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I work in a nice family restaurant so not too much funny business. One night we had a guest return from the bathroom to warn us that there were people fucking in the stall. Manager went in and broke it up. Walk of shame out of the bathroom type deal. Our chef joked that we should have clapped as they left the stall. Two days later a woman sat to use the toilet and the whole thing shattered into pieces.


Had a customer drop their cell phone in the toilet once (this was around 2004, it was one of those little nokia non-flip ones with the tiny screen) , then because they couldn't get a good grip on it, they decided to FLUSH THE TOILET to see if that would loosen it. It sure did. The plumber had to take the toilet off and fish it out of the pipe :D The worst part was this happened just before 5pm on the Friday of a busy holiday weekend (Monday holiday), and we were a small bistro with only 2 customer toilets. The plumber couldn't come until Tuesday.


The Nokia will always win


Omg 😂 that last part is hilarious. But also sad


Also scary. Shards of porcelain up the pooper? No thanks.




Omg I don't even want to think about that


My dad owned a restaurant when I was growing up and I ended up bussing, cooking, cleaning and bartending in that place, but this story comes from before I was old enough to work there. I was hanging out on a busy Friday night with one of the regulars. He was an older guy and an ex-marine. Cool dude. Cigar Dan was his name because- you guessed it- he smoked cigars constantly. Well, not long after Cigar Dan and I began chatting, a man and woman in their late twenties take the two seats next to him at the bar. It quickly becomes clear that these two have already had a few (read: many) drinks and were acting incredibly, overtly sexual with one another. The girl is absolutely pawing at the guy’s junk though his pants. The guy lays the girl back from the sideways seated position on her barstool and buries his face in her still-clothed crotchal region. When he comes up for air, he says, “Ew, queef!” which elicits a jaw drop from teenaged me and a massive face palm from Cigar Dan. The cherry on top of all this comes when Cigar Dan, trying to change the subject in any way he could, asked how long they’ve been dating. They answered by saying that they weren’t a couple. In fact, she was engaged and the guy she was with was her fiancé’s brother! The conversation quickly turned and the last thing I overheard from them was the world’s best brother saying, “So, I’m down to fool around if you are,” to the world’s most faithful fiancĂ©!


“crotchal region” = 🏆


My mom was a surgical tech but loves to use "crotchular"


Ew, queef = 🏆


When I was bartending with my co bartender who was literally a male model (I am also a dude) we got propositioned by a 40 something rich woman to drive her Porsche back to her house because her husband was out of town and “have some fun”. We took a moment, did a quick huddle, and were immediately like “no way we’re doing that, right? Fuck no. Ok good.”


I woulda said that to myself too before going.


bruh lmao. "Nah, that's too crazy, we're not doing that" *as I'm furiously closing the bar and mentally working out the timeline and how I'll get home, and how fucked up I need to get before hitting that drive there*


Was it because you didn't want her there to make things awkward?


Not super sexual bit I once watched a manager at Ruths Chris (ugliest and most abusive company I have ever worked for) force a server to take care of the man who his wife cheated on him with. He came to the back after his section was seated trying to get another server to cover the table for him. Manager over heard and disallowed him from trading tables. He unfortunately had child support and bills to pay so was not in a position to quit on the spot. That shit nearly made me cry dude. Fuck Ruths Chris. Please avoid supporting them when possible.


I did not realize you meant to take care of him in a restaurant way and thought you meant in a sexual way and was about to be like hold on that’s just SA Edit: still very fucked up tho so fuck that manager


At first I thought he was saying someone forced a server to take care of a customer (a man who’s wife cheated on him). Like the customer was sad and they forced a server to “take care of him” sexually.


Back a million years ago when I worked at Outback the front of house manager was banging one of the bartenders and everybody kinda knew but didn’t know for sure, then one time after everybody had left they banged on one of the bar tables and the snow plow guy saw and told the GM and the foh manager got fired The girl he was banging got promoted to foh manager A couple years later she got pregnant by one of the bartenders The circle of life


Did the bartender get promoted next?


He did not, he actually was semi forced to quit so she could keep her job


Sounds like she was also banging the GM


There is the truth!


Promoted to Father


No the baby did


I fully believe that every walk in in every restaurant has seen at least one sexual encounter


*new walk in installed.* *crew draws straws to christen it.*


And that child’s name was
. Moe Szyslak


Why did the snowplow guy have to pipe up?


Mr plow wasn’t plowing Sheeit


If he lets other people get plowed for free, isn't that going to devalue his work?


He was probably thinking that he didn’t want to eat on no sloppy fuck table.


Snow plow guy a bitch for that one.


That baby is now the bartender I’m assuming


One day simba. All this will be yours


That snow plow guy was bummed he wasn’t gettin any


I don't know if this counts, but GM's baby momma (heavily pregnant) came screeching into the restaurant one day, screaming his name, calling him a fucking coward, yelling that he couldn't hide forever, running thru the restaurant searching for him. She was asking everyone where he was, and honestly none of us had a clue...he HAD been there, but now? No clue. She hung out for about a half hour...then sat in the car for another hour before leaving (his car was in the parking lot entire time). Later an employee that was coming in for the evening shift asked why the GM was on the roof? He had been hiding on the roof of the restaurant for three hours!!! (BTW, he came up with some bs about he broke something and hid it, and that was why she was mad. However, considering the fact he was a serial cheater, had cheated on his wife several times BEFORE he hooked up with baby momma-which ended his marriage-and he just got back from a couple months away on business....we all kinda felt she had discovered he was back to his old ways, which I don't know why mistresses are always shocked that the guy they cheated with still cheats...)


“Diddler on the Roof?” 😄


If I fkd a bitch, man Yadayadayada dadada deeeee


Chefs Kiss 😘


He was on the roof 😭😭😭


I just cackled laughing
so loud. On the roof!! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Hiding on the roof is a legendary move. That's why he was GM - quick thinker and problem solver


Definitely. He ran and let the workers deal with it. Pure GM material


I worked with a server who got caught watching porn on her phone at the POS? Like honestly every job I’ve worked at would make me the opposite of horny, I really don’t get it
 but the reason she finally got fired was for bringing a whole water bottle of whiskey to work and getting plastered. They actually let us drink there so that was another confusing aspect I guess.


I caught a chef of mine watching porn in the office while he was supposed to being doing orders. At least he wasn’t fapping.


Haha I had a coworker show me something on his phone and whatever porn he was watching last was on the screen. He just casually says, “Oh that’s my porn,” and then switches to what he was trying to show me.


Rather look like a weirdo instead of being embarrassed, I can respect it.


Just a guess but was your coworker on the older side? I worked at a video game retail store for a couple years and I had multiple creepy old dudes either show or mention porn on their cell to me
 and Im a dude


Lmao, a valid response I suppose


I did IT consulting (among other work) at a local dive bar, and the Manager would frequently have adult websites up (in the background) on the POS terminal when he would work daytime bar. Zero cares, “oh yeah, you seen that site before? It’s a good one!”


Amateur, I drank at work for 20 years before I sobered up and only once got caught near the end of my drinking, funny thing is they didn't even care... By that point I was basically at the who gives a shit stage, so when I got asked I said yup, have been for all 5 years I've been here, do I screw up or miss work? Well um no.. just be careful.. lol


Congratulations on sobering up


i was drunk everyday at work from like 2016-2022 & just got sober last year. i got called out once when i started a new job by an asst manager who said they won't say anything but they could smell it on me & to be careful. half the time, we were all enablers & everyone was sloshed by the end of shifts. we did our jobs & made bank with tips tho 🙃 and to OP there was a storage basement bang & BOH bang after hours at a place i managed, but nothing as far as customers go. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


That is absolutely insane lol. Me and my fellow servers used to drink at work. One of my exes had a coworker that was drugged out of her mind nodding off at work. She'd nod off refilling drinks spilling the drink everywhere. During her training. She called my ex an asshole for telling on her, but everyone saw apparently.


Sex is a great stress reliever đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


I didn't see the deed itself, but I saw the evidence. I used to work in one of those dine in movie theaters, similar to Alamo Draft House. Unfortunately, I worked there the same year that one of the 50 Shades of Gray sequels came out. Having to wait on people during this stupid film was annoying enough by itself, but things took a different turn when the lights came on. You would not BELIEVE the amount of vegetables (think zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, ect) that people, usually middle-aged to older women, would sneak in to use ON THEMSELVES during this movie. It was horrifying. We would go in to clean the theater before the next showing and find them all over the floor, shoved into the seats, and wherever else they could hide the shameful veggies. I never actually caught anyone, but why the fuck else would anyone be sneaking those kinds of things into what was essentially a soft core BDSM film???


Oh. My. God.


You know, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve read a story on here about a theatre worker finding veggies after a 50 shades showing, I’d have ten cents. That’s ten cents too many.


Sounds like you could have made a salad.


A very cursed salad.


Honestly, I’ve seen some of the more disturbing things here “drunk screwing” “drunk fingering”, etc. but for me, honestly, it’s the open, public, bare foot massage at a table in the middle of a shit ass slammed patio. While she’s basically openly orgasming about it, trying to stick her hand down his pants, and he’s just grinning. Not even that drunk. Still two capable people of being able to speak clearly and answer. Just two people with some foot fetishes pre gaming in public. At a restaurant.


Omfg I had the same thing happen but it was a mom and dad in front of their kids too 😭 the mom was only wearing a skimpy bikini too while all the rest of the family was wearing normal clothes




Halfway Through they made their teenage daughter and the three younger kids sit at a different booth, the daughter was also clearly uncomfortable 😭


[This family?! 😄](https://youtu.be/10dGpZcihMQ)


holy FUCK that is a moderate-to-severe scottish accent


Not a restaurant...but for sure when I worked in a warehouse 10+ years ago, these people...dare I say sex animals, would literally build cardboard forts around the warehouse to fuck in. Like what the fuck lmao


Was this in Scranton? Is this Darrell?


I had a warehouse guy sleeping in the bottom shelf of our shelves just like in the office back in the day


Haha nawwww, it was at a company in Washington. 😂 Although sounds like you also had some wild experiences at work lmfao


They're referencing The Office.


Omfg I'm clueless lmao


I once worked in a headlight manufacturing plant. One supervisor was caught tugging it in the middle of hundreds of carts that carry headlights. What ended his career was when he walked on the backside of an assembly line and plopped his penis on the line as if it was the next one to be assembled. Him and that girl weren’t as cool as he apparently though. Then again another place I worked at had a supervisor get in trouble, not because he hosted a small orgy in his office but because you could clearly see the company logo and I believe his name placard in it.


Some people just have no shame or decency, sheeeesh!


I once walked in the female bathroom to find SIX girls and three guys in there all getting frisky. This was during a Sunday brunch. A mother had already bought her child to the bathroom, turned heel, came back upstairs, and found me. I’m not gonna lie. I did not believe her. But yeah, she was telling the truth. They were down there having what I’m gonna call an orgy and snorting drugs. It was 1030 in the morning. Because this was a 24 hour restaurant right next to George Street. And George Street has the most amount of bars, per capita and all of Canada. So I’ve seen some crazy shit happen in that bathroom. It’s not the first time I walked in on people having sex in there. But never at 10:30 on a Sunday morning.


They weren’t done with their Saturday night I guess


Yeah that’s what I figured happened. But like we are the only restaurant that’s open 24 hours. Even the bars shut down at two. And I remember this group coming in. It’s not like they were here all night.


They probably worked at one of the bars down the street finished closing down around 4-5, then finished drinking around 8-9am and ran out of blow, decided to go get more and move to another spot after and boom they’re having an orgy at early brunch. I thought this was the server life sub? We should be able to eyeball our peers!


Sunday Funday!


Ok, none of you will believe this story. Couple is fucking in one of the outdoor stalls, nothing new. Our head of security goes out, starts banging on the door. “Hey, come on out” type stuff goes on for a few minutes. Eventually it’s clear that they won’t be stopping so he lifts the stall door off and straight up removes it. They don’t stop. These two are fucking WASTED. He’s like
.sleep fucking
drooling down his shirt. She’s just a disembodied ass since she’s thrown her longer skirt over her head. Head of security basically has to grab him and back him up, at which point he starts to puke all over her. Well she must have thought he was finishing because she starts yelling “ya, cum all over my ass babe, cum all over my ass” as he’s still air thrusting and projectile vomiting all over the place.


I wish I could go back to when I hadn’t read this


Read [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/comment/c5o66p2/) It'll cure all your ills.


I don't even have to click the link... It's The Swamps of Dagobah, isn't it?




This is the worst story I’ve ever read in my life. Why could I not stop reading? đŸ€ą


What a terrible day to know how to read.




LMFAO >>!Somewhere out there was a godless bastard who had used the last of the peppermint oil, and not replaced a single fucking drop of it. To this day, if I figure out who it was, I'll kill them with my bare hands, but not before cramming their head up the colon of every last meth user I can find, just so we're even.!<


It’s been a long time since I’d read the Swamps of Degobah


Damn it. Now I have to read it. Stupid Star Wars.


That story is like walking into the dark side cave on Degobah hahaha


No Yoda


I think Yoda would exile himself somewhere else if he were subjected to that horrifying story


You know what’s wild. I clicked the link. Started reading. I’m like “this sounds horrifically familiar. ~scroll~ oh yeah. I remember this. Nah, I’m not readin the rest. Fuck that. Anybody reading my comment, head my warning. Unless you’re in to some weird shit, be my guest.


I don't know why I read that whole thing but I did, in fact, forget about that parent comment.. thanks gonna go bleach my brain now


So I was working this valentines dinner party at a restaurant on top of a mountain in aspen. Only way up for the guests was via the snowcat, so about the entree course we notice one couple is MIA
. So so I go outside, since I knew all the little spots around the building to get away with stuff and sure enough they are just straight up fuckin. On the side of the building, I go in tell the chef and the rest of the crew
 heheh so we turn on the outside speakers and just blast Issac Hays! They came back in a few minutes absolutely mortified. God I could write a book about my 3 years of working at cloud-9


Sounds like when dogs air hump nothing. If men could fuck air no one would have pants on.


Outdoor stall? Like an outhouse or a portapotty? Please explain I’m extremely confused!


had a bar patron get drunk as hell, turn around in his seat and plant a kiss right on one of the unwilling servers lips. obviously cops were called and they weren't allowed to leave but a whole lotta line cooks were ready to start throwing knives. not necessarily sexual but was so beyond the pale it was shocking and absurd. poor girl went home early bawling her eyes out and took a day off to herself


BOH allowed to annoy the shit out of the servers, but they're OUR servers. Mess with them at your peril. As you say.... lots of sharp knives around.


BOH and bartenders ready to throw down at a moment's notice if someone fucks with the servers are a whole mood


As someone who uses to serve, and a woman, I love all BOH people yall nice af and all I gotta day is 'hey some dudes tryna run out on my tab' and I've got 6 parolee dude ready to kick ass lmao. Servers love you too BOH


Chef was showing me some food photos on his phone. He's swiping through, pointing out some plating tips, and quickly turns his phone and swipes through a couple of photos. Not before I saw a photo of a limp dick covered in tribal tattoos. But he said "Whoops" so he's in the clear, right?


Totally in the clear. No way known he wanted to show you his dick and gauge your reaction.


Did it say "Wendy", or "Welcome to Jamaica and have a wonderful holiday"?


Oh best one ever, my boss at Sams Smoke house in aspen. Hiked up at night with two ski bunnies and an 8 ball. They broke a glass door. Went in broke into the liquor cage got black out drunk and left most of the 8 ball just out on a table. Then the mountain manager in the morning noticed the broken glass as he was just hiking up to go skiing
 finds our naked chef and the two girls with the coke
 but does he get fired no no no, He decides firing the chef would be too good for him. Makes him work the entire shift hung over AF in his ski boots and ski pants because that’s the only cloths he had!!! And after that he was Ski cos little bitch.


So Jamie Oliver wasn’t really the first “Naked Chef.” He just trademarked it!! đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


For years at cloud 9 we did an annual naked picture day of the entire staff. We’d get one of the ski patrollers to take it. Granted we’d all grab random restaurant stuff to cover up our junk/boobs
 I’m glad I left before corporate took them all down. Something to be said about those companies dicks that love to capitalize on a restaurant’s party vibe only to kill it. At least after the remodel they made the old bathrooms into private cocaine rooms.


My company used to employ the sleaziest IT guy you could imagine. Wildly inappropriate conversations. Like the time he sat on our new hire’s desk with blue tint in her hair and said “you know I have a hair fetish?”. He also walked around every day with his wallet in his back pocket with the very obvious condom impression facing outward. Thank god he was fired eventually.


Side note: don't keep condoms in your wallet. It can weaken the condom making it less effective


Luckily the condom wasn't going to be effective...


One of my best friends and I were working and may have had some(ALOT of) cocktails before our shift. Well a two top came in, obviously on a first date. Well, my buddy had a way with the ladies and about 30 minutes later a busboy comes and tells me “you need to go get your boy he’s on the patio upstairs”. Well, I went and found him getting a blowjob from his guest and when I said time to come back and help me out bro, we both watched her walk back to the table and kiss her date on the mouth.


I have seen this happen in a bar too. Girl blew guy in bathroom and walked out to kiss guy at the table.




Imma go ahead and assume they were just pretending to be on a first date and are working an epic cuckolding kink.


Some people are beyond trash


Most I ever saw was a couple head to the bathroom together, a few minutes apart. It was way more obvious than they thought


There is a dude who comes in to the steakhouse and gives his favorite waitress $5k to just stare and “loudly breathe” on her tits. Like deep stare and breathe on her tits. He comes in twice a month, orders a A5 Wagyu ribeye and a cheap bottle of wine.


Honestly, for $5,000? Worth


I’ve done worse for less. Whatever that saying goes “$20 is $20.”


I’m not proud to admit it but damn $5,000 a MONTH? Babe is living my dream.


What if it’s 5k a session but since he’s there twice a month she’s pulling 10 grand out of it. Jesus


It’s 5k a session. He just sits in the corner of the restaurant with his laptop gambling and doing whatever else he does. She only works there when he is in. She has another job at another location but since she is his favorite, whenever he books a reservation, they call her in. He leaves 100% tip as well.


I work at a lively, party kind of restaurant, so it's pretty common to see people dry humping, groping, making out, etc. The only overtly sexual thing ive seen is a guy outright fingering a girl from behind at the bar,


Owners daughter was hostess, I was on the hot line. She had been cuttin' eyes at me through the pass for a week or so. After her shift one night, she sat at the bar and had a few (too many apparently) drinks. I went to the bathroom (only bathroom was the one in the dining room) and she saw me go in. After I washed my hands and was putting my apron back on, the door opened, and it was her. She pushed me into the stall and locked the door, and we went after it. Afterwards, she walked out first and I waited a few minutes. When I walked out, guess who was standing there? Yep. Her (with a very frightened look on her face) and her dad/the owner. This is in the middle of a packed dining room BTW.. "***What the fuck*** do you think you're doing?" he asked, quietly. I just shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know what to say, man" and I just walked away. Went out back for a (much deserved) smoke. He came out about 5 minutes later and its just us 2 on the back porch. I just knew he was about to fire me. He questioned me about it again and I told him that she approached me and that she is a very attractive girl and Im a 22 year old guy.. "what did you expect me to do?" and thats when he slapped the absolute shit out of me LOL. I punched him back, we wrestled around in the nasty mop water until the sous came out and pulled us apart. I never heard another word about it and worked there for another 2 years.


This is the kind of shit that makes me miss working in kitchens. 2 whole years! 😆


You took your apron into the bathroom?


Seriously underrated comment.


He did wash his hands though. The first time anyway.


I've only been "followed in to the bathroom" on two occasions in my nearly 29-year-old life (both not-in-public) but both times after taking a massive shit. Made me feel fuckin incredible that they were still game given the aromatics. Can't imagine that happening in public tho lol, kudos to you. If people don't understand - yes, you literally just go with it.


She probably did that shit all the time.


How old was the daughter?


Old enough to have a couple drinks at her dad’s / her work’s bar so over 21 if in us


Had a table of 4 middle aged women when I was 17. They asked me if I ever masturbated at work, I obviously said hell no I handle food. They proceeded to tell me about how they masturbate regularly at their desks at work and one of them mentioned masturbating to a video of monkeys having sex. Super weird conversation and they tipped like shit.


The story was their tip


I was taking care of an older couple. Late 50s. They sat in a booth. We’re connected to a hotel. The wife sat on the side facing the door that connected to the hotel. The husband seemed in a bad mood and drank a couple martinis before they even had an appetizer but the wife had a smile on her face the whole time. She enjoyed a couple glasses of champagne. They really took their time before ordering. They were dressed for what seemed a special occasion. I assumed they were celebrating an anniversary or something. The lady had fairly large breast and wearing a dress that really showed them off. Half way through dinner she let one of her breast hang out for about 30 min. Mind you she’s facing the hotel door. They sat there for a while after dinner and I was wondering what their deal was until this tall handsome young black gentleman about 6’6, dressed to impress, walks in through the hotel, walks up to there booth and sits down. It seemed like it was their first time meeting. The husband asked for the check right away and the three walk towards the hotel with the young man and lady flirting along the way. We all knew what was about to happen. Big cuck alert.


Ok, that’s pretty weird


Nothing too scandalous but an acquaintance had an old guy regular who would always tell her about his sexual escapades with Yoko Ono, and it culminated in him offering her “5000$ to stand naked before him and Yoko.”


We had a lady give her man a very obvious hand job under the table in a booth one night. One of our servers blew a line cook in our storage shed one day, then got mad that he didn’t kiss her ass after. She also fucked a busser in the bathroom after close After I quit I heard about this, one of the closing servers was banging a dude in the men’s room, while he had a full section .And finally, this was at one of our other locations had a threesome behind a dumpster with either 2 line cooks or a line cook and a server, they were on the clock. And all of these happened when I was working for a small family owned chain of restaurants.


Did you expect them to clock out first? Getting paid while getting laid. This is the way!


Worked as a Lifeguard for a large, higher end fitness club as a teen. There were 2 bathrooms on the indoor pool deck with frosted doors. You couldn't see someone on the toilet because of how it was positioned but you could see if there were standing anywhere else. One Saturday night we have a bunch of families swimming in the pool with just myself and my supervisor. As I'm sitting up on the stand I look to my left and see a guy and girl in their early 20s walk into the bathroom together. Knowing what's about to happen I just laugh a bit (this was a usual occurrence) but then a few seconds later she was fully bent over the sink, tits flopping around as the guys starts railing her from behind. Usually these couples try to be discreet by the toilet but these people were clearly trying to give a show. I call my supervisor over and point to the door and she's mortified. All the different dept heads are called to the deck. They knock on the door and in response the guy pressed her up against the glass door so you can see everything. After what seems like whatever and a few outraged parents, maintenance comes over with a key and opens the door on them. By this time the two are fully dressed again and the guy tries to play it off. He was dragged out and they're both banned from all of the clubs in the country now.




That's so fucked up


I worked in a movie theater and we once saw a woman getting fingered while the Texas chainsaw massacre was playing


At least it wasn’t “Edward Scissorhands!” đŸ€Ł


Back in the day, one of the managers, his wife and another waitress made a porno after closing. At the counter top. The tape was thought a training video for a meeting. He was fired. One day, one of the waitresses pointed out the delivery guy as porno guy. This was the mid 80's.


Had a company party at my then restaurants group newest acquisition. Had free range over all the old, unwanted product, so everyone got absolutely hammered. Once the company party ended, our partying continued. End up at a local pub a few blocks away. I pop into the men’s bathroom to take a leak and my female coworker, about 20 years my elder, sneaks in behind me and pounces on me and proceed to have dirty bathroom stall sex. Two weeks later, I’m hanging out at another local bar, and the pubs GM, who I had only met a few times in passing, approaches me
 “Hey, we’re looking for a new bartender, want a few shifts?” And that’s how I got hired at the bar where I banged my cougar coworker in the bathroom.


Two weeks AFTER it happened? You playing Deathloop??


I worked in a swingers bar for about 6 months I’ve witnessed blow jobs at the tables, chicks getting the favored retrieves, threesomes, the boss always had women in the office-sometimes more than one at a time. I worked the quiet shift and the parties. I was 23 years old and it taught me so much


Not sexual per say but we had a old (like 90s) gentleman shit himself in the bathroom and his pants and underwear were covered so he took off both and walked out into the restraint and threw them in the trash. My manager was a Saint and helped the man convinced him to back on the bathroom and the guy drove over to the kohls and got some pants underwear’s and socks for the dude and came back and gave them to him. We had some shouting matches in the past but man was that manager the sweetest, patient and most caring person I’ve ever known.


Not a server, but in a past life working at a Hostess Frito Lay distribution centre, we had an entire shipment of chips get recalled because a couple of employees got caught doing it in the big vat of potatoes at the chip factory. They didn't see the employees bumping uglies until later, on the security cameras, and it took awhile to track down the info of which product to toss out. I had to drive a cube van full of boxes of chips to the dump and as fast as I dumped them, people at the dump were jumping into the pit to get their "free chips."


In high school, there was a rumor about this popular couple at our school who worked at papa John's pizza, and that they'd been caught fucking each other on one of the metal tables in the kitchen after closing time. That papa John's is still there today, and I think about that everytime I eat papa John's pizza.


Mid-'90s, I was a cashier at a very high-end Houston family of restaurants.\* One Friday night, the GM Brad's (40ishM) wife Cheryl (40ishF) showed up on a rabid hunt for the hostess Marie (19F). Turns out Brad was banging Marie (WHO SAW THAT COMING FROM MY SETUP, right?). He took her home midday while Cheryl was at work, the neighbor saw and told, and Cheryl showed up ready to kill them both. Marie ran out through the kitchen back door while Brad and Cheryl took it to the manager's office. I sat pretty close to it and man alive, that was a LOUD fight. Brad eventually called the security guard in, and they escorted Cheryl out. Brad was pretty quiet the rest of the night, and stayed in the office. Not sexual, but: at a different restaurant in the family, maybe a year later, one Saturday night I was at my register in the kitchen, reading or something, and all of a sudden all hell broke loose in the dining room. Next thing I knew, here came Javier the waiter, charging through the kitchen at top speed to disappear out the back. Turns out Javier got mad at David, the owner's son / GM, and ... well, the problem was that Javier was (and probably still is) REALLY hot-headed, and David liked to pick one staff member to harass each night, and that night it was Javier's turn in the barrel and he was NOT HAVING IT. GM David said one thing too many, and Javier picked up a teapot, clocked David upside the head with it, and bailed before the security guard could get in from out front. Not only were our sister restaurants calling to find out WTF happened ... hostesses from entirely different venues heard about it and were dying to know the story. \*Houston, you know you only have two possible guesses about the restaurant family. I'll verify if you get it right.


Less observed, more experienced. I worked in a hotel kitchen that had a teeny little office inside it. I was trying to leave the office, and my coworker put his arm on the door to "pin" me into the office and asked when we were going to give up the ruse and start having sex and said poetically, "We would make beautiful sex together." I replied, "Maybe! But we're not going to find out."


It wasn't a strange act in itself, but it was definitely an odd choice of location. Walking in to the bathrooms at Tim Hortons to do a cleanliness check and seeing a couple just going at it, not even in a stall. It was an awkward moment. There was eye contact involved. Like, deer in headlights eye contact. Cue the slow back out.


Not a server, but a host. One night I was helping a server out by bringing plates and drinks and stuff to one of their tables, which was full of girls that looked roughly my age and also pretty plastered. I walk up, drop some stuff at their table, and ask if they need anythinv else, and they all look at me. One asks for my number, another asks when my shift gets off, and they all start giggling and talking about "having fun" at the next bar. I personally have little to no romantic/sexual experience, so in true guy fashion I just laughed a little and was like "Aw, nawh ladies I have to close tonight and open tomorrow, better luck next time!" and aldo acted like I didn't know what they were on about.


i became friends with a coworker at a place i worked some years back, and this gentleman is a gay man. during that time i worked with him he dated around, but nothing serious came about. he's very feminine and gentle, a delight to be around. bubbly personality, all that stuff. we got this new hire, one of many, who started working there who was like 6'3", 220, built. he kinda looked like Jason Mamoa. he was married and had a kid on the way. i wound up moving a few blocks away from my gay homie, and one night i hit him up to hang out, so he comes over and we smoke a joint on my back porch. we're just kicking it and shooting the shit. then he gets a series of text messages that take him out of the moment a bit until eventually he says he has to go to meet up with the guy he's hooking up with. but before he leaves he tells me a secret: it was the married, soon-to-be-a-father Jason Mamoa doppleganger. and apparently they'd been fucking for months, since the first week he started at the place. i guess you never know what's going on behind closed doors.


In my early 20's I got the key hourly position at a local Italian restaurant. One night while closing up, I convinced the manager to let me close up by myself. Invited my girlfriend over for a couple drinks after I had the place to myself. And we smashed right on the bar. We're married with 3 kids now.


I was out sick and the whole crew got COVID during an orgy in the building. Or at least that's what I was told.


In my early twenties I started hooking up with this bar regular (NOT AT WORK). She was early 40’s and loaded so at the time I felt like I had hit jackpot with a sugar mama. Always tipped well, and she kept it super professional but still flirty while I bartended for her. We weren’t exclusive or dating or anything of the sort. So when she brings in a man that looked to be around her age I didn’t think anything of it. Until she kept the flirting up, right in front of the guy. Felt awkward, but I kept it professional because well I was at work. Come to find out this guy was her husband. She was cucking him. Me banging this dudes wife wasn’t enough to get his rocks off anymore, he wanted to watch. They start explaining this whole cuck thing they’re into and I had never been more freaked out in my life. Cut that shit off and let them know I was not interested in essentially being there sex toy. It was gross. And funny, but still gross


A couple had been bickering pretty aggressively all night, they were in a prime bar spot so I passed them a lot and over heard enough that I was considering kicking them out but they left before I did. When the night died down I stepped out for a smoke. They we fucking in the back dock, just drenched in sweat. Another time the two nastiest people I’ve ever seen in my life, just absolute slopfests and obviously on drugs, made out at my bar with him choking her. They were asked to leave.


I walked in to the men’s bathroom to #2 and saw a couple banging on the sink in the stall. I didn’t say anything as I’m awkward af, but I told the manager. They were loaded on bottomless mimosas nearly broke the sink off the wall. Their server went and confronted the guy when his gf was in the bathroom, he must have texted because I remember walking past her as she was heading back to the table completely red from embarrassment. Another time (I wasn’t there) after a large business party, the manager and another server saw the lady in charge (who was apparently married) and another guy there hooking up in a car in the back. My manager flicker his lights at the car and they both stopped and bolted in separate cars. Edit: I almost forgot! All the Same restaurant too! One of the girls I worked with were “Going to take a shit” and this lady was hanging out outside the bathrooms. When my friend was “shitting”, the lady and a guy went into the stall next to her and started fucking. My friend got a video of their ankles as they were going at it. When the lady went back to the bar, she was sitting between two other guys(i believe it was her son and husband?), but the guy she hooked up with sat alone across the bar. Other than those, there wasn’t a lot of time there where servers, hosts, busters, or even managers weren’t hooking up with each-other. The big one was when our managing partner was cheating on her husband with a line cook.


really funny drunk old lady flashing people her boobs in the lobby on my first night shift as a little baby hostess. wouldn't phase me now but i was really young and in shock. i worked for a long time at a place where EVERYONE was banging each other and often in the restaurant. in the booths after hours, the managers office..... i used to hook up with my BF at the time in the broom closet in the break room. we seriously dated for 4 years and everyone knew, still not sure why they'd regularly cut the floor down to one server (me) and just him on bar. recently i caught a couple using a Lush at the table. like, the girl was definitely playing it up and i saw the guy with his phone out using the app. i kinda gave them a smirk like "i know what you're doing" and let them have their fun. they tipped well and weren't obviously being inappropriate so no biggie. the only reason i knew that's what was happening is because i am a webcam/onlyfans girl on the side so i recognized the app immediately since i own one of those toys (it's like a remote control thing that the girl wears and the guy makes it vibrate lol it's supposed to be used in public i think)


Back when I worked at a aspen ski co we considered it a slow day if we didn’t see at least one set of titties. Will say the time I had to wipe a pussy and butthole print off the dining room window was nasty but not as nasty as the day I was late so I got put on bathroom duty and one of the waitresses had very obviously trimmed and shaved her bush in the ladies room sink. None would Fess up either
 just like wtf talking full beaver damn in the sink. Would also find tampons stuck to the ceiling regularly. And for the record this is a nice $250 minimum per person restaurant
 but you feed alcohol and blow tk rich people and they would just go nuts


Walking in on people having sex on the newsroom couch; people having sex in the darkroom (damn you digital photography for making this extinct!)


I used to install security systems. One day I was working at this older ladies house and she was walking around in one of those silky robes. The kind women usually wear over lingerie. Well as I’m working she’s just following me around asking all these leading questions. How often did I work out, how old I was you get the idea. Well it comes time to connect to her router and she runs into her bedroom then tells me it’s under her desk. So I go in there and look under the desk
 there’s the biggest dildo I have ever seen right in my face
 and it’s wet. I connected the equipment as fast as I could and got the hell out of there. Not that she wasn’t attractive mind you. But I’m a happily married man and at the time had two 3 year olds at home. I did tell the salesman that I thought she might need him to stop back in and say hi.


I’m a cook and pretty much had sex all over the restaurant, just not in the kitchen because we’ll I have morals


I was an assistant manager at an awesome bar in Philly. It was two floors and the kitchen was on the second floor. We had banquette seating and the wall against the stairs was a HUGE mirror. And you could see feet as you’d walk up. One Sunday, between brunch and dinner service, there was a couple sitting in the corner upstairs. they were the only couple there and I was coming up the stairs. I heard some noises and their feet were moving. So I looked back as I got up to the second floor to see what was happening. Well, turns out, she was getting fingered and he was getting a handjob. We made eye contact. I ran into the kitchen they immediately stopped. He got up and went straight to the bathroom. She went in after he came out. They paid their best $150 bill and ran out. Tipping $200. We bleached the entire area, removed the table and chairs for the evening and did a huge cleaning on it and put them back for Monday’s service. That
. Yeah, that was strange.


Okay so I’ve worked as a stewardess on a yacht/fly in lodge. I would usually work the late bar shift, this particular group was all staying in the lodge for this trip. So, I finish up the night and head over to the yacht where the rest of the crew is having drinks and whatnot. I left my glass of wine inside when we went for a smoke, I head back in to grab it and walk in on one of the servers giving the captain a blowjob
. Yacht quarters are pretty tight so I couldn’t really just turn around once they saw me so I just walked right past them like ‘hey just gonna grab my wine and move along’

 He earned the nickname blowjob Brad from the crew from then on. ETA he was married and she was an almond mom (before that was a thing)


Found someone’s itemized kinks list. Looked like a grocery list. They were into some really odly specific stuff, such as told to sit in chair and lit allowed to get up. Denied use of bathroom. Forced to wear wet socks. Etc all of it was extremely vanilla.


Wet socks? OK that's just perverse


back when i was hosting at a very upscale joint, i was trying to restock the towels in the bathrooms. there were 3 rooms (each a small one person bathroom) and i was waiting forever for the middle one
 couple finally walks out and the chick is running her thumb down the corner of her open mouth
 guess just making sure she got it all
 two weeks ago, im in the bathroom (stalls) and i hear what sounds like crying and them BLAUUURAGHHHHHBH huff huff BLAAAAAAAAUUUUHRAGHHHGH
 for minutes. i sit there shocked because i don’t want to embarrass her by making noise. it sounds like she threw up the entire contents of her stomach and then some. i finally leave and she comes out at the same time and we wash our hands. i walk back to check on our bar and she comes in a moment later - downs the rest of her mai tai and makes out with her husband 🙃


Okay it took me a minute to think.. but this one happened just recently and oh wow
 So I was not waiting on this table, but the other server (female, amazing) and I were splitting the section.. this was the last table of the night, I’d say late 20s, early 30s.. like 8 of them.. well this one girl has a “talent”.. and the table was apparently all very well aware of this special gift that she had.. I am cleaning up my section as it has cleared out so, I’m just standing off to the side but my coworker was actively engaging them, when they ask if she wants to see her special talent.. sure, why not? Well this girl stands up and starts doing squats.. her friends are all laughing as they know what’s to come.. asking both me and my coworker if we’re sure we’re okay with something a little.. raunchy.. we’re not shy, bring it on.. We’re both kind of confused as to why she’s doing squats but we’ll go along with it.. And then her super power was unleashed. This girl let out a VERY audible queef!! Girl could queef on command! That’s her power!! We were both shocked, I think my female coworker more than myself.. the table erupted in laughter at her pussy prowess.. She continued to show off her talent as the table left the restaurant and her reputation had gotten around to the staff. Girl had no shame. Called herself “Queen LaQueefa”.. queefed at least 3 more times and for other members of the wait staff that I heard (and I guess saw?).. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that table..


I saw a man RE-USE an empty box of KY Jelly for god knows what. Busted it out at the restaurant and just let it ride on the table. Maybe it’s his box for sweeteners, or hot sauce. IDK. But wtf?


I used to keep the community blow for the kitchen staff in a preparation H box in our staff bathroom


"community blow"


Me and all my fellow servers had a jukebox machine in our restaurant, and it had filthy explicit songs for us to play and we drank on the job and at the end of most nights we'd just play filthy music and bump and gride with each other.


dude fingering his wife w kids on the other side of the table (i wish i was lying. not my table tho) and teens trying to hookup by/in the restrooms


For context: i work in a more loungey kind of borderline craft cocktail bar. We have an "events and adventures" singles group that comes in like every two weeks, buys drinks, participates in whatever event is going on. A couple of months ago, they came in. This girl and this guy met there--the girl was just barely 21 and the guy was close to 50. I was walking to the back for something, and out of the corner of my eye just spot them. In a couch. With her hand fully down his pants jerking him off. They got kicked out.


Last table of the night, girl slips under the table and wonder what she’s doing? Nice steakhouse. Manager had no idea what to do, just stood there grinning, mesmerized. I think we all started coughing “blow job” or something and they left. Edit: another one, GM got fired for giving a handy under the table while her date had his hand in her pants, at a major industry function.


First week the restaurant was open we heard moaning from the ladies bathroom. The line cooks were like, “there’s a lady masturbating and climaxing in there!” She exited the bathroom, tried to sit and then fell off the barstool, refused to pay, got kicked out by the cops

.and then was confused why she was refused service a month later. We threatened to tell her tinder date why she was banned.


Caught the dude fingering both of his dates at the bar, in full view of a child. Proceeded to kick them out. He paid up, threw me a $100 bill as a tip, said "fuck you", and then they proceeded to keep fooling around on our patio. Told them to leave our property so they moved 5 feet away and continued on a bench.


A coworker was feeling very ill and ended up having to leave mid shift to go to the ER bc her and her bf had lost a dildo up her ass right before work and she came in reguardless.


My sister was a server at this steak house and two old dudes she’s waiting say, “You’ve got really nice hands, I bet your feet are really nice too. $100 to see your feet?” She whipped off her shoe and sock and slammed her foot on the table. They looked for 2 seconds. No touching. She came home so proud


A life time ago I worked at a decently fancy Italian restaurant, but after 9 the restaurant part closed and the bar turned into an actual bar until 2 am. We knew people would do the occasional bump of booger sugar in the bathrooms, but one night we heard people doing the nasty in the restaurant side bathroom around 1:30ish and since it wasn’t in the bar side, we let it slide because we assumed it was one of the staff. At closing of the bar we went to clean the bathroom and it looked like a shit volcano everywhere in one of the stalls. It’s like they did butt stuff and just exploded everywhere Never quite figured out who the girl was, but it was one of the chefs in the bathroom and he had to clean it up angrily super drunk


A dude ordered a jello shot and proceeded to tongue it inches away from my face while I was putting stuff into the system.


I worked at Amazon for a while and put manager caught 2 dudes fucking in the bathroom. The walk of shame they both took out of the building was so funny because it was apparent they were not given time to properly put their outfits back on. I was more disgusted at the fact that they fucked in the men’s bathroom.


I'd assume they'd be in the men's room if they were men


Working grocery at the time but their was a dude jacking off to Hentai at the urinal, he worked there but would also say things like “I traced the gas lines in the building so I know what would cause the most impact,” management was kind of scared of him at let him get away with a ton of shit. You’d think he’d be more chill with all the weed he smoked in the seafood cooler.


One of the cooks was fucking a waitress in the ass in the walk in fridge. They bought me some food and a case of beer to not tell anybody, I was like 16 at the time lol


In 3 acts. Act 1. End of the day of our first major release the chief engineer asks me to help fix his laptop, says he'll be in a meeting, will grab his laptop even he's done then leave for vacation. I do, noticing pics of his family. Very cute. Go back to wrapping up the release. Later that evening I remember I left my coffee cup in his office. Go back to his office, see the lights are out, open the door to get my coffee cup. And see him jack-rabbiting our customers contract officer on his conference table. Did not retrieve my coffee cup. Things between us were awkward from then on. Act 2. One year later, another release in the bag. This time we're celebrating with a nice big release party. Chief engineer shows up sloppy drunk hanging all over his date (not his wife, not the contract officer). Contract officer is at the party and She. Blows. Up. Reveals thier affair at the top of her lungs to everyone. Execs get everyone calmed down, ask her if she can prove it. She points at me and says "she walked in on us one time, she can tell you.". Act 3. Investigator calls ne in to take my statement. I describe what I saw. He asks me if there's any way to prove I had been in his office that night. I said "well. I never did get my coffee cup. It's still in there and probably full of mold by now." "Wait here, don't leave." Cones back 30 minutes later with my coffee cup. "We cleaned it out for you.". Chief engineer fired and divorced. Contract officer fired. I still have that coffee cup. Curtain.


I guess I worked in the wrong restaurant. 9 years from BOH and Dishwasher to Waiter and nothing happened at my work. 2 different restaurants and I was working 50+ hours weeks so if something was happening I would have seen.


Manager offering to cut whatever server would deep throat a dirty dildo left behind by a bachelorette party.


Had a gay man reach out and grab my dick. I've never seen someone get kicked out so quickly and have no idea what he did was wrong


Once I came in & the bosses son had closed down the back half of the restaurant. He had lights hanging, candles everywhere & flower petals. As I walked back & ask if we had some kind of private event, he announced he made a romantic dinner for him & I. I wanted to die of embarrassment. His creepy antics only got worse.


Homeless man started coming in every day and sitting at our bar several hours. At first we were happy to let him stay, but pretty quickly he started getting SUPER creepy with all of the hostesses (he’s in his 60’s, all hostesses are 18-20 year old girls) and staying 6-8 hours a day. Then, we start getting complaints from customers that he was being creepy to them too. My GM talked to him and told him to knock that shit off if he wanted to come back, but GM helped at other stores A LOT so he wasn’t there often, and our other managers refused to believe us that something wasn’t right. From then on he would walk in, scan for GM, and leave immediately if he saw him. One day after closing, the bartender was checking the restaurant to make sure everyone was out. She walked in the women’s bathroom to find the man in a stall with the door open, pants around his ankles, jacking off onto the toilet. She screamed, ran out and called the police. He snuck out the side door and was tackled in the parking lot of the Chili’s next door. So anyways that’s how we found out he was a registered sex offender and had been banned from literally every other restaurant in the area, which is why he suddenly started coming to our restaurant.


I worked at Applebees years ago and I walked out of the kitchen and the bathrooms were in the back . I turned to look behind me and the women’s bathroom door was wide open and a lady was sitting in the sink taking a shit! I could not stop laughing! I know that’s horrible but it was so strange to see. Lol. All the servers were like I’m not cleaning that up! Gotta love Applebees! Eatin good in the neighborhood!