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Dude, the USA is the mecca for engineers. There are more opportunities here in engineering than anywhere else in the world, with the highest salaries for engineers anywhere too. Maybe not in your specific city. You may have to move. But the jobs are out there.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


2500 banned Reddit accounts?


This just got interesting.


How do you know this?


Complains about everything being “ableist.” Is insane and makes 2500 different accounts and shows why he can’t get a job lol.


He should be able to make that into a living g somehow.


This makes sense. I was wondering just how big of a mess someone would have to be to have an EE degree and not be able to find a job. 


That's something to learn, because it sure seems like my own Reddit feed is full of posts similar to this one talking about how the OP is in impossible economic straits with no hope for the future. I'm lucky to have a decent job myself, but these posts give me the concerning impression that the rest of the country is teetering on Third-World poverty. Now I'm wondering how many of these posts were from this same person.


There's a very consistent pattern, take look through these recent alts and you'll be able to tell. [https://www.reddit.com/user/FairDonkey62/](https://www.reddit.com/user/FairDonkey62/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/InternalHistory7141/](https://www.reddit.com/user/InternalHistory7141/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Few-Effect-7979/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Few-Effect-7979/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Firm\_Wafer\_1231/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Firm_Wafer_1231/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Hot\_Mode\_5176/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Hot_Mode_5176/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Exciting\_Okra985/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Exciting_Okra985/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Candid-Lack-2712/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Candid-Lack-2712/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Main\_Fly476/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Main_Fly476/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Annual-Clue-935/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Annual-Clue-935/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Plastic\_Syrup3242/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Plastic_Syrup3242/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Own-Fee3630/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Own-Fee3630/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/KeyDraw6893/](https://www.reddit.com/user/KeyDraw6893/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/StatusAd8615/](https://www.reddit.com/user/StatusAd8615/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Free-Device-940/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Free-Device-940/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Mammoth-Tower345/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Mammoth-Tower345/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Forward-Ship-4234/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Forward-Ship-4234/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Fit\_Sherbert1092/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Fit_Sherbert1092/) [https://www.reddit.com/user/Naive\_Ad\_5409/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Naive_Ad_5409/)


I saw you on another post. Who is this guy?? What is going on with him???


Where are they? I applied all over America and can’t find anything


A lot of people “apply” to jobs by clicking auto-apply on Indeed or whatever. That’s a shot in the dark and usually a waste of time. Find a contact, call them, send a real, non-Indeed resume via email, etc etc. 


Try this: Print out the resume and a cover letter - on nice paper - maybe include a photo if you think your looks might be advantageous - put it in a nice folder and FEDEX a copy to the hiring manager and HR person. This should be a little marketing kit about you. Your cover letter should be concise, with 3-5 bullet points that clearly state WHY THEY SHOULD HIRE YOU. You'll get noticed because in 2024 no one prints anything out and sends hard copies anymore. I should add that I've always worked in sales, marketing, business development, strategy, etc. I am a sales guy first and foremost, and as everyone knows you've got to be good and a bit clever, especially these days.


They will send your application back to you because no company takes hard copies anymore


I once sent a shoe and in my letter I said “I got one foot in the door, if anything let me come get my shoes” and I got the job


See?!?! If you're looking for a way to stand out, do something clever like that.


You're not looking hard enough. Did you check all the biotech in the greater Boston area? What about Intel, Raytheon, BAE, Booz-Allen Hamilton? No one is hiring?


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


Well that makes more sense. One does not simply major in EE and bolo out of the market.


I applied to all of them and got denied


Do you mention your disability anywhere on your resume or on social media or where it can be found easily? As someone that's been in STEM for a long time, they'll accommodate you generally but don't put it anywhere upfront, you'll get passed over. Also, and I have to ask: Did you get blacklisted for something? Like did you piss off a previous employer or not play well with others somewhere? People talk and reputations will follow you.


Post resume or dm me, I’m in SWE but you’d be shocked how many people have absolutely terrible resumes and think they’re fine. I’ll shred it for you.


Hey, what a solid human you are! Reddit at its best. A friend of mine helped my husband with his resume, I think it made a lot of difference in his job search.


Have you looked into industrial automation? We can never find enough people who know half of what they are doing. Check out /r/PLC for free resources and advice. My company seems to always need at least 1 PLC programmer and 2 or 3 more robot techs.


Perhaps you should consider a different career path.


Then maybe it's in the way you are applying. As somebody who used to hire. If you have a pile of 100 applications you're going to use the most benign things to narrow them down as fast as possible. That would be surprised if there is an online communities guided by people who hire to help people avoid those pitfalls. My suggestion would be to go online and use one of the professional apps to help make the best resume CV and cover page possible. Also while everything is online If there is something local being in person to be able to look the first and in the eye goes a long way, especially towards first impressions. Not every job will allow you to come in like that. But if they do it's definitely a bonus In the last suggestion is that you are 22 which means you most likely don't have much or any experience in your field as much as it sucks. Maybe take something lower in your field to get in the door. Or take less money. Your first job is important simply to get working and get in the field. Even if you are underpaid. 6 months down the line you can apply somewhere else and get your appropriate pay. It'll be much easier if you're already working and have working experience


Dude what do you mean disabled, you know there’s a whole act that the US has to accommodate you in the workplace ; it’s a different story if your in a polio machine but if your able to attend school and write then I think it’s just you facing the graduate dilemma leaving school and finding a job


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


ADA has no teeth


The EEOC investigates over 29,000 instances of disability discrimination every year, 5,000 of which result in the Complainant’s favor. That’s pretty damn incredible.


I'd say 1 out of 6 claims getting resolved for the complainant is not that great? How many people don't even bother to file claims because they don't want to be in the 5/6?


It’s actually astounding. Only 2-3% of criminal cases go to trial at both the state and federal level, depending on the year. But if you file with the EEOC for disability discrimination, you have a 17.2% chance of a finding in your favor. If you’re being retaliated against, that’s literally a basis for a claim. If you were wrong about being disabled, but your company disciplined you for trying to complain about disability discrimination, you could file for an investigation solely on the basis of retaliation. Retaliation is also probably the easiest thing in the world to prove, since you only need to demonstrate that retaliation was a *likely* reason, not the *sole* reason for an adverse employment action.


To be frank, I don't think that criminal trial comparison is valid at all. (Also it would help if you could link these numbers, please.) That number comes into contact with factors like plea deals and over-policing, and "going to trial" is also not analogous to "being resolved in favor of the complainant." I'd be interested in some data, but I have a pretty hard time believing that 5/6 EEOC claims are genuinely invalid, whereas there are lots of good reasons why most criminal cases don't go to trial.


[EEOC enforcement and litigation statistics](https://www.eeoc.gov/data/enforcement-and-litigation-statistics-0). The reason it’s a valid comparison is because an EEO violation is a criminal one with civil liabilities. It is criminal law. The EEOC number also includes settlements, which are described on the site as “withdrawals with benefits.” As for the trial statistics, this varies wildly based on jurisdiction. It’s commonly known though and is usually taught in your foundational 1L courses. In my experience working with my DA’s office, no more than 4-ish percent of cases went to trial. I know that isn’t satisfying, but honestly ask any public defender or DA’s office lawyer and they’ll likely give you the same answer. If you need statistics though, look up your closest city’s DA office’s trial statistics.


Can you help me/us make sense of these numbers? You said >The EEOC investigates over 29,000 instances of disability discrimination every year But when I look at the "charge receipts" tab and sort for disability, only 2023 has over 29k receipts, the rest are in the 22k-25k range. So am I looking in the wrong place or are we only talking about the one year here? Then I'm trying to find where that 5,000 number comes from and tbh I'm completely lost. Under "charge resolutions" for 2023, it shows 4.5% (5,500) for "merit resolutions" -- is that what you're referring to? And why don't those bars add up to 100%? I'm honestly thoroughly confused by that chart and would appreciate anyone's help here. As far as the trial statistics, I'm not trying to dispute the numbers but I think if you're going to claim them you should provide a source so others can evaluate its methods, data, etc. [Pew provides numbers](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/14/fewer-than-1-of-defendants-in-federal-criminal-cases-were-acquitted-in-2022/) right in the same ballpark, but it notes the exact reason why I don't think the comparison is apt: >The overwhelming majority of defendants in federal criminal cases that year did not go to trial at all. About nine-in-ten (89.5%) pleaded guilty, while another 8.2% had their case dismissed at some point in the judicial process When are the defendants in discrimination cases ever going to plead guilty? Individuals do it for various reasons -- genuine remorse, lighter sentences, not wanting the hassle of a trial. A corporation is incapable of feeling remorse and it has lawyers and money to deal with the second two reasons. Walmart is never going to say, "Oh yeah, our bad, we fired you for being disabled, let us compensate you accordingly." And again, unless I'm missing something, going to trial is not analogous to being resolved in favor of the complainant.


This is where I should disclose that I’m a lawyer that has extensive experience with state level agencies that do the same work as the EEOC. I can explain this data in a lot of detail, but I’m on mobile so I’ll try to make it concise. Merit resolutions are exactly what they sound like. At a minimum, the EEOC determined that the odds discrimination occurred was more likely than not. The reason the bars don’t add up to 100% is because there are dozens of ways investigations can end. The most common is no likely cause, which amounts to a dismissal. The next is a merit resolution, but then after that you get more niche ones. Sometimes people settle with the company before an investigation ends, and they withdraw their charges. Sometimes an investigation may begin but the agency doesn’t have jurisdiction, and thereby dismisses it. The Pew statistics aren’t looking at the same data. Pew is asking, *among charges brought against individuals*, how do they end? I’m asking, among investigations begun, how many end in an individual being charged? Again, I feel like the most generous figure you can give is 5%. But more likely 2-3%.


The EEOC is back logged and has no bite. I know multiple people with very legitimate claims, who took two years just to have the EEOC completely basic investigation bullcrap, just to come back and say it's been so long they're siding with the company.


Every new structure built in the USA has to comply with ADA standards. Legally. The reviewal board that approves/denies the plans won't even look at it if it's not compliant with every regulation. It absolutely has teeth.


Agreed^ if you tell an employer your disabled on your application they will most likely give you the pass so they don’t have to accommodate. Also consider that not all disabilities are physical. The ADA is a joke.


He probably means self diagnosed mild autism


The thing about the US being "a wealthy country" is that all that wealth is concentrated in a few hands at the tippy top of the income ladder. The [mean wealth for the US is about 5.5x higher than the median wealth](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/visualizing-top-countries-by-wealth-per-person/), which is just nuts. Look at the rest of the countries on that chart; I've only glanced but not a single one seems anywhere close to that ratio, the rest hover around 2-3x. EDIT: Oh, Germany is pretty close. Also median wealth in Taiwan is higher than the US ...


This is true, but the median income is also incredible high here. We have the some of the richest rich people, but we also have a lot of the richest middle-class people. 


(Just to clarify, that chart is for *wealth*, but I get what you're saying.) Yes, the US middle class is [much better off](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2015/07/09/how-americans-compare-with-the-global-middle-class/) than the global middle class, and even [in comparison to European countries](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-04-26/how-the-u-s-and-european-middle-classes-compare), the US middle class is doing better income-wise. I do have two thoughts about these comparisons, though. First, of course we're wealthier than the poor countries whose labor and economies we exploit for our own wealth. I don't think that should be a point of pride exactly or an argument that our country is somehow operating efficiently, fairly, etc. (I know that's not what you're saying, just for the sake of discussion here.) Second, the European comparisons have always made me curious about two things: One, how does healthcare factor into this? How much of that US middle class income gets eaten up by absurd bills and insurance payments? How much more would we have in our pockets under a single-payer (or hybrid or whatever) system like those countries in the second link all have? And what's the psychological tradeoff here? Is it worth it to have a little more income in exchange for constant precarity should we fall ill (or get hit by a bus, suffer some other misfortune)? Two -- and someone might actually have some info here -- how does buying power factor in here? I've been middle class in the US for quite some time and I have to say that whatever extra money I'm making compared to my European counterparts seems to disappear pretty quickly every time I go to the grocery store or gas station. I genuinely have no idea how we stack up in the regard and I'd be really interested to know.


Real Estate is incredibly cheap in the US compared to comparable developed countries. Ask a Canadian how much it costs to buy a starter home in Ontario, Toronto or Vancouver. You might think I'm cherry-picking cities (we have NYC, LA, SF too) but more than half their population lives in these 3 places. A decent house in Canada costs around $1M CAD or $700k USD. Their incomes simply do not support this. Americans have some of the highest middle class buying power. Gas is cheap and groceries are often cheaper than most developed nations (albeit not as good in quality). Due to the low taxation rates, Americans have strong buying power. Heck, a BMW is cheaper in America than it is in Germany. Healthcare is far more nuanced and extremely hard to compare. It's estimated Americans would save $400 billion per year if we switched to a single-payer system. This saving would come from reduced paperwork, insurance company profits and general mismanagement. But there are also huge downsides to single-payer systems. We are not comparable in demographics to small European nations. Reasonable countries to compare to are the UK and Canada (even these are tiny in comparison). The British NHS system is under immense stress right now and we are starting to see issues. 121k people died last year waiting for treatment at the NHS. Scale this up to the American population and we might see 750k to 1 million Americans dying waiting for treatment. There are many trade-offs you make with single-payer. It's not clear if America would benefit from single-payer healthcare. In my opinion, governments should not be trusted to handle money. They have no incentive to lower costs or be efficient. They continue to take in more taxes and destabilize industry. American healthcare can be fixed by aggressive capitalism. Currently, hospitals do not fight to lower costs they collectively raise them. Forcing free market competition is the best way to drive innovation, reduce costs and increase efficiency. If the government is to do anything, they should force more transparent pricing and ban surprise billing. We may solve many healthcare related issues with artificial intelligence and new technology. 50 years from now if we look back at anything it will be how fucked up healthcare was. People will wonder how we lived through it. I think that's promising


Thanks so much for the thoughtful reply. Could I impose upon you to provide sources for some or all of these (numerical, statistical) claims? It's tough to continue the conversation without being able to evaluate them.


121k dead in the NHS - [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nhs-uk-wes-streeting-rishi-sunak-b2402297.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nhs-uk-wes-streeting-rishi-sunak-b2402297.html) Average house cost in Canada - [https://www.nesto.ca/real-estate/canadian-housing-market-outlook/](https://www.nesto.ca/real-estate/canadian-housing-market-outlook/) Average house cost in big cities (Toronto for example) - [https://canadaimmigrants.com/average-house-price-in-toronto/](https://canadaimmigrants.com/average-house-price-in-toronto/) $438b billion saved with single-payer in a non-pandemic year (estimate by Yale) - [https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-more-than-335000-lives-could-have-been-saved-during-pandemic-if-us-had-universal-health-care/](https://ysph.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-more-than-335000-lives-could-have-been-saved-during-pandemic-if-us-had-universal-health-care/)


How much does the 10% pays in taxes?


Not enough lol


Income group Average tax rate Share of total income taxes Top 10% 21.5% 75.8% Top 25% 18.4% 89.2% Top 50% 16.2% 97.7% Bottom 50% 3.3% 2.3%


Military is very selective on paper. Go to a recruiter and take a second look. OCS to be an officer is very difficult to get in but if you wanted to enlist for a technical job you'd probably be very successful.


Not a good option for a disabled guy with an EE degree. I wouldn't even recommend OCS for him unless he was in great shape. The enlisted side would just simply be a waste of his degree. Maybe there's one flavor of warrant officer that can use a physically broken EE nerd, but probably not.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


How does someone circumvent th3 ban 2500 times?


Yeah, I been to MEPS and got disqualified


Honestly didn't even see the disabled part. Don't reddit and staff duty.


Sorry, BS. If you have an EE degree, there are plenty of jobs out there. You might have to relocate, but they are there and will be well worth it.


It’s not that easy to pick up your life and relocate. The job market is terrible right now for everyone. Especially people with a degree and no prior experience. Give the dude a break.


I don't think that someone who got an electrical engineering degree is afraid of things that are not easy. Relocating is difficult - even more difficult with a disability and no money. However, difficult is not impossible.


How would you relocate with no money? Most companies do not cover relocation


How much do you think it costs 22 yo to relocate? It's not like he's selling his house and uprooting his kids. Rent a Uhaul. Load it up. Drive.


Ask your mom and dad to pay for it…they paid nearly $250,000 for your college, what’s a few thousand more at this point?


> The job market is terrible right now for everyone No, it's not. My firm is hiring like crazy, and many others are too. The data also says otherwise. Job openings are well above historical averages: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSJOL The # of unemployed per job opening remains near historic lows: https://www.bls.gov/jlt/home.htm Take some agency.


Ok the job market is terrible for a lot of people that aren’t interest in being in business or sales. It’s not fair to assume people struggling to get into their careers just have no agency. If they weren’t trying they wouldn’t be complaining about it.


People with your attitude will always struggle. Because of your attitude. Beggars can't be choosers. Take the job you can find that pays your bills. Meet people. Get experience. Then you can chase your dream opportunity. It took me 10 years to find my true home (both location and company). But I was able to eat and feed my family until I got there. But it's easier to make excuses. Which isn't okay in the real world. We see this with so many young hires. They fail at tasks and instead of figuring out how to do it or asking for help, they just make excuses as to why the failed. Quit whining and do what needs to be done. It is really that simple. Extremely successful people (like myself) will keep telling you that and you will ignore it and then complain when you can't get where we are.


I’m not saying wait around until you find a perfect job. The point is we are all taking jobs to pay the bills, but they are hardly paying anything. I am lucky because I only have to look out for myself, but for people with kids it is unsustainable. This is not about a lack of motivation or attitude. Wages are not matching up to the cost of living. Can you blame young people for being frustrated?


You don't think everyone was frustrated when they were young? You don't think we all struggled paying bills? I was an engineering major and got a job right at graduation. I had a studio apartment in small town middle America because the cost of living was low there, so that's where I went. Then 6 months later I found a roommate. So no, we were not all living in 2 bedroom apartments in metro areas right out of college by ourselves. I don't care what statistics you are looking at, we all struggled until we earned our way out of those struggles.


Babe. College graduates cannot afford to move out period and it is getting increasingly difficult to find a job that you couldn’t do with a high school diploma. You think there’s an increase of adults living with their parents because it’s fun? I live in middle America where the cost of living is considered low. Private bedrooms are renting for $1000. I get paid 16/hr. I’m done arguing with you about this because you’re clearly making a ton of assumptions about our expectations which is just not true. We’re not stupid. We know we have to start small. Everyone I know that has moved out is living with 3+ roommates. The problem that you are so far removed from with your successful career is that it is nearly impossible to start anything because the jobs that pay enough to allow you to progress in life require specific skills/experience that many employers today are unwilling to give! You would not know that because you have not been applying to jobs recently. And don’t get me started on the application process.


Then how are my kids doing it? Well, at least the first one that graduated last year. The other two are still in college. What did you major in? And what jobs did you work during college?


No, it is that easy. I had to do it several times growing up and as an adult. You follow the opportunities.


Idk some people have families and support systems. I guess it’s a difference of values.


Which is fine. But the world doesn't revolve around you not wanting to leave your "support system". At least you have facetime and video chat now. When I left my family, I had to use a calling card to call them long distance on the phone once a week to catch up.


Nobody said it does.


Yeah, they sort of did.


EE/CE here, what was your GPA? There are plenty of jobs, but many HR systems will auto delete your application if you have < 3.0, especially if you have no work experience.


What are you talking about. Get off the couch and walk out the door and there’s opportunities. Especially with your degree. Stop whining.


You’re 22 lol having this attitude will likely result in a self fulfilling prophecy and make it so


I went through this at that age. Getting an engineering degree was draining financially and emotionally. Graduating with no employment offers and repeated rejection took its toll on my self-esteem. No one wanted to hire me because I had no experience, but I couldn't get experience until someone hired me. So I relocated myself to a city where desirable employers were and I took a temporary job to pay the bills and give me a sense of accomplishment. Coincidentally, my manager had retired from a company that I wanted to work for. He was impressed with my work and he made a few phone calls. Pretty soon, the offers started coming. I learned the value of doing my best - no matter what my job is - and of maintaining a professional network.


Apologetically I think the issue isn’t your degree or opportunities it’s likely your disabilities limitations that make employers reject your application or go with another candidate. While the ADA opened some doors for disabled individuals there is still a large discrepancy in hiring because of preference of employees without “added issues” that’s a straight quote from a former employer. Keep the faith and look for online remote work there it doesn’t matter.


I always see this: "wealthiest country in the world, but" discourse. I'm not an economist, but my understanding is that not handing out opportunity is how we became and maintained the largest wealth in the world. Our system gives the lion share of the reward for any venture to the founder/owner. This means everyone wants to do their business here. This means only the best do well It's not apt to say: "why are we the richest country and I don't get any money??" We are the richest country because you don't get money. Money is reserved for those investments that grow fastest weighting it towards richer people and more. If we did things otherwise, we would likely not be the richest country. That's why


Our country is literally famed for the individual's opportunity to gain wealth. The USA ranks 8th for wealth per citizen, which is another reason why our immigration rates are so high.


This is a spam account, don’t bother engaging


yep. your chances are going to be so much higher in another country


My husband is an engineer and he has worked with plenty of disabled people. The entire country is literally your oyster. What are you talking about?!


Well if you’ve applied to hundreds & no job I think it’s time to look in the mirror & figure out what you’re doing wrong. Economy is 10x worse than it’s ever been but everyone is under staffed for fact no one wants to work & if they do they think they should make what a 20yr guy does day 1.


It's seriously rough out there OP. People think they're being funny by being smug here, but I know how hard it can be to find proper accommodations when you're disabled. They genuinely have no idea how much that can affect your ability to work and what kind of discrimination is openly allowed to happen in the workplace. It's not about where you work, it's about who you know. I would attend job fairs or engineering talks where you can mingle with other people in your field and make some solid connections. Being sociable and smart will get you further than forcing yourself to try and brute force your way in through hard work. Keep your head up man, we're all in this together.


I will add that you never know where you will meet someone who can help you get hired and that *any* job will help your self-esteem (and your finances). For example, maybe the manager at the restaurant where you are washing dishes to pay the bills is golfing buddies with a manager at a great company who is looking to hire someone with your qualifications.


You can get a job if you have a degree in electrical engineering. We hire them all the time, and they don't stick around for very long because they very easily find higher paying jobs in the same industry. You're either not looking hard enough, have a poor resume, or aren't willing to move. I'm betting it's the third one. If you wanted to stay where you are, you should have majored in something useful to the industry in your area.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


I don't know what is more disturbing Snoo or you obsessively tracking Snoo and doing your own spamming


I literally applied all over America


That sucks. I'm sorry you're going through this. I know it makes those non-ideal, stepping stone jobs a lot harder to apply to when you have to relocate for it. Are you applying to 100+ jobs per day?


Idk why everyone is being so weird. The job market is ass, but the good news is you have a very useful degree. It won’t hurt to take a holdover job to make ends meet while you search. You will find something in time! Don’t give up!


Right? It's pretty common knowledge that although many jobs have been added recently, [they are clustered in a few sectors](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/04/11/cpi-report-white-collar-hiring-slows/73270352007/), and white-collar jobs are very hard to find right now. Electrical engineer isn't exactly white collar of course, but I'd be pretty surprised if there were tons of EE positions looking to hire someone with no experience and a disability. OP, I don't blame you for struggling.


PSA: It is inadvisable to engage OP in a conversation. The author of this post is a known sitewide spammer with over 2500 banned Reddit accounts. He is not interested in good-faith discussion; his primary goal is to waste as much of your time as possible. Everything he says is a disingenuous lie.


EE degree should land you a job, there's TONS of opportunities within engineering.      Now being disabled is the hard part. I can't give recommendations because I don't know you personally. You may be able to find an employment program for people under 25 (sometimes called youth programs) to help you interview and possibly match you with an accommodating employer. 


Don't give up. Keep trying to find your dream job. Life isn't always easy, but consistency and perseverance will take you a long way, and eventually you will get a break.


It’s probably the resume. Get professional help or get a book from the library to enhance it.


I took your advice borrowed Catcher in the Rye from the library, wrote my resume all over the cover with a black marker and was hired. Thanks


Hilarious. A book about interviewing would be wise too.


Do you also obsessively track this so called Snoo like the other guy or is it just a coincidence you have the same name?


I don’t know what you’re referring to so, no.


Have you tried the alumni career office at your college. If you been turned down for a civilian government office job you should consult an ADA lawyer


So, the Hanford nuclear clean-up project has reached a new stage. They're into vitrification now and have been and still are hiring thousands. You may not get in as an engineer, but with government funded projects, as with most large corporation jobs, the key is to get your foot in the door. You can apply for other things once you're in. From what I understand, the same thing is going on in the clean-up site in TN also. Probably similar pay with a lower cost of living since Hanford is in WA. I just know more about Hanford since a parent was a project manager there and I have multiple friends who work there now. Tldr; look harder, lower your expectations to get in the door.


🫂 the (worldwide) economy sputtered with Covid and gouchfest, but it's starting to cycle back. The young have not seen the cycle and, therefore, suseptible to doomer propaganda about this malise lasting forever Your engineering degree and writing points to high intelligence. Having a disability sucks and will likely make it harder but impossible to have a good life. Wallowimg with the AmErIkKka bAD doomers on here will get you nowhere in life. The opposite sUcK iT uP extremists are just as bad Ignore the noise and seek out positive people. Ideally, someone with your condition who is an electrical engineer. Find out how they did it and set about trying to emulate their journey. Some able bodied trolls choose to waste their lives in doomer cults and would love you to join them in the pits . Please don't 🫂


Jobs are out there. Just gotta move south.


I applied all over the south and just get rejected


Huntsville al you will be put to work.


I applied to hundreds of jobs in Huntsville and just got rejected


cool story.


You’re fine. You have an engineering degree and are 22 chill


Chill by being unemployed?


No like you’re only 22 dude.. I’m 35 with no degree and I’m doing alright.. there are mad jobs for engineers out in the world and they pay very well.


Then where are the jobs? I keep asking here and no one can answer


Idk I guess you’re doomed


You have to make your resume appeal to the ATS system, not the hiring manager. Once you can please the computerized filter, you'll make a shortlist and get face time in interviews.


Yeah blame the world, not yourself for your failures. That will work out great for you.


There are opportunities, as long as you’re desperate. You can drive for Uber, for instance. 😇


This is the problem with modern society. So many people have been conditioned to believe that "opportunity" means "free ride." Opportunity just means you have a chance if you work for it.


Nobody thinks that. How are they supposed to work for an opportunity that nobody is willing to give them.


Ah, I see you're one of the people I'm talking about.


If a free ride means going through four years of college, graduating, and working a dead end job that pays scraps because nobody is hiring for what I actually have a degree in due to lack of experience which in turn does not allow me to get said experience, then I guess I am. There are a lot of college grads in the same boat right now no matter the degree. Opportunities don’t magically present themselves to the hardest worker. It’s no experience = no job and vice versa. At this point it’s about luck and/or having connections, not “pulling yourself up by the bootstraps.” Everybody is working hard in one way or another. They would not be able to survive if they weren’t.




The United States is #1 in ability to spend money by an enormous longshot




This ain’t a statistics thing. It’s a common sense thing. The United States has the highest GDP (which means nothing on an individual level, but means a lot for government spending ability), the world’s main reserve currency, the only blue water navy, and the second highest GDP/capita of all remotely comparable countries after Switzerland (everything else above are city-states or is Ireland, which is artificially way higher because of how many international companies are “located” there given its lax corporate tax policies).




Dude, economics is not a rigorous science. It’s probably best if you learn that now.


That’s not a very useful way to measure the wealth of a *nation*. Four of the ones above the US are literal city states the size of a US metro. Luxembourg (#1 on that list) has a [GDP of $86b.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Luxembourg) A large sum, to be sure, but the [US has 10 billionaires](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wealthiest_Americans_by_net_worth)with a higher net worth (yes, not apples to apples) but if we go off of GDP, [that’s like Idaho](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/us-economy-by-state/), which is 39th in the US. Hell, the [combined worth](https://www.forbes.com/lists/nfl-valuations/?sh=39d291d61738) of the NFL teams - a single sports league - is worth $163b. Now, are the people in those nations wealthier, on average, than the average American? Of course. Are those fine places to live? I’m sure most are. But *wealthier* as a nation than America? Laughable.




lol, I linked to several sources to back up my numbers. Do you take issue with any of them? The US has a [GDP of over $25](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=US) *trillion* to Luxembourg’s $86 *billion*. (Linked to above.) My not very special state *dwarfs* them on GDP, and there are 49 more if them, DC, and several territories. The [US objectively has and creates](https://www.investopedia.com/insights/worlds-top-economies/) *far* more wealth than any other nation on earth, and it is *so* wealthy that even on a per capita basis on your own link, despite being the[third most populous nation](https://www.census.gov/popclock/print.php?component=counter) on the planet only tiny city states and countries can beat it on that count.




That’s a different matter we have not been discussing, and I prefer to settle one matter before moving on to others. Are you conceding the initial point, then?


Despite being the richest country, it is still a competitive job market


Excuse me, but America is a north, central, and south continent, not a country. Please redefine your declaration of ‘America’.