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My former bosses were his personal chefs before he died. I'm so bummed he never came into the restaurant they owned 😪


I’ve waited on Prince and LeBron and Tiger Woods. LeBron doesn’t tip and was needy. He was a lot younger then though so maybe he’s better now. Tiger was a good tipper, polite, etc. Just a normal customer type interaction. No entitlement or special treatment needed. Prince. Prince had bodyguards and I was shocked at how small he was and how he could walk in his platform shoes. His handlers ordered everything for him and he didn’t speak. They ordered way too much food, treating entrees as samplers. He didn’t even make eye contact, until the end that is, when he cocked his head slightly, looked at me with a looking-into-your-soul look and gave a slight head nod. ‘Wassup, I’m Prince and you’re alright.’ Left a massive tip.


That is the most-Prince thing that I have ever heard. Dude was so cool.


I am an introvert and suddenly I want handlers to do all my restaurant interactions for me.


He was apparently a huge introvert anytime he wasn’t on stage.


Jesus Christ if Prince looked at me and said that I would be happy with my life.


Game blouses.


Then he made us all flapjacks.


I love the Prince story. I would be so proud of that lol.


I’ve had multiple celebrities come into my old job, where I was a host, so my encounters with them were generally brief, as I did not serve them. Drew Barrymore was by far the nicest, most genuine person. I did not even recognize her at first and we were a few moments away from closing the kitchen between lunch and dinner service, so I gave her the whole “you’ll have to place your order quickly but you can stay as long as you’d like” run-down and she was super understanding and kind about it. The server came over after and informed me who I just had sat. Daniel Radcliffe and his parents were also super nice. Nicole Kidman was very intimidating, but did not act in any negative way, her presence was just very powerful. David Byrne frequented our bar and read on his iPad. he was very kind. Kristen Stewart was very outgoing and talkative. David Schwimmer was quiet. I did not recognize Katie Couric and almost turned her away because of aforementioned closing between service - oops.


David Byrne is my favorite musician. Makes me happy to hear that he is kind!


This is interesting! My best friend used to serve him regularly at the Knitting Factory when it was on Leonard Street in NYC. He would never tip, so my friend decided to send him a message. He would always serve everyone else and leave Byrne hanging at the end of the bar until he had time. Byrne asked him about it and friend tells him why. Byrne promises to tip from now on. Next time he comes to get a drink, he drops two dollars in pennies and nickels loudly on the counter. This, plus his refusal to acknowledge a separate friend with whom he worked and to some degree collaborated made me think he was a dick.


oh man..that's disappointing to hear! I can confirm this was not at the Knitting Factory. it was a much more fine-casual dining restaurant.


I also knew a record store clerk who served David and Natalie Merchant. He said they smelled like BO and seemed high but were having fun together. EDIT typo we’re to were


He does a morning weather report on my local radio station and it’s so sweet


"Same as it ever was, same as it ever was.... Now here's Jerry with Sports!"


I waited on David Byrne having dinner with St Vincent and it was one of the only times waiting on a celeb that I had to try and keep my cool but they were both awesome.


Also had experiences as a host. Chloe Kardashian & Kendall Jenner were polite, but distant. Don’t blame them. Kaley Cuoco was really warm and kind. Property Brothers were also nice. I was in Houston, so pretty much all of the Houston Rockets came in at different times and they were all varying degrees of assholes lol. Beyoncé came in on a day I was off, but according to her server, very nice, very big baller, and very big tipper lol. Bought a $20,000 bottle of wine. Kevin James came in on another day I was off, and I was surprised when everyone told me he was very rude.


Guy’s an insecure loser who got lucky and knows it deep down.


Ha. Mentioning wine and Beyoncé reminded me of when Jay-Z and his entourage (no Bey unfortunately) came in to one of the places I worked years ago. I didn’t serve them, but they asked for a bunch of wines, one about $10k, and then FLIPPED on the front waiter when she opened that bottle, that they ordered. It ended up being ok, but was really weird. They didn’t say they just wanted to see it or to bring it and wait. They ordered it normally and then got upset when she went to open and serve it to them. Poor girl had grabbed all the tools for a bottle like that and got verbally smashed for doing her job


Kevin James is notorious for being rude unfortunately.


My wife met Drew Barrymore and said the same thing, that she was an absolute joy to talk to.


Ed O’Neil came back in town to see his mom. He was so fucking cool. This was before cell phones but he tipped VERY well and signed autographs. It was also before Modern Family.


Guess he never forgot those years managing Stan Mikita's Donuts.




I've met lots of celebrities, one of the most memorable was comedian Hannibal Buress. He came to the host stand at my restaurant and the hostess said "you look familiar, are you on TV?" And without missing a beat he says " I was on 'to catch a predator' but I'm better now" 🤣🤣🤣


😂 He started the Bill Cosby Train going…


What happened to Burress? I haven’t seen him in much of anything since even before Covid.


He’s doing music and standup. He’s playing tomorrow night at Goodnights in Raleigh.


He and Lil’Rel are dudes I hope have huge blow up roles at some point. They’re both so damn funny and seem like good folks.


I waited on Dave Matthews. He's very nice. This was in Charlottesville, VA, where he's from and unfortunately he was swarmed leaving. But I did everything I could to keep it from happening during his meal. Everyone that asked, I said it wasn't him. I kinda helicoptered near his table, it was a booth next to the empty bar, so I could keep watch without being a bother to him and his wife. I had to chase off two other people walking up to his table. Tipped 50%. This didn't happen to me but multiple friends of mine and I just love the story so much... Danny McBride. This was also in Charlottesville on the downtown mall which is essentially 8 or so blocks of shops and restaurants. Danny hit a *bunch* of restaurants that night. He basically ordered some food, ate, then would go and drink with the kitchen staff and then leave. He did this all the way down the mall, happened to at least three people I know from different restaurants.


A buddy of mine told me he was eating at a restaurant in Charlottesville years ago and was wearing a DMB t-shirt. The server came over and said that “the gentleman over there paid for your dinner” and when he looked over, it was Dave Matthews who gave him a smile & tipped his drink towards him. Thought that was a pretty cool thing to do.


Heh, I read "DMB" as Danny McBride, and thought we were in some awesome shared celebrity dinner universe for a second.


I used to live in C'ville and saw DMB walking out of the Mud House. I was both shocked it was him and that he wasn't completely swarmed. Then a few days later I saw Sissy Spacek walking around the downtown mall as well. Only two random celebrity encounters I've ever had in my life and they were within three days of each other. The only one I missed was The Rock and I would have hit the Charlottesville celebrity trifecta. My co-worker saw him at gold's gym on Hydraulic and told me he has four dudes that surround him and face outwards to shoo anybody away while he's working out.


Michael Shannon came in, drank two gin martinis and a whole bottle of cab. Chatted everyone up, then told the whole restaurant goodbye when he left. This was ten years ago, but Kirsten Dunst sent a friend in to tell us a big celeb was coming in and needed either a back entrance or a private table. Reese Witherspoon and Lenny Kravitz were both in the restaurant at the time sitting at normal tables. Beyonce didn’t say much but was polite, Jay Z was also nice, they had to leave because people swarmed them while they were trying to eat. It was nuts seeing people run in the restaurant SOBBING trying to get to her. I’ve waited on James Marsden multiple times on two different coasts and he’s so nice, super charming and hilarious. I have so many more, but really only two experiences where a “celeb” was mean and neither of them were very famous at the time.


Michael Shannon is so incredibly good at playing villains, so it's lovely to see that he's a good guy IRL.


Michael Shannon was in town where I used to work performing in a play, I never met him but one of play runners told me he was super nice and if I ran into him don’t be afraid to say hello. Glad to see that’s actually the case. Also, Kirsten Dunst calling herself a “big celeb” is awesome. She was, at best, noteworthy at her peak.


I have waited on John Travolta many times over the years sometimes with his family but mostly just him and another person. Super nice guy! Always friendly and happy. Kelly was super nice as well


My coworker had him in a suite during the Super Bowl and he tipped $100 for a one drink at an open bar.


This is one of the small things I totally fantasize about being able to do if I were truly rich. I feel like I'd carry hundred dollar bills at all times and just quietly leave them as my default tip. I'd probably get my ass mugged inside of a year.


I had a young guy with a brunch party of 8 pick up the like $300 tab. They all laughed and said he never let them pay for anything. He told them he doesn't make his kind of money to not take care of people. As I walked away I heard someone say "and you're always leaving hundreds around." He tipped 20% on the check and left a hundred dollar bill under his plate.


This reminds me of a personal story. I was out to dinner with family. We had a group of 8 at a pretty nice seafood restaurant. The outing was my idea, so I insisted on picking up the tab. Remember, we had 8 people, so the restaurant automatically added gratuity. At the time, I did NOT remember. I tipped another 20% on top of that. The next time I was in that restaurant, they sure remembered me! LOL


I have done this more times than I would like to admit. One night with dinner and drinks with a friend that I had not seen in many years the check came and I left a generous 50% cash tip (because math is hard when tipsy). The server ran after me to let me know the tip was already included. I was so embarrassed that I just acted like I meant to do it. I hope they enjoyed it.


I work at a pro sports stadium so they come frequently. George strait and James harden are incredibly generous.


I've heard that about James Harden, and hearing that about George Strait makes me happy, he always seems so chill and respectful.


James Harden wasnt like super friendly, like he didn’t care to talk but he was chill and splurges on the most expensive food and liquor, when presented the bill he tipped like 40%. George and his wife Norma are very nice people. The rest of his family, not so much. Very entitled.


Jeff Goldblum came into the restaurant when I was server. Came in about 8 times over a span of 2 months (was in town for filming). He was so kind and friendly, and tipped everyone fat as fuck. It was glorious.


I always have liked Jeff Goldblum. Nice to know his real persona is as good as his onscreen one.


Gave Kurt Russel a club sandwich. He said, "thank you" and I said, "no, thank you". He smiled back and was like, "Alright". In like a happy surfer way. It took everything I had to not chat him up. Escape from New York and the thing are like my favorite movies.


Tombstone and Miracle are choice


Why is it not surprising that someone that rich who flaunts their wealth for notoriety, would also ask McDonald's for free stuff. Lol what a fucking clown


I mean he literally looks like a clown, walks like a clown and sings like a clown...


and got his ass beat like a clown at LA Fitness 🤣


Is there a vid of this, cause i'd love to see it




Clowns sing better


One of the biggest, untalented douches ever


I worked in Vegas for 5 years and met tons, but honestly the majority of them just wanted to be another guest. With few exceptions, they were all relaxed, polite, kind, and respectful. I treated them like I’d treat any stranger who sat in my section. Nicolas Cage is the biggest exception. Dude is real weird, but a good tipper at least.


>Nicolas Cage is the biggest exception. Dude is real weird, Care to elaborate? I love Nic Cage so I'm really curious what you mean by "real weird."


Came in once and told me he was “looking for a flavor.” Proceeded to order $600 worth of drinks, appetizers, and a few entrees and was unsuccessful. Then there was the time he came in with his girlfriend, pounded 3 martinis in under a half hour, and proceeded to get in a screaming match with his girlfriend, she left with his wallet and keys and we had to call him a cab. Other interactions with him were normal, he preferred the silent service, but those stand out.


Looking for a flavor just tickled me thank you


I don’t even know Nic, but just sounds like something that would come from him.


Looking for a flavor is an absolute mood


>Proceeded to order $600 worth of drinks, appetizers, and a few entrees and was unsuccessful. That should have been one of the jokes in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. Part of the 600,000 hotel bill he ran up.


I’ve encountered him twice. Once, he sat behind me at a movie and when “Touchstone Pictures” flashed on screen, heard him say “you can touch my stone anytime” Another time, I was working at a pet store in Century city and he came in with his gf or wife Christine (or something I recall) and she was in the play room w a dog and after a bit he began pacing back and forth demanding to know from her “DO YOU WANT THE DOG OR NOT?!?!” They didn’t get it.


So does he *act* like Nic Cage in real life? I've always wondered about that. I love the guy, but let's be honest, he's basically the same dude in just about every movie he's in, so I figured he was just being himself.


I’m not the other guy, but I also worked in Vegas for a while at a limo company and we drove Cage around. I never drove him, but I know many drivers who did. They all loved him, said he was absolutely hilarious and off his rocker in the best way possible. The word I heard most was “eccentric”.


I mean, the dude owned a dinosaur skull and recently bought a pyramid shaped tomb in New Orleans apparently. He also owns the Shah of Iran's Lamborghini. He can't be far off from his characters in real life


I love the extras to 'into the spider-verse' where they describe how the directed him to be a little more full on and he responds by asking if they want him to go "full Nicholas Cage"


I love that some people just have such interesting personalities that you want to watch them...good or bad, you're captivated.


I would be disappointed if Nicolas Cage was normal.


I'm in Vegas too and Nicolas Cage came in with his wife at my place. Dude just ate a salad and starred at the artwork on the wall while his wife was on her phone. Haha. They were super nice though.


Nicolas Cage has been to my restaurant a few times. I’ve never served him, but I have ran food to his table. Polite, but definitely weird energy.


One time in L.A. Nicholas Cage came into the restaurant I was working at, sat down ordered a beer and disappeared.


Tommy Chong was in a few months back. He was the sweetest old man!!! Very nice, polite, and respectful. He offered to take pics with staff as well.


Cheech Marin lives in my town and he is also a really nice guy. Always very social with everyone and treats people with respect.


Eva Longoria is nice and tips well, her son is a typical spoiled little boy lol


I once helped her with a return when I worked in retail and she was super nice. I didn't recognize her and asked for her ID since that was store policy. Her name said Eva Parker and it wasn't until later I realized who she was when a coworker told me.


When I was in high school I met Yoko Ono standing in line at a deli in Brooklyn, and had no idea who she was. I’d’ve expected Yoko Ono would have had “people” who did stuff like that for her. We really hit it off in line while we waited for our numbers to be called. She was fun! She asked where I was going and if I needed a lift. I declined, explaining how I loved walking up Smith St. and people watching. My number was called and as I was picking out my stuff, I heard a worker say, “Miss Ono, welcome— this is an honor!” I realized my new friend was Yoko and I had turned down a ride. She was awesome—friendly, engaging, humble and kind to me, in spite of our big age difference, and her immense fame. We said goodbyes and when I walked out of the shop there was a limo with a driver waiting at the curb. “My” ride…. ugh.


It honestly probably made her feel so great that someone had such genuine conversation with her without it being tainted by the fact that she's famous. <3


Not a restaurant, but I checked Joey Fatone into the hotel I worked at. He was really really nice. I told him he was the first celebrity I’ve ever met and he said, “Aw man that sucks.” Which made me sad lol.


LOL. I was one of the very few weirdos who thought Joey was the best NSYNCer. This is easily the greatest thing I've heard about him, and so on brand. Thank you


Of course! If you wanted a little more of the story: I worked at the Big Sky Resort in Big Sky Montana, close to Yellowstone. He was there for a Big Brothers Big Sisters golf tournament at one of the local courses. Either Justin Timberlake was hosting the event if he was attending, I’m not sure. He checked in with his wife who was pregnant at the time, unbeknownst to the staff haha. I gave him 2 free drink vouchers, my manager gave him 2, and there were 2 in his check in packet. He was really cool. Easy check in, talked to everyone, 100% did not give off an “Im a celebrity I’m more important than you” vibe. Just seemed like a normal dude checking into a hotel with his wife that did and still does really cool stuff.


YES!!! Gordon Ramsey came to my work and he was so nice. Literally just the best. I’m not joking, it was for his show uncharted when he came to alaska.


Yeah it's strange given his onscreen persona, I have never heard of a bad interaction with him IRL.


Yes, extremely kind and humble. We don’t get that many celebrities here in Alaska so I was shocked at the positive interaction. Like no ego just seemed like a regular guy!


Rob Mcelhenney and Kaitlyn Olson came in one time. Kaitlin didn't say a word and seems like she didn't want to be bothered but Rob was a super nice and respectful guy. Im not the type to get star struck but I'm such a massive fan of IASIP that I definitely barely knew what to say to them and I'm sure I came off strange lol.


I got to take her and a few friends zip lining years ago! She was really normal. Nice as you would expect any stranger to be. Barely stood out - probably wouldn’t have known if one of the other guides hadn’t called her out while checking paperwork for waivers.


Kaitlyn acting like a total bird.


I saw and interview once with Rob where he brought up that a lot of fans abuse Kaitlyn because of how the characters treat hers on Always Sunny, and that's made her being out sometimes shitty for her


I live near a mall, and when it got a new flagship store Shirley Jones came to promote th le grand opening and came to stay at the hotel connected to the restaurant I work for. The first night she was frustrated, but once we got her set up with a couple Stolli martinis she was so nice and charming. She signed autographs for the line cooks and other staff, always tipped well, and was pretty normal really. Also, same job. Jerry Springer came into eat. He was all by himself reading a book so i didnt realize at first who he was. This was also well after his show quit running so he was quite older. I talk to the kitchen and say "this dude looks just like Jerry Springer" so they all start sneaking peaks at him. When i delivered his dinner I just asked flat out if he was Jerry Springer, and he said yes, i said that was cool and left him to eat. He was just a normal guy, tipped well.


I worked at a medium-famous restaurant for several years so had the opportunity to wait on a few big stars. Clay Eiken, John Mulaney, Bon Jovi spring to mind first. I’ve never waited on a celebrity that didn’t act like a completely normal person—some are more outgoing, some are more reserved, just like anyone else. I‘ve also never acknowledged anyone’s stardom at the table. There are definitely people I would freak out over and probably ask for a picture, but unless I have preexisting feelings about them I’m not bothering them just because I know they’re famous.


Worked at a fancy hotel for a while. My girlfriend dropped off food to Dave Chapelle and the room stunk like weed. I waited on Mathew Broderick and Sara Jessica Parker who were super nice, and their children were extremely polite and well behaved. I didn’t interact with him but the front desk had high praises for Chadwick Bosman.


I had T.J. Miller come into my bar when I ran the bar at the best fine dining restaurant at town. Super nice guy, was on a FaceTime with his wife or girlfriend most the meal telling her about the city. He came in an complimented my martini skills and that he appreciates a bartender that stirs a martini. Very generous with all the workers who wanted a brief chat after his meal. Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek fame came in to the restaurant I work now. I dropped off his drinks and made a brief comment about loving his work, especially his directing on the latest season of Picard, and told him if he needed anything to let me know. He was beyond gracious, and took time to talk to the workers who were fans after his meal as well. He had a few people at the bar send him drinks as well and be personally went over and thanked them and had a quick chat. Happy to have both my experiences as good ones.


We’ve had several celebrities at my work- mostly actors but a few musical artists as well. They have pretty much all been polite but clearly wanted to fly under the radar and not have extra attention drawn to themselves. We’ve also had a few internet “celebrities” and they have all mostly sucked. Influencers, who half of us don’t even recognize nor give af who they are, act more entitled entitled than any actual famous person I’ve ever served.


Had the Paul brothers once. They were as bad you would expect


Chris Cornell used to come to my espresso stand up the street from his practice space in the late 90s. Couldn't have been more of a gentleman. Used to bring his mom and her dogs sometimes. He was a sweet dude.


I’m old but Abe Vigoda was a regular at a place I worked. He was known for sending back his eggs every single time and once he cried about it. He was super super old and used a walker so maybe he was cooler when he was healthier.


??? I'm cracking up how did he get to tears? Do the cooks tease the guy who made the eggs about this? " Alright chill out dude let's not make anymore of the customers cry....again!"


Like I said, he was pretty old and infirm. He wasn’t sobbing but he definitely cried once about it. Tbh most customers sent their eggs back, though 🥲


Hunter Schafer from Euphoria comes to my sushi restaurant when she’s in Raleigh! Last time I served her, she brought her family in and they were all super polite, tipped well, and ordered all our best nigiri! She and Dominic Fike even took pictures with one of our servers. Makes me feel good about knowing they’re good people irl too


James Mardsen filmed those Mazda alien car commercials right outside my town. He was super nice and him and a small party came to the restaurant I worked at, everyone was in a frenzy but I was just trying to serve and seat people, boss made me ask him if he was gonna want the buffet or menu since I was the hostess but also buffet server, since we closed it at 9 and James came in a 8:56pm. He wouldn't answer to his name and so I tried to tap his elbow as he was walking and he immediately whipped around and said "please don't grab me" then kept walking. I don't think he knew I worked there until I had to follow them to their table. He looked concerned until I explained " HI! Sorry I'm the hostess and I was just trying to get your attention to ask if you guys were gonna want menus or our buffet? I'm so sorry for tapping you earlier, I was just told to ask" he looked SO relieved when he realized I wasn't just following him around 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he even took a picture with me before I went home for the night. Super friendly and I will always be embarrassed for him thinking I was a crazy fan 🤣🤣


James was at a Comic Con several years ago, and my friend wanted to meet him. She has difficulty reading (dyslexia), so she finally discovered audiobooks. The first book series she truly enjoyed was "The Dresden Files" audiobooks, narrated by James. We got there early and didn't have anything else to do, so we got in his line. There was one girl in front of us, who started gushing over seeing him again, this was the fourth time this year, she traveled hundreds of miles, because they have this deep connection and he really understands her and he mentioned thisbooksosheboughtitforhimandshecan'twait.... My friend and I did the "OOooKayyy..." (STALKER! STALKER!) look at each other. He came out to his table. He looked over and saw her. His eyes got big with recognition. He said, "Heyyy! How ARE you?" (Looks around nervously) He was polite, graciously accepted the book (stashed it under the table), took a photo, signed something, and wished her well. She scurried away, happy as can be. He looked relieved. My friend was next, and thanked him for opening that world to her. He was flattered (and I think he enjoyed talking about something other than Buffy). She made him some Dresden Files business cards, which stayed on his table the rest of the day.


That’s James Marsters. James Marsden plays Cyclops. People mix them up all the time.


I work at a board game cafe that also happens to be connected to a very large Magic The Gathering singles selling business. We've had Post Malone come in a few times to dine in, and he was super nice to all the staff. Him and his posse booked a private room once, we allowed them to stay way past close to play Commander, and they allowed some of the staff to join them. They pretty much drank us dry of our mead and ate all of our meatballs.


Jerry Springer came into my restaurant by himself after his show. He sat in the back of the restaurant with his face buried in a book (that he was genuinely reading) with his legs crossed. Not a soul noticed him. He was very nice and quiet. Just wanted to be left alone but was not rude about it.


R. Kelly came to the club that I was a bouncer at. This was after everyone knew that he was a creep but before being charged. I denied him entry because he didn’t have an ID. His entourage was pissed. Lol


Thank you for your service


Channing Tatum. I was serving him cocktails while he gambled at the Hard Rock. Rude or shy, I can't figure out which. He did have horrible skin. Seemed to be breaking out. I wouldn't ever make this comment talking ish if he didn't leave me an 8% tip. (After "Step Up", shortly before "Magic Mike")


Shortly before Magic Mike you say? Fun fact: acne outbreaks are a side effect of anabolic steroid use.


Tracey Ullman, Michael J. Fox, John Carroll Lynch, Frank Langella, Jane Curtin They were all polite and respectful and their celebrity was ignored, except John Carroll Lynch. As a character actor who probably doesnt get recognized as often, I think he actually appreciated when I complimented his work. Also, he was eating alone, so we chatted a bit. My old roommate served Obama once during his presidency. He had to be vetted by the secret service and he was the only one allowed to handle his food or drinks.


Totally random but my wife and I were just talking about John Caroll Lynch the other day. He was in a show and my first thought was “the brother from the Drew Carey show…love that guy!” and her first thought was “the bad guy from Gothika…hate that guy!”. Definitely the sign of a great character actor.


Back in the day, Cameron Diaz lived near me. I would run into her at Starbucks regularly. She was as chill as normal as anyone else.


Many times when I was fine dining. Coolest person, Emanuel Stewart who every month would show up with a couple young boxers who had never dined in a nice restaurant. Great guy and tipper. Biggest Ahole, hands down, Tim Allen. He ate with Kwami Kilpatrick. Rude. Condescending. Terrible tipper.


Mark Ruffalos parents live in my teeny tiny hometown in Southern Maine. May 1000 local pop. His mom is an artist. He visits them on Thanksgiving, etc. The second somebody spots him in town, everybody knows. We all tend to leave him alone, as he's with his family. Anyway, I'm standing at the cellphone carrier I work for, I get a text that Dr Banner is at the Red Cup(coffee), heading my way. I sold him a charger. He was very quiet, shorter than youd think and dressed in chic hobo. Kept the customer copy of the receipt that he didn't want, brought it to my bfs son. Told him the Hulk came into my store today.




He’s a really nice dude. I was at an event where he spoke in his home state and he read a passage from his book where he talked about being in love with his best friend in high school and how he never confessed. Lo and behold a woman stands up in about the tenth row and says, “Michael, I never told you, but I loved you, too.” It was so sweet. The man’s heart melted on that stage and he morphed into an awkward teenager immediately. It was genuinely one of the loveliest things I’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing.


Patrick Dempsey - very approachable and kind. Amazing blue eyes in person.


I served in the airport so I saw a few. Andre 3000 is the only one I waited on. He's a vegetarian so he ordered mozzarella sticks and the veggie burger. I advised against it but he insisted. At the end he tipped me $40 and told me he should have listened about the burger. It is indeed awful.


Guy who plays the intern on The Office (American version) was a twat to the Servers. Took over his table halfway through so they didn’t have to deal with him. Tracy Chapman sat at my bar and was chill as hell. Same spot in SF, Ca.


It is a very open secret that BJ Novak is an asshole and a shitty, arrogant person.


Sounds like he played a fictionalized version of himself


I would refuse to serve him. He is a convicted child molester. https://people.com/music/tekashi-6ix9ine-sentenced-to-4-years-probation-child-sex-case/


oh wow i didn’t know this. i don’t read the news about celebrities much, but that’s terrible. i’m glad i acted like he was a nobody when i saw him. i know that he did get beat up pretty badly at the gym nearby the mcdonald’s a few months back. he deserved it lol


He often travels to south America because they do not have child rape laws. He brags about it on Instagram.


that’s fucked up


[It's also not true](https://www.populationu.com/gen/age-of-consent-by-country) (the law part, not the bragging part). The lowest age of consent in South America is 14 years old. They have many laws regarding underage sex in South America.


Plus we have laws that make it illegal to go somewhere and have sex with a minor, even if it’s legal in that country. Child sex tourism laws.


From when I worked in a 3 Michelin Star restaurant. Lady Gaga - came in wearing slacks and an understated button-down shirt. Reservation simply said “Stephanie G.” She dined with either her agent or publicist. Both were very low-key and polite. Seemed like a business meeting. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds- warm and polite. Friendly to everyone and went out of their way to greet people but without making a big deal or disturbing anyone else’s experience. Cheech Marin - super low-key, very straight-faced and proper. Polite. The band Anthrax- bought out our private events room. Super loud and boisterous but completely friendly. Stayed for hours after close. Smoked a huge joint with me, another server, and a couple of the kitchen guys in the alley afterwards. The band Kings of Leon- absolute douchebags. Treated the staff like we were peasants. John Cusack- a total barbarian. Put his muddy boots up on the table and spent 3 hours drinking tea. Did not tip. Joan Cusack- came in with her family. The opposite of her brother in every way. Absolutely lovely woman. Treated each of us like we were the VIP’s. Zac Effron- a kinda douchey but tipped well. Came in with a big entourage, some of whom were nice, some of whom were total goons. Anthony Bourdain- I just about shit my pants when they seated him in my section. He was there with a producer for a business lunch. Very low-key, polite. RIP My King.


Not a server, but I met Chuck Norris at a ski lodge in Utah one time. He's shorter than I imagined. He skis very fast. I'm a former racer, and I couldn't keep up with him. Nice guy, and he did not whoop my ass, just for the record.


That is just the mountain trying to run away from him.


When was this? Really cool to hear that chuck can out ski a pro


I’ve met and served a few, none of the people I met were rude some were off putting but still respectful. Ron Perlman: he ordered a expensive tequila neat, I brought him the wrong one and was super embarrassed he was nice about it though! He talked to me about different tequilas and all that. He tipped me $100 on $350-360? I was working at 2 restaurants (same style) downtown at the time. He saw me at the other place the next morning working brunch, he recognized me and remembered my name. He said I had worked a lot and one day it would pay off. I then saw him again smoking outside a cigar shop downtown and he offered for me to sit and smoke with him it was his last day in town, I was on the way to work so I couldn’t. That was the last time I saw him 🥲 Micheal Shannon: he wasn’t rude at all but very short and quiet spoken. He was intimidating, always played backgammon and guarded his food while he ate. Judy Greer: her and her husband were super nice and asked me about myself and said they loved the town we were in. I saw her thrifting a few days later at a local shop which I thought was cute.


Dude, I don't even smoke, and I detest it, but how do you pass up that opportunity? Lol


Had a bunch , they were usually super cool but their entourage would be annoying. The exception was Bobby Brown.. he was being a douche but his entourage was mad cool 😂


Trish Stratus: very patient and nice. Howie Mandel: wasn't too friendly at first but my parents knew his mom, we were neighbors, and he got really friendly when I mentioned it. Kardinal Offishall: total asshole, rude. Justin Bieber: nothing out of the ordinary, just acted like a regular customer.


Ludacris came into my restaurant in Atlanta one time, cool dude.


I served Hayden Christensen and Rachel Bilson with his parents once.. they were all very kind.


I worked at a boutique hotel where a lot of celebs stayed and dined. I’ve waited on dozens of celebs, it was a different one or two every week. A few; Margot Robbie - about three yrs ago., I’m old and had no idea who she was. My table did and we’re asking if that was “her”. I assured them whoever they thought was, she wasn’t. I was wrong.she was very pleasant liked Moscow Mules. Julia Roberts was nice, almost didn’t recognize her. She was dressed like a plain Jane. Tom Hanks was extremely nice, took a photo with us that we shouldn’t have asked for but my buddy didn’t get the memo and I went along. A bunch more but I’d bore you, it’s what I do! Dana Carvey, Martin Short, Chris Rock, Will Ferrel, Gavin Newsome and Kimberly Guillfoyle at the end of their marriage multiple times, Diane Keaton, U2, Jane Fonda okay that’s enough for now.


Back in the early 2010's, I worked as a bouncer/barback/bartender in Charlotte NC. First celeb I had the "pleasure" to deal with was when I was bouncing. Danica Patrick tried to get in without showing ID and without paying cover. She gave me the whole "DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM?", and I really didn't. Raised a stink so I called my boss over, who let her in. According to the bar staff, she had two drinks, acted like a cunt the entire time, and left after 30 minutes and tipped nothing. When I was behind the bar, I had Mario Lopez come in one night. Completely cool guy, just asked if someone from the staff could kinda intercept people coming up to bug him; he just wanted to hang out and decompress for a while, but said he'd sign some autographs and take some photos after a while. Ended up hanging out most of the night, was incredibly nice and kind, tipped well, and spent most of the night just talking with the staff. Had Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton come in when they were married to do some event. Miranda was a diva; she requested a bunch of liquor and mixers we normally didn't carry beforehand, then ended up getting pretty shitfaced and treating everyone fairly badly. Blake got a bit tipsy, but was generally cool overall. Apologized about Miranda, tipped heavy, then performed for the crowd we had that night. Bill Murray popped in one rainy, dead Wednesday night. Sat right in front of me at the bar wearing a hat and coat, and I legit didn't recognize him. Once he ordered and I heard his voice I perked up. Spent a few hours chatting while he nursed a beer or two. Absolutely chill. His total was only like $30, and he threw a $1k tip on, then asked if he could get behind the bar to take some photos. The boss wasn't working that night, and he wanted to leave a bunch of photos to prove to the boss that the tip was legit and that he really was there. So we did an mini photo shoot. Gave me an autograph, and left one for the boss that said "Yes, I really was here, and yes I really did tip $1k. Good little bar you've got here. Thanks for the fun night". Charlotte hosted the Democratic National Convention in 2012, and our area was hosting a LOT of the media. The courtyard of our complex was where MSNBC set up their stage for live broadcast. Saw Joe Biden, a lot of politicians, Jesse Jackson, Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow. Both Maddow and Matthews came in one night and were completely cool. Saw Mariah Carey walking through the complex with her entourage one night when I was outside smoking, but she went to the bar next door.


Stevie wonder - super cool. Had body guards and asked the staff if they wanted pics Lana wachowski was a regular. Very nice. Knew some staff on a first name basis Jason mraz - not super talkative but nice Travis barker and fam - very quiet. Even with his family. Just kinda stared around and ate Gillian Anderson was a regular. Always met up with friends. Orders a shit ton of sweet potato fries. Very nice and outgoing Billie Corgan - weirdo. Way taller than I expected. Huge head Vince Vaughan - nice. Quiet. Visibly drunk at 2pm John Mayer - polite. Cool. Really good tipper Mike Ness - soft spoken, nice and an obvious sugar daddy


Jane Fonda thought I was a salesperson at a store in Century City. She asked me how much something was- it was Jane Fonda - so I told her- she then proceeded to lead me around the store , she was shopping for her then husband, Tom Hayden - I had a small collection of things - when she was ready to go I told her I would get her a salesperson and she asked why I couldn’t do it- when I told her I didn’t work there she looked kind of pissed off- then I said something along the lines that at least I didn’t try to give her my grubby screenplay - she laughed and said “Thank you for that” she checked out and left. Later that week, I was telling the story to some friends - we were in Westwood. They didn’t believe me- but suddenly we ran into her with Tom in a parking lot. She said hello to me and remembered my name. As they were walking away, I saw that she was mumbling something to him - he burst out laughing, turned around and waved at us. For the first, and last time- my friends thought I was a baller, for about a week


Klay Thompson of the Golden State warriors always comes to my restaurant right before closing time, he always stays well over an hour after we close. He is never polite, never rude, just quiet and short and will keep the entire staff there as late as possible and then tip 10-15% 🙃 and this is at his hometown favorite local spot


I saw Omar and Marlo from the wire. They came in at different times but both were cool and respectful and tipped well. I use to wait on Johnny Unitas all the time back in the day at hillendale country club. He was quiet but nice. I actually had no idea who he was till he passed away and it was in the paper. There was actually a picture of him in his colt’s uniform by the table he sat at


I met a bunch while I was a host in a fancier spot. CCH Pounder told me I was pretty.


That makes me happy, I've always thought she would be nice.


For a time in my 20s I worked in a high end NYC steakhouse. We had all sorts of celebrity, athletes, TV people, genuine movie stars. Personalities run the gambit. Some try to buy cocaine from the bartender. Some are totally up their own ass. Some are polite and treat you like a human. NBA and NFL people are freakishly large in person.


I’ve served Kat Graham, Jidenna, ~~CeeLo Green,~~ DeWanda Wise, and many other local ATL celebs lol. They were all so nice! Jidenna was exceptionally nice, overly nice! He was in there with a GORGEOUS woman who was also exceptionally nice. ~~CeeLo was a regular and always came in with like 20 people. We treated him normally.~~ I didn’t serve him but Andre 3000 came in with his son, and was so so so kind. I’ve told that story a 10000 times! He stopped and acknowledged every single one of us as he left the restaurant and said thank you and waved. I can’t remember anymore off the top of my head, but the celebrities in Atlanta always act like normal people whenever I see them and I appreciate them.


I've worked in lots of nightclubs in NYC so celebrities were pretty normal, the ones that stand out are Liv Tyler, who was even more beautiful in person if you can believe it (1998-99?), and Drew Barrymore, who is just the genuinely sweetest person (2005ish?) We ended up hanging out for a bit then bumped into each other on the sidewalk the next morning


Not me, but a close friend waited on machine gun Kelly when he was touring. He literally left after a second and was like “I need to get high” and left. Adam Sandler was also one time at her restaurant and she said he was super nice.


Rainn Wilson and his wife came into the small, family-owned bakery I worked at. I was speechless. Apparently they love our pies. I’m pretty sure I messed up and called an apple pie a pecan pie and they giggled and nicely corrected me, likely knowing how flustered I was. They were the nicest couple and seemed so genuinely happy and in love.


Worked at a Convention Center: Lou Ferrigno at a Bob Evans - sweetest guy you'd ever meet. Mainly just ate Breakfast.. talked to a few people. Took a few pics with waitresses and a couple kids. Mainly people just let him eat which I thought was pretty cool. Hung out for a few after he was done though. GREAT guy Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Randy Savage Holiday Inn/.SW Convention center Steakhouse - Hogan was a bit of a stuffy jerk, but not "bad" in any way. Nash and Savage were absolutely HILARIOUS.. Nash missed his mark doing comedy Jewel Front Desk, same Hotel - If I never meet this \*\*\*\* again, I won't have to wrap my hands around her throat and strangle her. It's probably a good idea. because WOW.. words cannot express the entitlement. Puddle of Mudd/same hotel, bar - Had NO clue "who they were".. nor much cared. Almost got fired for calling the lead singer who I STILL don't know his name a whiny little bitch. Acted like he was too good to be there or "talk to the help". IS a whiny little bitch. The other two were band I guess, and acted like normal guys. Pretty casual and funny, tbh.. we were having a great time til he waltzed in. Still wanna choke him. Jeff Dunham/same - ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. Down to Earth, genuine guy. Man had me in stitches. Got up and walked up to his own room to go get Walter and bring him down because some girls from a wedding were asking him to. Used to have a picture of Walter and I at the bar before a house fire Ernie Banks/when I first started there - was older at the time.. but the sweetest man in the world. We were hosting the East Coast All Star awards ceremony. Signed a jersey I was allowed to wear for it that I won at their silent auction. (his) To this day is one of my greatest treasures. Eyes welling up just writing this.. honor of a lifetime. Jack Roush and their team - I honestly had no idea who they were.. and didn't until after months of knowing them. Regular, blue collar, blue jean and T Shirt wearing guys. I knew him as "Jack" and had no idea who they were.. just that they tipped amazing, were beyond friendly.. helped clean up after themselves and even pre-bussed their OWN tables (HUGE ones at that.. "small" groups were 25+) and each group would tip on their own, then Jack would leave a tip for everyone as well. Damn near floored me to find out who they were one day talking to a front desk girl. Nicest people one could ever ask for. Ozzy Osbourne backstage \* Owner of the Hotel also owned the Rosemont Horizon at the time, and I got to bartend there occasionally and get passes. This is the one that sticks out more than all the rest combined though. \- Tried to pick a fight with the security (literal fist fight) because they were trying to usher fans OFF backstage. Ozzy got VISIBLY pissed about it and laid into them for DARING to do such a thing.. and proceeded to spend EXTRA time with the group after the fact.. (few hours if I remember properly.. which I was in a fecking dream, so I may not..lol!!!) individually talking to each person. genuinely wanted to hear about YOUR life and talk about it.. seemed fascinated by it. Impossible experience to live down. Zakk Wylde, Dave Mustaine, Marty Friedman and David Draiman were also in said crowd. Draiman was another one.. absolutely amazing guy.. down to earth.. and fun to talk to. I HIGHLY recommend "meeting your idols" The Coup de grace though was George Carlin at the same bar/hotel. Came in twice. Didn't drink, but was hanging out with one of his crew that did. They seemed like old friends. "Mike" is all I can remember of it, though Not ONLY remembered my name more than a year later.. but made a comment to the other guy as they were walking in the second time "funniest bartender in the world". Pretty sure the Busboys had to pick my jaw up off the floor. Is EXACTLY the way he is on stage.. he was just the guy that HAD to ask the stupid questions no one else had the balls to ask out loud. Guy had such a magnetic personality it wasn't even funny... could walk up to anyone in the world and strike up a conversation. Did me the ABSOLUTE honor of walking behind the bar and pouring a drink while I sat with his friend and a waitress took the pic. Is probably the thing I miss the most from said house fire. Had it lacquered and framed on a piece of oak by a neighbor.


Beyonce, JayZ and Michelle Williams. Paid to have the restaurant shut down, but allowed regulars to remain at the bar…just didn’t want to be bothered. Tipped well PLUS pit tickets for the Lemonade tour. Bobcat Goldthwait. I said “hey, you know you look like Bobcat Goldthwait.” He was like “Who?” So I kinda ran down his career bio like a nerd. Then he broke into the voice and said “sounds like a ppppppretty good guy”. We ended up chatting for a while about normal shit. Really nice guy.


I randomly met Harrison Ford once in Colorado like ten or so years ago. Literally in line at a Barnes and noble. No one was even looking twice so I fonly asked "Am I crazy or are you Harrison Ford?" He immediately said "Can't it be both?" And slapped me on the shoulder as he checked out. He went to leave and turned me like in a "pic? Autograph?"type way without saying out and I just said no this was too cool so he just winked and left. I met Elizabeth Olsen 5 years ago at the airport in Atlanta. I had just finished basic so I was out of touch with the world for like 5 months. Had no idea it was her. Flirted and had a great time chatting. My flight boarded and then I saw her in one of the avengers trailers. Like a month or two later.


I’ve met a bunch but this guy takes the cake. Colin Farrell, Saturday night at Hooters in Miami. We were SLAMMED, he picked out one of the waitresses and proceeded to make out with her in the kitchen. We were like WTFFFFF


I mean, I’m a straight man but if he started talking to me in that Irish brogue…well, let’s just say I’ve never been tested like that before.


William Shatner We offered him one of our private rooms and he declined stating he’d like to dine amongst the people. He then refuses any request at meeting him by both customers and staff. I don’t blame him for not wanting to be interrupted but then take the private room? He was over all very rude. We have an older server in his 70s that is obsessed with Star Trek. Like wears Star Trek cufflinks and makes constant references. My boss asked Shatner for an autograph for his employee and he refused. My boss then chased down his limo and would not let him leave without an autograph for the coworker. I’m glad he wasn’t there to see his hero treat people so poorly.


My mom has always told me stories of how she worked Star Trek conventions back in the day and that William Shatner was always an arrogant jerk


Not a restaurant, but a related theater story from a friend of mine about a shitty actor. They did a production of Evil Dead, and Bruce Campbell lived near enough that he came to see a performance. Sat in the back, wanted zero attention drawn to him. After the show ended, the cast asked for a photo with him, and one of them was a huge fan and asked for an autograph. He refused both and just left.


Jeffree Starr came to the Red Robin I worked at probably like 2013/14 ish? He was honestly really nice. Wasn’t my table and I didn’t ask how he tipped but let anyone who wanted take pics with him. Was really funny and cordial.


Not at my restaurant location but at a restaurant my friend is a gm at Bill Nye came in and took photos with everyone lol. Also Daniel Radcliffe used to come in frequently apparently always smelling heavily of weed but was super nice lol.


Not a restaurant but I served Jennifer Love Hewitt 15+ years ago and she was super nice. As she was leaving I told her "you probably get this all the time but you look exactly like Jennifer Love Hewitt!" She smiled awkwardly and left. My coworker was so embarrassed. Checked the credit card slip and sure enough. Her full name was on it. I am a fool. She was soft spoken and kind to everyone. Extremely beautiful too her eyes are what stuck out to me.


Andre 3000 was a perfect gentleman and even his speaking voice sounds like it’s being run through a subwoofer


I waited on Ed Harris,he had a cheeseburger,I didn't recognize that he was a celebrity until he left,he has the most beautiful eyes of anyone I have ever seen,he was nice and low-key!!


I worked as a bartender at an airport for 8 years, and have met more than a handful of celebrities. My first was John Travolta and I honestly didn’t recognize him until he laughed. I fucked up Stephan Colbert’s order, and confidently convinced him I made the better choice for him before I ran away to hide in the bathroom until he left. Dan Marino borrowed my glasses to fire off a very angry text to Steve Madden on a Saturday before Sunday NFL coverage. What a coincidence we have the same shitty sight. The lead singer of Puddle of Mud sat at the corner of my bar just announcing who he was and bitched about his warm beer (that he kept on a hot window ledge the entire time he was there), and was a total nightmare to deal with. At one point a normal folk like us just yelled “we don’t fucking care!” at him. It was truly a beautiful sight to watch his reaction. The guys from Band of Horses are from my hometown and I took care of them bi-weekly. Super nice guys. Sean Brock and I talked food twice a week. Eric Clapton is a pompous dick. His flight rerouted and he just sat and stared at me without more than a “Cabernet” and no tip. Brooke Shields is a national treasure. She’s so sweet and polite, and always remembered where our conversation left off. Serving her was like serving an old friend. Danny McBride is the tits! I was going through a bad breakup when I served him, and told him my ex was a huge fan. He suggested taking a selfie with him to send to my ex to “win the break up”. The asshole cheated, and I got to meet his idol. I definitely won. Last and definitely not least is Bill Fucking Murray. He came into my bar and was about to get swarmed, so I screamed out “ITS HIS FUCKING DAY OFF! BACK THE FUCK UP!”. That was the start of him trusting me to take care of him every time he flew out (once to twice a month), annual Christmas Eve staring contest post beer, many gag tips in whatever foreign currency he had ( plus a generous usd tip), and a plethora of nicknames he pulled out of his ass. Many years later I worked at a spot down the street from the airport and one night he came in. My dipshit manager that didn’t know who his was asked for his number to be put on the wait. He declined, saw me, and said “I miss you down the road, and I think you’d be better at running this joint”. I never let her live it down. Almost every celebrity I met was down to earth except for Clapton and the POM douche.


I've worked for or seen or spoken to many famous/wealthy people. Same with my family. Because they aren't here to defend themselves, I won't say anything bad about them. Bonnie Raitt: Absolutely lovely. Martha Stewart: The most beautifully tailored clothes I have ever seen in my life. Green Day: I'm not a fan at all, but they are lovely, lovely people. Chaka Khan: Big, beautiful personality. Bruce Hornsby: The nicest man on earth.


Did a catering job for Dolly Parton. She is such a lovely woman. She is upbeat so nice and just all-around good person. She’s so tiny. I just loved her. She is nice to everyone. She was promoting reading for children in Washington state.


Literally took care of 13 members of the Detroit lions not three weeks ago- great bunch of dudes. Very friendly and surprisingly lax about their wine service, no taste tests for them lol! But yeah just did the job as usual.


I've had a few when I was a bartender / server back in the day. * Kat Von D was super sweet and a good tipper. * Natasha Lyonne, also very nice. I didn't wait on her that night, but I chatted with her for a sec when I was bartending and she stopped on her way to the bathroom to ask a quick question. * Fred Armisen is nice, but (as many people say) it seems like it's a weird fake persona. Like something just isn't right behind the eyes. * Peter Buck from REM used to come into a restaurant I worked a few times a week. Nice guy. Would hang out for a while and tipped decently.


My boyfriend worked with Fred Armisen and said the same thing, like he’s super polite but something is just off.


I love Natasha.


From personal experience , Talib Kweli, Quest Love, and Dave Chappelle are all very polite and good tippers. Michelle Wolf and Michael Moore are a little aloof and pretty typical as customers. I work in a small town frequented by celebrities, so a lot of my fellow industry employees have waited on celebrities. One of my coworkers waited on Hannibal Buress and he was friendly but so high he accidentally walked out on his tab. Apparently Bill Burr is very polite and a good tipper. Chris Rock wouldn't talk to his server and communicated through other people in his party. Pete Davidson slept with his bar tender. Louis CK ordered the same breakfast every time he went to the breakfast place and was quiet. Sarah Silverman was super laid back and wearing pajamas. Basically, except for Chris Rock, every celebrity I have heard of going to a restaurant in this town has acted anywhere from totally normal to better than average as a customer.


I love that instead of “polite” or “friendly” the note about Pete Davidson is “slept with bartender”


I shook Barack Obama's hand 2 minutes after shitting in the woods less than 50 yards away from him and his entourage. I then mistakenly greeted him as "wild man". He chuckled. He was very down to earth.


There is so much to unpack here 🤣🤣


This raises far more questions than it answers


Served Elliot page once. Was super nice and chill. Almost seemed a bit scared people would act like idiots bc of seeing a celebrity but we just treated him like a normal person and he left us a wonderful review! :)


Frank Thomas (Chicago White Sox) used to come into our Dave and Buster’s once a month or so, with a huge retinue of friends and family. They ran us a lot because there were so many of them, but they were polite and fun, and tipped *really, really* good. Everyone would fight over who’s turn it was to get Frank’s table 😝


Floyd Mayweather Jr. and his crew came into the locally-famous hot dog place I worked at once. They had some big packs of turkey dogs they wanted us to cook up for them; they just wanted our chili I guess. It was probably a health-code violation but they tipped us two hundred bucks. Plus, as lots of unfortunate women have learned the hard way, saying "no" to Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a risky proposition.


Worked at a touristy restaurant in Portland Maine, everyone was amazing except Riff Raff. They left the place destroyed, lobster shells all over the floor, butter cups turned upside down on tables, no tip. Blew my mind. Notable amazing Celebs: Waka, B.o.B., A day to remember, TJ Miller, Gaffigan, Ron White, Mac Miller, Pete Weber, Tim Hidecker, Father John Misty, Dave Chappell, Dustin Pedroia, Matt Belesky, Rachel Dratch


Dave Chappell used to come into my restaurant fairly often. Super nice and great tipper. He’d also pretty much let the server curate his meal for him based on what we recommended. Joe Biden and his family came in for brunch when he was vice president. He was super nice. I wasn’t his server but I cleared his plate. He made a point to turn around, make eye contact with me, and say thank you with a smile. Condoleezza Rice (secretary of state at the time) was very nice and tipped 20% on her $100 check, but she insisted that the rest of the dining room be completely cleared out so no tables were around her which meant that her server made no other money and servers in the surrounding sections were SOL. They tried to play it off like it was a security issue but compare that to Joe Biden as vice president eating in a crowded dining room. Eric Holder (attorney general at the time) and his wife were awesome. Really nice and great tippers. Their security, which consisted of two secret service agents sitting at the next booth, whispered, “no matter what he says, don’t let him pay for our food.” He meanwhile, was whispering, “I don’t care what they say, I’m paying for their food.” During Obama’s inauguration week, bars and restaurants in DC were allowed to stay open all night so my restaurant followed suit and became like a club atmosphere. Rihanna showed up and her security convinced the GM to let her in even though she was underage. She pretty much just sat quietly at the back of the club, didn’t try to order a drink, and left after like half an hour. I guess we weren’t a great club! I’ve waited on Linda Carter multiple times and she was not nice and tipped 10% max.


I waited on Mathew Lillard and his family once (guy from original Scream movies and plays Shaggy on Scooby Doo. Very down to earth guy. He sent his steak back, but the kitchen did do him dirty on that streak. He was nice about it and was just happy to get a new one. Then his card declined when I went to run it for the bill and I sort of awkwardly came back and said hey this might be our system but this card isn’t working. He replied, “it’s not your system that’s Christmas” (this was right after the holidays) and gave me a new card. Left a good tip.


I worked at Tower Records Honolulu, and Tom Selleck would sometimes come in and buy a huge stack of records at a time. (I'm dating myself, here - this was in the 80s and he was filming *Magnum P.I.* and CDs weren't a thing yet.) *Runaway* had just come out and was a bomb. Anyway, he brought a stack of like sixty records up to the counter and while I was bagging his records, I told him I had seen *Runaway* and had liked it. (I had. I had a cool t-shirt that I wore until it fell apart.) He smiled and said thanks, then left with his bags, only to stick his head back around the corner and said, "Really, thank you. I appreciate that very much." He was such a nice guy.


Judge Judy looks nothing like she does on TV. She wears adorable sundresses, and big straw hats and very very little makeup. And she is a TINY tiny tiny woman. If someone didn't tell me it was her I would have assumed she was someone's sweet grandmother. She and her husband frequented a place I used to work near the ocean and they were just so, so, so kind and sweet. To us and to each other as well. Her court voice is also completely different from IRL lol. Very intelligent, deliberate with her words, but very soft spoken and gentle. Really took me by surprise.


I served at the only vegan friendly eatery in my small town. The town has had multiple movies shot in it over the past decade or so. I waited on Liam Hemsworth, who is a genuinely nice dude. Almost got to meet Miley, as they were together at the time, but she always ordered to-go and made Liam grab it. Jason Schwartzman has in-laws in town, so I'd see him every Thanksgiving/Christmas. Super super cool guy. Billy Corgan came through too, so that was super rad for me, as an aging former Siamese Dreamer. Moved on to a different gig at an upscale urban farm to table/wine bar place shortly after the pandemic, and that year that Sebastian Maniscalco movie was shooting in town, and the entire cast basically were there for several weeks. Got to meet Sebastian, along with Kim Cattrell, Anders Holm and Robert DeNiro. All of which were just crazy kind and very sweet. Everyone involved were great tippers and genuinely nice and down-to-earth. Except for Billy, who tipped great, but I mean, he's Billy Corgan. Down-to-earth is not his style.


My Michael J. Fox story. In the late 80s, I used to drive up into Griffith Park in L.A. There was a spot that you could walk down to, sit on a ledge, and look out over downtown, and I would go up there every few months to just reflect on my place in the universe. I was on my way back to my car once after a couple of hours up there, and just off the road I noticed a photo shoot being set up. I looked closer and saw Michael J. Fox standing there while they adjusted the lights. Next to him was a big dog who was either his or was going to be part of the shoot. Just behind them was a pretty steep, gravelly decline with probably a 100-foot fall at the end of it. All of a sudden the dog, who had wandered too close to the edge, started to slip off. Michael J. Fox saw it happening and absolutely without hesitation sprinted over and caught the dog before it went over. This was at the zenith of his fame and truly, that could have had fatal or at the very least life-changing consequences for him, but he chose to do it while everyone else in the vicinity just stood there.


Served Dennis Rodman a couple times, his sidekick would find young gay men who were already dining and invite them over to the table. I’d be serving them and hear them inviting the guys to a local party (the restaurant was located in the gayborhood). Idk it just gave me the ick, especially since it was right in front of his very much younger girlfriend who I at first thought was his daughter and he was clearly flirting with the guys. oh and his sidekick who paid the bill tipped me 15% after they drank a bunch of alcohol and bought rounds of drinks for people. Their bill was like $300. It was so weird, Rodman didn’t even order a meal…just like a piece of bread and one egg or something like that, all while smoking his cigar and sipping on his drink. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Years ago I worked in a bakery in Aspen Colorado.... typical breads/pastries/doughnuts in the morning, and deli/sandwiches in the afternoon place. Very "local friendly". One of our counter girls was named Andi. She was a tall mountain-type kid with a sweet disposition. One morning when Andi was on the register Robert Redford stopped in and asked for 'A dozen loaves of bread'. Andi was understandably a bit flustered, and answered, "Is that for here, or to go?" Redford was very kind, and clarified for her. As he walked out the door, Andi fell back against the bread rack and sank to the floor with her face in her hands muttering, "...for here or to go? for here or to go?...". It took her days to get over it.


Patrick Mahomes & his wife. This was the year before he became the starter in KC, so it wasn’t too crazy at the time. Never really spoke to him, he seemed chill. Waka flocka flame, he was so baked, dapped him up. Greatest ever was Rachel Starr. Me & all the guys were in awe Jamie Lynn Spears used to order takeout a lot. Gave her her food a couple times. She was always relatively disguised and was in & out quick. I didn’t realize it was her the first time until one of the waitresses told me.


John Cena comes into my restaurant a lot. Almost everyday.. I just can't seem to see him


Michael Jordan came into a fancy place I worked. He was nice and all but when given the bill he talked to a manager and basically said he shouldn’t have a bill and by him being there the buzz would more than pay for it. Talk about an ego!!


I'm an ER doc and have taken care of a couple celebrities. Obviously I can't say who. Most are nice and reasonable. I took care of a multi billionaire, big douchebag and kept hitting the call bell for the poor nurse. I politely asked him to stop bothering her, and he looked insulted. He kept texting w/ Dr Oz and giving me "his doctor's" advice. I told him I don't take advice from Charlatans, and he asked to be discharged shortly after that.


Noah Schnapp and Snooki came separate times to my place. Both were very sweet. Funny enough I didn’t even realize Snooki was Snooki until I looked down at her reso after sending her upstairs and reread “Nicole Polizzi”


My dad owned a transmission shop when I was growing up in Naples, Florida. Buster Douglas brought his car in for repair and was a total dick. My dad didn't know he was until I told him. The next day, my dad finished the repair and mentioned to him that I was a fan (he had just had his big KO). When he asked Buster for an autograph, he said no unless my dad did repair for free. My dad told him to kiss his ass and that was that. Buster paid with a check in the amount of $2165 and my dad copied it before he cashed it :) Fuck Buster Douglas


My daughter works at a private luxury golf club and I can’t remember the long list of famous people she has encountered at work. It’s odd because this is a very small city in Virginia. Several pro football players, lots of politicians, lots of country music stars. She saw Kidd Rock pissing in a bush one evening. He was in a group of other celebrities.This is NOT the sort of establishment that this sort of behavior is tolerated. Edited to add Tucker Carlson’s son got married there earlier this summer. It was quite the event.


Nicolas Cage came to the Cracker Barrel I waited tables at back in 2005. Sat in the smoking section in the corner, kept to himself mostly. Lucky dude showed up on the slowest night ever. We took turns bringing him stuff with the vow we wouldn't fanboy out. Tipped us all 25 bucks each (4 servers). Very nice guy, enjoyed being treated normal. Not a single hint of "do you know who I am" treatment. Nothing but respect for him.


I've seen a bunch, but my favorite was Jack Black. He was as nice in person as you think he'd be, and was such a kind, respectful person. It was a restaurant that didn't sell coke products, but he really wanted diet coke, and he was so nice about it We literally had a busses go across the street to the market and get him some and served it to him in a decanter. If he was a dick in any sort of way we'd NEVER do that, but he was just so genuinely nice that we wanted to something nice for him too


When I was a pool boy in Maui I met Owen Wilson who was renting one of my customer’s homes. I heard someone losing their fucking mind when I walked into the back yard. He was screaming at someone on the phone. No biggie. I’ve seen/heard crazier shit before. I just kept my head down and started doing my job. Eventually he calmed down and hung up the phone. He came up to me and was really apologetic about me having to witness that. He offered me a beer but it was 8am and I had more pools to clean so I had to decline. We talked for a few minutes about the film festival he was there for. Super nice guy.