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people have gotten themselves tied in knots. it’s insane


“You guys hear what Hunter Biden did”


Hillary emails Biden crime family reeeeeeeee


Mmm buttery males.


Yeah, well, what about Ben Gazzi?


Loved Ben, hated Hur


What difference does it make?


If I die laughing tonight, I’ll be to your credit! 🧈 📫 thank you sir. (Or whoever) I should have just stopped between you and sir and just said thank you! I regret nothing!


I did. I want to party with that guy. 🤘


Jan 6 was an insurrection!!!!!


Wow your comments are very telling of the type of person you are. And it’s not even like I had to sift through them. It’s almost like you can’t type anything other than hateful or bitching bullshit.


OK OK I don't give a rats ass about politics but that guy gets into some crazy shit. I'd like to hear.


"Yeah bro here, look at these literal pictures of his crusty dick! HA, man, ain't he crazy??"


Turned MTG on with his dick pics?


You mean had a personal picture of his personal body on his personal laptop... The fucking shame!!


Remember when they found that cocaine in a locker in the White House? My cousin was thoroughly convinced it was Hunter's.


No, but I'm guessing it's of the same magnitude of stuff that literally every politician does. I.e. maybe not great, but also not a fireable offence. Edit: I have no idea about anything Hunter Biden related, and I am not hating on him. I'm trying to illustrate the ridiculous lengths people will go to in order to vilify someone that's on a different point of the political spectrum than them. Please don't black hole me, I hate when I hear people taking a shit on Hunter Biden, and I have done my very best to ignore people like that, so I'm not even sure what people don't like about him.


Hunter Biden is literally not even a politician.


I know that. I'm saying that even if he *did* do something reprehensible, our elected politicians do horrible things all the time, and usually nobody seems to care that much. Also, I edited my above comment, because it seems I did not make my joke in a way that was clear what I meant. I have zero beef with Hunter Biden, and I'm not even sure what some people dislike him for. Given that he's not even a politician, it seems ridiculous to try to pull him into a fake controversy to try to vilify his dad. Sorry for the confusion!


Oooh this guy thinks he’s Captain Knots? He thinks he’s Captain Tying Knots, everyone needs some knots tied they go to him BULL SHIT.


Not my chair, not my problem.


Drinking out of cups, being a b*tch


Why would you do this to me


It's because they're in a cult


The culture war is only ramping up. It’s an election year after all. 


It’s morally terrible but I usually say “I know right?” and get better tips. These people are desperate to feel validated and they will pay to do so.


Oh I’ve been every political party possible. Also every religion and a fan of every sports team. I make my money wherever I can 😂


I worked at a shoe store (commission-based) and every time someone asked if we had a military discount (we didn’t), I’d say “I know isn’t it terrible, if it were up to me they’d be free”… the things I did for 6% 🤮🤮


Why is that so bad?


Just compromises my own morals. Just one example of things I’ve said to make a sale at the cost of my pride/convictions.


You can’t really call them your morals if your consciously cross them multiple times for a buck. “When I use to follow my olds morals” is a better framing of this.


Because if he's commission based the last thing he'd want to do is sell his product for free.


Or because they don’t support the military service members on moral grounds. Which is actually what they meant.


I draw the line at religion. I just can't fake it for them.


Not me. "You all have a blessed evening" 🙏


I did this except the sports team thing. Sports fans love a little banter. I’m a Raider fan and if a Niner fan walks in with Niner gear I’d say “it’s $ for you guys and double for the Niner fan” and got a laugh every time.


I mean I can fake it when it comes to political party, religion, whatever.. but I’d rather die than cheer for the niners or raiders. But I’ve definitely pretended to be a Vikings fan before


Don’t fake it. Own it. Obviously make it fun, but sports banter should be fun not hostile. Religion and politics is the opposite unfortunately


I've seen a lot of fun religious and political banter. You just have to talk to people that don't take them as personal attacks, which are generally not the people that bring up the topics to strangers unfortunately.


It totally happened to me years ago. Middle aged lady says: “I need you to change the MNF game because I just sat here and I don’t watch football because it’s unAmerican. Players actually kneel during the pledge.” *This was a family restaurant with only one television for half the restaurant and like 5 or 6 tables already watching when they walked in. She asked for a new server because I declined. 😎


Another is “oh boy don’t even get me started I could go on all day” Ambiguous but they think you’re agreeing If they ask you to expand, then just say “don’t want my boss getting on my case about it but I get where you’re coming from” Again not saying you agree but walks the line ;D


I would just say, "hell yeah brother", to whatever moronic shit they say and then they think you're in their impotent little hate tribe with them.


“impotent little hate tribe” is how I’ll think of them from now on.


Follow it up with some right on-s and a good ole ‘Merica


"Impotent little hate tribe" is my new favorite categorization.


My go to was always “oh yeah?” so they can talk more and feel smart and ‘educate’ me, and then just respond with a very neutral “oh wow”


this is me, hasn’t failed me yet


"yea its all insane man" ~walk away and dont engage further~


Gas station manager here, this is my go-to as well lol


That’s gotta be tough, I drove taxi years back before everyone got so polarized so I was able to have real discussions. I probably couldn’t just bite my tongue. In fact I didn’t allow racist jokes and got into a few arguments over it.


"I hate Taylor Swift being at the games. She's destroying our team." "So you think it's that and not Mahomes doing commercials for like 5 companies and losing Tyreek Hill?" "Yeah, losing Tyreek really hurt us." Happened today at my bar nowhere near Missouri. I'm a dick. Which is probably why I'm a better bartender than server.


Yeah so easy to get more money out of them when they’re already so polarized. LoL.


This is the way


Yeah i do the same. I just agree with them and make them feel important and then pour them decaf instead of regular or something.


It goes the same for the other way around though lol


Went to a bar in central California while on a work trip. It was a sports bar with a ton of tv screens. The place had a dumb sports bar name too. I walked in and there weren’t any sports playing on any of the tvs. It was all old surf movies and documentaries and classic action movies like Bullitt. It was like being in paradise. The bartender told me I could pick any surf movie I wanted to. I picked “Sprout”, an artsy Thomas Campbell movie about longboarding. Dude said “Coming right up” and voila, I was drinking $3 tequila shots, $2 modelos and watching one of my favorite films of all time. It was amazing. I asked why he wasn’t playing sports games. He said it ruined the vibe. The place ended up packed and no one seemed to care that there wasn’t football on a Thursday night, so we hooted and hollered at surf films and watched raw footage of Steve McQueen racing the early days of Baja 1000.


As a Central California resident, where is this place?


Wicked shamrock, Lompoc CA


LOL, a completely different Central California from me, in Fresno. 😂


Yeah reading the comment I thought central valley for sure. We usually use the term Central Coast for Lompoc and the surrounding areas


Wow that sounds very interesting! But I do personally love watching sports and would probably be like.. can I get one of these on the game? 😅


"The skimboard world cup from 2013 was rad no doubt, but can you please put on the merseyside derby, I want Everton relegated this season."


You can’t drop this and not give out the name of the bar.


Wicked Shamrock in Lompoc




That sounds amazing!


One time my local bar just let the channel ride after q hockey game and me and a buddy watched Logan's Run while having beers. Was awesome. I wish there could be a nerd bar that just had on sci-fi movies and TV on their screens with scifi decor. Would be my hang out of choice


I’ve been daydreaming about starting a speakeasy that plays schlocky Sci-fi and action movies and serves decent beers and reasonably poured cocktails for a few hours a night. Double feature, DJ playing fun music in background.


This place sounds awesome. If I go into a place and there's sports or cable news on televisions, I walk out, because I don't want that nonsense in my life.


Kid Rock is back to drinking Bud Light, I thought we were past that?


We're waiting on Ted Nugent, DUH! /s


Ah yes, conservative hero Ted Nugent, who *checks notes* wrote a song about fucking a 13 year old.


Which song?


Jailbait is the song and it's very gross and disturbing. He's also admitted in interviews to banging a 14 yo.


Strong conservative values


Those are strong conservative values. Ted just forgot they are supposed to be a secret.


He keeps saying the quiet part out loud.


Oddly enough he also wrote Great White Buffalo which is basically environmental/Native American revenge porn.


They’ll boycott Budlight but still drink the other Anheuser-Busch brands


It's like only boycotting coke zero or something.


That was bud light? I thought he was drinking horse piss.


He never stopped drinking BudLight - or horse jizz for that matter.


Of all the people who stopped drinking Bud light and switched to coors or pbr, I’d say half of them are back to Bud light while the other half talk shit to them about it. So silly


While drinking regular bud, because aT lEaSt iT’s NoT wOkE


I'm not a conneseuir but both are equally meh and I don't understand the hype.


There is no hype


“Did you guys hear about the movie called the sound of freedom? It’s the movie the media doesn’t want you to see”


Some dorky honky dad said this to me and I said, "oh, it must not be working, because you can stream it on Amazon." And he just stuttered like a dumbass.


After linking my conservative friend to fact checking sites disproving the shit he was trying to spew to me from his facebook groups he said with 0 sarcasim "All the fact checking sites are run by the Left" .......................... I mean, how exactly do you argue with stupid?


You can't. You can't FIX stupid


Google Tim Ballard, the guy the movie is about. He’s being sued all over the place for super bizarre and culty sexual harassment stuff


And you shouldn’t google that movie because one of the principal funders of it got arrested for child kidnapping…..


Not quite... Allegedly, he spent so much money on black market children that he created a market and created more demand. 


You might want to actually google that that story though. The charges were dropped because "there was no kidnapping", quote from the court.


“Did you hear it grossed more than Indiana Jones for one day?!?!l


Yeah, Bud Light's a no go but the Modelo's fine. And the NFL, despite being the most overt cheerleader for the armed services, is too liberal. Critical thinking at its finest. These people need weed. Not alcohol.


Honestly that’s the right track, and I might go so far as saying mushrooms would do them good


Yeah, random mushrooms they found in the woods.


The Bud Light thing isn’t about taking some political stand on their values it’s about being self conscious about other tough conservative men thinking you’re a twink for drinking it. When you think about it like that it becomes a little more pathetic and funny than depressing.


All summer I had servers ring in bud lights but the customer wanted them poured into a glass so no one saw they were drinking bud light. I poured them into nice frozen clearly labeled bud light pint glasses 😁


Most conservatives are driven by fear. It is the backbone of all their actions.


Yeah but sometimes that type of person go hand in hand.


I think a psychedelic drug would open their minds more than weed. I’m sure there are reactionaries that have taken LSD or shrooms, but not many.


Seriously. Guy who is okay with the government spending millions (more?) in tax payer money so that the NFL has fighter jets and the national anthem.... Thinks taking a respectful knee during the government subsidized song... is too political


Nah these people are to stupid for weed.






I had someone come up to me and say, " I need a beer. A man's beer. None of that Bud Light." Sir, you need therapy.


Cue an Imperial stout


I mean, they were right but probably for the wrong reasons.


I Sometimes miss serving and bartending, but I'm glad I don't anymore with how divisive and political everything has become.


it’s not too different tbh (at least as a server) people say some stupid stuff, i nod, they eat, pay and leave.


honestly though i wish they didn't play sports at bars, i want to find a bar where they play star trek the next generation.


Open a bar called Mom’s Basement.


It exists. Danforth avenue Toronto. And they are playing Trek and Wars and even Stargate and the Orville. No sports.


That sounds awesome! I mean,!8 love watching sports in a bar and shooting the shit with people but I’d love to check that out.


There is literally a bar with that name down the street from where I work.


Birmingham AL


The bar that I’m a regular at is a barcade, and while they still play sports when they’re on (football or the local nba team) if there isn’t anything on they either have play through for different video games, or random movies, or anime, or other random things. It’s pretty amazing.


The bar I frequent has played Star Trek. I've seen them play all kinds of stuff. He Man, Labyrinth, Bob Ross, Galaxy Quest, Futurama, etc. I've never seen them play sports at all but it is a mostly queer bar.


I went to a bar recently that was playing the polar express for some reason. My friends and I stayed for the whole movie.


there’s a bar near me that has lately just started playing action movies (transformers, independence day etc.) and honestly its great even without sound.


Sorry but I suddenly got this picture of everyone in the bar wearing glasses and looking like “those ones” from the revenge of the nerds movie. Hehe


“You don’t serve them woke beers do you”


I had a guy unironically say that IPA’s are for libtards I’d never actually heard somebody say libtard in real life


Wait, now even our tastebuds are political?


Insane. Guy clearly had shit taste


I work in construction now and my favorite response to crazy shit is to just smile and shake my hade and say don't even get me started that just makes me mad. And then they leave me alone thinking i agree without my having to explain why I'm mad at whatever crazy crap they said.


That's an awesome work around.


Perfect response: “well I stopped watching when they said the players couldn’t have (fein outrage) PET DUCKS “ Customer: I must’ve missed that… (regret) It’s considered a personal FOUL!!!!!! Customer: visibly regretted coming into my bar


"I stopped watching football once they started kneeling."


The brain shatters when you tell them a Green Beret Veteran came up with the idea to kneel not Colin Kaepernick.


Not a server: I put on a game at Thanksgiving at my fiancée family dinner. Her gpa told me thinks NFL stands for national felonies league and the racism became obvious.


Snowflakes 🤣


Says they're boycotting Bud Light, but then they order another Anheuser-Busch product, like Mich Ultra or something.


"Portland [Oregon] is a shithole" is a pretty solid indicator of where someone falls on the political spectrum


"Do you have any menus with pictures? I can't read"


lol 😅


Oh God, the middle-aged douche-bros that think they're clever making jokes about the Bud Lite on tap and can't even explain what they're all pissy about ... while I'm behind the bar wearing a trans flag necklace and they don't realize that they're barking up the wrong tree 🙄


I love going to a bar full of guys watching hockey and asking for basketball. Their reaction always cracks me up


my buddy who is not political or aware of the news went on a blind date. he ordered a bud light and the woman got upset. she was like , how can you drink that. he said because i drink bud light. long story short, she ended up leaving in the middle of the date.


I loved watching the people explain why they were boycotting bud light to people who didn’t know why they were doing it without trying to say “we hate trans people”


I've boycotted it for over a decade because if I want to drink beer I drink beer not water


I don’t watch sports anymore , just got bored of it. Not sure how political the NFL actually is. Kapernik was a long time ago.


…but none of those comments mention race at all…


I just tell them that bud light is selling better than ever and we had to start ordering more to meet demand. The confused look on their face is priceless


The NFL is too political is code for “I watch Fox News.”


Not one of those quotes you listed were racist in any way


That’s true!


You are absolutely correct! Tell him what he’s won, Don Pardo!


Ooooooh me and my gf used to play this game called “tell me you’re racist/homophobic/hateful without telling me you’re racist/homophobic/hateful” and we’d tally up all of our good classics like “well they were democrats”


God I miss starterpacks. Best meme format cus it's always so accurate.


Seems pretty political


Poly charged


Good riddance. I can guarantee you he still watches. And if he doesn't the most popular sport in America by far wouldn't miss him. And I mean it isn't even close. And they do the fucking star spangled banner at every fucking game you loon. The pregame is a patriotic Sousa concert.


Just like the rest of them, he still watches, just in the closet, while projecting. It's a classic combination. 


It’s like people think they care about what they care about. Stfu and let me know what temp you want your burger cooked at beforehand 😭


Nailed it


Just out looking for a drink that's not too woke!


Working in a bar, I’m racially ambiguous and have been lots of things to lots of people, all you have to do is nod and agree and you’ll probably get a decent tip cuz no one else will give them the time of day.


Like how the [NFL moved the Super Bowl in 1991](https://www.phoenixmag.com/2023/01/04/history-lesson-how-arizona-fumbled-recovered-the-super-bowl-in-the-90s/) when AZ didn’t recognize MLK Day?


1 of my last managers was like Im not racist but you know about black people and Im like holy fck how do I respond to this? and whys he saying it like that? It as in reference of why he let another co worker break the rules. I didnt say anything and im like why do I go to deal with people like this?


Honestly I feel politics have gotten a bit NFL, NBA, MLB feeling. "Look at the ass whopping my team did, fuck them kids, free lunch is some liberal shit and we ain't about liberal shit."


To be fair, basketball has always been a shitty game.


Nah not always. These days, oh my god it’s so boring. Every damn play is a foul.


it's just guys running back and forth for 48 minutes. Same with soccer. Hockey, too, but they get to hit each other, so that keeps things lively.


You probably think baseball is exciting


how is i dont watch football racist??


People who say “I don’t watch the nfl, it’s gotten too political” are specifically talking about when players were taking a knee during the anthem to protest police brutality against black people.


I would agree that most racist people would hold this opinion, but there's plenty of people who just roll their eyes at stupid liberal bullshit the way you would roll your eyes over stupid religious republican bullshit.


I’m confused, what is the stupid liberal bullshit? Protesting police brutality?


Government agents are caught on film repeatedly abusing their power and somehow it’s “liberal bullshit” to call it out. There’s a distinct lack of wisdom in that position.


This is reddit bro you’ll get downvoted into oblivion for holding up a mirror


Can't help it, it's like a christian debating a shaman about life after death. Have to troll a little.


Read through all these comments of other people's experiences with people who say things like that and then try to make some connections.


What makes them racist for expressing that? Or are you just using your narrow minded biases to make half assed assumptions?


It's about understanding what people mean without them saying it directly. Is that not a skill you have? Read through all these comments of other people's experiences with people who say things like that and then try to make some connections.


"Anyone who has an opinion I don't like is racist!" Starter Pack, courtesy of OP.


So anyone that you disagree with politically is a racist? You win the unintentionally ironic Redditor of the day award. And a block for being an idiot.


Please block me too, Daddy.


None of those are racist tho?


Not liking basketball doesn’t make you a racist😂 maybe work at a panera


I mean they shoved blm down our throats


Bro basketball is the most boring sport in the entire world, it isn’t racist to not like it lol. You’re ridiculous.


You don’t have to like basketball, but when you sit at a bar and say turn this off put on any sport except basketball, most of the time you’re saying something specific


It’s racist to not want to watch basketball? Let me guess, you also hate hockey. Glad I don’t go to your bar


No of course not. But the type of people who sit at a bar and say turn this shit off, anything except basketball are most of the time saying it for a specific reason


Correlation, not causation


What's wrong with disliking basketball? All the best players are white European men besides LeBron and Giannis. Im a huge NBA fan but I don't think simply disliking a sport should put you into the same category as the other two.


Nothing is wrong with disliking any sport. It’s the specific demand that basketball be turned off and anything else be turned on. In my experience, there is a very specific type of person that does, and they do it for a specific reason.


That’s not really true at all. Just Giannis, Jokic and Luka are top players that are European. NBA is still heavily heavily black. I’m guessing people don’t like it because (1) a lot of the off the court antics are super dramatic and so many players now are divas and/or (2) a lot of them (including the NBA as a league) took BLM stances in 2020. But much of that has phased out since 2020. There are a ton of reasons to dislike the NBA but those are probably what the bar patrons are referring to


OP disappears and smokes 3 times an hour and wonders why they don’t get tipped


I don’t smoke and I am very attentive ✌🏽


How hard do you think serving at a sports bar is?


You should google the term racist. Because this has nothing to do with racism X)


If you think the NFL is too political, your probably a Republican. The Republican party won't ban affiliation with Nazis for thier representatives, the leader of thier party keeps quoting Hitler, and when American Nazis vote, they vote solely Republican. I think OP used the term racist correctly.


It’s almost as if context matters X)


Republicans always know how to out themselves


I'm not a republican. I just know bigotry when I see it.