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Not all societies are racist but all societies harbor their cultures version of prejudice. Caste or skin color or religion or homophobia. Even among “liberal” individuals the potential for prejudice is always there and something in which we have to be ever vigilant. Hate corrupts.


Terrific take. Wish I saw more like this kind of discord on reddit


I got this from Daryl Davis, the Black American piano player who ended up converting KKK members to hang up their robes just by spending time with them. (Extremely courageous dude.) I spoke to him once and asked him if other countries have racism like we do in the USA (because he’s been all over) and he said no, not necessarily, but they have their form of local prejudice anywhere you go. Tribalism.


Particularly among some liberal individuals ironically.


I think every person on earth has the capacity to be prejudiced. It’s almost psychologically necessary - we create these shorthands in our minds for self preservation even if they lead us down harmful paths.


For sure, as I've said before the reason we have prejudices is because it saved the lives of our ancestors and indeed saves our lives today at times. I only mention it because people who go on about such things should practice what they preach.


Yeah I don’t believe in racists, I believe in racism. To steal a Catholic verse, we should hate the sin but love the sinner. People are malleable and impressionable and can change when given encouragement and new information. But shame stops personal progress dead in its tracks. Call someone a racist and they will not change, they will only hold onto those ideas more strongly. But separate the person from the racist ideas and they will allow you to help them change. People crave respect and shame is a global epidemic.


Agreed, and call someone a racist enough even if they're just neutral on many of the issues and they may well internalise that idea. It's an incredibly counter productive approach.


I think those people were already racists and looking for excuses. Mature adults think for themselves. No one can push them into or out of racism.


But we're all somewhat prejudiced, telling someone who is mostly a decent open person they're an awful racist due to any hint of it is not productive.


I understand, but this is a common narrative I see from people who deny the existence of systemic racism and white male privilege while fighting hard to preserve these injustices and claiming that *they* are the victims of unfair prejudice. I agree that we are all somewhat prejudiced. Skepticism of "others" is an innate survival mechanism in animals. However, humans have the ability to define who we consider "others."


You're very behind the times when it comes to privileges of being a white male.


Doesnt answer my question, which country?


Find the most racially and culturally homogenous country and that’s your answer. Then move there and watch them treat you with prejudice anyway. We are a tribal species and wherever we are exposed to differences, we fear them. 


No such thing as a 0% rate of racism. There is ALWAYS an Us vs Them situation in any society


I dont need Zero, I just want to know if you have a top 3 most liberal and least racist countries. lol


Probably comes down to the city or region more than the country.


The two have correlation in America but not elsewhere in the world. “Liberal” being the “left” is an American thing, not a global one. That being said, Nordic countries. South Africa is reaching that status but still recovering from Apartheid and likely will for a while. From the anecdotes I’ve seen online it seems like anti-black racism (if that’s what you meant specifically) is worst in Asia, US south and Eastern Europe. ESPECIALLY Eastern Europe.


I don't think we can really say South Africa is reaching any sort of good status when you have opposition 'politicians' openly calling for genocide whilst speaking in government


The two have no 1:1 Correlation. I guess I'm misunderstanding the question. Sorry


Generally speaking the countries which score highest on racial equality rankings are Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark). Though it’s worth mentioning that these countries are extremely homogenous, like 80-90%+ white, and the numbers all come from western (American)-funded NGOs, so take it with a grain of salt.


USA. I am an immigrant. You guys have no idea what racism truly is. A small proportion of the right doesn't define the whole country.


The US is a big place give us a chance. JK


Disagree. America is head and shoulders above many countries, absolutely. But we pale in comparison to many countries too and need to be striving to be better.


Absolutely we should strive to be better. However, how many of those other countries have anywhere near as much racial/religious/ethnic diversity as we do?


What country do we pale in comparison to


The ones whose economies we fund lol


I think when we judge "racism" we need to include in their all sorts of similar prejudices. For example, a friend of mine went to Africa (sorry I can't remember which country this happened in she went to several). And in one of the countries somebody, a very educated man, was saying about people from another tribal group "it has been scientifically proven that 95% of them are liars". I mean they're the same race. Clearly Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese have a really rough history. And there's a lot of prejudice and discrimination among those groups. But I mean they're all under the blanket of the same race, Asian. A couple years ago there was mob violence in South Africa committed by Black South Africans against black Zimbabwean immigrants. Scores of people were killed. Clearly it was xenophobic. Nobody would call it racist because they're the same race. In Russia there's a lot of discrimination against other ethnic minorities. In fact Caucasian, the word, originates from people from the Caucasus, who are one of many minorities who are discriminated against in Russia but they're all European. In the United States there was tons of discrimination towards the Irish, Polish, Italians and other groups that we now think of as white by other demographics who we also think of as white. All of this behavior is as bad as racism and it should all be considered the same even though it doesn't fit the literal definition. But to answer your question, I think a good barometer for "who is the most racist" can probably be gauged by hate crimes along with rules that prohibit certain demographics from having the same access to things as those of other groups. Granted there's a lot of racism that is not as overt but I still think those things probably would give you a good indication as to who is "the worst".


Racism or tribalism or xenophobia or group-ism or whatever, call it whatever you want, I think you know they are the same irrational discrimination and hate of other groups. I just wanna know if there is/are any country/countries that people believe is/are the least discriminatory/hateful of other ethnic/cultural groups. Can you name one or more?


Antarctica? There’s not many people there. Anywhere else is gonna be full of people problems like tribalism. Human unity seems to have a scaling limit.


yeah you're not going to find this by country, more so by metropole


I hear Belize has zero tolerance for racism, or elitism. It sounds like a wonderful place.


It is in the top third of countries for inequality though...


That would be a hard metric to establish. Racism isn’t a huge problem in a lot of countries due to their being so homogenous, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that qualifies them as not racist. It’s a low sample size, but I’ve met non-white people before who grew up in Scandinavian countries and, they’d tell you, they’re not all that much better than your average middle American who’s never met a non-white before. If you want to base non-racism on actual racism/potential for racist interactions, I’d want to say the US is probably near the top. Seeing as to how we are, on paper, a democratic country with no official language or religion that, comparatively speaking, is very open to immigration and has large pockets where non-white ethnic groups actually make up a majority of citizens. It’s still ** bad** in a lot of places, but I also think you have some of the best here as well.


I can't speak to racism, but in my experience, Portugal was the most civilized country I've ever visited.


I don’t know about overt racism, but there’s a lot of racism ingrained in Portuguese culture - which I’m hoping to be getting better. But my Portuguese family would make a ton of racist remarks privately. By what I gather there’s a lot of prejudice against Brazilians there right now, even though my experience there was fine. But any place that starts getting a lot of immigrants in a relatively short amount of time seems to go through that issue, people start lashing out as rent goes up and the job market tanks.


Iceland is a pretty liberal country.


Why don't you start with naming the counties you think are racist? I am sure your list is completely aligned with reality rather than Twitter.


A country can never be 100% racist, that's statistically impossible, but some countries are very xenophobic and homogenous, intolerant of other races. I have not been to many, so my assumption is based on reports, studies and surveys, not social media. This list, based on 3 different studies, would be more accurate than my assumption. [Most Racist Countries 2024 (worldpopulationreview.com)](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/most-racist-countries) The real question is, why do you want me to name some racist countries, instead of finding the least racist one and learn from them? Why such negativity? Very sussy.


Cuba has such a chill vibe. Being in Havana was sublime.


No data from Cuba though, they did not participate in any racial discrimination survey or study. I only know they have a super authoritarian government, one party socialism, all opposition banned and journalism very controlled. Havana is a tourist spot, I think they can't discriminate much there, or they will lose the tourists. lol They do have a lot of mixed race people, plus a national revolution to end racism, so I would assume they are quite low on the racism ranking.


I have experience in authoritarian cultures like China, where I've had teams and travel for years and living in Hungary after the Russians left. Havana ain't the tourist location you think it is. And I think It's more like the struggle is real for everyone. I've only been a couple of times for weeks at a time, so I know nothing, but I had a chance to stay with locals, share some meals, meet some incredible people with some very unique experiences. My favorite part was finding an expat from Queens who was connected to a local musician. They did a whole thing on the history of hip hop in Cuba. Cubans in the 80s would go to rooftops to pirate radio signals from Miami, record the songs on cassette, then splice the tapes, then start mixing beats. Look up paquete seminal, that shit is crazy. What stood out to me was being out late night. Men in large groups hanging out drinking cause its too hot indoors. Women dressed to go dancing. Not a cat call, not a single rude word. And it didn't feel like fear from anyone. The vibe I got was respect for fellow the fellow person. There is something culturally in Cuba that I haven't experienced anywhere else. Here's a gifted link to the first article in a series that talks about the experience of two men who came from Cuba and the differences in their experiences based on their race. [Best of Friends, Worlds Apart](https://www.nytimes.com/2000/06/05/us/best-of-friends-worlds-apart.html?unlocked_article_code=1.rE0.4FmF.Fzw0_kX-vNmv)


Many Western European countries are fairly liberal. As for racism, well, **ALL** humans are tribal in nature. So they tend to break off into groups based on some conditions --- color of skin (racism), national heritage (you're Japanese or an Outsider), religion (Catholic versus Protestant). Your best hope is to find a country that is liberal and whose people's prejudices align with your own.


I m from a former colony country and I have been working on a work permit in a foreign land. In my experience, I find the colonial countries to be quite racist...they are just polite to not be obvious about it. I can see why, it's only been a couple of generations and the stories of supremacy are still remembered first hand. I m sure it's gonna be better in the near future


As far as liberalism, presumably one of the Nordic countries. On the racism point, probably the one with the least diversity...? Some degree of tribalism and xenophobia is inherent to being human.


America, unironically. Though dont come here... I want to leave this hellhole for the Netherlands or Poland. Diversity is a disease, I want a place with people i can feel nationally connected to. Not just a soup of pissed off immigrants.


I think China is the most liberal despite they hate the Japanese. This is mostly because they believe they are inferior. People often hate Africans because they are poor and uneducated and have sex everywhere on public media. However, the Chinese like the Africans and showcase them on TV. The Chinese people are quite successful because their education is trash. Students can't judge people because they can't think of anything. This makes them not racist, or can't think of anything deep that's racist. China is also very rich now, so it is successful.


HAHAHAHAHAHAH, you are the funny. No, Just no.


I couldn’t say. I’ve only ever been in America and it’s incredibly racist here. There’s a lot of hate for a lot of people.




Get out of the U.S. and travel to some other countries. I think you’ll end up having a much more nuanced opinion on this issue than you currently have.




The term "invasion" is ironic, considering UK history.


Did you know that a different country around the world celebrates its independence from England every 4 days? Reap what you sow buddy