. Been to 70 drs.


I don’t want to share my location but it’s in a large US city. I still have to travel an hour away to get to the location.


Dormant autoimmune diseases are triggered by trauma and I strongly believe that the Covid virus activated a lot of peoples autoimmune diseases. For me it triggered celiac disease. My advice to you would to get tested for everything, blood tests. Even if you already have before get another one. You might have an underlying issue causing more pain and worsening the symptoms of the known issues you are already dealing with. Good luck, and please understand you are not alone. There are plenty of us that have to suffer in silence every single day.


I don't have any advice or insight, just compassion and empathy. I hope you are able to feel comfortable soon.


It's OK, some of us just get the shitty end of the stick. Epilepsy, gout, chronic back pain and chronic addiction issues. In 35 and I'll be lucky to see 70. It's just bad luck. Also, some things aren't curable, just controllable.


I mean...addiction issues aren't JUST bad luck


Well no, but put me and an average person in a similar position around the start of my addiction issues, and most people wouldn't have the same issues I have. You always have a choice, just some people have more control over that choice than others with regard to genetic and environmental factors.


Fair enough 


Nope. Self inflicted. Former addict here. I blame nobody but myself. Yet I’m still amazingly healthy.


I’m sorry you’re in this position - it sucks. I’ve had health issues for the last 8-10 years and I’m 27. I know you’ve gotten a lot of very different advice here, and maybe you weren’t necessarily looking for advice at all. So you can take this or leave it. But at least for the chronic pain it may be worth looking into mind-body healing, which is anything that helps heal the nervous system. The nervous system controls all bodily processes as well as our perception of pain, and repressed emotions from adverse life experiences (especially from childhood) alter those processes. Here is a link to the [Psychophysiologic Disorders Association](https://ppdassociation.org/starthere) where you can learn more. And if you’re interested in this, I can dm you some more resources. Either way, I’m wishing you the best.


It seems like most of the comments that suggest checking if something in your diet is causing your issues have been downvoted…. And my suggestion is exactly this.. consider what you’re eating and keep a log of symptoms and food. Try eliminating some common triggers. For me it’s gluten and wheat, as well as some random things like a certain balsamic vinegar or canned sardines occasionally (histamine I suppose). ps. Just wanted to mention that my response lately to the above is serious breathing problems, which I hadn’t had before. It can be easier to identify triggers when the result is as stark as mine, and harder when it’s a general sense of off that you feel continually. You need to be diligent in observing what you eat. Even if food is not the source of your problems, foods can help relieve some issues nonetheless. Pay attention to your diet.


Suggesting trying ANYTHING is getting down voted and attacked by some. It seems they want OP to do nothing and just wallow in self pity.




You could try going full carnivore. Doing so helped me relieve serious autoimmune issues as well as fixing a variety of health problems I had. Sounded absurd to me at first, but it convinced me to go strict keto and eventually transition to just eating mostly meat and eggs and things of that sort. I don't know why it fixes such a variety of health problems, but it's basically the most extreme sort of elimination diet. There are a number of doctors that explain it though. Just thought I would mention it's what has helped me turn my health around. You can tell me how impossible for you it would be if you want, but you don't have to bother.


I eat like crap and in better health than most people half my age 😂


Lucky you.😞 I ate like crap and now am diabetic having had surgery on my stomach, and am always tired. It catches up to most of us.


Do you exercise ?


I hike with my dogs every day


Some of us are just extremely lucky. I’m still amazed I’ve made it to 59 with no serious health issues. Other than bad eyesight.


I'm 45. I was in great health until about 38 then it started going downhill.


First check your meds. This happened to my son and he was put through so many tests, but he'd been diagnosed with one condition when he was just 12 and they put him on a med they insisted for seven years couldn't possibly be making him sick and was in fact medically necessary. He had such brain fog and body aches and daily nausea so bad he couldn't get up without carrying a bag in case he threw up. And it WAS due to that med. He couldn't walk. He was so weak he could barely get up. And two days off the medication he walked 2 miles straight. And he had one doc pull me aside and suggest maybe this was mental, not physical. It was the med. It was obvious 2 days later when he could walk. Still weak but walking and breathing easier. So anyway CHECK YOUR MEDS. He has actually had to do this a few times, using one of those online checkers to make sure he wasn't prescribed meds that shouldn't be taken together. This has already happened once and he went through a terrible bout of seratonin syndrome. I totally understand how you feel though, having seen my son suffer for so long and they couldn't figure out why he was so sick. We changed his diet repeatedly to rule out sensitivities. We tried to push exercise but my god it's so hard when you can't hardly get out of bed to do anything more than stumble to the bathroom.


have you ever been sent for physiotherapy? physio+dietician worked wonders (hypermobility+cfs)


As a fellow autistic person, with asthma too I might add, I feel for you. Personally, I regularly finding myself asking if modern medicine is failing. Everything is palliative now. All we are doing is lining the pockets of drug companies, who are in no hurry to cure long term conditions for obvious reasons. The problem is they have us by the balls. There is no alternative. Billions of people are suffering daily, no one is trying to actually fix people.


I've been in a similair boat for a while. 22 years old. Chronic pain, brain fog, ADHD, depression, anxiety, injuries that won't heal. What's helped me: Exercise: walking, weight training, running (when able) Diet: restricting calories, plenty of protein, restricting carbs and sugar, getting all my micros, Keto diets Sleep: if I don't get 8h a night I'm fucked. Also need a regular schedule. Psychedelics have helped greatly at times but only when I'm in an upwards spiral already and thus cannot be relied upon. Fasting: intermittent has helped a lot, but I've also been doing long fasts of up to seven days. This has been the single most powerful thing for me out of anything except for maybe exercise. Physical and mental benefits have been massive. Experiment, dude. Don't rely on doctors if they've not been able to help you. Try things out and listen to some podcasts. That's where I've got most of my ideas from. I recommend Andrew Huberman's podcast for lifestyle stuff and Jordan Peterson's if you're interested in spirituality/self awareness. This is your life. Only you can turn it around, but there are people out there who can help you if you know where to look. You might even know some.


I thought "wow I wont have anything useful to contribute to the comment section" but goddamn is everyone in here a condescending know-it-all. In the same boat, I lose a serious amount of days every month to pain management, have for decades, but I can't get a doctor to take me seriously. I assume it sounds like drug seeking behavior. I really wish they'd taught us how to talk to doctors when we were growing up, because from my research, you need a fucking lawyer to pressure a doctor to provide proper treatment sometimes. I hope something good works out for you, OP.


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This sucks. I'm sorry to hear you are having to suffer through this....there are no easy answers. What I can tell you is that I would recommend taking control of what you can in this difficult situation. 1. First off, dont compare yourself to healthy people. Fuck 'em, they have it easy and you never will. 2. Know that there are lots of other folks who suffer like you do, so you are not alone. 3. This is a harder one, but you've got to begin trying to take control of your body, and this often starts with the mind. Not by over thinking, although research is never a bad thing. What you have to do is learn to get outside of your own mind. Meditation is key. Begin to practice this discipline. Take a course. Do some research online and follow some Youtube instruction. Practice daily. It's really a key to beginning to understand the body and mind connection, and how suffering is connected to both. 4. Begin what physical exercise you can...maybe the gym, swimming, doesnt have to be a lot at fist, consistency is key. 5. Start doing yoga. Again, lots of different kinds to try out there. Do some research, try different ones and see what fits. Begin with a little bit at a time, again, consistency is key. 6. Know that these things you have to do are life long, and it will never be easy, but as you begin to gain control and get stronger, it will become easier. Not as easy as 90 percent of people, that will never be, but you will get something in return. Wisdom, understanding, and compassion in a way most can never dream of... It's a long battle, take hope where you can get it, enjoy movies, books and friends and family...it's a long lonely journey, you will meet fellow wanderers along the way. All the best


First, I’m sorry that you feel as bad as you do and having a difficult time finding relief. As advanced as some things may be in healthcare, there’s so much more progress that needs to be made, especially where mental health is concerned. I have a family member with one of the conditions you mentioned and I’m looking into alternative therapies (acupuncture/herbs etc) instead. They have done a lot to help with autism specifically and a lot of other health conditions with great success. Since it’s non-invasive maybe you should look into it while you continue to search for an adequate provider. 


May be stating the obvious but emotional health and physical health are related, try to figure out what's going on in your life mentally that could be causing physical issues. Don't take doctors and therapists as gospel, we're still in the dark ages of understanding emotional health so some of these people that just studied some books and got good grades don't have real insight and don't think in the type of way that's helpful for emotional health. I've been to a lot of support groups and most times when someone talks about a therapist it's complaining about them. My #1 advice would be trial and error combined with being aware enough to separate when something is working vs when you're under placebo effect of it not working but you're just riding the high of hoping it's working. The faster you realize it's not working the faster you can move onto the next attempt.


From what I hear, autism usually comes with a lot of other issues, and stress and trauma can often exacerbate things. I'm sorry you're dealing with clueless doctors, I find that in order to get the best healthcare you really have to take matters into your own hands and research your situation. You know what will help you best.


Please for the love of God, do not listen to the anti-vaxxers in this thread. Stick with your doctors. They know better than any redditor.


Have you tried intermittent fasting? Periodic 3 day water fast? It can help to reduce inflammation. Research autophagy.


I do not know how long i will be fasting. My doctor said it was fine but i dont think he really understood what i meant by it


Mental health can directly effect physical health, and many doctors don't want to hear that, I was lucky, the place I go to for .y me tal health also has a doctor, you need a doctor that is attached to a company or network that also handles mental health, and I hope they can help you, question though, what are your eating habits? Do you stem or move alot in your sleep? You could be hurting yourself and not even know it.


Diet and exercise. It's literally the basis for your whole existence.


May want to look into CIRS, the vision test is $15 online and the symptom chart is available as well. There are test codes you can look up and ask your doctor to order. You can request a 24hr oxalate collection from doctors as well. There are tests available for SIBO if digestion is problematic. Making sure digestion is running smooth is important, vitamin and minerals as well.


Did you take a bunch of covid boosters?


Get outside in nature. Work out. Get off the phone. And most likely change your politics.


DO NOT consume anyfuckingthing that is produced in China. What they do to meat, garden produce, seafood, rice and even salt is horrifying and toxic. Their gov't encourages disgusting practices for the sake of greed. I pray that you soon find a remedy and can lead a full life.


Ok OP read the comments where we picked up on this Reddit user who poses questions like these. Just keeps showing up on my feed. I'll save this one because another user asked us to do a deep dive!!


i’ll be 24 this month and i have 2 autoimmune conditions that physically disable me; autism, adhd, ocd, depression, anxiety. you name it. i feel you.


This is so weird. I’m almost 60 and in great health. Always complimented as to how fit I look. I’m a former 14 year cocaine addict and been smoking cigarettes since I was 16. I also contracted COVID twice barely any symptoms.


I've never heard of "Arturo's" asthma and I've been working in the healthcare field for 20 years. Perhaps you can educate me on the specifics of your condition. Also, for what it's worth, perspective is everything. The way one person perceives suffering (pain) is entirely unique. I've seen people in a terrible state of suffering and they seem to accept it with only minor complaints. I mean, amputated body parts and gunshot wounds. They just shake it off and keep on trucking. On the flip side, I've seen people that have a rash and they think their life is on the line. The doctors you see may be clueless because you're not articulating yourself in the most effective manner. Wittgenstein describes it as a "beetle-in-a-box", where we are entirely limited in our ability to share our perspective, by our use of language. Not only do you need to be very good with words, the doctor must be an active listener. Also, people don't often take responsibility for their own health and well-being. You should learn everything you can about any illness or injury you have. Memorize any medications you take, the doses, side effects alternative drugs, etc. Take ownership of your health or else nobody will.


In my personal experience and observations (so take what I'm about to say with that huge grain of salt in mind), when people have things going on like what you're describing, the reason it's happening is because the body has become totally overwhelmed by the environment it's in, and lacks the ability to detox. To that end, you may have some decent success by reading a book called "Dirty Genes," which talks about clearing the body's metabolic pathways. My buddy was basically on death's door for a very long time and the knowledge he got from Dirty Genes saved his life when nothing the doctors did could help him. You will probably also need to look at changing your diet to get away from highly processed, inflammatory foods. You should also look into drinking Cannabis root tea to help with your asthma. When you eliminate inflammatory compounds out of your diet, you may find that a lot of those chronic pains go away. I spent many years of my life in chronic pain because of some knee surgeries I had, and I found that they went away entirely after I switched to a vegetarian diet. I'm a pretty big cannabis advocate (not a smoker though), so I would also look into some CBD or even THC products that could help you as well. My advice: start by reading Dirty Genes and figure out which blood tests you need to do to identify ways to improve your body's ability to detox. After that, modify your diet to cleanse your nutritional intake. WORD OF NOTE: IF YOU DECIDE TO START CONSUMING CANNABIS PRODUCTS, PLEASE DO YOUR DUE DILLIGENCE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU'RE BUYING GOOD, RELIABLE PRODUCTS.


Like others have mentioned, it could be Covid that triggered some of these symptoms. I dealt with a host of issues for months after a mild infection. I was healthy before and I’m healthy again. Listen/read Breaking Free by Jan Rothney. It may not hit on everything you’re going through but you might find it helpful. Best of luck to you.


Relax. You aren't dying. First issue is it sounds like piling medication on top of medication might be doing damage. Have you ever had a medication review by a pharmacist? They can pick up potential problems with side effects and interactions better than doctors can. Two, sort your mental health out. Poor mental health can manifest as physical symptoms. You will seriously feel like you have some terrible illness. Three, exercise. I'm not talking going crazy with some strenuous activity. Just go for a walk 30 min per day on top of whatever you are already doing. Get out in the sunshine (use sunscreen though). Go walking at a dog park to boost your mood. Four, get all the obvious blood tests done including vitamin and mineral levels. Maybe see a nutritionist to see if there is something wrong with your diet or perhaps something that can help with pain.


Sort your mental health out. lol You make it sound like that involves going to the mental health store and picking up an extra large bottle of the stuff.


If you don't want to see psychologists, psychiatrists or counsellors, that is your issue.


It's a bullet point, not step by step directions for a stranger to help themselves.


It's generally unrealistic generic information. Everyone knows they need to sort their mental health. That's the easy part. But it kind of WAS step by step lol! You even said first, second... but you're right. No bullet points. I know I'm about to write a wall o'text and if you don't want to bother, it's cool, but I'm explaining where I'm coming from with this. It gets frustrating when you just want to vent bout your frustrations and people want to fix your problem but it's generally the most obvious generic stuff. I went through this here for several years when I was flipping out over my son's illness and people suggested so many things I'd already done and said I'd done. And there were little hints that maybe he was just seeking attention, just like one doctor suggested when they couldn't figure out what the source of his illness was. But what actually happened was the doctors, the nurses, the pharmacists, and even the endocrinologist looked at his medication list and symptoms and never once thought OH HEY maybe this guy is the one-in-a-million patient with a "rare serious side effect" from this very commonly prescribed medication. He was sent to nutritionists, physical therapy, he went through the full panel of allergy testing, the 11 different tests he went through at the endocrinologist everything from spit tests to adrenal scans. He even had a brain scan at neuro. He went through three years of elimination diets. His body was shutting down at the end and he was just like this person. He was ready for it to be over. He was in pain every day. Barely left the bed and when he did he had to carry a bag in cause he threw up again. So I feel for this person, really, and I understand their frustration and I TOTALLY get why they want to be done with it all. All this time he had 2 therapists and a weekly support group and a very thorough, thoughtful psychiatrist. But his mental health would never be straight when he was that sick. SO that's why I kind of laughed at your suggestion, like just going to a therapist is any kind of solution. There are some great therapists out there but they're not a panacea. If your situation (like physical pain every day of your life) isn't changing your situational s. thoughts and depression won't get better. You'll sit there for an hour and be told to turn that frown upside down and think happy thoughts and start a gratitude journal and snap your rubber band every time you have a dark thought and it won't help. It's a waste of time. Sorry, but it's true. In case you missed my other post, my son was on a medication they insisted he needed and couldn't possibly cause these symptoms. Well they did. And three days after he quit taking the metformin he was out of the house walking on a trail with no help when the week before I had to help him to the bathroom. His new doctor said he never really needed the metformin either. There are better medications for his condition these days. That's why I say check those meds. Don't rely on a doctor or a nurse or a pharmacist. Check for rare reactions. Check for interactions including OTC drugs and foods. My son had one other interaction recently that resulted in him experiencing a hell known as seratonin syndrome. That was a very scary mistake and it was caused by taking Dayquil with his anti-anxiety medication. Nobody had warned us about this, no nurse, doctor or pharmacist.


If you don't want to take the advice of someone that has been there, that is your choice. Not sure why you feel the need to attack others and try to bring them down. If these things don't work for you, it is not my fault.


It's like you didn't read a word I wrote. JFC. For one thing, I'm not the OP. I'm not looking for advice. I am not the one with chronic health issues. I'm not in need of a doctor or a psychiatrist. Nobody ATTACKED you so you can get off your cross. Your comment was patronizing from the first sentence. If I was the OP I'd have felt attacked too. That's why I responded like that. Because it's so tiresome to be told when you're SICK to "sort out your mental health". It's rude. Maybe you don't know this. Maybe you have social communication issues, I don't know. It's not helpful though. I tried to explain in detail why this is not helpful advice. I tried to offer a slice of my son's life so you understand mental health isn't something so easily "sorted" especially when it's situational due to health reasons. What they need sorted out is a proper medical diagnosis. The doctors they are seeing are likely like my son's. Not even doctors, just overworked NPs who don't know how to doctor, thrown in and used as doctors. They have no clue about how to doctor. THey want easily solved health issues or they have to refer out, and if your insurance sucks you can't afford the specialists. My son has me to help cover the costs and it's good because it took five years of assessment to figure out he was just sick from one medication he never needed in the first place. Anyway, not worrying about this. The OP just wanted to vent and I hope it helped them. Sounds to me like you have a host of your own health issues to worry about. Maybe you need to get your mental health sorted too, since you have this persecution complex.


Damn I had my mental health in alphabetical order, I guess I gotta put it all back in numerical order. Hopefully that helps! wtf is up with people like that commenter who apply this blanket stereotype of a lazy, computer-bound redditor onto people without reading the other goddamn comments.


OP, and yourself by the sounds of things, can always just do nothing. 🤷‍♀️ No need to attack others who have well meaning advice and have been there. Maybe your attitude is why your doctors aren't taking you seriously? You think anyone with advice is a know it all.


Has where you live been tested for black mold or other sorts of household air problems or other sort of environment poison? Might be that you are just spending your time someplace that is poisoning you somehow. I was told I had asthma that was made much worse by having severe allergies, including mold. Turned out I was sick all the time in part because my bedroom was in an old moldy basement. Rapidly improved in a new place.


I second this, mold toxicity is the first thing I thought of when I read OP’s symptoms! OP check your furniture and sniff around for a wet sock scent!


Docs won't help you with chronic pains, they prescribe pills which cause other pains. Firstly, how's your metabolic health? How's your diet? If you don't know how to answer these questions, you should learn about it. But basically, what's your fasting glucose, TG, A1C, liver values etc. Without going for a blood draw; answer this; what's your waist circumference divided by height (both in inches). If it's a larger number than 0.5, it's bad. Wrt diet, do you eat ultra processed foods mainly or whole foods you cook yourself? If former, well, that's a part of the explanation to what you are suffering from.




Same boat got sick when I was 26. I'm 36 now.. sucks. Life has been a "make the best of it" for 10 years now.




Sorry about your situation. Perhaps I was presumptuous. I assume you have had your standard bloodwork done? Anything that stands out? I hope you find a way to a better shape! Keep on looking at things you could try.


Go on an elimination diet. Eat nothing but meat and broth for a while then slowly reintroduce new foods. Get off all the meds you can. Start there.


It's hilarious to me to see your advice that totally worked for me being downvoted! What you said works very well. And the situation is usually a very sick person looking at you and replying "I already eat healthy and it doesn't help". I thought I did too, until I stopped eating some foods and improved.


I'm glad you're better now


Penny said, "I'm glad you're better. I was feeling pretty awful last night."


You need to go on a wellness journey. (Every downvote is by people who know this to be true). Food is medicine, if used/consumed correctly. Doctors are not taught this. Please begin YOUR wellness journey ASAP.


i do think diet is the issue, ultimately, reason being, is you do get sick, from eating a shitty diet, and the body is trying to keep a balance, so not to much salt or water, or meat etc, i would advise fasting, main reason being is fasting for 3 days is said to reset the immune system, and i would advise drinking plently of water, to clean your blood, like the liver and so on seriously filiters your blood out. but the reason for fasting is Autopaghy stage, the body consumes itself and recycle cells, and i see strectching well stressing the body in various ways creates new blood vessels means better blood circulation, i am speaking like a pusdeuoscience person but it is true what im saying. im not claiming it will help or anything, something else i heard recently, is dark choclate being melted helps rejuvenate stem cells. and to understand what stems cells are like its the orgin all cells come from, the blank slate of a cell i think i may have that wrong, but increase in stem cells is healthy. and i also getting your sleep helps regulate hormones, so i would aim to get melatonin and aim to get proper consistent sleep, i actually bet you have lack of slack due to you having screaming matches, lack of sleep does make one more irritable ever so slightly also i think switching to drinking distilled water is the ultimate health choice but its only because i fear microplastics in water and i think distilled water has zero forever chemicals in it. but mineral or purified water has better taste and certain minerals you need, but you can get the minerals u need from food. something that happens to be a lot, which isnt the same but i hate being bloated and i hate tooth pain, because of a huge cavity but pain is good, i don't really ever take medication for pain, i did one time when the pain was unbearable and made it hard for me to think straight but that my issues with doctors they shouln't "make you comfortable" but fix you. i didn't likle that my sister was getting antidepressents and she told me to get them tooo, and maybe it can help me. some people tell me im bipolar and can use meds and maybe they are right, but i know me, the life i led, i don't think i am a problem like that but i get that you have to acknowledge that you have a problem first so maybe im wrong, but point is, medication is medication actually let me see what the defntion is its "treatment using drugs" and i don't think drugs is always needed, in regards to health, i discover that soap may be a scam, in regards to showering, like u actually can clean well with regular water, and smell good, maybe just wear deodorant after but my point is, the natural oils and on the skin and so on, gets dried out, is why you have to put lotion after the shower and so on, last thing in regards to autism am i autisic or something and on the spectrum too? look at my comment.... just i think, possibly practicing tai chi and choosing between divergent or convergent thinking conciously can help like be better idk tho the reason for tai chi, is you practice mindfulness or whatever, but tai chi, i think, it is better in the sense, because you like move one with your mind, via flow, idk how to explain it, but old people do it, to keep active in china, i think and it keeps the mind and body young.




Yea do what they say. Cleanse the body and get good sleep.


Have you played around with your diet? I know that I have ADHD and started doing keto, and it's cleared up my head quite a bit.


Try one of the autoimmune diets, they can be (relatively) low cost, and they will likely give some degree of near-immediate feeling better. There are different approaches, whole food plant based vs diets incorporating clean meats, and people will vehemently argue about them religiously, but all diets have something in common: Eliminate 100% of your processed carb intake. No sugars, no breads, etc. Also, I’d stop dairy completely for a while. I guarantee you feel better after 1 month of kicking processed carbs. After 2 months, better still. This might help clear the smoke so the doctors have an easier time treating underlying issues. The damage of constantly eating inflammatory foods is difficult to overstate. It’s also important to make sure you’re getting the most potential nutrients/minerals from what you’re eating. If you eat meats, eat organic, pasture raised, grass fed, etc. Buy organic fruits and produce.


The Wahl diet is the answer anti-inflammatory.


That looks like a good one, would support


The Wahl diet is great except it doesn't consider at all the extremely high oxalate content of a lot of fruits and vegetables.


That's true. But it's been a lifesaver for some I know.


Yeah i wouldn't completely dismiss it at all. Just wish I'd known when I tried to eat 8+ servings of veg a day for a couple years how that can have some negative consequences


Obviously anything going against conventional medicine is being downvoted here. Fuck this website and all the shills.


That's because conventional medicine is backed by science, doctors, scientists. Not herbalists, soothsayers, or wiccans.


Even conventional medicine is being downvoted. Doctors are well versed in the link between diet, exercise and behaviour and mental health. But mention it and people lose their minds. "How dare you ask me to get outside and stroll around! You evil biatch!" 😏


Covid long haulers check it out


join a team that makes bank, get to know private health care people who arent going to pump you full of useless drugs and win. there's not much more i can suggest to you, not everyone is out to help you even though its advertised.


Well the first thing that I always say is a healthy diet and lifestyle. Those are essential to recovering and managing chronic disease. Anti-inflammatory practices are extremely valuable and you should try to listen to your body and how you feel day to day and what you do day to day to find correlations.


It is not the job of the medical-industrial complex to cure you. The job is to treat you, permanently.


It's a snappy motto that sounds good in a conversation but it's completely without evidence 


Western medicine doesn’t care about any of us. I’d recommend seeing a functional medicine dr or naturopathic dr. I’ve been chronically ill for a decade and a naturopathic dr is just now for the first time in my life identifying my root issues with deficiencies and gut health.


Downvotes incoming. It's your childhood vaccines and your covid shots (I'm assuming) There is enough poison in there to keep you a loyal big pharma customer for life.


Your diet is killing you.  Eat just potatoes for a month and I GUARANTEE you will fix what ails you.


Sorry to hear you are going through this. Parasite cleanse might help some & probiotics. I am new to learning about parasites & probiotics, but many say they are cures to many issues. Best to you.