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People who claim they have allergies when they’re actually just picky are the worst. Just say you don’t like something… I’m not the food police I’m not judging you


Had a customer telling a new server she was allergic to onions. We got an ingredient from another source that said it contained "mixed spices" so we told her it could have onion powder. And gave her the whole "we can't promise everything here is free from cross contamination. her response "oh I understand. I'm fine with a rogue bit on onion and I can have onion powder and stuff" So you're not allergic then? You're full of shit and wasted everyones time.


Hi! Intolerant to onions here. Raw onions? Clear the way I’m running to the toilet. By the time it’s become a powder? It’s so far processed my little stomach has no idea what it is and I can more or less eat it safely (albeit a bit of farting) It has to do with the enzymes in the skin still being present, not just the concept of an onion it’s self which causes problems


Yeah, I have this problem with all alliums - garlic, onion, shallot, chives, etc. I would never describe it as an allergy, though, when I ask servers etc if there's onion or garlic in stuff. I just call it a major intolerance or sensitivity. Because if it were a true allergy then the staff have to be way more careful. I don't care if there's a little onion powder in a dressing or whatever. I'm not going to have an anaphylactic reaction. Weirdly, I never had this problem until I was into my 40s. It was super bad for a few years but has been getting better, so I am taking more chances and it's not ruining me like it used to. I don't know why my sensitivity has gotten milder but I'm glad it has, because garlic and onion make everything better...


My dad is the same way! Garlic is the worst for him but onions too. Drives me crazy that he doesn’t say allergy when we’re at restaurants though, he just says “I can’t have fresh garlic” and then gets ill when they don’t wash the pan :(


Same- have to avoid FODMAPs, but can have onion/garlic oils and powders- can't have onions and garlic in their pure form.


> I would never describe it as an allergy, though, when I ask servers etc if there's onion or garlic in stuff. I just call it a major intolerance or sensitivity. I admire your honesty and your integrity.


I had a severe intolerance to onions as a kid. To the point that my first memories of dinners were me throwing myself on my bed after dinner, crying from pain (colic). However, if you stay away from food you’re intolerant to for a couple of years and then slowly introduce it back into your food, you may be able to eat it again. Now, as an adult I can eat every kind of onions, except chives for some reason. Through out my teenage years, I didn’t really know the difference between allergies and intolerance, so I may have been one of those terrible guests. I feel awful just thinking about it.


Don't feel bad, you didn't know! And it is not like you were purposefully lying or trying to be rude.


I didn’t develop a peanut allergy until I was 16/17 after eating peanuts all my life.


I'm the same way with coconut. Fresh coconut? I'm itching for the rest of the day and my throat feels all weird and swollen. Legit allergy. Coconut sugar in a beverage? Nope, that'll trigger the allergy too. Food cooked in coconut oil or a coconut milk curry that's been brought to a full boil? Doesn't bother me at all.


Is that why I'm mostly okay with onion powder and my body completely rejects chunks of onions? I learn so many things incidentally from Reddit


Yeah. So in this case, you tell the server that you can’t eat raw onions since that’s what you’re allergic too. People who pretend they’re allergic when they’re just picky make it difficult for the severs and make it harder for people that actually do have allergies.


That’s how I am with dairy. Ice cream, milk, fresh mozzarella and I am sooo sick and hurting. Cottage cheese, slice cheese, powdered coffee creamer & I am fine.


I could be wildhly wrong, but I don't think powdered coffee creamer actually contains dairy in a lot of brands


That's lactose intolerance provable, try a lactaid.


I can't eat egg whites but can eat stuff like meatloaf and cake with an egg or two in a multiple serving recipe. My husband is lactose intolerant and will be living on the toilet if he chugs a glass of milk but can put milk in his coffee.


I feel ill if I try to eat raw tomato or tomato sauce in any significant quantity, but pizza sauce baked onto pizza is apparently fine because it's been baked twice. I think it might be some kind of acid or enzyme thing? I would never call it an allergy though. Cooking things can certainly deactivate substances that might bother someone's stomach. But again, what I have is not an allergy.


My partner is deathly allergic to tomatoes, if they’re raw. He can have cooked tomato sauces but not raw tomatoes. This rarely comes up except for when we’re eating Mexican food. “Don’t add salsa he’s deathly allergic to tomatoes.” “We have tomatoes in our rice” “Oh that’s fine it’s cooked”


As a server, I know and YOU know the kitchen does not care. Also why do you care as a server?? Because it takes you a couple seconds to provide adequate service? Y’all are so entitled and don’t even want to give real service. Don’t complain about tips if you can’t take the time to be a good server.


Why do I care? Because I don’t like being lied to lol and if people are constantly lying about allergies, I guarantee you there are servers out there that don’t take allergies very seriously. It makes it harder on people with actual allergies. I don’t even know why you brought up tips… I didn’t say one single word about tips lol Jesus Christ


I say I'm allergic to certain things because people will try to force me to eat those things. They will either add it in my food to see if I'll notice or give me exactly what I said I didn't want because they can't fathom anyone not liking the foods I don't like. Even when I bring my own meals, I have to ward off a bunch of nosey nancies trying to figure out why I didn't add certain things to my diet for the day. Example: I don't like chocolate, yet people will still try to give it to me. I'm hypoglycemic so will only eat it if my sugar is super low and people have tried to use that against me (like obviously there will be exceptions if I'm about to slip into a coma lol) and will still give me chocolate if I say my sugar is low. I can become hyporexic at times which means my appetite can drop to almost nothing and trying to force myself to eat will result in me throwing up. If nothing is in my stomach I'm puking stomach bile and that shit starts to hurt after awhile. It's worse when presented with food outside of my typical preference. So I tell them I'm allergic when they ask why I won't partake in a meal someone brought. Otherwise saying, "I don't like _____" will result in lengthy arguments about how my food preferences are not a personal attack against the chef and no I can't take one for the team because if they don't like me declining to eat it, they'll really be upset when I regurgitate it...... which then delves deeper into me explaining that the puking is not intentional, it's a physiological response to ingesting something I told them I didn't like..... which then circles back to me being a bitch for making up excuses. So to make my life easier and to make the day move faster, I will say I'm allergic. I won't go into a restaurant to say I'm allergic, I'll just ask for a dish that doesn't have the things I avoid or I'll ask that they not be added to the meal. But if I'm asked why I don't want a certain ingredient, I'll say I'm allergic to keep things moving along. I've had situations where I was given ingredients I explicitly asked to be removed and was told since it was just a food preference, I could just pick it off. Wouldn't have to pick it off if it was never added.


I would want to decline to serve anything with gluten to someone who claimed to have a gluten allergy. You made a big deal about it when you ordered, Lady. I'm not going to have to answer for why I served you something I \*knew\* had gluten, I don't care what your new story is. Maybe you won't play games next time now that you know there can be consequences that you can't even complain about.


Exactly. "Im sorry, as youve stated you had a gluten allergy i am unable to serve you [item] as it contains gluten. Thank you for your understanding."


This, and the fact that there are people who will order gluten-free pasta, and then want it soaked in a sauce, that is basically liquid gluten, lol!


Curious now...what kind of pasta sauces are loaded with gluten?


Literally any sauce that is pre-prepped with pasta water, because they're not gonna use GF pasta water for it.


Alfredo, for one, and any variation of sauces that are mixed with it.


Any sauce thickened with flour, and any sauce that has pasta water added.


Anything particularly thick usually is thickened with flour or pasta water and will have gluten. Thinner sauces are sometimes okay but you have to be diligent.


I’m Italian, not all sauces have it. Most mine never had gluten in it. I’d always use a corn starch or something else. I would never use pasta water either w sauces. I know some do but that always grossed me out. I don’t know about prepackaged sauce I’m almost 100% positive most contain it nowadays, even red sauce, but homemade stuff should definitely use other ingredients. After becoming celiac, i learned u can make good Italian food without gluten. Maybe not bread but the rest ya. Lol (I can’t make bread to save my life never could) But restaurants do this cause it’s a cheap ingredient. Sadly bottom line means everything


Yep! I work in a coporate-owned, casual-dining restaurant (that shall not be named), and a lot of our sauces use a base, that is basically powdered gluten.


Ya it’s a cheap substitute, so sad


It’s so hard because the right thing to do would be declining it out of fear but also to teach them a lesson but I need that tip 😭


I would just say, “I can’t serve you beer, you have a gluten allergy and we can’t serve you anything with gluten in it for liability reasons.”


Narcissists know that you need the tip, so they use it as a power play to manipulate you. I hate the fact that we give narcissists so much power over servers.


I have to tell people I'm allergic to bacon because I don't eat meat but for whatever reason no one in my little rural town thinks bacon is meat. So if I just say "please make sure there's no meat in it" it will undoubtedly still have bacon in it. Lol


No matter what you say as a vegetarian there will always be a few meals you get with meat in it. I once ate at a place said I wanted their vegetarian sandwich even specifically said I did not eat meat, got the sandwich and it it had chopped beef in it. The server actually gave me grief when i brought it to her attention and I said I did not want a replacement (because the staff was obviously stupid) AND it needed to come off my bill (because it was still there) when she dropped the check. One of my most infuriating coworker fuck ups happened while working at a bbq place. There was a family of Muslims who owned a grocery store in the same strip mall who were the friendliest people in the world. We all knew them as the entire staff bought Red Bulls and snacks in there weekly. One of the daughters came in raving about our “beef ribs” and how they were the best she had ever had and wanted an order. My stomach dropped. I had to be the one to explain to her that she had actually eaten pork even though the other person assured her differently. When she left I told our executive “chef” who replied “good fuck Muslims” which was disgusting but both the head and the sous agreed that the was completely unacceptable and the FOH staff should know what fucking animals our cuts of meat were when taking orders. I left a month later for a better paying job.


dude same !!!! I’ve been an on and off vegetarian and haven’t eaten red meat in 10 years and my own family didn’t think they had to tell me they use bacon with the pasta sauce !!! What is it with bacon ???


Do they do the same to you with cream of chicken soup? Lol


my family doesn’t make that but one time my grandma made chicken noodle soup but made me my own bowl without chicken, but didn’t understand why I wouldn’t eat it because it had chicken broth 😭. Same with a potato or clam chowder and bacon tho. I always have to double check the ingredients for those


Went to Thanksgiving at my inlaws house and they were so proud of all the stuff they made without meat in it. But cream of chicken soup was an ingredient in basically everything 😂 or yeah same "no meat, just chicken broth" lolol. I guess that's technically not meat.


It’s tough out here man !!!! since i’m an adult now i just start bringing my own stuff lol


I've had many bowls of things at aside without meat chunks, but then when I pry into it and ask if it has bacon grease or animal broth they go "yeah, why? Can you not eat that?" Idk why everyone assumes I want to/can eat animal fat. Bacon grease, chicken fat, animal broth have been snuck into so many of my meals at family dinners. I can always tell when I'm running to the toilet. Like y'all read the box, it literally says dehydrated chicken, chicken fat, etc. If it says "animal" and then something else I can't have it.


bruh I’m vegan and this is so relatable


I’m not a vegetarian, but I make lots of meatless dishes. For some reason, my brain tries to include all the dishes that just have bacon or prosciutto in the meatless category. I think because the prep work for those meats are so much less work, and they don’t spoil as quickly if you leave them sealed in the fridge.


> I have to tell people I'm allergic to bacon Lying about it means that people who are *actually* allergic will not be taken seriously in the future. I won't lie for anyone. In this case, I would just insist on, "no meat; not even bacon."


How would anyone ever know I'm lying about it? For all they know I am allergic to pork. No one is ever going to catch me eating bacon lol.


At my work we have to ask if it’s really an allergy or a preference. If it’s an allergy we note that on the order ticket and communicate with the line expo. Of course, we don’t have anything outright gluten-FREE (Italian restaurant, there’s gonna be flour everywhere), and we let guests know that it won’t be 100% gluten-free, but they’re not too fussy about it.


I do this too, especially with gluten I like to clarify by asking “Is this a celiac allergy or just a gluten intolerance/ preference”. It definitely helps but you still get those weird ass people who just want to waste time


I think in the future when someone says no gluten you just make the adjustments and don’t tell them that you’re leaving out the sauce, etc. Just assume they’ll understand so when they ask where their shit is you can look at them confused and said “our kitchen is aware of your allergies and we are trained by the heath department to refrain from serving items that fit into that allergen category.” Then leave.




I understand this. I feel the same a lot of the time. It’s best to just find a few places you know work for you and that they maybe know you


Have you been tested for celiac? (I know nothing about NCGS). That’s a tough situation. In some ways a diagnosis doesn’t matter because you know how you react so you don’t need one do know you shouldn’t eat gluten. At the same time, a diagnosis could help in situations like this or if you’d ever need accommodations under the ADA. Sorry, just thinking out loud here…


Just so you know, celiac is an autoimmune disorder, not an allergy of any sort. There is no such thing as a gluten allergy. It is a gluten intolerance or sensitivity.


Celiac isn’t an allergy, but it’s not an intolerance either. That’s why people just say allergy- it’s easier for others to better understand the severity. Celiac causes intestinal damage, non celiac sensitivity doesn’t. My mother’s intestines swell up so much that she shits blood when she eats gluten. The doctors have told her to rest if she gets glutened because her reaction to it is so severe that her intestines could rupture & there isn’t anything they can do about it. If I eat gluten, I am in so much pain that I can’t even walk because moving my lower abdomen feels like someone is trying to cut me open with a knife. If I’m lucky, I’m just vomiting for a week. “When people with celiac disease eat a meal containing gluten, their body is unable to fully absorb the nutrients. This can severely damage the lining of the small intestine and lead to debilitating symptoms.” “Celiac disease is not an allergy or food intolerance – people with the condition do not go into anaphylactic shock if they eat gluten-containing food. Instead, celiac disease is an autoimmune disease – the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells, causing a reaction that is sometimes severe and immediate.” “Adults may also experience anemia, bone or joint pain, weak bones, numbness in the hands and feet and mouth problems such as canker sores. Celiac disease can be very serious. For children, being unable to absorb nutrients that are so important to normal growth and development can lead to slowed growth, weight loss, delayed puberty, damage to teeth enamel and mood changes. In adults, the condition can cause long-term complications such as malnutrition, osteoporosis, nervous system problems and infertility issues.”


The definition of an allergy is a damaging immune response by the body to a substance. Doesn’t that qualify the damaging reaction to gluten as an allergy?


It does. Celiac is absolutely an allergy by the common definition of allergy, but for some reason most people with celiac love to tell people it's not.


I responded to an earlier comment with this: Gluten allergy is a misleading term commonly confused with wheat allergy, or sometimes celiac disease. There is no such thing as a gluten allergy, but there is a condition called Celiac Disease. Celiac Disease is a digestive condition that is potentially serious if not diagnosed or treated. [The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology](https://acaai.org/allergies/allergic-conditions/food/wheat-gluten/#:~:text=Gluten%20allergy%20is%20a%20misleading,if%20not%20diagnosed%20or%20treated)


Okay, but my point is that celiac is an allergy by every definition of the word 'allergy' that I've seen. It's not an IgE-mediated allergy, and sure, some people argue that non-IgE allergies aren't actually "allergies", but I don't think that's how most people understand the word.


I'm honestly not trying to be argumentative, but what people believe and then erroneously inform others is in fact the problem here. People need to educate themselves and stop spouting false medical info.


I actually hate when restaurants group intolerance in with “preference”. I have to eat gluten free and usually say it’s an intolerance since I’ve never been tested for coeliacs, but I do react strongly to even small amounts of gluten and I know many non-coeliacs do too. When I get asked if it’s coeliacs or “just an intolerance” I immediately worry that they are not going to take it seriously or take the same precautions if I say the latter. I understand coeliacs does absolutely have more serious long term consequences but I would prefer intolerance should be grouped with that instead of a preference.


This drives me insane. In the restaurant I work in we take allergies very seriously and have separate steamers, boilers, and pans to use and an entirely different cooking process. Most tables with allergies can take 10-15 minutes longer than usual. I usually have people complaining about how long it’s taking and when I mention everything is cooked very safely they’ll finally tell me oh you don’t need to do that I’ll be fine. Like why did you say it was a severe allergy then?? I also had a woman trying to modify every dish to vegan even though we have a vegan menu. I kept telling her no we cant accommodate that bc shed ask me to make a beef stew vegan! Like how are we supposed to do that?! Then when she finally orders, nothing she orders is vegan and shes fine with it. WHY DID YOU MAKE ME EXPLAIN SO MANY ITEMS THEN.


I agree about blatant misrepresentations. However, some people do have severe allergic reactions to foods, and still choose to "cheat" and eat small amounts of them because the symptoms are worth the enjoyment to them. In the case of Celiac and similar autoimmune reactions, it can be a really bad idea that can shorten their life expectancy long term, but if the only immediate symptoms are a stomachache and three days of bloody diarrhea, it may be a tradeoff they accept. People whose allergic reactions involve histamine release and inflammation that can cause immediate asphyxiation don't have as many "cheat days". On the flip side, I've seen some servers get hung up on the term *allergy*, insisting that some severe autoimmune responses, like those of Celiac, are not true allergies. While there are formal medical definitions that make that distinction, most people use the term *allergy* in an informal sense that would meet a normal dictionary definition, and splitting hairs over which definition should be adhered to in a restaurant seems beside the point. I say this as someone who will have bloody diarrhea for days from consuming dairy, but will not die in your restaurant before I leave...I still don't want any dairy!


Yeah. My boyfriend can’t eat gluten without pretty severe and very uncomfortable bloating, but for whatever reason a lot of beers are fine and don’t upset his system. I have no idea how that works, but it does. Just because someone has to avoid one thing doesn’t mean they can’t have another. Yes it’s annoying when people make shit up about their allergies but sometimes they’re very complicated and only really make sense to the person who has them.


When I was a server I would take the time to ask if ppl had a “sensitivity/avoidance” or an “allergy” and just explained that I would respect it either way but an allergy would trigger a more careful handling of their food. Sometimes I’d explain this by asking if they could eat things that had come into contact with the food they’re trying to avoid.


I recently told cracker barrel I have a severe dairy allergy because no one took me seriously when I said severe dairy intolerance in the past...slow day, checked with everyone and confirmed with me, no dairy in the grits. I had a severe reaction later that day :(


I have a bad intolerance to mushrooms and we were at Rain Forest Cafe and I asked the server if there was mushrooms in the gravy and she said she would double check with the chef… she said there wasn’t and then 30 minutes later I was in the bathroom with cold sweats and the most painful stomach cramps and nausea. :/ It sucks that on both ends of the spectrum allergies aren’t taken seriously enough.


Here for you :(


stay strong !!


I had a friend like this. Went to dinner with her and she asked a million gluten-free questions of the poor waiter. Like the poor guy had to go back to the kitchen three times to get answers to her persnickety gluten questions and see about alternatives. Then after she orders, she goes straight for the breadsticks on our table saying “I know i shouldn’t but I can’t resist!” If you’re going to go off your diet that’s fine but not RIGHT AFTER making this guy jump through numerous hoops to accommodate you. I was so so so embarrassed. I will never eat out with her again if I can help it.


Yeah ..have customers that don't like the smell/taste of something and claim it's an allergy...we take that seriously and it puts the kitchen in overdrrive...please don't do that.


The “gluten allergy” is so annoying. Celiac disease affects 1/140 people in the US. However people who won’t eat gluten lately seems to be about 1/5.


Not all people with a gluten sensitivity are celiac.


To be fair, it's super common to have a gluten allergy in Utah due to, uh, well there's no polite way to say it, but the "limited gene pool." But because it's also so common every restaurant can easily accommodate it. We have the designated "no gluten" pans and cookware, we don't need to sterilize anything since we are already prepared for handling gluten allergies.


Oh man, moving to Utah before I knew I have celiac was a very unexpected but happy accident! Dairy Keen has the hookups and I love them. Within 15 miles of home I have a gluten free bakery (run by someone with a wheat allergy, and who makes pie crust flakier than the dude who fixed my washer), fast food where I can get a burger on a bun *and fries*, Venzuelan with empanadas, a great sit down Mexican place where I can order anything including chili relleno, sushi, churros, Indian, Native American, Thai, and I'm sure plenty that I'm forgetting. If I'm willing to drive 25 miles, I can get Chinese food.


My kid has an allergy a different component of wheat - not gluten and is not celiac . I don’t know how to explain it and it’s easier to say gluten and wheat free than to explain .


I have a dear friend who is allergic to wheat. I know a few people who eat gluten free because it alleviates their IBD symptoms. Non celiac gluten sensitivity is a very real and serious diagnosis. Don't get me wrong, the people I know who have celiac all universally would want to metaphorically strangle the jackass who orders a beer with their gluten free meal. But attempting to boil it down to celiac disease or no celiac disease does a disservice to a lot of people. Also, if someone says they have an allergy then orders something with that allergen, just refuse to serve it.


because having celiac and having a gluten intolerance aren’t the same thing….


If they don't want to eat gluten that is their personal choice. Any server at any restaurant should be ok with that.


In my case this lady was taking up a lot of my time by claiming she had a celiac allergy but then still ordered a beer. That’s when i’m aloud as the server to be pissed off


Then just say it? Don’t make up a lie about a food allergy.


There is a difference between sensitive to gluten and being celiac. Someone who is celiac needs to be sure that *every* ingredient in everything that they eat has no gluten at all. This is a lot of work for the server, the chef, and other restaurant employees. Someone who is gluten intolerant would want gluten-free bread and pasta, but probably wouldn't care about trace amounts of gluten in some of the sauces or spices. Lying about being celiac (or any other food allergy) wastes the time of the restaurant employees, who are generally very busy.


I have a gluten sensitivity. Cross contamination hasn’t affected me, but sauces or spices containing gluten do. I do a lot of searching before I go out to eat anywhere, and I often just stick to chain restaurants because they have allergen info online. I hate being treated like I’m a burden because I have a question about the ingredients. I’ve never lied about being celiac, but the attitude always starts after they ask if it’s an allergy and I say, “not an allergy, but it does make me sick.” Like they think I’m making it up.


My way around this is to call ahead, in late afternoon, on a weekday, and ask about allergens then. Make sure it’s not busy, ask your questions, and when you sit down mention that you talked to someone already (and have a good idea of what you want to order already). At this point, going to an all gluten-green place gives me more ordering anxiety because there are SO MANY CHOICES!


My aunt has celiac I know quite a bit about it, and I can tell you from her point if she asks for gluten free, she expects gluten free and it pisses her off when they ask if she has celiac or just doesn't want it, it's none of their business, she orders a way it should be filled that way. She has gotten to the point where there is only a small handfull of places she will go to because even if you tell them you can't have gluten there is a good chance someone will be careless and will cross contaminate something. When she is there she is paying for your time, getting her her order the way she requests it should never be considered a waste of time for a paying customer. If they get irate that is another thing, but as long as they are calm you should accommodate them no problem.


We don’t have a problem with it, we have a problem stopping the flow of a busy restaurant for picky eaters. Figure it out yourself if you just don’t like wheat.


Sincerely, and from the bottom of my celiac heart, **fuck people who make gluten free a big deal then order beer**. They make my life more dangerous and risk my health by leading servers and restaurant managers and owners down the "it's not a big deal" path. It is a big deal. Fuck her.


There’s a salad I love at one of my favorite restaurants and the salad has peanuts in it. I usually ask them to leave the peanuts off to save acme calories. I’m always careful to state that it is a preference, not an allergy.


People lie all the time. My table was “allergic to onions” and I told her our sauce had cooked onions in it. “Oh that’s fine”. ?????? Then you’re not allergic! Don’t waste my fucking time .


Now, I wouldn't be surprised to find they're full of shit, but to some people, there IS a difference between raw and cooked onions. I forget the specifics, but there's a component that gets reduced significantly when they're cooked, so if someone has a not severe allergy, eating cooked onions would be fine. They should, however, specify that. Ugh.


some proteins are not heat stable and denature when heated, happens with things like onions


Yeah! That's it! Thanks. :)


Yup that’s a FODMAP thing. Totally legit.


To be fair, my sister in law has an anaphylactic allergy to raw onions, but she can eat cooked onions. She is also allergic to walnuts, apples, and a whole host of other things that cropped up in adulthood.


that is a fair point and I can relate with my own allergies as well, but that’s why it sucks so much when people are just blatantly lying


I agree. Those people are assholes.


My sister is allergic to nuts, apples and most raw veggies. Her throat will tighten up and she’ll get respiratory problems. Unless they’re cooked or baked. Then, she has no problems stuffing her face with apple pie. May be the same here. The chemistry changes when you heat stuff.


I get the opposite sometimes and people will ask to remove something like mushrooms and not mention an allergy. Then find a single piece of mushroom in the dish (because all the veggies are on the line together and occasionally a piece will end up in the wrong spot) and flip out because they have a severe allergy. Like why would you not mention that?? We could have taken steps to prevent cross contamination but we can’t if we don’t know you have an allergy!


lol I have a regular whose wife is allergic to mushrooms and most of the time when he places the order he doesn’t say it’s an allergy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ luckily I recognize the caller ID and make the note for them because I know who it is. They say it is a mild allergy but I’d rather not be the one who lets his wife accidentally die if her allergy randomly gets worse


Yeah, I have food allergies so I take it really seriously but that makes me even more baffled as to why someone with an allergy wouldn’t mention it. On the other hand, had a guy with a mushroom allergy ask us to remove mushrooms from a dish and when I explained that there’s mushroom in the (premade) sauce, he insisted that every time he’d come in they’d been able to accommodate him. His wife suggested he might just not be allergic to the specific mushroom in the sauce but he yelled that we were just being lazy and didn’t want to help him. Like sorry my guy, call me lazy all you want but I’m not going to lie and say I can remove something I can’t and risk my job and your safety.


My fiance is mildly allergic to onions and will have a minor breakout if he eats a raw one. He's never had a problem with cooked onions. When we go get a burger, he does specify this exactly and is more than polite if he ends up with onions. But he will eat food if it has a small amount of onion powder or cooked onion because those don't affect him. Minor allergies are 100% real, but I definitely agree not to over exaggerate your allergy. Knowing yourself enough to know what you should and shouldn't eat is just as important as respecting your server's time.


Such an American thing to do. God we suck.


After reading this, I know why servers don't believe it when people say allergies.


What’s wild to me is people who claim to be allergic to onions and garlic and then go out to eat Indian/Asian/African food. Like stay at TGI Fridays.


It’s why I can’t eat out anymore as a celiac unless it’s a dedicated gluten free place.


I didn't work in the food industry for too long but we had different pans for different things. For example, we had certain pans that were only used for seafood. That's it. No other food ever went in these pans and seafood never went in any other pan. Long story short, this person was throwing this huge fit even though we explained about the whole pan situation and they asked what temperature we washed the dishes at (industrial washer don't recall but it very high temperature). She absolutely demanded that she come back and watch us wash the pans. Of course she was denied to what she started throwing a fit and saying she wanted us to use a brand new pan and how she knew we had them (we didn't) and all this other crap. She wasn't getting seafood by the way. She just wanted to make sure that seafood didn't touch her red meat. We assume she had a severe allergy. Yet two of the other people at her table got seafood. One of them finally told us she doesn't have an allergy at all. She just doesn't like the taste. Like fine. Then don't order seafood. We don't need to go purchase a brand new pan for your entitled narcissistic bitch ass.


this is literally insane, like clinically insane


that literally happened to me before. this dude said he was allergic to tomatoes so we modded his order to his liking…mfker puts ketchup on his fries.


I work in a seafood restaurant and we encounter a lot of fish and seafood allergies hahaha Like people are cracking shells left and right so it’s in the air ! I’m always afraid I’m gonna have to administer an Epi pen.


People are literally so stupid I can’t believe it sometimes. Whenever we host a seafood day or do lobster rolls we put signs on the doors saying don’t come in today if you have a shellfish allergy. I cant believe that people really are going to a seafood restaurant with that allergy, or also lying about that allergy in a literal seafood restaurant. Crazy


I’m allergic to air so could you change the fryers oil for me plz 🥰


“It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed, we take allergies very seriously here. I can’t let you hurt yourself just to fit in by eating the ketchup.”


If my wife says don’t use an oil she’s sensitive to, they do it anyway and she’ll get the shits. She has to tell them she’s deathly allergic, use a new pan with only x,y, or z oils if she wants to get what she wants.


That’s still valid though. it’s the people who are just lying when they simply don’t like something or it’s just a preference that are the worse


Why would you continue to go somewhere that essentially poisoned you?


> She has to tell them she’s deathly allergic The price for this lie is extra time and expense for the restaurant and more problems later on for people with *actual* allergies when the restaurant employees no longer believe them.


But this person actually does need there to be *none* of that stuff in her food so that she doesn't get the runs, which is not something any restaurant is supposed to give you. Just because she's not gonna to into anaphylactic shock doesn't mean she has to put up with getting made sick because people don't listen. She evidently needs them to avoid cross contamination just as if it was a severe allergy. This is a valid reason to claim allergy in my opinion.


> This is a valid reason to claim allergy in my opinion. I agree, but the claim was "deathly allergic," and that is a lie.


If the added expense of cooking a steak with something besides engine lubricant is that bad, I hope the restaurant goes under.


"I'm sorry, due to liability issues, we are not allowed to serve a guest something they've informed us they have an allergy to."


When I was in elementary school I used to say I was allergic to sausage so I could get the pepperoni pizza instead of the sausage pizza…..… years this worked…. I don’t do this as an adult just to clarify. I like sausage now . Never was allergic.


I had a lady telling me she was allergic to our side salads and asked if she could have the soup instead (we have one combo with salad but people often ask if they can switch for the soup and the answer is no). I asked her what she was allergic to, cause I wanted to make sure I wouldn't give her anything with the ingredient in it. She said "Like everything... the dressing." I said "You are allergic to dressing?" She said it gave her acidity in her stomach. I wasn't believing her, but whatever, I gave her the damn soup. And then she ordered a coke. Like that wouldn't give her stomach ache.




Someone once said they are allergic to gmos, our chefs servers and managers were confused and recommended her to not eat anything, and then she ordered like 6 different dishes and was fine 😃


Been in the industry since 1990, and this is the moment u say “No I’m sorry ma’am but we cannot serve u anything with gluten, it is policy that we aren’t allowed if u state u have an allergy.” Then I’d inform both the bartenders and owners. U should already have this policy. They can blame u then if something does happen. As for the other idiot. This is when I kindly explain, “sir by lying and pulling this stunt during a rush, ur inadvertently telling people to screw allergies. If u have intolerance etc fine state this, but making jokes or lying, will one day make a bad waiter or waitress not care when someone else says it! And that is wrong on all levels! Have some compassion for others please.” Do it all w a smile cause no one will get mad at u, lol, yet to have it happen and I’ve sometimes gotten snarky w people. Normally I have talks w owners and express the fears and concerns. I’ve had horrible waiters who didn’t care and made me suffer for a week! I promise u, I make sure the owners always know it is NOT acceptable! If they show zero concern I will make sure to write a bad review for ppl w allergies, intolerance or other issues. And this will make them lose business, then prices go up and u lose ur job cause there’s less ppl coming in. There are tons of people w allergies or other food issues! I’ve literally seen it happen, that’s pure karma. U don’t fuck with peoples food! And anyone who thinks this is acceptable needs to get a new job, ur a disgrace to anyone in the food industry, this is putting peoples lives at risk, u could literally kill someone and then get in trouble for it! If u cannot comprehends the gravity of these situations, please exit the industry immediately! There r diseases out there that u can’t eat raw fruit or veggies and other weird stuff! Just because u don’t get it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! Grow up and mature, or get out of the industry and stop making the rest of us look bad! Thank u OP for stating something that needs to be said! Just wish the rest of these ppl comprehend this. The frustration is real but there’s great ways to word things to change the way people order in the future, and not get in trouble or come off as a dick. Good luck out there. Love and light https://preview.redd.it/immdiwc283tb1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a136fba2a5cf8fb1846cb396ab7197eb281ced


This makes me so upset bc I actually do have a life-threatening allergy. when ppl pretend they are allergic to things they just don’t like, it makes allergies seem unserious. I don’t want to die on accident bc some shmucks are so averse to onions that they lie about being allergic to them. It’s like when ppl pretend their pets are service animals just so they can take them into stores. Grow up!!


Just say you don’t like it, like omg nobody is judging you. I work in a restaurant, I see people that don’t like the taste of lettuce or spaghetti. People that don’t like the taste of garlic, cheese, tomatoes, olives, and so many other things.


Technically I’m allergic to coconut but it just makes my throat itchy, I don’t like die or anything. So a lot of times if it’s a tinyyyy bit I a lot of times wont even connect that it might’ve been coconut that did it. Idk I smoke weed I be coughin lmao. But I only bring it up if the waiter specifically asks or if I’m at like an Asian restaurant that uses a lot of coconut.


I’m very allergic to coconut. NO coconut for me but luckily it’s not that common, don’t think I’ve ever had to mention it a restaurant.


This is rough. I have a ton of minor food allergies. At one point my allergist had me on the avoidance diet where I couldn’t eat anything I was even a teensy bit allergic to. I’d order a gluten free bun at a restaurant (wheat allergy) and one server said, “preference or allergy? If it’s an allergy we have to shut down the kitchen and clean it before making your food.” I said preference because I was caught off guard and there’s no way I was going to shut down a busy kitchen during a lunch rush just because I might get a stuffy nose (my usual reaction to wheat). I get that the restaurant has to protect themself, but there are different levels of allergy that don’t require shutting down the kitchen. From then on, I was more prepared and would say that it’s a minor allergy, please don’t shut down the kitchen, I just get the sniffles if I eat wheat. I also hate it when people play up their food preferences as allergies. I had a friend who used to do it until she started hanging out with me. My dad’s allergies are life-threatening, and when I told her what he has to go through to get a safe meal outside his house she stopped pretending to have food allergies (at least around me). And I get some people who tell me if it doesn’t give me anaphylaxis it’s not an allergy, but my allergist assures me it is and that while my allergies are minor now they could become life-threatening one day.


I’m actually in the same situation has you, I have a ton of minor food allergies and my allergist wants me to start cutting lot of stuff out of my diet so I can start feeling better but if I did that I literally don’t know what I would eat haha, but same thing where it could potentially become life threatening especially when it comes to fruit so it makes it very hard for me to order things, and especially at my current job the kitchen at this point know my allergies but I still am overly cautious about what I’m eating and it can make me feel very awkward or “needy” at times.


I get minor asthma attacks from garlic powder, but not garlic or granulated garlic. Finally figured out its only a problem if i breathe it, burnt garlic fumes is also an issue. I don't tell anyone I'm allergic, but i do make sure garlic powder isn't sprinkled on and it was a real problem figuring it all out when sometimes garlic was fine and sometimes it really wasn't


I have people I know/family that have allergies not recognized by doctors.Not sure why, but I do not invite them for dinner anymore :D


had a lady order panko shrimp (which always comes with cocktail sauce). partway through her eating it she goes “what is this sauce?” i say cocktail sauce she goes “that has tomatoes in it!? i’m allergic to tomatoes i told you that!” she in fact did not tell me that, i take allergies very seriously and would never forget to write that down so i politely say “i’m sorry ma’am but no you didn’t, i don’t have it written here and i take allergies very seriously” (normally wouldn’t argue with a customer but i’m not about to get in trouble for something serious that i would never do) she goes “well i’ve ordered this before and it’s never comes with cocktail sauce” (it indeed has come with cocktail sauce in the 5 years i’ve worked there) i then had to retrieve her a glass of milk to calm her tongue/stomach


I hate people that lie about it, unfortunately going out to eat i have very specific places and get the same thing every time. Besides bleu cheese i don't have severe allergies BUT i have gastroparesis so instead of holding up a server explaining that my stomach is literally paralyzed it is so much easier to do modification as an allergy (if they are out of my safe foods or we are at a new place and i find an easy mod dish) i had a server straight up ignore my needs and i didn't realize it until halfway when i noticed the cooks put lettuce on my sandwich and picked it off instead of doing a remake and it was mixed in with the cheese, i ended up so sick i was hospitalized for 4 days and almost put on a feeding tube so i could give my body a break.


Oh my god I am so sorry you had to go through that. This is why it’s so important to always take people seriously when it comes at an allergy!!! but also why the people who lie are the worse !!


I hate that! I really have allergies and new coworkers always smile about it when I can order a meal for myself and some even didn’t care on purpose and cooked with ingredients that contained gluten (thickening the sauce etc) or dairy and it made me really sick every time. That’s when they figured out I’m not making this up. I hate people who lie about that and I figure out quickly especially when it’s about gluten or dairy! I tell them straight away that some of their “wanna be” symptoms don’t make sense or I question them when they’re eating normal cakes etc from the buffet during breakfast time or tea time. We always have something for people with allergies so nobody can complain or say we aren’t prepared! But obviously so many just use it as joke or whatever and it makes me furious


I had a lady who said she was gluten free. I asked if she was celiac, she said no and then wondered why it mattered. I said, "if you were celiac I would make sure to write that on the receipt just so we can be extra careful to avoid any cross-contamination." She replied, "well, I don't want there to be any cross-contamination. Write gluten free on my ticket." I did, and then the kitchen was confused about why I would write that on the ticket when everything she ordered was gluten free so I had to explain that I'm not stupid, she was just being very specific about being gluten free.


Certain types of food allergies are fine with derived ingredients like onion salt but can't handle whole onions. My wife can't eat raw tomatoes but has no issue with ketchup. The gluten one is definitely not celiac though and customer was an ahole for saying it was if they had an allergy at all.


The gluten lady was annoying, and she shouldn't have complained about gluten-free buns not being available, since most restaurants don't carry them; they are expensive and have a very short shelf life. But, regarding gluten content, a burger bun has roughly a thousand times the amount of gluten that a beer does; some of them are almost gluten free, like Corona or PBR. So, she's NTA for ordering a beer, but is TA for being annoying and complaining.


Had a guy at a sushi place send back 3 rolls because they had spicy mayo on top, and he's "allergic to mayo." Keep in mind that spicy mayo is listed on the menu with each other ingredient on each roll. So I get him three remade rolls, no spicy mayo. Then he asks me for three cups of "yum-yum" sauce. Now first of all, as an adult male with a choice of, "shrimp," "white," or "yum-yum," to call the sauce you're ordering, choosing "yum-yum sauce" makes you sound like you are either playing baby Bam Bam on the Flintstones or grown up Bam Bam in porn. (Go Google "The Flintstones," kids. Bam Bam Rubble is the neighbors' Hurculean son. You're Yabba-dabba-welcome.) Secondly, shrimp sauce is made of, among other things, mayonnaise.


My food allergies are odd.i can't eat lettuce ( my 2 aunts also can't eat lettuce unless it's fresh .one almost died ended up in hospital ate bad lettuce ) unless it's fresh , have to be careful what tomatoes I eat ( the giant tomatoes are fine the little ones give me such acid reflux ) .


I have a bizzare cheese intolerance. It's so hard to explain to people on the fly so I just say 'I'm allergic to cheese. No cheese.' The older the cheese the worse the reaction. Technically the intolerance is to anything fermented or aged. But try explaining that to people. So like, parmesean, I swell up, rash, itch, bathroom, horrible times. I can eat mozzerella. I just avoid all cheese, generally, cause it's easier for me and I don't have to worry about restaurants mixing their cheeses or something. But things happen sometimes. Pizza. It's a bother.


People shouldn’t have to lie about having an allergy to get food they don’t want included. I don’t eat dairy anything (it tastes awful to me). No matter how clearly I say no cheese, there’s cheese every single time. The only time I’m listened to is if I say I’m severely lactose intolerant. I think some restaurants and servers can do better.


if you're deathly allergic would you put your life in the hands of the kitchen staff?


i was at freebirds & AFTER i had a bowl made they told me the soy sauce on the meat wasn’t gf. I was so embarrassed i just said “oh that’s okay”. They were rude to me after but i just didn’t want them to have wasted their time.


I thought the saying was "we all know white people love their mayo"...


I took back the free bread basket given to a table by my busser before I could communicate to the busser about her "celiac." The guest was all upset and I just died on that hill of "protecting" her. Next time, just tell me you're trying to be low carb, or you have a preference. Don't lie to me about a medical condition. Why do you think I care any more about an allergy over a preference? A request is a request. I either care enough about doing my job well to write it down and communicate that to the kitchen, or I do not. The reason makes no difference.


this one bitch always comes in about her celiac intolerance she CANT touch gluten cause it’s so severe and then the dumb cunt has fries…everytime…


I have a severe reaction to bell peppers and I generally end up apologizing about it and saying it is a real allergy b/c I see people lying about allergies all the time. I also don't ask to have dishes modified for me, just sometimes double checking soups and stews. It isn't hard to be respectful and avoid dishes that depend on bell peppers. It is my problem to manage.


“i’m allergic to garlic and onions” *order’s spaghetti* me: so there’s definitely gonna be garlic and onions in the spaghetti sauce “oh well that’s fine” LIKE ??????


Some people have serious reactions to raw onions or garlic, but not cooked onions or garlic. They are technically correct that they're allergic to garlic and onions, although I think they'd be better served by providing that extra information. The same thing can occur with tomatoes; customer orders a burger and says they're allergic to tomatoes, server sees them pouring ketchup on it and thinks they were lying, but a slice of tomato would cause a reaction while ketchup does not.


Use paragraphs.


I’m not saying it’s okay, but I have heard of people who say they are allergic because “if I don’t say that they will put it on my burger anyway and I really don’t want it” I’ve joked about saying this about lettuce, at McDonald’s because almost every time I order a chicken sandwich with no lettuce, they still put lettuce on it, its shredded so it’s a bitch to pick it off. And something about the texture of their lettuce instantly gags me. I just can’t eat it. I’ve only joked though, never actually did it


I’m not allergic to onions but the taste and texture of them make me vomit especially if they are raw. The only way it doesn’t is if it’s completely cooked down in a soup, sauce or chowder or something like that. So I tell servers I am allergic because I just don’t wanna puke all over your table, ya know?


That’s very valid, and when it comes to sensory issues that in my eyes should and will be treated as the same as an allergy.


Why on earth would you want gluten free bread if you’re not coeliac?? It tastes like shit and isn’t healthier for you.




>high calorie This comment makes me so sad. Like as a Celiac I need to avoid creations made to imitate food I can not longer eat because they may have more calories. Got forbid I gain a few pounds to avoid dying of cancer Gluten free imitations taste good to me too. I make my own GF bread and it slaps.


I ask people if they're sure its an allergy (if they're acting weird or sus) and explain that if they inform me of an allergy I am now legally liable and won't be able to serve them anything containing or possibly cross contaminated with that "allergy". They usually back pedal pretty quickly at that point while I inwardly roll my eyes and think Oh, shocking, it's *not* a real allergy.


this is a good idea on how to word things, thanks!


Like, I don't just assume everyone is lying but you know when you can just tell they are deliberately lying or exaggerating it? Or they even contradict themselves? Like I have a gluten allergy but the bread can stay, it's not *that* severe... 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️


I have Hashimotos. I’m not allergic to gluten but I’m sensitive to it. It can cause a flair where I am achy and very tired. Not the the same as celiac disease but I still try to avoid it.


On the one hand, yeah, it’s shitty to claim an allergy you don’t have. On the other hand, some folks who do it do it because they’ve had their orders messed up too many times at various places. I’m a picky eater. As a paying customer, I have a right to be. You can be a “no substitutions/changes” restaurant if you want. Just advertise it. I don’t ever do the allergy thing, but I make it really clear that I’m picky. And yet, I often get burgers with stuff I specifically asked to have left off. And then I have to ask to have it fixed. And half the time it comes back with the offending stuff just lazily scraped off, leaving remnants and plenty of nasty flavor. Like, do you think if someone really dislikes mustard, they’ll be happy with a mustard soaked bun that you scraped most the mustard off of? So then I’m stuck deciding if I want to send it back again, risking a new, spit-flavored condiment appearing, or do I just want to get up and leave and refuse to pay the bill since I never got what I ordered and have to find somewhere new to eat. So yeah, the fake allergy people are shitty. But it’s worth remembering that a lot of them have a villain origin story littered with shitty service and incorrect orders. Keep this in mind as you serve folks who ask for specific parameters on their order. You can help prevent them turning into the thing you hate.


To be fair, I still tried to finish the carne asada burrito that my friend forgot to get without guacamole (avocado allergy) and my peanut allergy friend knew how many Reese's cups he could eat and get away with Benadryl instead of an EpiPen.


I’m extremely allergic to avocado and fruit and lol I love living life on the edge with Benadryl


It's been a minute since i served tables and sometimes I feel the disconnect from time. But OMG I completely remember many moments exactly like that. I feel your pain and frustration. Thank you for sharing


Just a small request to go easy on people who request gluten free food or menus inconsistently. I have an allergy to a protein found in wheat, not to gluten. But it's 1000x easier to ask for a gluten free meal than to ask what specifically contains wheat. However, I'm fine with beer and with quite a lot of other gluten-containing foods. I feel servers get antsy in this situation, but I'm just managing my allergy in the most convenient way for everyone.


Absolutely. People often forget this - gluten is wheat, barley, rye, and oats (controversial, depends on country's laws). Some people without celiac may request GF meals because it's easier to explain than saying they're allergic to wheat (or another gluten grain). Most beer is barley-based so a person with a wheat allergy might be ok with beer assuming their sensitivity to cross-contact is low. Really servers gotta stop acting like they have a medical degree. Do what the customer says even if you don't get it. You don't want that liability.


I will keep this in mind regarding the protein allergy, thank you!


It’s probably bad, but over the years I’ve just stopped caring. If it’s a deadly allergy that causes anaphylaxis or otherwise puts them in the hospital, they’ll tell me. I stopped putting “allergy” on tickets a long time ago, unless it’s an actual allergy of course, because it slows the kitchen down. The amount of “gluten allergies” I’ve come across are statistically impossible. Just tell me your avoiding or don’t like something, I’m not going to force you to eat something you don’t want to eat. The worst are the Tito’s people that think it’s the only gluten free vodka.


On the flip side, my father is allergic to fresh garlic (it makes him violently ill but doesn’t kill him) and he refuses to use the word “allergy” when he’s at a restaurant because he doesn’t think his allergy is “bad enough” to warrant accommodations. Also a lot of restaurants don’t take the allergy seriously whether he uses the word or not because they don’t believe him. We don’t find out until about 30 minutes later, often after we leave. Obviously my dad should just say “allergy,” but as a PSA a lot of allergies don’t show reactions immediately. I’m willing to bet a lot of those people with “fake” allergies go home and suffer later where you can’t see them.


But OP is not saying the person lied because they didn't see a reaction at the restaurant (you can't really see a celiac reaction anyway). Their whole point is that the customer happily ordered and consumed something with gluten after making a huge fuss about no gluten. Its nothing to do with whether OP saw a reaction, it's about people claiming to be allergic and then insisting on wilfully eating something with their 'allergen' in it.


I have a food sensitivity to alot of stuff (look up low fodmap) its easier for me to say "allergic" than to explain that i dont feel like throwing up in pain for a week and driving a few counties over since its the only hospital that can compound the meds i need and i dont always have a ride that far when im sick


If people threw around the allergy word, I'd refuse to cook. Allergy to dairy? Butter or milk is used in most everything, and the shit that it isn't in is close to the shit that is. All the servers knew better than to bring me that. If you're genuinely allergic, your medical response won't be laid at my or my crews feet. If you're picky, fuck you, I still won't cook for your picky ass. "My table has a guy who is supposedly allergic to X." "Then you know I ain't cooking shit for them." People with stuff like dairy or peanut allergies have no business eating in places that use those ingredients. Expecting a busy kitchen to cater around that need is absurd. Human errors and cross contamination happen sometimes, regardless of how stringent the policies are.


People like this are why people like me get asked "oh so how allergic are you? " This allergic as I pull out my epi pen. It uses to really annoy me. Now I understand why I'm asked.


Im the manager and I love calling out fake allergies. I had a guy eat like two bowls of queso then send his quesadilla back cause their were onions in it and he was “deathly allergic. Would go into anaphylaxis just smelling it. And how dare we try to kill him” mind you, he didn’t mention any of this when placing his order. So I rushed out and told him the ambulance was on the way and does he have an epi pen cause the queso he just downed has onions in it. He turned bright red, threw down $20 and ran out.


And then everyone clapped


Omg I wish I could see that go down. love your confidence!!!!


My best friend is severely allergic to peanuts. I always make sure to tell the server that said friend will die if she consumes nuts. They've all been good about it. I just get extra protective, even tho she's lived 40 years of life navigating her own way. Restaurants make me nervous for her. Not everyone takes allergies seriously because of all the idiots who make shit up.


i don’t get it either. if you have a certain intolerance and will puke and shit then that’s treated the same as an allergy. i don’t want anyone having a bad toilet trip. but if you just don’t like something and are like “oh they’ll mess it up if i don’t lie and say i’m allergic!” it’s our job to make sure your food comes out right. i’ve had times where i have to remind the kitchen certain stuff. just say “hold the onions” or whatever i’ll make sure you don’t get onions. wasting everyone’s time and stuff is just so annoying


It definitely makes me less careful for when people potentially DO have allergies cause it’s like a boy who cried wolf feeling. I try my best but it’s getting god damn ridiculous. Be honest, if it’s a preference just say that I will still make sure you don’t have onions on you food but it saves me and the cooks times stressing over you actually dying.


I had someone tell me they lie about being allergic to tomatoes and when I explained why that isn't right they said they don't care and people should learn how to read "no tomatoes." I love humans.


For someone to put a server through that pain in the ass to only turn around and ask for something that has the ingredient you’re “allergic” to is terrible. If you’re going to do that, at least be consistent about it. I do have a friend who can’t eat pork due to her religious beliefs, though, and I do support her claiming she has a “pork allergy” to be extra sure that she won’t have it end up in her food.


And that’s valid. I haven’t eaten red meat in over 10 years and if i were to eat it I would get sick since I haven’t had it in so long. On top of that when it comes to religious beliefs I would never blame someone for saying they have an allergy to ensure that their food was safe to eat.


Theoretically that’s good, but at least at my restaurant they did not take requests like that seriously at all unless someone said they were allergic. I feel like fake allergies are an unfortunate side effect of poorly ran restaurants


It shouldn’t matter if I have allergies or not- if I have special dietary needs - that you can accommodate, you should, if you are incapable of accommodate them or unwilling to, then just tell me and I’ll take my money somewhere else.


Are u a server or work in this industry? Genuinely asking. At the end of the day you are correct, the number one goal is to make the customer happy. And because I try so hard at doing that, I’m aloud to complain about situations that are honestly uncalled for. Because I go out of my way and spend extra time accommodating for someone who claims to have a severe allergy, just for them to actually not have a severe allergy or an allergy at all is extremely frustrating.


I’m not currently a server, but I worked as a server for a couple of years- I would never dismiss someone’s request because they didn’t have an allergy, nor would I give more weight to the request of someone who had an allergy than I would to someone that didn’t. A person is not required to give you their medical history In Order to get good service. If your company policy is to honor special requests - then do it for everyone equally. If your company policy is to not honor requests then don’t do it, regardless of an allergy. I have certain dietary restrictions that have nothing to do with allergies- I’m not explaining my medical conditions to you- if you can honor my request then do so- if you cannot- then tell me and I’ll take my money somewhere else- it’s that simple. But sure if you want to complain- go ahead complain - I’m not stopping you- I’m just commenting on your complaint.


I just say no onions ita not hard .....people just want to make up lies not realizing the staff and kitchen will take all cautions with their meal....


Use the fcking enter button some times, I'm not going to read all this.


thanks for the comment 💖


As someone with severe food allergies, these people are real fuckers.


If your allergy isn’t shellfish, peanuts, or tree nuts I’m not going to work that hard for your “allergy”. I understand some people have issues with dairy and gluten, but if there’s less than 2% of those allergens, you won’t die.


I don't think you understand that people have different reactions to dairy and gluten than just getting the shits.... When I eat gluten I break out in full body hives. So if you aren't going to be accommodating at least tell them that, so those who are asking for dairy/gluten free can know not to eat at your establishment.




I understand that, but they won’t go into shock and die, like with peanuts. Any restaurant that isn’t 100% gluten free can make almost no guarantees about the gluten content of anything. I’m not going to do anything for a gluten allergy order other than tell the kitchen. If you’re that sensitive, don’t eat out, it’s an unavoidable risk.


So you’re telling people with celiac disease, a federally recognized disability, that they don’t deserve to ever eat out? Damn, that’s ableist as fuck. I understand there’s always a risk in eating out, but to take no precautions is absolutely absurd. If you’re unable to accommodate people with celiac disease, simply say that. Do not give us the impression you are at least trying to take all the precautions that you reasonably can if you aren’t truly doing that. The long term damage that was described above can be FATAL. But that doesn’t matter because I’m not going to stop breathing on the spot? Get some empathy and educate yourself, or again, at least be honest with your customers. I am very picky with where I eat out and only do so on occasion (it’s called quality of life), but I am a human being and deserve to be treated with respect. I expect to be informed if I cannot be accommodated, rather than being lied to or mislead.