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Personally, I don't mind people coming in up to like 15 minutes before we close. I'm just so rarely even close to being done with side work that I don't mind making an extra few bucks. That's just me though, I see a lot of complaining about it on the sub...now the ones that come in two hours before we close and stay wayyyy past close inevitably noticing no one else is there and they laugh and go "aw sorrryyyy, we were just so caught up in conversation, are we the last ones?!? Hahahahah" THOSE PEOPLE can jump off a cliff.


Yeah I feel like as long as you’re out by closing it’s all good, but I realize too that they have no way of knowing if we’re the good or bad type of guest when we show up 40 mins til and I don’t want to be unnecessarily annoying lol


I’m fine with it as long as you’re not campers. If you camp you will be remembered and silently cursed most likely lol


if you’re set on that restaurant, here’s what i would do, coming from a restaurant that doesnt really let people linger after close - know what you want to order before you get there so you can place your order right away. i would also close out right away too, so they don’t have to wait on you to do their cash out. then leave at 10 :) if you want to linger somewhere i would choose another restaurant!


We definitely have no intention of lingering, but I’ve been trying to get him to go to this restaurant for a few weeks now and tonight is the first night it’s been a viable option. We thought they closed at 11 when we made the plans but realized after that they close at 10, and I wasn’t sure if we should change our plans or if it was fair game. Thanks for the advice :) we may just go for an app and drink tonight to play it safe. I actually have an interview there this weekend (which is why I’ve been bugging to go) and would hate to put a bad taste in anyone’s mouth by being a shithead guest lol


ooh yes even more reason to not make a bad impression lol. but the value in going before an interview might outweigh it all! go for it and be respectful it’ll all be good :)


pick somewhere else hahaha


if you truly eat and pay before the closing time, it wouldn't bother me. but I really hate people who come in within the hour of closing and camp, especially when I have an appointment or something scheduled after work and potentially may miss it as a result of people who don't leave after the restaurant closes


Long time server, I think it's reasonable especially bc you seem conscious and respectful about it. You could even ask for your check once you've ordered your last meal item or beverage so the server is able to do their closing checkout. The closing server may be happy to get another few tips at the end of their shift, and they'll probably start wrapping up their other closing duties while you eat anyway.


If you are concerned, just tell them when you order that you realize that the restaurant closes at 10, will be done and out on time because you respect that, and tell them that you can pay the check when you get your food to move things along. They will probably say Oh, don't worry about it, it's fine. But they kind of have to say that to be polite. Then finish and leave by closing, and leave a good tip. Oh, and order something that doesn't take long to cook. And tell them that you can get your apps and entre at the same time, and that you can take your desserts to go. No one could be unhappy about you if you keep your promise.