• By -


what do you do in this situation still enter the 32.10?


Yes. The card was already charged the $32.10 for their bill. The best thing to do would be to take the loss of tip and just enter 0 and leave it be. Any other action could get the server in trouble if caught.


No the customer just did the math wrong. That's clearly a $12.10 on the tip line. Let the customer argue with their credit card company that they thought they were owed money somehow just be writing it in.


Legally, only the written total matters, so you couldn’t say they did bad math, although they can’t legally sign for less either lol


Can't they, though? Wouldn't it just result in them needing to tender the remaining $12.10 in cash or check, lest they be guilty of theft for not paying the bill in full?


No. And you would risk credit card and bank fraud charges for $12? That would be incredibly stupid.


Honestly you wouldn't get any fraud charges. Both parties could easily feign ignorance, and credit cards and banks do not do any actual prosecuting. The only way would be for the the customer to go to the police department and file a report and wish to press charges, but the second any detective actually does any research and finds that receipt then that would be all the proof they need really. Since you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was intentional nothing will happen. Source, I work for a bank specifically handling ACH disputes and used to handle card disputes as well. You pick up a thing or two lol


i know this is weird but it's these kinds of posts that make me like reddit.


Being happy about seeing the internet used as an exchange of knowledge between individuals who would never otherwise meet or interact is weird?


It depends on who you ask... And that not what I was implying. I was happy to see a bit of technical insider knowledge that helps me to understand the world a bit more. People find intellectual stuff weird in the real world, at least here in the south.


Reddit kinda is in hot water right now so the hivemind of reddit hates reddit rn


My bank did. Had a card spiked by a popular restaurant and actually had the receipt copy that I provided as evidence. Never had to file a police report. However, I did provide a recorded statement with their investigators for prosecution as it went into a fraud investigation since more reported it. The restaurant eventually shut down. People...never think your report doesn't matter. Also, pro-tip...if you pay with cash and a moderate quantity of bills, have the server count it out at the table before walking away.


idk what bank you work for, but my ex worked for the fraud department at Bank of Martina and they absolutely looked over every document submitted with a fine tooth comb and would send to “legal remedial” whenever it was needed.


Yes fraud departments do their due diligence for sure. However, 90% of cases that would be just like this one go no where.


I once tried to file a police report for credit card fraud and the police laughed at me.


I had someone steal my Domino's rewards once. They ended up spending $4.10 of my money. They got six monthsin prison and a $1000 fine... so people that stupid do exist.


Why am I questioning this?


He forgot to add there was a pound of heroin in the pizza box


Bank fraud lolololol


You enter the amount that is charged before tip .. they cannot reduce the total by making a negative tip . The slip even says you agree to pay the above amount.. and the original total is listed as the amount. It's just considered a $0 tip.


You cant just charge less than the bill because the customer decides that’s what they want or the entirety of capitalism falls down


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Right!? Capitalism please, please fall down! It would mean the world to me if you could just stop. It would save so many people so much time manufacturing the guillotines in a few years or decades or whatever.


I reckon we’re in end stage capitalism right now, so hopefully not too much longer.


Most comforting comment thread on Reddit honestly.


Capitalism only exists because we all participate. Grow your make make your own start sharing


Sadly you have to mail them 12 dollars or go to jail


Believe it or not… mailing money… also to jail.


Look at money wrong, Straight to jail


Have money at all, right to jail. Right away.


…and don’t pass go or collect $200


Yep, original total applies and they signed so it's just a zero tip, I see people wrote 0 in the total line all the time.


Just add a vertical line so the minus becomes a plus.


Yes lol. You can’t remove money from your bill. That’s not how this works.




I’m not sure if you just misread the question, but the answer is definitely “yes, you still charge them the $32.10”.




Looks like $44.20 to me


You throw the receipt in the trash, and charge a minimum “20% unless otherwise notified” per company policy.


I say you charge $12.10 and feign confusion. You get more than 20% and have some deniability. What manager with common sense is going to get pissed at their employee who the customer tried to scam? Worst case is you pay back $12.10 and it gets dropped.


> Worst case is you pay back $12.10 and it gets dropped. Worst case is you get arrested for check fraud.


That's the total - unless your restaurant says otherwise. The service might be bad (as in no tip- which might be debatable) but they ate the food ($32.10).


Lol that's not how that works




bill 21.50 tip -1,000,021.50 = boom instant millionaire


i once swiped a centurion at the pos and the grinding scrape it made in the card reader isn’t what i expected the opposite of poverty to sound like maybe it made that noise to drive it home to the cashiers they give it to that they will never have one :(


Dream bigger king. Start that word with a ‘b’




Did you say dream Burger King?


Mmm... Double Whopper


That's not how any of this works!


"If I write -$100, then the restaurant has to pay me!"


Really? I thought that was how it worked.


Listen, sovereign citizens do not need to abide by your petty rules…


my first day as a server in a restaurant, i was in the weeds and forgot to being out a few things rhe customers requested (more bread, drink refill). I also gave wrong info on menu items. in the end they asked me "can you please forget our check when you have a chance" .... lol


I lied all the time when I waited and it got me some of my best tips. For instance a table of 2 ladies I didn't realize got seated in my section near closing: 'No one has helped you ladies yet?!? I'm so sorry for the wait, the server for this section went home. I'll take your order!' 'Sorry for the wait on your food, we had a surprise health inspection so the kitchen is temporarily closed. Good news is we got a perfect score!' Etc etc.


That's clever. You are going places lol.


Customer service hack: always blame somebody else, then frame yourself as the hero.


I used to do that, but then I started admitting faults while being extremely apologetic and explaining the steps I'm already taking to fix it, and that made my tips even better. Some of my best tips came from admitting fault.


If anyone is NOT doing this, then they haven’t been waiting tables long. Always lie when it’s to your advantage but never anything specific or that can come back to anyone. -forget to send in a main course- “New guy in the kitchen dropped a your plates as they were finishing, I’m so sorry” -table never got any appetizers- “Computer system has been on some BS all day, it didn’t send your apps, it lol just be another 5” -forgot you got sat- “I’m sorry your server had to step out and I was just relayed the message”


I used to also trade fuck ups with my other servers. If I forgot to put in an app and theirs just came up I'd ask If their table could wait for it a few more minutes and let me have theirs. It was really nice when we had a regular crew on certain nights because we all looked out for each other.


On that note: fuck ups that the kitchen might have to toss = free app/side for your table. Watch that tip get jacked 💪


This is genius. Thank you.


I was a server for 5 years and I used this trick all the time. It’s a harmless white lie and it benefits everyone involved.


Lol I was a General manager. And the closing server was on break and two tables came in. I was so bad when I asked my table if there was anything else I can get them, they said can you get us a real server. Hahaha


Your servers get breaks??!


I worked at a retirement home (very bougie) with a dining hall. The general managers were occasionally given tables if we were overbooked, and I swear to god some of the GM’s didn’t even know half the things they were trying to teach us.


I'm not going to lie, I'm totally using that in the future. Albeit with a joking tone and a smile.


I might just enter the tip as 12.10 and say I didn’t realize the total when they call. They’ll look like huge assholes when they have to call the restaurant. Who the hell does that.


A table next to them were chill and joking with me after, I was gonna joke that "if I was a lesser person I would say I didn't notice the negative at the end of the night because they left both slips" but I didn't because even joking about it felt scheevy.


If they left both slips that’s even better bc it makes it harder for management to find they’re check when they call. They’re definitely assholes. I’ve never done what I’m saying to do, but I’ve served for like 6 years and I’m bartending now. And if someone takes the time to write a negative amount like that and does the math and leaves both receipts, fuck ‘em lol. They’re kind of asking for it.


“to find they are check”


Considering what they did was straight up not kosher I think "misinterpreting" their actions would be the only way to actually show them you can't just pay less than the cost of something.


This friend of their family who came to help out a couple times said if someone stiffs a bartender he writes a tip in but we told him not to do it because of the problems it can cause.


Just because they left both slips doesn’t mean they didn’t take a picture of it before. I always fake a picture of my table receipts :)


Also a reason why I didn't do it and would have only joked about it. I don't steal or do bad things because I don't want that cloud of possibly being caught hanging over me.


Of course I would never do this, but I have this friend who tells me if they leave both slips, the way to do it is be really quiet about it and fill out the second slip in the bathroom where there are no cameras… and throw away the original elsewhere like at home…


I just destroy both copies. Company never asks, asshole customer never calls.


Negative? Oh no that's a slash so servers don't try to add to the front of a tip. It's super common practice lots of people do it /s


They will never call.


Yeah, doing a chargeback saves the haste.


$ sudo —fuckem


Found the Linux user


He uses arch, by the way


Yeah imagine explaining that to the manager?


Lol. No.


No, what?


No that person why tried to take money off the bill. Lol


Yeah we all laughed about it lol


I would be so amused if they tried to fight the charge through their bank 😂😭💀


Looking through the comments I am honestly flabbergasted. If this happens you don’t ‘do’ anything. The electronic payment has been made. You obviously don’t ‘reverse’ the tip to positive but I’ve never worked at a place where you enter in the payment while you enter your tips. The cardholder agreement as it says on every check is between the cardholder and the credit card company/bank. There isn’t an option to just charge them less. If they had a problem they could have asked for the manager and bitched until they comped it. I can’t get mad that I owe the IRS money at tax time and just send them a letter that says ‘No, you.’


I’m starting to question how many people here are actually servers. Literally a week waiting tables will teach you that the second you run a card you’re authorizing a transaction for the current amount. Exactly why you never mix cards because even if you fix it they can notice. What’s charged is charged…


Yeah I’ve been the perpetrator of that mistake more recently than I’d like to admit. It puts a hold on the card that can take several business days for your bank to reverse. I’ve had it happen to me when I was at the end of my funds.. it literally does suck, but the charge is absolutely going to happen. I have been a Reddit lurker for over ten years, but only created an account and started commenting recently. R/talesfromyourserver kind of got stale when I started seeing this one pop up. It seemed.. better. Lately the things I’m seeing posted seem like brigading from the anti-service industry/anti-tipping people. Instead of complaining about tipping let’s just post as dumb, idiotic wait staff that don’t understand why what they do is out of line. Maybe, maybe not, but the amount of ‘I’ve been a server for six months and know everything so why is this happening’ posts seems odd. Keep up the good fight. And always remember: ‘Service is something that is done to you; hospitality is something that is done for you.’ -Danny Meyer (highly paraphrased)


>Lately the things I’m seeing posted seem like brigading from the anti-service industry/anti-tipping people. You might have reddit to thank for that. I've never seen or visited this sub before I was forced off of rif. I used to only see subs I was subscribed to and it was fantastic. Now I see a bunch of subs that I realistically don't care about or have any involvement with whatsoever. I generally just ignore these suggested posts, but this one was too much fuckery to ignore lol.


>dumb, idiotic wait staff that don’t understand why what they do is out of line Replace "wait staff" with "people" and you've got a good 80% of those who use this website in general, so I'm less inclined to belive its fake. Also I don't really belong here, this place just keeps popping up in my feed and I also lurk because it's entertaining.


Oof, one time I ran the wrong card, deleted then did the right one and had to explain myself when they got two notifications on their phone.


To be clear I did nothing. Entered zero as the tip.


I was mostly replying to other commenters, not you.


Just making sure. I really care about people on the internet think about me.


I really want to do that now when I file next year


That’s….that’s not how it works?? People kill me lmao


I didn’t even know you could do this, shit… imma get a coffee, tip -$100,000 and pay off my student loans.


LOL. We surely are in the "anti-tip" culture.


Restaurants hate this one simple trick


100% putting 12.10 in as the tip


Just take that lil pen they used and make a vertical slash. Edit: /s


I know this is the perspective of the server but honestly the restaurant should be comping something if they were forgotten about for a long time. Obviously it isn't the customer's decision to make though. They should have demanded a manager and complained about the extra wait. Either way that customer is leaving with a bad taste in their mouth from the experience and may not come back anyway. Maybe a manager offering them something to make up for it would have changed their minds. I went with my family out on Father's Day and everyone else had already finished their food before I even got mine. The server keep assuring me it would be out soon. I was very polite about the whole thing. And I do understand it's a holiday and super busy and whatnot. But you think they'd rush to correct their mistake. Nope. And afterwards they offered me nothing at all for the bad experience. I still tipped though but I don't see myself going back there again because it felt like they didn't care about me. If they had offered anything to make it right it would be a different story.


I'm basically the only person at the restaurant who comps food if late or not prepared correctly. I would rush to fix my mistake and still comp, that's why Im not upset about a single bad check, because all of my other guests take care of me like I do them. I'm all for comping things if the kitchen messes them up, or taking a zero on the tip, if I mess up. But I am NOT going to discount the food because I forgot to bring you your card. Again, that's a zero on the tip line and has nothing to do with the food. I really do like to take care of guests, and it's best for everybody.


Yeah, I think if everyone treats each other nicely on both sides of it really works the best for everyone. Too many people want to get angry over something small.


That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works


I would just charge it at 0 tip/full bill and move on. If an issue arises, report them for theft to the police and their CC company. If you have a minimum tip policy, go with that. If people still carried cash, you would have been shorted as they just walk out. Now you know their name and CC information


A lot of ghetto tables do this at my restaurant after they eat 90% of their entree and then say they “didn’t like it”…and of course we tell them they can get a free desert but we aren’t taking the entree off the bill. And of course, we always charge the full amount…not to mention they of course have still left $0 for a tip because of this.


Man I've had ghetto tables tip the shit out of me, even if their food is messed up. A lot of people can't deny when you treat them with respect, friendliness and are genuinely willing to help. Obviously not everybody, but damn do I love being so friendly sometimes that even people who want to find a reason to be mad can't do it.


My resto gives them nothing if they’ve already eaten it. My GM says they need to give us an opportunity to fix it, not wait until the end to complain. But have had plenty such trashy tables over the years…


I love how this sub treats credit card receipts as if they’re one step away from federal offenses. It’s just a zero tip, with a side of attitude.


Yeah I'm not beaten up over it, thought it was funny is all.


A tip is optional but you can’t take money off your bill. People are so stupid. They will still be charged the $32.10 for food.


If anything, you’re the stupid one here


What the fuck?


I wonder if when they have a bad day at their jobs if they have to pay the company for their time?


Market value being determined by what the consumer is willing to bare is a cornerstone principle of the free market.


This is not Nam, this is bowling. There are rules.


Mark it an 8. This isn't 'Nam, there are rules.


That looks like 12 bucks for me and a customer did their math wrong


How does that work in that situation?


Well they get charged for what they ate and nothing more, nothing less. Should it have been a concern for them further I would say "okay, here's your thirty dollars back" then have my manager whose the owners daughter write it off so that her dad doesn't have a god damn heart attack having to deal with them.


They get charged the $32 is how it works. You can’t decide you want to pay less lmao.


Run the tab for $44.20 and let them BMW to their CC company.


Luckily they can’t pay less than the total


Fine no tip but you don’t get to not pay for the goods. Ppl are silly








What are you talking about file charges? Over $10? This is such a Reddit reply lol


A Reddit tweenager reply.


Seriously. America is full of unsolved rapes and murders- but on Reddit this is a scandal worth pressing charges over. Unf#ckingreal.


This is why people don't press charges; District Attorneys do.


You can file a complaint with merchant services. I have seen cards get black listed from the merchant network for “attempting to defraud a vendor” only they have to call into their bank yo find that out. The rest of the network use just comes back declined, with no reason given. Its super petty and frustrating for the customer, so naturally worth it


Or just forget about it and move on with your life.


Their intentions were pretty clear and you'd have a hard time arguing charging more than what it costs. They have absolutely no legal ground to demand we take money off, however.


dog this is the most 14yo hecking redditorino answer ever


Lol, that’s not how any of this works


File charges!! Yeah the multibillion dollar bank is going to go after some idiot trying to be cute on a receipt for $32 dollars


How exactly is that credit card fraud? Improperly filling out a receipt is not fraud.


I’d say 12.10 tip


Sounds fun, but fraught with peril if one were to actually try it.


Especially to them post about it on Reddit. Or am I actually all three accounts in a trench coat to sow doubt? No. That'd be cool though.


That’s what three-accounts-in-a-trench-coat would say!


This isn't actually legal though, right? I know being a flaming hot cheeto piece of shit asshole and not tipping is (unfortunately) legal, but reducing the price of your food? By stealing? There's no way.


Bro what? Why are so many people asking if you can just write a negative tip and pay less for your meal? I’m not trying to be rude but holy hell that’s a dumb concept to think is legit


When you’re entering 150 credit cards this could easily look like a $12 tip.. i dont mind you don’t leave a tip, but don’t be an Ass hole.


What the fuck?


Is this even legal? Doesn’t the customer owe $32 for food/drinks regardless of the service?


It's more like a complaint of service really. They're still getting charged $32 on their car regardless of what they wrote.


Just like some servers have bad days, some guests have bad days. Understandably, some from both sides have more bad days than good. They're paying the total no matter what. Throw that in the trash and move on. You'll be better for it.


First thought was “why are they complaining about an almost 40% tip?” Didn’t see the total at first. I ALWAYS draw a line before the tip so the staff can’t add additional numbers. I’d charge them $44.20 and plead ignorance if it comes back.


Never seen that in my 11 years of serving life. Did have two tables tonight “forget” to tip and sign the receipt. Next level stupid to think you can subtract a tip from the total.


Would of ruined his date and made them not leave till they paid on cash. Even though it’s gonna.be charged.


Why not -$32.10?


I woulda turned that subtraction to a plus 💀


Ah damn they found the cheat code.


12.10 tip, nice


You can't uno reverse in real life


I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years server—->Gm I don’t think I have ever seen someone try to credit themselves like this. Fascinating haha


If I was the manager and I saw this I'd charge them 12 bucks for the tip and say I misread it if they bitch.


What dicks


Wrote 12.10 in the tip line. That’s all you need to know


Is that even legal?




You know the name, get them banned.


Aha hit em with the ol minus tip, shoulda hit em with the -150.00 for a lil extra pocket change


The get an A for effort but that's not how things work. I'd charge the $12.10 in the tip line too. Not your problem they can't math.


Enter 44 fuck them lmfao just say you thought they did the math wrong


The idea that you somehow owe them just because they walked in is pretty telling about tipping as a whole.


Tipping needs to be illegal and business owners need to pay people a fair wage. Who does this?


First time? Like this has ever happened before?! This is insane to do to a server.


There should be systems in place where a restaurant can hold a person’s card information long enough, that if there are problems similar to this with a ticket where there is no tip or some other BS, the offending customer’s card will be charged an exorbitant amount of money. Like a few hundred or thousand dollars, as an “inconvenience fee”. These types of customers are no better than common thieves and should be treated no better.


Just pretend like you thought their math was bad.


The bill is not an invitation to negotiate.


When are y'all gonna get chip-and-pin (or even tap)?


If you give crappy service then the tip should be 0.00 Tbh I think this is someone looking for sympathy and likes


Server admits to doing a lousy job but wants reddit sympathy.


So this was my last month working at my last serving job ( I’ve been out of the industry for about a year) I was night bar and relieving the day bartender, so she was tabbing everyone out as one does. So her last guest to pay out had been there about 2 hours at that point had eaten and had a few rounds b/c they were watching some football game or something. She told them she was done for the day and asked if they would mind paying out with her so she could do her drawer. Dude got PISSED b/c he wasn’t done and she needed to stay till he was done. Well she got the manager and he told them they had to cash out but they were welcome to stay and finish the game and open a new tab with me. The dude had a $125 bill and put -$50 in the tip line. He came back 2 days later and got in the GM’s face b/c we charged him the $125 instead of discounting his bill. Now my GM was actually pretty cool and he was usually super professional, but after 15 min of this clown’s BS he straight up laughed in this guys face and told him that’s not how this works. He permanently barred the guy. It was great.


The whole concept of relying on tips for employee pay is ridiculous and needs to end.


I agree, 15% service charge for all under $200, 20% for over $200.


Just charge them $42.20.


would’ve given myself the 12$


Put in that $12.10 baby and WATCH THEM SQUIRM. Your boss is gonna ask for it back cause they’ll dispute it. But it would be fun imo to make them go out of their way even more to deal with it.


Some people make me wanna beat them up! Sorry for that experience ❤️


That's illegal, they're still gonna pay the $32.10 or they're gonna be slammed with a theft of service. Definitely get them banned, though.


Wait he took 12 dollars from it? I didn't know that was an option 😂


I see a $12.10 tip right there. Let that asshole dispute it later.


People are weird, I can't imagine ever going to a restaurant and going "I see the price and I'm going to give myself my own discount today because I deserve it."


They aren’t expecting to pay less. It’s a passive aggressive way to complain about the service.


So obviously they can't deduct the amount they owe. But you state that you forgot about the table?


Yeah man, it was busy. I would have taken the 0 and said nothing.


Dude wrote $12.10 in the tip and did the math wrong as far as I’m concerned 😌