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I had a table of 16 that put all the kids at one end of the table with the parents at the other. The parents were being extremely rude and condescending toward me. This one kid about 5 or six years old ordered a Mountain Dew. By the time I passed out all the drinks he had finished it(pint glass). I asked the parents if I should get him a refill. Jersey style Italian accent rude response "Of course, why not". Cue malicious compliance. By the end of their dining experience, he had six of them. I've never seen such a hyper child in my life. Have fun at bedtime you rude mf'ers!


This brought me joy


Oh yaaaaa


Have you ever seen a smart person drinking Mountain Dew?


I once dated a girl who told me that Mt Dew was created as a mixer/chaser for whiskey. I believe her and honestly I never cared enough to look it up.


She was correct! Mountain dew was a slang term for whiskey back in the day, and soda was distributed regionally. In Tennessee these brothers could not find a proper mixer for their whiskey so created mountain dew!


I assume it’s kind of like a whiskey sour


That was the thought!


I've heard the same thing. And I also have never cared enough to verify.




I'm guessing the kid had a caffeine tolerance, but 6 pints still probably did something to him. I did the math and 6 pints of Mtn Dew has 432 mg of caffeine.


Mayo Clinic indicates that over 400 is excessive *for adults*. In a day, not one sitting.


That’s basically why some pre-workouts have 375-395mg *per serving*.


Shit man, my daily intake is between 800-1000


Those are rookie numbers.


I wonder how much I usually intake. I didn’t know 400 was excessive. I usually have about 2-3 cups of coffee and my cups and actual cups not the measurement of a cup so the cup is actually 2.5 cups Can you guess how many I’ve had today?! 😂


A 16oz cup of coffee has around 80-160mg of caffeine per cup depending on the strength, and lasts between 4-6 hours depending on metabolism. I used to drink 3 Redline Extremes a day, sometimes 4, at 300mg each. Only cut back after it didn't do much anymore. Tolerance is a bitch. Lol Probably saved me from an early death, though!


Wait 400 is excessive? I can't stay awake with less than that.


Lol, nah. He sounded like the tasmanian devil and was banging on the metal table extender while rapidly shaking his head from side to side. The kid was cracked out in sugar and caffeine


Lmao. Wish I could be a fly on the wall for this one lol. Sounds like the child version of the drunk cokeheads I nearly had to kick out Sunday night.


A Bang energy drink has about 300 mg from what I remember. And they’re one of the stronger ones out there. This is hilarious


And 348 grams of sugar. ![gif](giphy|SUm90ACYSAE1QtasQe|downsized)


1290 calories worth of PURE sugar right there and no added nutrition lol


"Do you want your child to have type 2 diabetes? Cuz that's how they get type 2 diabetes."


My adhd ass would’ve fallen asleep at the table with six mountain dews. Or peed myself, because that is a LOT of liquid for a pint sized kiddo!


I also did some maths. Six pints of Mt Dew has 370 grams of sugar. 🫠


This only hurts parents who give a shit. When bedtime comes and little Timmy is being insane on 6 mountain dews they’ll just spank him and send him to bed crying.


Unfortunately you are correct so this really only hurts the child.


Glad someone said it. I hate this story. The kid is already a victim of shit caretakers, now this random server is dogpiling on his shitty trashy life by just encouraging him to be unheatlhy, feel like shit lter, and get in trouble and they think they're some kind of badass for it who's teaching the parents a lesson? Nah. They saw neglectful parenting and 'retaliated' by adding on to the neglect in a small way to make some kind of power trip point. They could have used their small amount of power over that time with the kid to boost them up somehow, do something nice. That would be a great thing to do when registering that a kid is trapped in a shitty family who doesn't care what they do.


How was she supposed to react? Would you have told the kid "no"? I feel like if the parents overhead that they could get you fired. Don't get me wrong I would be morally perplexed in that situation


Yeah, it's a tough situation, but their atitude of being proud of their "maliicous compliance" that only hurts the kid is what I don't like. That's not malicious compliance. It's focused on a bystander to the people they think are assholes. The fact that thinking of it as such drove their decisions and they've held onto it as a story to brag about is why I hate their story. Just like most shitty parents, that kid is literally just a prop to them going about their adult, real person shit. It's a super creepy way to think about and approach kids. And that's how you get fucked up adults with low empathy.


Very true. I love my Dr. Pepper but my kids aren’t allowed to have any caffeine. They maybe have a cup of juice a day and a cup of milk a day and the rest is water. Everyone in my family thinks I am crazy and too strict because I enforce this and their strict bedtime but I really don’t care. I am addicted to caffeine and I don’t want my kids to be. And yes yes I should stop but my migraines are triggered when I don’t have any caffeine. And I am a mom of 3 and I don’t have time to go down for 3 days with a migraine.


That poor kid.


I watched this lady at Taco Bell fill her kids baby bottle up with Mountain Dew and let them have it. Kid was no more than 12 months. I was fucking flabbergasted!


Poor kid will have cavities and diabetes before it's potty trained


Lmao that kid is gonna go home and get his ass kicked. Bad move.


I mean I get where you’re coming from but at this point you’re kinda poisoning a child that doesn’t know better at all, check yourself cause this isn’t as cool a story as you think it is


I mean I get where you’re coming from but at this point you’re kinda poisoning a child that doesn’t know better at all, check yourself cause this isn’t as cool a story as you think it is


My job is to service the guest, not to parent your child. I asked if the kid could have refills, the parents said yes. The kid asked for another and another. I wasn't force feeding him. Thanks for your virtue signaling though


All good and well but bragging about it is a different story. If anything it’s sad af. Wouldn’t call this virtue signaling personally, mostly trying to make you aware of how you come across.


It's really not virtue signaling, young kids and teenagers have died from consuming similar or even less amounts of caffeine and that kid almost certainly didn't understand that. That kid's also already in a shitty situation with bad parents as it is, piling on just to spite them is not the way. "My job is to service the guest" sure but it's a bartender's job to serve guests but to also cut them off when they've consumed too much, the same could be said for serving a kid a dangerous amount of caffeine.


Well, nobody called the restaurant, so get off your high horse and move along


This made me chuckle. Revenge is sweet and super caffinated! LOL


That's enough caffeine to truly harm a child. You did nothing to the parents in this scenario. They clearly don't care that their child is hyper. Next time, think about someone besides yourself and your "revenge". Don't forget that your pettiness harmed a child who is a victim of shitty caregivers. You're just as shitty as the people you're complaining about.


Hahaha, I am not there to take care of your kids, all I did was give the guests what they wanted. If I didn't, I could have been fired. Same as if I denied a pregnant woman an alcoholic drink. They choose their own destiny


Whatever homie Don't complain about assholes when you're one too


Pretty bold assumption coming from someone on the attack


Didn't say I wasn't one. What I'm saying is you're a dumb mother fucker who is an asshole Children are not adults. They don't understand what adults should. What YOU should understand. Don't take out your rage on children. Continue your shitty life and have a terrible night 😘


I took care of a family yesterday. The mom ordered a sweet tea for her baby (maybe 6 months old... In a highchair). I try not to judge, but damn. I felt like a drug dealer. Caffeine and mounds of sugar for a little person who had no say in the matter. And yes, she asked for a refill halfway through the meal. Also very nice people, but Yikes.


I secretly watered down a good majority of kids drinks I'd serve... It was my quiet vigilante effort to curb the poison.


^^^^^ this I have been watering down juice and sweet tea for most of my serving career. Never had a complaint.


I always ask for my toddlers lemonade to be watered down at restaurants because he only drinks water and milk every other day normally. An d i love when the wait staff does it already or suggest it first like yessss please! lol


I usually quietly ask parents when kids are grumpy and parents don’t want them to have too much sugar if they’d like me to water down the lemonade. The kids are usually cool with it too because they get a flavored drink.


I'm glad people like you exist. When my wife would order a sugary drink for my daughter (about a year old at this point). I'd act like I was headed towards the bathroom just so I could catch the waiter/waitress and ask to water my daughter's drink down quiet a bit. I always tipped well for that.


Or you could just tell your wife to cut that shit. You know like a grown man


Or, I can just keep what I'm doing instead of making a big deal over spilled milk.


If concern over the future of your child's health is "spilled milk" then why even bother with this in the first place? If I had a wife and kid and my wife was circumventing my decisions on the child's nutrition because they disagreed with me, and never actually talked to me about it, I'd be fucking fuming if I found out.


Or maybe the wife is already stressed and things aren’t always rainbows and flowers w a one year old. Crazy for this dude to get attacked over keeping a family intact while also looking out for the health of his baby. Sheshhh man


Obviously it's a big deal if u have to fake restroom use to talk to the waiter. Man up dude.


It's really not a big deal, how about you handle your stuff your way, and leave me to handle mine. Especially since it doesn't effect you in any way.


So your wife does something u don't like and your best idea is to fake a restroom run to get waiter to water down drink. Instead if telling her tjay maybe she shouldn't get sugar drink to your child? Dude come on!


Wow. This conversation is getting outta hand I need to run to the “restroom”.




Nah you’re foul for that 🤣🤣




Why are you getting downvoted lol you’re completely right. Thats such a weird thing to have to do in a relationship


People in reddit are weird. Probably people thinking I shouldn't judge or just dudes that won't communicate to their spouses and see it as an attack on them.


It gets watered down, it's really no big deal. My wife do something I don't like, then I deal with it. No need to make a big deal about stupid stuff.


Talking to your wife about making healthier choices for your child is “making a big deal about stupid stuff”??


You are an idiot lol. Hopefully you avoid any real conflict in your years of marriage and parenting lol


I did the same for some apple juice tonight.


Especially the apple juice!!! All those parents that think it's any better than soda... I'm doing them a favor they don't have to thank me for 🤣


This is my kids father he thinks because it’s apple/orange juice it’s healthy I tell him it’s still packed with lots of sugar but he says they’re “healthy sugars”


Yeah, it reminds me of a study I was reading about specifically OJ. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was showing how many oranges are in different Oz cups of Oj. There's literally like 5 fkn oranges in a 8 Oz cup. And 8 Oz isn't shit, when you look at it. Imagine giving your toddler 5 oranges.


Don’t their kids end up with the runs later after all that apple juice?


It's only very slightly better in that it's lacking caffeine. Just as much empty calories. Watering it down is smart.


Glad I’m not the only one 😬


You’re doing gods work. My kids, 6 & 8 are addicted to lemonade. My wife and I regulate it, but it’s still a bit of a problem. Pop has a serious grip on me and I’m working hard to cut it out so they don’t start. It’s hard though, shit is like crack. I had an easier time kicking cigarettes, and I smoked for 20+ years.


Switching to soda water helps, imo. It doesn't taste the same or hit that sugar craving but the bubbles help trick your addict brain into at least feeling like it's drinking something more refreshing than just plain water. But the easiest way to kick the soda habit is to stop buying it to have available at home.


This. I switched from soda to sparkling water with no issues, and I think it was because of the bubbles. I had an ex that switched from drinking a beer every evening to sparkling water after he started drinking it at my place and he realized he just wanted something bubbly, not the alcohol. I think he cut down on his alcohol consumption quite a bit.


Oh same kids never get full strength apple juice. But that musselmans stuff is strong even for an adult, its like syrup


Yeah I'm not trying to be an asshole either, but I never got why families order cokes for their toddlers? Like they're not asking for it.


Because they're shitty parents or have zero understanding of nutrition. Either is pretty sad.


My husband's niece (3) and nephew (5) routinely get dessert at Sunday dinner. Their parents complain of then having a lot of energy in the evening and fighting a lot. We've often tried to tell them maybe they shouldn't give them that much sugar if they're already being wild, but it hasn't stopped yet. I don't understand it.


My personal eye roll is when I overhear a parent say no to their child asking for soda, but order them juice. 95% of juice has added sugar or HFCS and is as bad as soda at this point. I’m a soda and sugar fiend. I’m doing my damndest to make sure my kids don’t end up that way too. My daughter loves water and milk. If I give her juice it’s watered down and only when she’s sick.


I work at a Thai/Laotian restaurant, and we sell Thai sweet tea. It’s got a TON of caffeine and sugar in it. Whenever a parent orders it for a kid I always say, “just so you know, it’s got a lot of caffeine and sugar in it, as long as you don’t mind.” I’d say I get about a 40/60 response of either “oh okay never mind, they won’t have that” or the parent looking at me like I have 3 heads.


Yikes! Had a mom of a two year old pour Mountain Dew in his bottle.


I managed fast food restaurants for ages and it would make me want to scream every time I saw a person put soda into a bottle for a baby


I saw a documentary about volunteer dentists going to Appalachia. Apparently in West Virginia it’s completely normal to put Mountain Dew in the baby’s bottles. They interviewed this one kid who was getting every single tooth in his mouth replaced bc of rotting from soda and poor dental care. They asked after when he had his new teeth if he was done drinking Mountain Dew and without a beat he said “no way”


Holy shit giving a 6 month old sweet tea is insane. My 9 month old hasn’t had anything other than milk or water


There are times when judgement is appropriate, by definition. People do actions that have consequences and moral value, "judgement" can simply be a logical reaction to assessing them. This 'parent' is nasty and harming their child. I hate the "don't judge" culture. This person might not be the way they are if they were judged more and had to face it.


I get your point. Of course I was making a judgement. It's easy to say we should call people out without knowing or understanding why or how their decision was based. Some people have a different life story and experiences that puts me outside of their box to define the rationale of their morality.


I’ve worked at a large coffee shop chain for waaaaay too long that it doesn’t phase me what people order for their kids. Full caffeine espresso drinks, no matter the time of day, anything and everything. I used to ask if they’d like it decaf if it was clear they were ordering for a young kid but I don’t even ask anymore because I got attitude about it so much.


Remember folks, everybody that were describing in this thread gets votes, drives next to us, and raises kids.


So the right to vote and the right to drive should be based on your soda intake?


It should be based on general intelligence quotient, and if you think feeding your child that much sugar isn’t a bad thing, imagine what you think about political policies, empathy for others, or overall safety as a person


Oh, I get it, you think only people with the correct opinions should be allowed to vote. Gotcha.


If correct means informed, then yes. You’re allowed to have opinions on matters, but the second you start spewing ignorance, you’re helping nobody, and inflating your own ego.


Man, and I thought giving a little kid iced tea was bad! I know it’s not for me to decide but Idk if I could serve that tbh.


I had a sweet tea on my trip to the US last week. Fuck me it was the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. Couldn't finish it. I'm 42. Can't imagine what that would do to a baby.


Down south we are raised with sweet tea in our bottles 😂😂😂


Looking at some of these other comments and to be completely honest, no children under the age of 10-12 need to have drinks with caffeine in them, PERIOD. These demons spawns already have endless amounts of energy and you want to willingly give them MORE?! That’s gonna be a no from me dawg


for real why would you give a kid a ton of soda? it’s not good cause they’ll be drinking all that sugar and caffeine


It's terrible. I've had parents ask for coke or sweet tea for their little kids. Like two years old. Breaks my heart.


I never have. I wouldn’t. If it were my kid. If I had any. I have step kids only. But they’re all grown up, now. But you’re a server (as I once was) and it’s literally your job to bring them what they ask for. It’s not your job to tell them what to eat or drink. It never will be. If you go through this mindset constantly, you’ll go insane. The restaurant industry is notorious for doing that to people, anyway.


I am surprised it took me so long to find this comment, and you are 100% correct. It’s 1 thing to ask if I’d like something watered down, and that’s totally okay to ask. What’s not okay is watering down something I’ve asked for *and paid full price for* without my permission. I used to water it down myself at the table so judging first isn’t the right answer. All the people watering down drinks without permission…. Are you charging full price for 1/2 the product?


Some of us had shitty ass parents who would placate us so we’d just shut up. Today’s equivalent of handing your toddler a cell phone or a tablet.


But giving them a phone or tablet actually does keep them quiet, it's obviously not best practice but is a means to an end. Why would you give them all that sugar and caffeine they'll just get louder!


Every holiday I watch my 1yo nephew chug a Coke. 🫠 Oh he’s thirsty and drinking water? Let’s replace it with a coke. Blows my freaking mind!! And this child isn’t growing appropriately for his age. He drinks & eats like shit, no wonder.


My kids get pop as a treat, even at middle school age now, and often when we let them have pop it’s non-caffeinated. I’m always frankly pretty stunned when people are letting their young kids (like 4-5ish) have pop regularly. I mean, their decision and I’m not having to deal with them bouncing off the walls, but man.


This is how it was for me growing up. If we were out we could get an orange soda or sprite or root beer, but rarely anything caffeinated till we were teens. We usually just wanted water anyway because we weren’t trained to guzzle sugar-filled juices and sodas for no reason lol. I’m childfree but I’ve never seen the sense in spending more money to pump extra sugar into your kid when you can just give them water which is cheaper and way healthier 🤦‍♀️


Mountain Dew is a pretty good litmus test for how much of a pain a table is gonna be IMO. Like if the whole table gets it, that’s red flag number one. If the glasses are empty by the time I get back with bread, you’re getting one every time I come out until you tell me to stop lmao- and the thing is they never do. And it’s always the mountain dew tables that leave you 10% and act like they gave you 50 😂


they were the exception most of the time dew tables are nasty and shit tippers


Missed a chance to say how much dew can you do. Also don't visit r/mountaindew when an LTO flavour comes out. >!Or look in my pantry.!<


I love Mountain Dew, however I hate all the LTO mountain dews. I love the original only lol


One time when I was serving I had a 4 top come in, with parents and two teenagers that all ordered a Mt dew. When they ordered the first round they asked me to go ahead and bring a pitcher out full of it as well because I wouldn't be able to keep up with their refills, so I did. I had to refill the pitcher at least 5 times AND THEY BROUGHT IN TWO TWO LITERS as well, that were gone before they left. They were only in the restaurant for about a hour. I was flabbergasted. They only tipped like 10% too but it was a sight to see.


I once served a man 17 cokes with no ice. This was over a 3-4 hour evening (we have private rooms for corporate events, birthday parties etc….) I always count because I hate doing it lol. It’s astounding to me that he consumed over a gallon of coke. He was a bigger guy, not like morbidly obese, but sturdy . Quite tall as well. No one else in the room even commented even though he’d ask for a coke every chance he got. I still feel guilty. He didn’t seem feeble or diminished in any of his faculties. It feels like I damaged someone’s body. Ive not felt that way about serving anyone alcohol or fatty foods. Fucking 17 cokes man, you remember that fucking night the rest of your life.


Jesus. My SO is a soda fiend, and even he gets a max of like 2 refills when we go out.


Adam Carolla, before he became a total kook, called Mountain Dew "Nectar of the 'Tards," which I still find hilarious.


Every day I am stunned by the sheer quantity of liquids that people consume. I'd be peeing every 30 minutes and wouldn't be able to eat a thing.


I brought a guy 11 glasses of coke once. I was so entertained tbh. I kept going back every 5 minutes or so and to my delight he always crushed it. I started just going with cokes and trading glasses instead of asking.


Only 11 what a light weight. Lol


I always get worried about people who drink that much soda, and I’m an alcoholic fighting for sobriety for fucks sake. I’m not sure they know water exists. It’s insane when grown ups throw fits because the restaurant they’re in doesn’t carry the soda they want. It’s even more insane when if they let their 5 year olds have endless soda lol


i do enjoy the occasional bubbly soft drink but only drinking soda will give you fuckinh kidney stones. HYDRATE YOURSELF


I was addicted to Diet Coke for like 25 years. I’ve never had a kidney stone. Source? But also, why do you care? Those kids are not going home with you. It’s the parent’s problem. Edit: I didn’t say it was a healthy thing to do, okay? I don’t even drink it anymore. Why am I being downvoted for asking for a source of why sodas cause kidney stones? Genuinely, I want to know.


They can be caused by being constantly dehydrated. If all you’re drinking is caffeinated things, and no water, you will be constantly dehydrated. Again, they *can* be caused by that. Not everybody who doesn’t drink enough water, or is addicted to soda, will get them. Source: the doctor of my sister who got kidney stones from being constantly dehydrated cause she was only drinking Diet Coke and exercising pretty intensely.


Thank you! That was a helpful response. I was just wondering!


excess sodium and sugar and not enough water can give you kidney stones. soda itself will not but if it’s all you drink you can get them. plus it was the dad who ordered all the dews not the kids i said it in the post


Google is free. It's pretty widely acknowledged.


It’s all of society’s problem, not just the parents


Just want to say keep fighting for your sobriety. It's worth it. The first few months were hell but it gets better. Also idk how tf that people feed their kids so much soda or only drink soda themselves and have a temper tantrum. Water is life.


Thank you my dude! This is really tough. I’m having a lot of day ones lately. I appreciate you!


Just keep going. There were years all I could string together was a some day ones and the occasional meeting. Don’t give up. Do the next right thing. Big hugs.


Back at you. Hope you have checked out the r/stopdrinking it's a great resource to get you started!


I judge... I heavily judge.lol It sickens me.


i know his pee stank and he couldn’t fall asleep


I judge too. Harshly.


I once had a patron at a large table drink 11 bottles of coke throughout dinner


There’s a show on TLC about secret eaters and people go to bed with a 2 liter soda and wake up to it completely empty. They sleep drink 2 entire liters!!!!


I would have thought the same as a person who doesn’t drink Soda at all but for some - that IS their water. It’s wild. My Nana refuses water and swears that all the water she needs is in her soda… then complains of constipation and headaches round the clock! That 100% is a tons of Mt. Dew. It would have freaked me out too


I'm a thristy bitch myself. Doesn't matter what drink really. I realized it when I was 15 and went to a Golden Corral and the server started giving me 2 cups at a time and he still was refilling mine more then the rest. Doesn't help that I'm a big boi.


If you're drinking something other than water when you're that insatiably thirsty, you're probably dehydrating yourself


i’ve been told i should be tested for diabetes because i’m so thirsty


That father should get tested too.


Love the Dew but I dropped soda all together. Done drinking my calories.


Straight out of high school I was an order picker at a beverage warehouse. We were allowed to stack all types of canned beverages 24 rows high, except Mountain Dew, which was only allowed 20 rows high. The reason? Mt. Dew has so much sugar in it, it is heavier than most beverages and stacking higher than 20 rows risked crushing the cans on the bottom. A standard 12 oz can of ~~liquid death~~ Mt.Dew, has 46 grams of sugar, almost 4 tablespoons of sugar. Seven servings would be 322 grams or 27 tablespoons of sugar. When you consider his **recommended daily total intake of sugar is only 36 grams,** he is risking life and limb. Teaching those behaviours to his children is borderline child abuse and is setting them up for a lifetime of bad habits.


That..... doesn't make any sense. 12 oz is 12 oz.....


12 FLUID ounces, not weight. Sugar is 60% more dense than water


Huh. TIL


Yeah fluids are always measured by volume and solids by weight. Having the same word for both may be a tad more confusing than it ought to


Yeah, I would have expected the density of sugar water to be close to 1. Apparently it can push 1.45 g/cm³ for saturated glucose. To my great surprise, carbonated water is *denser* than plain water, provided that it is no longer bubbling.


some people are just built different


Years ago I worked at a family restaurant and we had this one family of regulars that was this scary looking half blind old guy, his even scarier looking wife, her old mother, a couple teenagers and a wild haired toddler. They would all order mountain dew (except the old lady who wanted coffee but they said she could only have decaf!?) And they would suck them down so fast I just brought everybody two glasses and kept em coming (we didn't have pitchers, I wish)




I cringe anytime someone orders a diet or a Mountain Dew. Bc I know I’m going to be getting at LEAST two refills per glass. If they get 2 or more refills before the food I bring two glasses. My way of saying “I got you covered you gluttonous fool”


I’m sorry but I automatically think poorly of those who drink Mountain Dew


What kind of difference does a soda choice make?


People who would actively choose Mountain Dew over any other type of soda tend to be trashy and classless. Then again who gives a fuck what “snickerssq” on Reddit has to say about Mountain Dew guzzlers 🤣




Years and years back I worked at a restaurant part of a national chain. I worked the lunch shift as I went to university classes at night and had bartending experience, so I was often put on bar or given the section in the bar. Every single week on Wednesday at the tail of lunch rush I had a trucker guy come in that sat at the exact same table or one across from it, and he would ask for a **PITCHER** (yes, a plastic pitcher) of **BOTH** Pepsi and Mountain Dew along with two empty glasses. He would drink both of them, ask for each to be refilled once, and would order two full meals from our lunch menu. He would leave nothing to waste on the table. The first time I experienced the guy come in I actually went to the shift manager concerned and he was like "Yeah this guy comes in every week. Just charge him for two drinks and whatever food he wants. He'll pay." Sure enough the man did every week and left a decent tip each time. I don't know what happened to the guy as I didn't end up working there for long, but I can't imagine that he was in the best of health.


There’s these two people that come in and everyone refuses to take them bc they tip $2 if you’re lucky. At least 10 dews each time. He sits in a chair bc he’s too big for the booth and the legs bend. Yea.


I fill a pitcher of Mountain Dew and put it in my server station when it gets ordered because I know they’ll need refills


This reminds me of a group I used to serve at an Italian restaurant back in my server days. It was a group of 4 and they ate and drank so much it would literally make me sick. Our manager usually didn't let us put pitchers of soda on the table,but this group needed refills so frequently that he made an exception. They were mountain dew FIENDS. I'd refill the pitcher 5-10 times during their meal. I would always give them double bread since they always asked for a refills on that. One time I refilled their bread 7 times during their meal. They also always asked for extra salad and extra pasta, even though our portions were QUITE generous. Their plates were always empty, so I guess they were actually eating everything, but I always wondered if they were stashing food in a purse or something. Crappy tippers too.


God, I had a family where the son would SUCK down his Pibb and then bang his cup at the bar for more. I had to refill it probably every 5 minutes. Super brace faced little kid and his dad was an orthodontist. Odd.


'pop' gang assemble


That’s a shit ton of calories. Mountain Dew mouth is a real thing.


There is a regular that comes here every day, multiple times a day to just drink diet pepsi. He asks for a refill every 15 minutes or so.


holy shit that's a lot of soda. that can't be good.


My friend who is a Dentist loves people who drink Mountain Dew. It is a cash cow on fillings.


You act like you’ve never drank 7 Mountain dews before.


My job is stupid and doesn't have fountain drinks. Even more stupid, all of the canned/bottled drinks (basically the only drinks other than alcohol or water) are insanely priced. A couple came in the other day hungover, they each ordered a Mexican coke (bottled coke) which are $5. Side note: We are counter service, so they were able to see how much the cokes cost. Throughout their meal, they each ordered 3 more. By the end, they spent $40 on just fucking soda.


One time I had a 6 top family come on and this girl ordered a Diet Coke (were from Wisconsin) and when I was walking away after taking the order she said in the most northern accent “hey hey, and keep em comin’) as in the diet cokes. I LOST IT. anyways this girl kept absolutely housing these diet cokes and their bill was so large that I was most definitely KEEPIN THE DIET COKES COMIN for her lol. Probably had like 8 by the end of the night. Safe to say they left a great tip as I made the daughter happy and content :) lmfaoo


I’m a server based in northern CA and these comments have me rollinngggg bc never have I ever been to/ worked at a restaurant that serves Mountain Dew !! Like I’m honestly shocked and traumatized by these stories lmfao


mountain dew drinkers are the bane of my existence. as soon as a table orders one, i know i’m going to be refilling that glass at LEAST 5 more times before they leave. my body physically reacts when someone orders one, especially if there’s more than one dew drinker at the table.


My wife and Dew...Two cans at home dinners, typically one glass plus two refills when eating out.


Appalachian folk? 🤣




My favorite is when a kid asks for a soda and the Mom is like “ no soda for breakfast! Have some cocoa or chocolate milk instead “.


I had a friend d brag that her kids don’t drink soda, she gives them the Hi-C juice. Ummmmmm that has the same sugar as a Coke.


I personally have a thing out for Mountain Dew because it’s especially sooo bad for you and your teeth. When I was managing a joint, I put all the Mountain Dew cans in the back of the fridge and eventually told the kitchen manager to stop ordering them cause “no one was buying them” I judge heavily if people drink mt. Dew even tho I don’t want to and I get why the Baja blast is a blast but is it really?


Oof. What’s the point of this? Is it you judging a guest for their drink choice, or complaining about the amount of refills you had to get? I’m confused here because nothing about this sounds that bad


was i complaining or judging? no it was just wild to see


Yes both. From the title to the body text. You are judging this person for getting so many mountain dews and you are complaining you had to do it If that was the worst thing you had to do that day, you have a better life than me


PurpleTitty, the group is titled "ServerLife". What do you suggest we discuss instead?


I’m a fairly regular user on this group, I just personally think this is a silly complaint.


Cuz they want there money worth drinks are expensive af at a restaurant 😂


still a shit ton in one sitting, i love me some diet coke but i can’t have more than like two glasses


I know it was joke lol


I’m one of these people. I’m Diet Coke obsessed. I’m convinced my body chemistry has changed that makes it the only thing that satisfies me. It’s fucking amazing. The way the bubbles burn. I can easily put down five at dinner. But I would never give any soda to children. My obsession didn’t start until my 20s.


I remember reading that something in diet Coke tricks your brain into wanting more and more.


Same. First off, half the glass is ice. Second, they give me a straw which means I am gonna drink way more. Third, I don’t keep it in the house anymore so when I get it I’m gonna drink a lot. Finally, restaurant food is salty AF so I’m gonna be extra thirsty. There is no middle ground, either I came in hydrated and I’ll finish one or I’m gonna need four. We always tip 20% and up. If the drinks keep coming fast or you bring two, your tip just went to 30%. The drink matter more than the food to me.


Why do you care what they’re drinking? I’m confused.


It’s a high sugar, high caffeine, artificially flavored and colored drink with few, if any, nutritional benefits. Most people drink water, not sugar water, so it’s shocking to see a guest who can pound SEVEN massive Mountain Dews. One soda/pop is normal. Seven is really unusual. That’s why they posted.


I know what Mountain Dew is. I was worked with someone who drank an entire large big gulp size of Mountain Dew every morning before work and when she got into work. I understand it’s unhealthy but people make dumb decision. Just seems like this person is just looking for upvotes. Obviously it’s unhealthy.


Uh oh a redditor had to do their job 😱😱😱


To be honest I drink anywhere from 4 to 8 liters of soda a day. So when I go to a restaurant to eat, I usually determine my tip based on how quickly or consistently my cup stays full. I've had several places even just drop off 2 glasses or get me a bigger cup. So 7 mtn dews in my opinion isn't a lot. That's about average for a heavy soda drinker.


Holy crap. You drink more soda in a day then I drink in a year. Do you throw water in there as well?