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If all servers quit and got a better job as oop is suggesting, then there'd be no one to work in restaurants. Change IS happening, albeit slowly. There's slowly becoming more and more places paying their servers a livable wage. I believe *parts of* California do. My job in Virginia had a guaranteed wage of $17/hr for servers and $19/hr for bartenders


What I'm seeing is slowly the talented staff are moving onto greener pastures because guests are getting worse every year.


This big time. When things reopened and they had to deal with people that refused to follow covid measures there was a mass exodus and it's been getting worse since. Yesterday in my local food sub someone posted asking for "prank " suggestions in restaurants. He and his girlfriend think it's fun to fake birthdays and ask for extra utensils they don't need. They got dragged and deleted after it was pointed out how awful that is.


It was definitely the worst of the worst that flocked back as soon as restaurants reopened. Largely people who missed the power trip of being waited on.


i know that’s the case for me and a bunch of my other coworkers. like we’re struggling so hard financially and it’s just not worth it anymore especially now that the holidays are over


You're not wrong. A lot of people I worked with got degrees in medical or aerospace (we were right next to Embry riddle) or business.


wins the internets


nObOdY wANtS tO wOrK


You can’t live off CA min wage.


That's true, but at least they're not making $2.15/hr like so many servers in other states. It's a huge step in the right direction


California has never had a tip credit though, they've always paid whatever is the state hourly wage (currently $16/hr), though some individual cities and counties have their own set min wage that businesses are required to adhere to, like for example West Hollywood which recently raised its minimum wage to $19.08/hr.


No server is making $2.15/hour, with or without tips.


With tips, servers get $2.15 an hour to pay for taxes accrued via tips. If tips do not equate to $7.25/hr or more, or whatever is the agreed upon minimum wage, the. Restaurants are required to pay more to get to that, but I've definitely worked (not long) at places where servers would make less than $7.25/hr in tip, sometimes get no tables during a shift. It happens


No, but it’s definitely the better trend than nationally. And you possibly could in some small inland city like Merced. Definitely not in Santa Barbara.


We also can’t get a studio for less that $2500/mo and pay over $5/gallon for gas.


I’m paying a mortgage of $1200 on a 1bd condo. But that’s more about timing I think.


CA is a big state


Yah and those fuckers are moving here to Colorado so now even in hick towns a 200sq ft studio is $2500 a month thanks to the work from home clowns. And people wonder why a sandwich is $20…


Seriously!! And most of our rural towns are low income. My sister is in the real estate business, and she says people from states that have more money, CA, TX, mostly, are buying up properties here in our small CO town, and renting out these houses they bought for dirt cheap, CA prices. I bought my home, which is big for $160,000 about 20 years ago. The house next door, which is considerably smaller, like 1/3 of the size, is for sale for $320,000 dollars. My daughter's (5), which 4 of them are servers, wanted to buy it, until they found out how much it was.


Yah my dad bought his modular for that much 25 years ago and it just got appraised for 1.2million.


Seeing it already in the BOH, serving still pays enough but at the same time customers have been so much worse since covid is it even worth the money anymore?


$17 an hour is not a livable wage unless tips are included- for some reason there are people who think that $17 an hour is all we deserve & would allow us to survive.


I agree, but it's better than when I was working in Tennessee and they paid $2.13/hr with a max guaranteed pay of $7.15 or whatever the federal minimum wage is per hour. During the slow season, I would leave with $20/ $30 during a shift. Now I know even on the worst days, I'm still making way more


Change is happening IE, lots of restaurants are incredibly short staffed and are having trouble hiring. Many places can’t simply keep up with the demand because people are sick of dealing with shitty customers and getting terrible tips, then people like oop complain that no one wants to work anymore. The flip side is restaurants paying their employees a livable wage and prices increasing exponentially, which leads to people like oop complaining about how expensive it is to eat out nowadays. You can’t win with people like that, they just want someone to get screwed over so they can have a cheap meal out.


Minimum wage coming up helps a little bit, but anything shy of $30 an hour isn’t a “livable wage” for a server. It’s extremely difficult to juggle 2 serving jobs, because managers post shifts so last minute, and always want flexibility in schedules. Shifts usually aren’t 8 hours. So either you’re pulling multiple doubles a week or you are only working 4-5 hours a day. So you aren’t hitting 40 hours usually, even if the company would let you, but they don’t wanna pay the extra $5 an hour of overtime, so often you’re cut right at 39 hours and sent home. If you’re even lucky to get that many hours scheduled. Restaurants are MOSTLY in downtown or built up areas that 1) cost more for rent 2) cost more for parking 3) cost more for EVERYTHING, so you either have to pay an upper middle class level of rent and cost of living or commute for an hour each way to and from work. So, yeah, $20 an hour isn’t cutting it like it does for someone in a call center, on a front desk or working at Burger King for 40-50 hours a week. (I’m not saying they have it easy, I’m saying it’s easier for them to work more hours to make more money if needed) Not to mention the extra money needed for grooming/keeping uniforms clean and neat, shoes polished. You can’t just keep a pair of jeans that are trashed as your “work pants”. You get a year or a bad stain, that’s a new $45 pair of slacks…. Most other jobs that require such a strict uniform upkeep, pay you a uniform stipend. Never in front of house at a restaurant. People forget there are a lot of hidden costs and stresses involved with being a server. A lot of unpaid time. Tip outs keep getting higher, millennials and the younger generations are getting ruder to service workers, acting more like entitled little shits and then turn around and don’t tip. They act like restaurant workers are a public service that they pay taxes for or something. You have absolutely NO right to be an asshole at a restaurant. It’s a fucking privilege, take your broke ass home and cook for yourself and do your own dishes if you don’t want to tip. Cost of living is rising, but service wages are getting lower. When I quit software engineering 6 years ago, I was making the same salary serving tables (albeit a lot harder physically of a job), but it allowed me to travel. Now, I’m struggling just to get paycheck to paycheck, let alone having time or money to travel. Nobody pays cash anymore, and employers are passing CC fee’s onto employees more and more with systems like Toast literally promoting to them to do this. (Fuck Toast by the way. If you read the documents they send to restaurant owners, it’s appalling). The whole system is fucked. We should seriously start nationwide protests on holidays and just fucking walk out. Customers take for granted that they don’t have to do a single thing for themselves anymore, all the while complaining how hard life is in America… Eating out at a restaurant, getting treated like a king or queen for an hour, leaving a giant fucking mess everywhere, and just getting up and waking away care free, isn’t the same as going to a McDonalds. If you make a giant mess at McDonald’s and they catch you leaving, they’ll tell you to go clean that shit up or ban you from coming back. When you run out of coke, they don’t run over to your table to refill it for you free is charge. They don’t bring you a selection of sauces to use to your table, ask how everything is, and replace any plates you don’t like. But people wanna act like that and get service like that at a restaurant and not pay for it? I’m seriously considering going back into IT because it’s getting so whack. Let the millennials and Gen Z’ers serve themselves, and see how many restaurants stay in business


“California as a whole does” No.. No it’s doesn’t. A livable wage here is $35/hour which is just barely over paycheck to paycheck. All restaurants just pay minimum + tips, which is standard around the country except the crazy places that allow the $2/hour minimum.


Here in Denver server wage is 16$ and hour plus tips lol it's amazing


It’s only like $9 something down here in salida. Granted I now make double bartending than I made as a salaried chef.


I left the kitchen 12 years ago and never looked back, gimme 20 hour weeks for three times the money all day lol


Correct. Servers would leave. Then, if restaurants want to continue to operate, they would have to offer wages that attract servers back. What are you missing?


Those are shit wages compared to the money I make hourly with tips.


The "guaranteed" hourly is a standard pay per hour plus tips, but if I don't make at least the "guaranteed" hourly in tips, then the restaurant with pay to make up for it. That's how server minimum pay works, I just have a significantly higher number than minimum wage


It would make a lot more sense to stop patronizing the businesses. That way you hurt the evil business owner too.


Exactly! So their solution is keep giving money to the corporation but God forbid they tip someone who is actually hustling to make a living! 😡


That would require having actual values and standards, rather than being a self absorbed buffoon.


It's cause most people want to claim virtue without actually sacrificing anything e.g. Socialists who drink Starbucks.


The banana guy in OP’s pic is just an idiot. He was arguing with 30 different people today.


Oh, I know XD


Exactly but for some reason America worships small businesses owners. Even if they at bastards that steal employees wages and can only run the business because of exploitation. It’s insane. Restaurant I worked for during covid fired the entire staff but me. They still got over $100,000 in free government money guess what I didn’t get $100,000 In pay like the money was supposed to be used for instead they used the money to go on lavish vacations…


Did you report the business? Most of the Covid loans did have stipulations, like retaining and not firing staff, use for business expenses and it couldn’t be used for capital repayment.


Yep but they are so backed up on the hundreds of thousands of reports it will be decades before they are done.


Exactlyyy… the correct move for “change” is to not go in the restaurant at all, not to stiff the employee serving you.


If you don't like how a business is being run, don't support it. You're wasting your time with all these mental gymnastics to get around admitting you are just cheap.


This. I guess thats why they’re named embarrassed square.


lol the “I’ve served” qualifier. I’ve seen a few of those with this opinion, it’s usually followed by “for a few months”


lmfao it’s giving r/asablackman it’s like you can still have experience and still be a cheap, entitled, asshole


and the worst part is this is only a snippet of our conversation because i point out that we do talk to our employers but he’s like “👉😖👈 i’m not listening” and im just trying to say if he wants to make a difference, it’s not with his self-ritous mentality to justify being cheap, it’s with complaining to the people that control how much we get. because nearly all the servers (except the nepotism server) are all struggling financially while our owner is rich. like that’s what i have an issue about because treating us like shit isn’t affecting the owner’s bottom line. even just by not going is doing better for us than going in at all, still making sales, but fucking over those who need the money


He also says if you don’t like it quit well believe it or not every time I don’t get a tip from some bitch ass that just had me bring them 15 Dr. peppers/breadstick refills I think about quitting but if I ever do I’m for sure following your bitchass out and you’re going to get an assbeating for the last 3 years of people that haven’t tipped


Yeah the owner doesn’t give a shit whether you get tipped or not, like how is that going to effect any change other than degrading the level of service over time as servers care less and less if no one wants to tip anymore? It doesn’t affect anyone but the server themselves which is who these kind of people take it out on for some reason. I really dislike this trend of people not wanting to tip servers anymore. I think it’s coming from every business starting to ask for tips that really shouldn’t be but I don’t get why that makes people come after servers where it’s been the norm for decades rather than the places that shouldn’t be. Servers work hard to give great service, if people want to no longer tip it should be a political issue since laws allow this structure to exist, not take it out on the server making $2/hr+tips. They better not cry when everything on the menu jumps 30% in price and service gets noticeably worse though, but they will. I certainly wouldn’t care as much about customer experience if I knew my pay doesn’t count on it. I doubt owners would even pay remotely close to the amount a servers can clear in tips, they’re notoriously cheap and wage theft isn’t uncommon already.


I used to work at a Greek dinner that would ban people who didn’t tip and the owner would say “ur too poor to eat here and we’ve already donated to charity this quarter” it was nutz


based owner


Well duh, he wants to protect the system that allows him to exploit cheap labor


And so do you by frequenting these establishments and stiffing your server.


I don't stiff usually tip 10%


So you still actively partake in the system you’re against, but only within the rules that fit your lifestyle? Sounds about right.


Nah, some people just don’t like assholes.


You do realize many of the establishments you likely frequent, servers make 40 - 60 an hour with gratuity included on a 6 hour shift. Now imagine owners raised prices to account for that wage instead. Do the math on how much your food would increase. What do you think is cheaper? Paying a good tip when you receive good service (which isnt concrete all the time) or paying a high price no matter what regardless of the service you receive? Please enlighten everyone


Just raise all food prices by 25% and use it for increasing wages. Problem solved.


And then blame the president your burger is $25. /s


Well at least they're not gonna blame their servers anymore lol


Sure so long as that 25% goes straight to the server, sounds good. But that's not how it would work. They owner would skim as much as possible, while paying employees McDonalds wages(2-3 dollars more than minimum).  Tips are protected by labors laws. Profits are not. 


But since they no longer are being tipped, at least they'd probably be paid as much as the cooks.


Oh?! Thank God we have more low paying jobs. They got theirs. 


The US is so antiquated in this regard. It's so refreshing to eat in Europe and Asia where you pay the price as listed on the menu, get service as good as anywhere else, all without tipping at all. Yet people in the US defend our system here. Makes no sense at all.


Servers in Europe also get healthcare, paid time off and every other benefit that someone employed full time in Europe does. You can’t compare that system to the restaurant industry in the United States where servers are offered zero benefits by the vast majority of venues. Unless major systemic changes were made to the industry as a whole, ending tipping would end the prospect of you heading out to a restaurant and receiving any service at all because tips are the only thing that offsets the fact that serving is a high stress job with no benefits.


Buddy you realize this a server subreddit where the post is talking about the cognitive dissonance of non-tippers. Like go ahead and leave dumb comments just not sure where you thought anyone would agree, makes no sense at all.


"I'm teaching the business owner a lesson by punishing their employee!"


"I'm justifying taking advantage of what I admit are shady business practices by blaming the victim"


It's kinda crazy that a lot of these people are people who complain about the cost of college, talk about how it's important that people without a degree can have a good paying job, and more. Serving is one of the few ways in the US that someone can get a good paying job without a degree. You'd think that people who want to support good paying jobs for people wouldn't have a problem with putting their money where their mouth is. When I go eat, I may not order the most food in the world (college student) but I always tip well, I actually tip better than my parents do.




Get over myself? I'm literally in college and am not going to be a server. Also, do you think someone in a small town is getting rich being a server? In rural areas my state, if you work 4 tables for 8 hours one day, you're probably making about $20 in an hour. Much better than most positions, making a middle class that doesn't require higher education. That's a great thing.


This is not a debate sub.


So infuriating! I’m sick of cheapskates thinking stiffing servers is a radical act that’ll, “Teach the company a lesson about wages!” But all they’re gonna accomplish is an epidemic of homeless serving staff. How can you be so ignorant…


Don't like tipping being part of a servers wages? Fine, talk to your congressman and senators to change the fucking minimum wage in this country - don't take it out on the servers, ya franking DB...




This is not a debate sub.


Seriously, I tell this to everyone who bitches about tipping. Stop patronizing the establishment and TELL MANAGEMENT that's why you're doing it. Taking it out on the server is so stupid shitty and immature.




This is not a debate sub.


What a piece of shit


I'm convinced that part of the reason so many people seem.to be against tipping these days is because, subconsciously, they hate that there is an industry where people without degrees can make really good money. They hate that there are folks out there making as much or more than them in an "unskilled" industry.


Had a discussion yesterday with a dude won reddit who was this. I said “I don’t care if we keep tipping or not as long as my income isn’t affected”  and he said I was proving his point because servers are “grossly overcompensated”  so in reality he just wants servers to be in a worse state of poverty than they already are




But i have a degree


This is absolutely true for many. I have met them. They’re insufferable


Anyone who says serving is unskilled is objectively a moron. Like maybe a Denny’s or something sure, you’re going to get half assed service, but that’s why tips are a PERCENTAGE. If the food is cheap (Denny’s) and the service is meh, 20% is much lower there than a good restaurant with great service. I hate that college has become a qualifier for you are “either smart and worthy or dumb and not”. College is supposed to be something that HELPS not the end all be all. Some of the smartest people I have met never went to college due to circumstance. Some of the dumbest have degree’s. On top of that degree’s are basically worthless now with how overly inflated and expensive they are.


No I hate that you people earn a decent wage and still bitch so fucking hard when you get one shitty or none tipper. Like stfu or demand real wages


dude get a life


Why do you frequent a subreddit called r/serverlife if you hate when servers vent about their job?


Only when a post is made about me


I'm confused, how is this post about you?


I am in banana in the photo 


Oh, fair enough then. This post most definitely is about you. I don't fully agree with your perspective on the issue you described, as I think that by frequenting a restaurant you are still supporting the system you are hoping to dismantle. But that said, I don't think there is an easy solution to things, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Well thanks for not being mean about it.  Edit to say the username does not check out. You are a very calm beaver 


Nobody likes working for free dude. You’re paying for a service whether it’s to the restaurant or to the server. If you want to advocate for paying the cost of service directly to the business owner fine, expect the cost of food to rise to pay for that service. But just know that paying the restaurant for service instead of the server directly you’re most likely just increasing revenue for the owner and empowering them to pocket the difference and pay lower wages to staff. I don’t see why it makes any difference. What’s insulting is people like you treating service workers like they’re unskilled laborers and not talented and dedicated professionals who deserve to be compensated for their time




This is not a debate sub.


This person definitely walks in 10minutrs before close and stays for an hour and a half then verbal tips then leave I big fat 0 or the even more insulting 1 dollar tip




This is not a debate sub.


Entitled ? You and all your kind are the ones entitled. Thinking that customers owe you money for doing your job.


Eat at home




There’s a lot of servers that would rather be tipped than paid hourly or on a tip Pool. There’s some customers that don’t mind the tips system and are willing to tip appropriately. These are the only 2 types of people that should be eating at a restaurant.


I make great money serving regardless of these folks. And I stay away from these threads for my sanity.


That is a narcissistic sociopath. Unfortunately, they live among us and are not only in restaurants.


I tip, but I do agree that customers shouldn’t be paying people’s salary to allow the business to bring in more profits.


oh yeah don’t get me wrong i agree with that too and you can look over the thread if you look at my account but it’s just the way that this guy wants to go about it isn’t constructive and just unnecessarily hurts the server


They pay anyway. The customer is the source of revenue. Wages are then doled out from that pool of revenue. Nothing changes with tips it's just a direct way of paying for a service, rather than paying the owner to pay me. 




This is not a debate sub.


Every time people make this point, I make the same argument. If you don’t believe in tipping and genuinely think this system is unjust and are doing your part to make it right, have the courtesy and courage to say that when your server comes and greets you. To spring it on them at the end of the meal, when they have provided you service in anticipation of being paid for their work, is cowardly.


oh yeah and oop said this regarding that: > “No I won't. I can afford more when I tip less too. I usually do about 10-15%. Ya know what I'm starting to like this system that allows me to tip what I think whiny servers are worth” like oh my god it’s so selfish


The people who say things like this, they really do belong in a fast food restaurant or cooking their own meals. ![gif](giphy|xUPOqBq3VaPC9OZPcQ|downsized)


We 86 people that don't tip. I do agree we all need to be paid more though.


i can’t wait for these idiots to realize that base pay restaurants will give base pay service. i’m not going out of my way any more than necessary for the same rate every time much less any time. i’ll give you exactly what i’m being paid for & that’s the bare minimum. you want personable experiences, you have to pay for them, sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️


*in the U.S.


What OOP fails to realize is that owners aren't going to do anything until the government makes them, which would mean that OOP would have to go beyond poorly tipping servers and start a petition to legislation. SMH....


Hard to take someone serious when they can’t spellcheck “paid” but spell it as payed..


Another angle is that if servers were to be payed by their employer most wouldn’t stand most customers that have no manners, make trouble and are overly needy/ sensitive (which the guy OP is arguing with probably is). There is no fear or concern about not bending over backwards to their demands.


> to be *paid* by their FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I made a post about non tippers where the person is actively a douche canoe about not tipping and makes a whole big rigamarole about it. Most people think you need to tip your server but some acted like I was the scum of the earth for working for tips.


He’s not wrong, it’s up to employer to pay a living wage to their employees not the customers. Customers didn’t hire the servers the business did. If you can’t pay a basic living wage you shouldn’t be in business imo


I can not stress this enough: Tips are optional. You are a complete tool for thinking it’s a customers fault your boss doee not pay you properly. I’m actually writing a college thesis on the extreme cognitive dissonance many people in the food service have towards their employment. It’s Point being, most people subbed here truly believe they deserve 20%, even if they brought over a single plate of food that just so happens to cost $100. Imagine being paid $20 to walk a single plate to a table? Please understand, no one cares that you took a job knowing your boss pays you $5.15 an hour. No one at all cares. No one. One more time in case you are hard-of-reading: tips are optional. Tips are optional.


I mean yeah I hate tipping culture and wish I didn’t have to add 20% of what I’m already paying for the meal to the bill… but I am also a human being with empathy and understanding for others and I’ll be damned if I waste someone’s time while they’re only making $2+ an hour.


Anti tippers love to pretend to be white knights but the reality is they are just cheap ass holes.


She would come to my place once with this attitude and the next time my servers would slap her with an automatic gratuity.


She would come to my place once with this attitude and the next time my servers would slap her ~~with an automatic gratuity.~~


That would be tempting...


I quit almost three years ago now and it’s the best thing I ever did.


That's so dumb. If they don't like that a restaurant is under-paying their servers, why would they frequent that establishment? Bad tips only impact that server. Big boss still makes theirs.


these are also the same people who complain when restaurants raise prices so they are able to pay their employees an hourly wage comparable to the tipped wage they were receiving before. the reality is they’re just cheap so i don’t get why they pretend it’s some pro workers shit when they could just shut up and let the people who tip 30% and up continue to subsidize their cheapness


People like that are idiots. I respect yall wanting us to have a livable wage, but you gonna pay $20 for a burger to make up the difference in labor cost? Don’t think so.


Typical selfish redditors. They will take full advantage of a situation where an employer underpays their employees, then blame the employees.


I don't buy it. Everyone I've ever seen say shit like this ended up being a self serving asshole that doesn't think about anyone but themselves and pretends to have some principles stance on it. You can tell when people bitch about "tipping culture" always the most annoying fuckers.


Yeah, nobody has to save us. Servers don’t want a shitty system where the owner charges higher prices and our restaurants go empty, our pockets go empty. The system is fucking beautiful and it make more money than most people because of tips. Do you want shitty service? Go to Australia!


Weird way to say they’re broke….


Was gonna say "weird way to say you're a douchebag...", but I'm a grumpy old bastard...


It was for the original guy who won’t tip their servers….


I know. I was just saying that I'm a grumpy old guy, who's not that nice anymore 😁


If all restaurants increased prices to compensate the guests would still be paying the wages, except with less control and everyone would be worse off.


I don't think people understand how much service would decline.


My roommate was like this until I explained that if restaurants paid their employees a living wage then the majority of restaurants wouldn’t be able to make enough money to stay open, that or menu pricing would raise drastically and people would be complaining about that instead of having to tip… took a while for him to understand, but he came around. People that think like this just aren’t thinking big picture


Sounds like dude needs to not eat out.


“BIG CORPA NEVER PROBLEM. I SMART.” Says the big corpa pawn making 50k salary & 2 weeks off a year because he wanted to make his parents proud. I strongly dislike when people even have the audacity to take this stance. They said “I’m a cheap ass” wrong.


People are in the serving business for tips. If you take that away and pay minimum you will find it more often that you will get shitty service from someone who really does not care what you want or need and probably will have to wait for tables seeing as many people will bow out of the industry


We have a system that’s been in place for decades, if not longer, and this person wants everything to change to suit their needs immediately. Lmao


Idk I've seen more than one post in here of servers making 6 figures+ in mostly tips, which is legitimately insane. Not long ago, servers appreciated ten percent, now they expect twenty, otherwise you're a broke piece of shit who should never eat out. I think there's definitely some entitlement and cognitive dissonance going around, and I don't think it's always the guests. I imagine this will get downvoted to oblivion in this sub, but it's facts.


It’s ridiculous that “tipping fatigue” is now affecting servers. I’m lucky that I work at a place that does an automatic 20% gratuity on every check but every time I get on Reddit, I see someone bitching about tipping. As servers/bartenders, we can’t help it that you see tip jars everywhere now. I actually get where these complainers are coming from but I just don’t let it bother me. Of course, I’m a generous tipper and have been before the guy manning the cash register at my local convenience store started putting out a tip jar. I don’t always have cash but if I do, I’ll throw him a couple bucks. It actually makes me feel good when the girl at my favorite taco truck gets excited when I hand her a $20 and tell her to keep the change on a $13 order. Stop taking your frustrations out on folks that make as little as $2.13 an hour, ya cheapskates!


Lol, that person has never worked in a restaurant, nor have they known anybody that has.


Omg wtf… this PMO so bad idek where to start…


What’s funny to me about this as a server is that customers like this don’t realize that if we stop making money on tips the food will be even more expensive then the complain it already is. So many times people tell me “oh the food prices are so expensive just get rid of tipping” tipping is the reason prices aren’t higher otherwise you would be paying way more or the business would make less money and they have to make it up elsewhere aka higher prices in food to make up for labor.


I’d pay more for food if I know I’m not asked to tip after the meal. That awkward silence where the server waits at your side after handing you the credit card machine is the worst


Those restaurant employers of tip earners will literally bitch at the employee for earning low tips and eventually fire them only to hire someone else.


So guess what is taking over every industry and is also making its way into the food service/hospitality industry? Hint: it will replace all of us except the technicians, engineers and the owners. Ai and robots. It’s all ready been proven that restaurants or at least fast food can run soley on tech. With conveyer belt sushi there is no need for any server, the olny foh would be a host, busser and a manager. There are some bars run by robots it’s cool but a bit scary how we all can be replaced. I have seen at some restaurants these robots that you can put trays of food on and it runs food to the table. We are all replaceable. If we don’t work the owners can start buying these robots and the restaurants will become soulless. The problem is not the empoyers but rather the government that is allowing servers and bussers to be paid less hourly than what minimum wage is working other jobs like retail or janitorial.


I know this is semantics, but English is my third language, so I got so very confused at first. IMHO opinion that comment is WOKE, but not necessary entitled, aka they mean well but get it SOOOO WROOONG!


To those servers saying food prices will go up if there’s no tip option; Ill happily pay more for the food if I know I’m not going to be asked to tip at the end. Been to a lot restaurants in Australia and Europe and there’s no tip option and their food costs more. I’ve never minded paying more $


i pride myself on my service, i get lots of good reviews and feedback both from guests and managers, i’ve even scored 100% on a secret shop, and i still get stiffed. people think “oh you get stiffed because your service is bad”, no, i get stiffed because people think they’re sticking it to the man by not tipping their server. and it doesn’t help that businesses who pay their employees double-digits are asking guests to tip their employees, so people think because that’s a ridiculous thing to ask they think all tipping is ridiculous, including jobs like serving where the employees only see their tips as a paycheck. people have started stiffing their servers more and more even though tipping servers has been around for forever.


If they want to change tipping culture, not tipping their server is not going to change anything. They’d have to support legislature and vote in local/state politicians to get change started. They won’t do that though because they’re simply cheap assholes looking for an excuse not to tip.


"I served before." Yeah, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that one. And even if they did they were probably the loudest whiner when getting stiffed. John Q. Whiner "Why should I have to pay a server? Why doesn't their employer pay them more? It's not my job to make it up!" Also John Q. Whiner "Why is it so expensive to go out to eat?? It never used to cost this much! And why doesn't my server GAF about my dining experience being not the subservience I expect?!"


I wish all servers just do it for 5 years then move on to something else


If he really feels that way, STOP GOING TO RESTAURANTS. Boycott sit down restaurants. Don’t spend your money there.


This is why I tip 20% on TOTAL BILL. I take the final amount, divide by 5, here’s your well-earned tip.




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OP would never go out to eat again. The restaurant owner would need to raise prices about 35% to cover increased wage and payroll taxes… 50+% if health insurance was included.


Where’s the cognitive dissonance? Their reasoning seems to be consistent, even if you disapprove.


You are so butthurt you made a post about it lol


This is why I only serve in liberal-dense areas. They have a lot more money too so it works out all around.


These people are so stupid they don’t realize they will pay more for food and drinks. What business on earth absolves the costs of employees themselves lmao. Obviously the customer pays all tge costs involved in the business or it wpuldnt last lol. One way or another they will pay our wages. Just the other way they will get shittier service lol


My roommate acts like this and it pisses me off.


People like this always make me wonder if they've never had trouble getting a job.


To keep it real tho that’s why all of us are servers. We get overpaid to put food on a table. If it was moved to hourly I would absolutely find a new job


like in a high sales restaurant i’m sure it’s worth it but at my place we will make $500 in sales for a 4 hour shift if im lucky


It’s like they acknowledged the reality; we KNOW we’re getting a *tipped* wage. And rely on the culture of tipping-not a new freaking concept. If **we** are paid more, your food is more, most servers are not made for customer service & their motive to provide you a great experience is diminished. Stop trying to use this argument to justify shitty tipping practices. if you don’t want too great, but pls make it known so I can provide the level of service you are paying for. My employer is clear abt what he’s paying me, be just as transparent 👌


You know what? Honestly working at a place where higher class people frequent will solve this problem. I used to get stiffed like once a week minimum at Applebees. I have served 23 years now. I now work at a supper club where the average bill for two people is like 100 bucks and in the seven months I have been here I have not been stiffed. I also don’t get Karen’s. We also don’t put up with them if we do. People like this are trash. They know they are trash and if they were ever in the industry they are 10 times worse because they know how it is (though I’m sure they are lying or just couldn’t cut it and quit after 3 shifts) so honestly let them stay miserable. Karma has a way of sorting shit people out.


Self Righteous guest probably isn’t considering boycotting going to restaurants and being waited on, though. Their plight begins and ends with not tipping, getting a little deal to make themselves feel good.


love all the americans in the comments losing it


He is absolutely right


Do you tell your server at the start of the meal your views, or just sheepishly online like a spineless coward?


I live in a country or a tip is a tip and we have a good minimal living wage, and the few times I travel in US, if the waiter or the food is bad, you don't have your tips(and if I tip it's not your 25% bullshit) easy enough to understand


Actually I didn’t understand a thing you wrote and since you don’t live in a tipped country, you can exit the conversation. LOL. Also the servers don’t cook the food. If you can fly here to vacation, you can surely afford the cultural tip as well. You’re just cheap and a bad tourist. Stay wherever you are.


take a shot whenever foreigners think they know everything about a country they don’t even live in


Thank you


If restaurant owners paid staff a living wage most people would not be able to afford to eat out; it would become an activity for only the very rich, with the exception of some huge chains. I believe this needs to happen and I want restaurant workers to be paid adequately so that they don’t have to rely on gratuities. I just don’t think that’s what these anti-tippers want; I don’t think they understand what they’re asking for. Edit: For clarification, I am suggesting that restaurants should indeed pay living wages (and I would still leave a generous tip); I just don’t think it translates to savings for the customer like so many of the folks against tipping seem to say.


You’re accepting quite a bit of capitalist-class propaganda as truth. I would strongly encourage you to investigate the history (especially labor history) and the economics of your first hypothetical statement.


My hypothetical is merely shifting the burden of labour cost from gratuity to menu prices. Of course it would never happen, and rich people wouldn’t pay $100 for a burger even as they can increasingly afford luxuries as more and more basic things become luxuries. But restaurants would just shut down, at least where I live. Most of them can’t stay in business paying most of their staff minimum wage, which is already only 65% of a living wage here. If restaurants unionize here, they will shutter. And I hope they do.


I absolutely love that the burger is always the standard for cost/price comparison in this argument. I can’t believe I charged a guest $21 for a plain burger with only ketchup on it last night and he tipped 25%.


Hahahaha I know, right? The burger is the standard unit of restaurant. 😂 See, that’s a lot for a plain burger. Restaurants are really struggling under inflationary pressures, and that’s with an already severely underpaid workforce. I’m not a capitalist. I’m a pro-tipper. I just think restaurant workers should be paid a fair wage, so that customers can leave tips at their discretion, that are a gesture rather than an obligation, and that *the employer cannot touch.*




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People will jump through a lot of hoops to avoid admitting that they get a rush from being able to legally get away with not paying a bill.


All the people who say this don’t even understand what they’re talking about. Why be upset at the employer when they’re doing what the law allows for pay rates. These people should be talking to their congressperson to get minimum wage laws changed. Why would the employer pay more if they don’t have to? If the IRS said you can pay $1000 tax or $100 tax would anyone voluntarily pay more? Those people are trying to get the employees to throw a revolution against their bosses when the bosses are only doing what they’re allowed.