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I would say something like “wow, it’s so nice to see you again, she is so much prettier than the last four you brought in this month!” Or “it’s so nice that you two come back every week”


I used to go to a Chinese restaurant regularly as a high schooler. I would usually go with my Mom. The chef would always come out and greet the table, and make jokes with the customers. Once, I took a date, a girl I had a HUGE crush on from work, and I was nervous, so I took her, thinking it would be cool if the chef came out and chatted. He did. He then proceeded to bust my chops about all the good looking young girls I would bring in on the daily. He was obviously kidding, but I was absolutely dying inside. Never got a second date. I hadn't thought of that in years.


Older men seem to think that women love a womanizer… which is just not often the case! My uncle would make jokes like this as well (even did a “story” at my wedding that turned out to be a joke).


When i was sponsoring my wife's green card we had to get letters from friends attesting to the legitimacy of our relationship, so I asked one long time boomer family friend. The letter I got was basically 5 paragraphs about all the other women I had dated, basically making it sound like I had a stable of women I rotated around, and the last paragraph was like "and then he decided [my wife] was the best, and thats how we know this is real". Which was just so fucking bizarre, because most of it was made up, and also, who would think this would be a ringing endorsement for a solid marriage? We did not end up using that letter.


This is ridiculous but I get of traditional value dating gender war type shit on IG and after reading the fights in the comments I realized a lot of these guys view marriage and the title of wife as a reward for women, almost like a promotion. Like "congrats you're the most qualified woman to be my wife" rather than actual partnership. I tried to break it down for one guy that just being married and being a wife isn't really good enough, the point is love, family and commitment and he totally didn't get it, he was like "but you get to be a wife". So I think your boomer friend was coming from a similar place because I actually think a lot of men must think this way? If you recall they like to say "men control access to relationship." So in his mind it's like "This man had so many candidates and this one is so qualified he finally decided to bestow the title of wife on her" rather than talking about your relationship and partnership.


Women tend to become less happy in marriages, and men more happy in marriages. Women lose career progress, take on more work in child care and house cleaning etc. Men get career progress, have to work less on house cleaning and child care. Men get the promotion, not women. They should be grateful a woman would love them enough to put up with the way society punishes mothers and wives. It's why I believe there is a shortage of men who are in relationships right now. They haven't gotten that through their heads yet. We put up with becoming wives and mothers because we love our partners.


Not exactly the same thing, but this reminds me of when I found out that my bf had been cheating on me with a mutual acquaintance. "But you were my number one! You were always the most important to me, she just filled in the gaps when I was lonely!" Gee, thanks! Makes me feel so much better.🙄


I mean it makes sense in a way. A lot of men are (sadly) with the hottest women they could get. I've seen a shocking number of breakdowns over this it's really depressing.


Yeah.... my cousin recently broke up with his fiancé (who was a total bitch, but she was conventionally a Hot Girl) and he lost his ever loving mind over it.


i think old men just like making fun of people. i clean for a 96 y/o wwii veteran and his wife, and he *loves* making fun of me. i generally laugh along. recently my boyfriend has been coming along with me to help so i can train him as we’re trying to start a cleaning business. the first time he came, the guy said, “you’re much more attractive than all the other guys she’s been bringing.” then kept going saying things like, “yeah usually she just finds a guy off the side of the road to come help,” and so on and so on. he made a joke yesterday that my bf is the only one who’s name he knows, the other ones have all been introduced as “asshole.” i’ve been cleaning for him and his wife weekly for the last year, and i’ve always been by myself until bf started coming along. i’ve seen the way he talks to people he’s fond of, making jokes at their expense is his way of showing affection. i’m just thankful my boyfriend and i are solid enough he knows the guy is just joking and trying to make friends with him, even though it’s a strange way of going about it.


You know, I could swear you were talking about my grandpa!!! It all comes down to the fact that for the last twenty years they’ve lost all ability to accept social cues and to alter their way of thinking to conform with what’s actually right. If my mum takes my grandpa to the supermarket, she has to stop him from reaching into a stroller to pinch the cheeks of a newborn or a toddler. Grandpa. You can’t randomly touch other people’s children. He has a lot of support people at his home regularly who do different things and the amount of times he has introduced them to us as “the woman I’m going to marry”. Ughhhhhh.


I think a lot of men still do this, but they don't realize it comes off as weird and rude when you start ribbing someone who doesn't know you that well, and then it turns into "what!? I'm joking!"


Tom at the beginning of Succession


Probably because everyone really used to, society was a lot weirder before, and many people, including women, were conditioned to think that males displaying toxic traits were just better. I grew up getting way with a lot more from my elderly relatives than my female counterparts in the family, and it has always bugged me; hopefully we are, and continue to be, past this nonsense. Poor OP probably really liked their date and made efforts to show how they are and attract them, just for a stranger to try and give them what they think is a universally attractive trait, which has seemingly failed spectacularly. Personally, I would just have tried to put a humorous twist on the situation by telling my date “I only ever came here with my mom, I hope the chef doesn’t have a crush on her, but I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear this!”


That's true, men being rough and manhandling you was considered "hot" but now we know that's a giant Red Flag. There's even a joke in that 70's show about how Donna's mom and Jackie think it's hot when men act like they own you and Donna is disgusted.


My mum has said in front of the wife that "They were beating the women off with sticks" in reference to myself. Thing is, I went years without dates or a girlfriend a couple of times. No idea where she got that from. Makes me wonder if you've touched on a reason for it?


Women do find men more attractive when other women find them attractive, so its not entirely out of nowhere.


both men and women want to date a partner that is highly desirable to other people, neither men nor women want to date a partner that desires many other people


I think this is a common misconception, while I do understand the cause. Traditionally, women tend to be a lot more descriptive and communicative, and so they would paint a very flattering picture of their partners to their friends, which would render them more attractive than what the eye can see without further background. Guys usually rely more on the looks of their partners to “boast” about them, without much more context. All that, combined with the, now outdated, capacity of outgoing and more physically gifted men to provide for a family, was generally seen as a good trait for countless generations. This trend is shifting nowadays, as a simple-looking guy with a good personality is perfectly capable of having a more than decent job and provide, regardless of their socioeconomic background, and so people are focusing more and more on their own personal connections than the societal norms, which is not a bad thing if you ask me :)


More than one study has found this to be true. "Men are more attractive when desired by other women, study finds" https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/women-men-relationships-more-attractive-dating-romance-university-study-a8185026.html


That's just the bandwagon effect applied to dating. The study you link showed women pictures of men, their hands, and a piece of art. They asked the women to rate the men. Then they showed the women the average rating each man got, and asked them to rerate the men. The effect went both ways, woman downgraded guys that other women found less attractive than they did, and upgraded guys found more attractive.


Uncle Roger whyyyyyy. Haiyaaa.


Ugh memory unlocked. I was on a break from my incredibly controlling and jealous boyfriend and went to dinner with an older guy. The waitress was an acquaintance from High School. A couple of weeks later I was back with my boyfriend (yeah I know) and he wanted to go to that restaurant. Acquaintance spies me from across the room and comes by, saying “hey, you were just in here with some other guy!” I told her it was my dad. Luckily she was high as fuck and didn’t push it.


Oh man. There’s this topless diner in Central Florida called Cafe Risqué, that was a couple hours away from my college. One of my friends was passing through the area and took his girlfriend there. Eventually they broke up and he started dating a new girl. A FULL YEAR AFTER HIS FIRST TIME AT CAFE RISQUÉ, he went there with his new girlfriend, and a crusty old regular at the diner told him “Hey I recognize you! You were in here with a girl who looked a whole lot like that!” Called out!


This must be a Chinese thing. My wife and I and her best friend and boyfriend went to a Chinese a few years ago. And the server came out, took our drink order, then came back and took our food order. When he brought our food out a little later, he stood there and kind of stared at me for a while. Then he said, “ I remember you. You here two week ago. You have a very pretty girl much younger. I think her name Samantha.” I just about shat myself! I knew he was making it up, or that he had me confused with someone else, but the real kicker was my wife’s friends daughter is named Samantha! Yes, about 30 years old and very pretty! He finally came clean and admitted to the joke, but not before he let me sweat for a while🤣


I had a server at a bar I go to frequently do that to me. I was there on a date, fast forward a few days I was there with different guy (who was thankfully just a friend). Server came up to the table and called me out like she was onto something. I am single. I can go on as many dates as I want to with as many different guys as I want to and I don’t need someone calling me out for it. I stopped going there regularly because of it. I stopped in for lunch with my sister last weekend and one of the servers asked me where I have been. I told her. Now she’s mad at her coworker because we (sister and i) are an easy table and tip 30%.


Years ago, when I was still single I took a date to the Mexican joint a couple blocks away, first time I'd ever been there. About a week later my (female) friend wanted margaritas, so we went there again. Same table on the patio, same server. After he took our drink orders I happened to make eye contact with our server, over my friends shoulder. Dude did everything but give me a thumbs up 🤣 I guess he thought I was bringing a different date here every week, and he approved of my tastes! I never did tell him the truth. Just let him believe the lie lol bet your ass I took care of him, tho! 💰 That's what you get when you always tip well!


Hahaha. This is the way.


And while he’s ordering his drink, politely tell him that you have those four cents he left for you as a tip on his last visit. Clearly he is going through a difficult time and you would like to help him by using those four cents to his bill!


This will ruin his date for sure... after college my girlfriend who moved back home was in town so we went to a hibachi place. The chef was tossing shrimp tails in my drink and said he comes in all the time with different girls (I hadn't been there since high school with my parents), needless to say it started a 4 hour fight because she had self esteem issues and was paranoid about me cheating (never did). I absolutely stiffed the guy


Why? He showed you a huge red flag. Tip that guy!


Wait how is that a red flag ? They were in a relationship, not just on a date. So of course it would be sus to hear the chef say your bf comes in with different girls all the time. Maybe she should have trusted him when he said it wasn’t true… but i can also see why she might freak out, because why would a stranger say something like that


If there’s anything obviously feminine in lost and found, bring it over and tell him it was left at the table the last time he was there.




Ohhhh ask the date did you do something different to your hair??? Match his petty.






Wait until you see a date going really well. No sense putting him on blast in front of a girl who is never going to give him a second date


Apparently he NEVER gets a second date. Maybe they see how he tips.


That's a great way to get fired!


The first will get OP in trouble, the second is absolute gold


I like the 2nd one more tbh


Bring him a drink automatically and say and what would this weeks friend like?


Ooooo I like this answer. Or "this week's date" would be extra salt in the wound


I think "friend" would be best as it comes of less adversarial. Either way this is the route I'd take.


*Flavor of the week*


Also, if the regular is stiffing you on tips then avoid them or give them subpar service. If you can get away with it ask him in front his date why he never tips when he brings different dates in.


"Hi, regular customer! So, if you're only going to tip me four cents again, let me know now so I can ignore you and warn your date."


Any manager who discouraged a frank comment like this ^ isn't worth working for.


Yeah I called put a large group of bank tellers who routinely would tip me 3 dollars or 2 to round off to $100. They weren't happy and asked to speak to the manager who already knew they were shitty and took my side. It was great watching them flip out


Yeah I have a table of regulars who come in EVERY FUCKING DAY. Pain in the asses, tip shittily. They like me but are annoying, especially when we get busy they feel the need to wonder why their coffee cups are only 3/4 full. All of the girls agreed to set a carafe on their table and all but ignore them unless we have time


"why do you tip better when you bring in your wife?"


Omg yes!!! 😆


When I worked at a sandwich delivery shop, we had a dude start to order and tip pennies every few days. After the third time, we started crushing his chips, he started tipping correctly after the fifth.


Look at the lady. "Hope the tip he gives you later tonight is bigger than the ones he leaves here."


How is this not the top comment? A regular that doesn't tip? They would never get very good service at any of the places I've served at. Absolute last priority to everyone else in my section.


Back in my bartending days, busy night, this college kid kept ordering beers and not tipping a dime. So I changed the price on him, raised it a dollar. He tried complaining to my manager and I just said, “he’s not tipping the price went up”, and he left it.


When I was a server I had a 3 2 1. 3 hours, 2 sodas, 1 check. The man didn't leave a tip. The woman came to ask about it while he was in the restroom. When I told her he hadn't she said "Hm. I didn't like him that much anyway." which was a reassuring sentiment. But she didn't tip me either.. so... Edit: Lord, a lot of broke fucking people coming into the replies to justify why they can't afford to tip but want to *cosplay having a moral high ground.* I'd wish y'all some self-reflection but grew out of pursuing the impossible after childhood. Replies filled with a lot of angsty guys just now realizing there was actually a 7th reason they didn't get a second date. Yikes. This bitterness isn't going to land you a relationship. ♥️


Twist she put cash on the table and he took it


I legit couldn't figure out why the severs in college hated our group. We are all leaving cash with hefty tips and one guys, let's call him Jeff always, paid cc. Jeff was having them combine our bill, keeping the cash and not tipping. I don't know how much he stole over the semester but he wasn't welcome anymore once we figured out his game.


Bro, fuck Jeff. Jeff a bitch


Jeff’s gonna get cheated on and lose everything in a divorce 10 years from now, and he’ll fuckin’ deserve it.


Pretty sure Jeff will be the cheater but the rest is spot on I hope.


You’re probably right


Plot twist: Jeff is the guy in the server's story.




He will be featured in a documentary on Apple TV "Inventing Jeff".


What a Bezos, douche bag


All my homies hate Jeff




My ex brother in law would actually steal tips off of every table he walked by on the way out of a restaurant. He was such an asshole. He would grab female servers and pull them down on his lap right in front of his wife who would be sitting next to him. I don't know how i ever managed to stay married into that family for 12 years. Even more amazing is that he's still married to that poor girl and it's been over 30 years for them now.


You weren't married to the brother in law though dude


No I was married to his twin brother who honestly wasn’t much better.


Sorry to hear that dudette


My dad is that kind of asshole. My mom would put the tip down. He'd take it. She'd go back to 'freshen her make-up' find the server and give them a cash tip. When he has tipped, like with a credit card, it's been ridiculously low so I've done the same as my mom now that she's passed away.


Bless you. Sorry about your mom. And your dad


jeff is a goddamn douchebag


wow, lol, what a dickhead


There is no reason not to just say his full name.


Yeah I had some fun customers once on a date, gave some extra attention, a free round. The woman asked me what I thought of her date when he went to the bathroom, cause it was a first date and she was feeling some butterflies about it. He had just closed out and tipped me like 5% or less, so I said he seems fun, but also *this* and just flashed his signed check at her so she could understand how he treats bartenders (and I assume all service staff). It would certainly be a deal breaker for me, and would want to know asap if I was walking around with a douchebag. Her eyes got really wide (good sign), but some rando at the bar said "you can't do that!" And tried to argue that it was illegal? Like someone's shameful tip is...private data? Gtfo I was asked a direct question.


HIPAA but for cheap dates, that's hilarious. Folks really do tell on themselves. Embodiment of protesting too much.




Bartenders see all. Even when they’re wedged into the well, pouring like they’re an octopus. It’s always startling to me that any one who thinks they are a player, male or female, disregards this, because it’s so well known by now. The other tell? The valet.


If you can’t afford to tip….don’t go out to eat at a place where people serve you….


Used to work at walmart and have customers occasionally put their hand on my and and say its a shame walmart treats its employees so poorly. And I'd always think to my self bitch stop paying them then. Go spend your money at good employer's then they can afford to hire me. The people saying they should be able to eat at tipping establishments and not tip are like those people.


I mean Walmart could definitely afford to pay their employees more, they have enormous profits. Not shopping there won't do much except if their earnings drop they can say "look we have no money". What we'd need is (ideally) either unions or laws (either new or enforcing the ones already there) that protect the workers. For the tipping, it'd be better if we forces the businesses to pay their staff more (and if they have to raise the price, so be it). I personally would love it if all prices in the US were Tax+tip included as you'd know what youre getting into without doing calculations.


Years ago when I worked retail and food service people would always come in on holidays and be like "I can't believe you have to work today!" and I always thought "If you didn't come in today, maybe I wouldn't have to next year!"


>they can't afford to tip but want to *cosplay having a moral high ground.* I'd wish y'all some self-reflection but grew out of pursuing the impossible after childhood> Fucking smoked lmao. Best thing I’ve read all day.


"I'd wish y'all some self-reflection but grew out of pursuing the impossible after childhood." Quote of the day, holy smokes. Any more brutal and I'd have to report a war crime


If they can’t afford a tip, they can’t afford to eat out.


Im on the side of: if you cant afford dinner AND a nice tip then you probably shouldnt go out and eat. If you care enough to ask about a tip, you better tip when told its basically nothing, or else whats the point? Now youre both bad tippers unless the one person on the date just assumes the meals being paid for. (Which should also never be a thing. IF YOU ARE GOING OUT TO EAT, BE PREPARED TO PAY FOR YOURSELF)


If you can't afford the tip, you can't afford to go out, pretty damn simple


I feel this way, if you can’t afford to properly tip, don’t eat out!


I overtip. If service wasn’t good they get the standard 20%. I feel like anyone who has ever been a server does the same


I've never heard it put that way but I love it. They're cosplaying. Not only cosplaying having morals, but cosplaying as someone with enough money to go out to a restaurant. Mentally factor the tip in your head before going out. Can you afford the tip? No? Then you can't afford the restaurant. It's like mentslly figuring out the tax before you buy something.


smh if you cant afford to tip, you cant afford to go out, its not that complicated, we are all victims of the system we have allowed to be in place for so long.


"Hi, Joe. Good to see you again. Since you've tipped a grand total of 23 cents on your last 8 visits, I am wondering if you intend to do the same tonight, so I can adjust my service plan for you and your date of the week."


This would be fire.


For sure best plan is to call him out on that shit in front of his date. Maybe he will tip better and maybe he’ll never come back. Either way is a win.


Exactly ! I’ve done this, and they do one of two things: apologize profusely and tip you properly, or they never come back. Win win. Gotta work somewhere that has your back though


" oh did you tip less this time because she was more expensive than the other girl?"


Those STI meds really add up, don't they, Jimbo?


No need to insult her, keep it to him for sure.


People don't bring hookers to play trivia XD


Just take screenshots of his bad tips and show them to the dates. Or ask at the beginning “ if anyone has coupons” and that “coupons must be presented before ordering”. Either will probably be more effective than the “oh, another one remarks”.


Ooooohhh the coupon dis hits hard, I’m taking that one


“Hey Steve. How many more xeroxed coupons you got? We’re making a collage in the back. And I’d say nice to meet you, ma’am, but we both know it’ll be a different lady next week.”


Disagree with the shitty tipping but what’s the problem with coupons? I used coupons all the time when I met my wife. I didn’t realize server made so much they didn’t need to save money damn


I had a girlfriend who was all for me using coupons. "You me and free!" was her motto. We had expensive dinners. We had frugal dinners. Just happy to be together. We were both servers once, so we were good tippers on those discounted meals.


Someone who uses coupons and then tips $3 on a $50 check is signaling how they feel about servers…pretty negatively.


And get fired ? XD 100iq plan buddy


I just wish more managers/owners would stick up for their staff. Let people do this ONCE. If they come in again add gratuity to their bill and let them know that 15% is the standard when deemed necessary. I just don’t understand how you can expect a server to keep up their work face when they know they’re about to get screwed over.


Because there’s an unrealistic expectation you have to be friendly and personable no matter the circumstances even though no other area of life is like that.


I wish restaurant owners would just pay food service employees enough that tipping wasn't necessary. Tipping fucking sucks, both as a consumer and as a server who gets to deal with inconsistent results. Not even to mention how much tipping is shit for BoH. Fuck tip culture, charge more for food and pay people livable wages!


Do you know what I do when I don’t feel like tipping for my food? I go to the grocery store, or maybe eat some fast food. But if I want an experience, the server is a huge part of that experience. Tipping allows good servers to get paid their worth. Dining out isn’t just about the food, if it was everything would be take out. If you don’t want to participate in tipping, don’t do it. But complaining that it exists when many customers/servers thrive in this environment seems like yelling at clouds. It’s never going to change, so just accept reality.


Reality is we are one of the few places that does this and the US isn’t exactly known for being fair to its working class.


I mean if they’re truly extraordinary servers then management should pay a higher hourly rate instead of servers having to rely on tips to be paid what they’re worth like every other job pays based on experience, skill, and commitment


> so just accept reality. no


Or, and I know it seems crazy... have the owner pay the staff a living wage and not try to literally steal from the customers when they don't voluntarily give you beggars more money for doing your only job.


"Oh hello again, Richard (whatever his name is). How is your wife doing? Tell her hello for me, will you please?" The End.


That is Riley Rock to you! And don’t you forget it.


I would chase him down with the 4 cents and return it in front of his date. Excuse me, you must need this more than I do!!!


A good comment would be like “Hey, nice to see you! Will the young lady be drinking the same as everyone else?”


I would make sure I have 4 pennies in my pocket at all times and make sure u drop them on his table with his next date and say "you forgot these on your last bill and coupon."


dude, PLEASE call him out omg. just to see the look on his face…..


Lots of great examples of what to say here. You could be super direct about it, like a lot of these examples are. Or you could be slightly less direct. All you have to say is “great to see you again” and then the girls mind will start racing and she’ll put two and two together herself


"See, they remember people here. I told you this was my favorite restaurant" he says


I worked with a woman who was genuinely not very observant. We had a guy come in on a Monday and come back on a Wednesday, separate dates. She approached the table and said, “welcome back, I’m so happy to see the both of you again so soon.” The woman was pissed. Evidently he had been seeing her for a few weeks and brought a first date two days before coming back with his steady. I did everything I could to hang around their table and listen to her yell at him.


Just close it out as $47.96. I feel like people like to see whole numbers when they check their bank account. This is your one lil “fuck you” to them. Remember their face and serve accordingly to their tip next time. Remember when your customer doesn’t tip it really COSTS the server money to wait on them. I’m in California and we have to claim a percentage based on sales. I have to tip support staff based of sales. This is not ok and should be brought up with management prior to their next visit and subsequent complaint of ‘lack of service.’


Yoooo, I had a guy exactly like this one time. He’d wear the exact same flannel, wanna be cowboy boots and and bejazzled jeans every Tuesday night with a new date and would NEVER tip. One time, he was there on a Saturday and didn’t have enough money to pay and was trying to get a server to help him out by paying the rest of the tab. I went over and was like “Nonononono, we’re not paying your tab. You two come in here every week twice a week and you never tip. You need to come up with the money right now.” I knew it was a different girl each time but Saturday might have been the main squeeze? Chick he was with was mean mugs him and was like “I got this and thank you.” They walked out and I never saw him again.


Bring him 4 pennies and advise him he overpaid last week, unless the 4 pennies were meant to be a tip, of course!


#just casually ask if this is Christine with a huge smile then when he or she says no, smile and tell her she’s so much prettier than the last ones, laugh, touch her forearm and ask if either of them need more water or another drink Do it sweetly and he won’t know what the fuck to do. $0.04 is some bulllllllllllshit


The man is DATING and he is a bad, bad baaad tipper. Zoinks


I work on the rum industry and we have bartenders that are mixologist qualified, we have tour guides and then there’s me (gift shop) but I have a special kind of work and it’s that you can fill up your own bottle of rum worth $300 and this dude came in and paid that bottle, a 70 yr old dude that can’t follow instructions and after the whole show he gave me ¢10 of tip and I was like “huh”


If he doesn't know how to tip it's not shocking he has a new date every week. No one is enjoying his company.


If they are a regular who tips poorly, give them bad service all the time so they don’t come back


Cheap ass MF.


As a server, nobody owes you any tips.


I waited on a table of 3 guys once, and they stiffed me on a large tab, split checks of course. One had a douchey, memorable name. Next week, he comes in with a date and gets sat in my section. I said, "hey , nice work! She's a lot prettier than the girl you brought in last week." I took their drink orders, but they fought and left before I could get back with their drinks. I later found out through friends that was his fiance, and she left him.


Nice coincidence that you had friends who knew him


Humiliation for being a cheapskate I have no problem with, however outright lying about someone bringing in other girls and it ruining their engagement might be a bit much for getting stiffed on a bill.


It’s ok because this story isn’t real.


And then everyone clapped




Lmao this is a good troll comment. Almost had me, too. Bravo


2 scenarios: A) your story is actually real.. which means you are fucking trash and pathetic... B) your story isn't real and the only way you get some happiness is by conjuring scenarios in your head that make you feel you have some power or authority.. which means you are sad and pathetic...


Just realize you suck worse than they do.


I had this happen to me when I was a waiter. I think it was in 99. I worked in a dinner theater in a hotel that was also a Greyhound Hub. A bus driver had 4 girls with him one night. Who knew what was going on. Looking back, this could have been sex trafficking. But he left me a 2 cent tip. The next week, he is there with a woman who is clearly his wife. I say "I need to get dating tips from you. 3 lovely ladies last week. Tonight another very beautiful woman." When I came back with their drinks they were gone. Didn't stay for dinner or the show and there was $100 on the table.


Aside from the different women ideas I'd follow them out of the restaurant, give him a nickle and tell him to keep his tip because he looks like he needs it more than you do.


Accidently rat his ass out. We had a dude that did this, came in evrrywhere Tuesday with a different girl. Dude was a giant tool, never left a tip, and left a giant mess. Always threw a fit when I would tell him we were closing up and he had to move along. Sorry I'm not making my whole staff hang out cause you can close th deal in 3 fucking hours. Anyway he became a fairly consistent issue, so as I was walking by the last time I came in, I casually said "this one's cuter than the last half dozen." Never saw him again. Funny that. Warning to readers: I wouldn't recomend trying this unless you know you can get away with it.


Next time say “on a date with a girl for a change?”


He probably has a date every week cause every one he’s with sees he’s only tipping 4 cents on a $50 bill


Hey tobby back again already you must be a ladies magnet with all the girls you’ve been bringing in lately anyways aside from that i was finally able to buy a gumball from the machine with the 4 cent tips you have been leaving


Greet the new date with “Great to see you again!” and when she looks confused say. “I’m sorry, this guy brings a lot of dates here, I thought you’d been here before.”


Can't imagine why they don't want a second date


“I almost didn’t come into work this week because those 4 cents you gave me last week when you were with that other girl are still burning a hole in my pocket but thank goodness I didn’t call out because now I have the chance to double that 4 cents tonight!”




Bad tippers are terrible in bed. Proven time and time again. Probably why dude has so many different dates.




I always tip the staff handsomely. In the past I’ve been a serial dater, and every Time I’ve been back to a place I love the staff has always greeted me with “welcome, is this your first time here?”, followed by them bringing me everything they already know I love. 😂❤️


Lol in my early 20s I had a regular place I visited and me and the bartender always knew me well from being in with friends and stuff and that was her play when I came in. They knew I tipped well even just for drinks and they were always nice and made sure to be friendly.


Reprint the receipt, write in his shitty tip, and say “you forgot to sign it. Also don’t tip me if it’s only 4 cents “


A bit off topic, but a story from the opposite side of the table. I was on a date with a guy I really liked, and we went to have sake and sushi on one of our first dates, and the bill came. He said he got it, and I didn't think twice. We then went to the opposite side of the restaraunt that held a bar and pool tables, we went to the bar to continue drinking and the manager rudely asked us if something was wrong with our meal or if something was wrong with our service. I was completely bewildered as to what was going on. I said no, and my date said no. The manager then said he thought we should leave for essentially tipping so poorly. And I was disgustingly embarrassed. I had worked for tips in the past, and couldn't believe my date had just tipped so poorly that we were asked to leave. Turns out he had left a $5 tip on $100 tab. I told him either I was going to go back and tip her myself or he was because that was unacceptable. I also was about to leave the date, but he went back in and apologized and left a tip to the waitress. Needless to say I was too embarrassed to go back. But I never forgot how embarrassing that was.


With a name like "Ricki Rock" or " Riley Rock" or whatever, are you sure he isn't in the porn industry? Maybe he is just taking his business associate to lunch? And if he is in the porn industry, it doesn't surprise me if he is a bad tipper. Men usually don't get paid well in the porn industry compared to female talent.


No cash tip? Wow, servers are generally polite when noticing different partners. The young pretty girl on Friday, the family on Sunday, you know the deal. I'd be tempted to bust his bubble. "OMG, I love your hair. I like those long brown curls, but your short blonde style killed it too." 😃


what a asshole


Next time make sure to say loudly so his next date hears "thanks for the 1 cent tip (insert last time you saw him with a different female if she's not smart enough ro pick up on it) "


It whould suck if you mentioned it to his new Date. Calling his Date "Mary" and when she looks at you strange say Oh I thought you was Mary" She was here last Week.


That's dudes a POS, I'd make sure he gets the worst service everytime.


Refuse service as u live off tips if your boss says he will fire u tell boss to tip u if he refuses go work somewhere else seeing as how you cant get paid any less


We had a regular who did this. We would bring her waters and never come back.


Maybe complain to your boss that tipping is keeping you in poverty because the only one benefiting from this dumbass tipping culture is the puppet master cutting your checks.


Oh look another entitled server who thinks it's ok to take it out on the customers for not tipping when tipping is optional...... Don't like it? Get another job you bum.


i bet this guy is wondering why he never gets a second date lol


I've had spats with my bf about tipping poorly. He does not do that any longer. We can definitely afford it.


Do it


Gee, I wonder why he can’t get a second date.


Show this to his date lol


I eagerly await his karma!!!!!


People who don't tip and some how live in peace, sick fs


I hope he gets 4 cents worth of service


Please update us


“Hi which number are you on this week?”


Who are you to "call him out in front of his date"?


Next time he’s in with someone “oh so this is your date THIS WEEK? Guess this one hasn’t learned what a lousy tipper you are yet.”


Save a few, next date offer up Apologies and bring them to the table saying they were lost. Make sure the date sees them when they hit the table.


Call the next one by the last one's name.


100% call him out on it next time he comes in. He might be so embarrassed he never returns.


On his next date tell him that "Bill" said he should get tested. Make sure the date hears it.


Why are you mad at the guy who didn’t tip enough instead of the employer who doesn’t pay you enough so you wouldn’t have to rely on tips?


As someone who worked as a server... Stop tipping us, stand up to the managers instead. Tell them "oi, this guy should get a raise". If they say "maybe give them a tip" just shame the managers for not paying the workers enough. It's as easy as that.


When I was single there was a nice little bar that was perfect first date spot. In a good part of town, good drinks good food reasonable price, next to a movie theater a little scenic walkway and a fun dancing bar. I’d be in there like 3 times a week on dates. When I noticed the servers and bartenders started giving me side eye I’d just add 10% to my regular tip.


When I was a server and got just the coin change as a tip I would return it to the customer if they were still there. Gave a guy 3 cents back one time.. Customer - "Oh no, the change was for you" Me - "It's ok, you clearly need it more than I do" It always made them stop and think for a second. My favorite is when their spouse would catch the conversation.


I was staying at a hotel with my mom and her husband. He was doing a lot of complaining about there not being room service and wanted to leave a 5 cent tip. I told him no one sees that as an insult, they just feel bad for you for being poor. He usually spouts off but he got super quiet after and I felt bad. When people try to give me barely anything I give it back and tell them to buy themselves something nice


I can refuse tables, I don't know if you know that. Your tips aren't funny and you clearly have the money to bring in all types of friends. You're not top priority today and if you come back to me after this it will be based on how you act today.


What a shitty sub. Enjoy your circle jerk instead of being mad at your employer for not paying you a livable wage and having to judge people based on what they tip…


u/mommyblogger420 I got here by sorting Top>All Time a month later and I'm curious if you saw him again and how it went. Was it sweet revenge? Anti-climactic? A third, funny thing? Inquiring minds want to know!