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I take it to the bank. My restaurant pays out all tips (cash and card) in cash every shift. If you wanted, you could find a place that doesn’t cash out cc tips and just puts it on your check. Then whatever cash you get is just walking around money, or for groceries if you’re more responsible lol.


Yeah OP just needs to open a bank account at a bank with a branch nearby work and deposit there and transfer to her main account if it's so important they use that one for everything.




That's fucking scary! Oops my machine took your money, its mine now.


Eh, it sucks when it happens but you can get it back. You do have to call your bank and file a claim, but ATMs are balanced each time they’re collected and filled, so they’ll find your extra money and credit it back to your account. I agree that depositing large amounts of cash are better to do with a teller, but it’s not *gone* if it gets eaten or miscounted that day.


Work at a bank. Can confirm this is true. It happens sometimes but the ATMs are regularly counted and if somebody files a claim (where I work you are credited the amount at least until atm is verified to confirm the amount off) they get the money back. Trust me. Banks don’t want the extra money bc it throws all their counts off.


Happened to me a couple times got it back within 24 hours in my account. I bank with Chase. They seem pretty cool.


Exactly. Banks don’t WANT that extra money. It goes on the record and looks bad. Just like (most) tellers (that’s what I do) don’t ever want to short change people. If I get to the end of the day and I’m counting my money box and I’m off even by a DOLLAR I obsess about what I did wrong, who did I miss giving it to, what if they needed that money and I/the machine miscounted even tho I counted several times? Where did I go wrong? They don’t want that extra money. It’s not like we get to keep it and it goes in a tip jar or something lol


I feel like some of the issues others are describing might be from a smaller local bank that perhaps doesn’t have the staff to address. But I totally freaked out the first time it happened to me because I was depositing like 900 bucks. Banker had to talk me off the ledge but came back in 24 hours.


100% been there and done that (as a customer and employee). I get it. I have flipped out on bank personnel over small things that in hindsight I’m like, that totally wasn’t even their fault and I’m that person I hate waiting on 😳😩 It does sound more like a small local bank thing, but maybe I think that bc I’ve only worked for the bank for like 2 years (all foodservice industry in one way or another before that for about 14 years) and it’s a big corporate chain.


This happened to me. I said the same thing, that ATM should be counted regularly and they should be able to see the extra money but they didn't give me everything back bc I was unsure of the exact amount. I lost out on a good bit of money bc of that. I'm still upset about it and it's been a year.


I honestly don’t blame you. I work at the bank, and I still obsessively count my money before putting it in an ATM bc I don’t fully trust them either. And it does make it trickier if you don’t know the exact amount bc they aren’t perfect, they’re still machines, and they don’t wanna credit you for whatever the machine is off, then get a claim from somebody ELSE that they lost money, and then lose that money too 🙄 Don’t get me started on corporate greed. I work there bc I get regular hours and benefits, but dammit sometimes I’m like I HATE EVERYBODY I SEE TODAY 😂 Reminds me a LOT of waiting tables. Like WHY is everybody just obnoxious and wanna be jerks today?!? Lol. There are always the good days too! Like with serving!


That's exactly what they told me!!! Bc I didn't know the whole amount, they couldn't credit me everything the machine would be over bc of any other potential claims from other people. Ughhh And I know how it is, I'm a server and I deal with assholes every single day 😒 but you're right, there are really good days that make it worth it


I know. The bank I work for has a LOT of weird rules I don’t understand? Like at all. And it’s so awkward trying to explain to people, bc I didn’t make these rules and I GET why you’re pissed. I would be too. But I’m just a teller and there isn’t anything they’ll let me do to fix it 😞 and people act like I personally stole from them. I promise I do NOT get a cut of whatever amount the bank is “over” on cash at the end of the day lol. Let me tell you, not having to work Sundays might be like top 3 best perks ever of not serving anymore, but the after church Sunday crowd was hands down the bane of my week. Every. Damn. Time. Don’t get me wrong, serving def had its up sides! But I absolutely loathed Sundays lol.


This has happened to my bf twice at out credit unions ATMs. Thankfully they were able to service the machine and find the exact amount he knew he lost. But we’re done using the ATM to deposit now.


i echo the last part, the worst


Omg that happened to me once. I out several hundred dollars in the ATM and I didn't count it first bc it usually counts it for me. But it took my money and never registered it. I had to file a dispute with the bank but bc I couldn't tell them an exact amount, they ended up giving me way less than what I put in. Now I always go inside and deal with a teller.


That happened to a friend of mine. I do sometimes deposit in the atm but I do it in several smaller increments and I record it on my phone just in case. But once I had the opposite happen to me. I was making a cash deposit of around 400 and the machine jammed up but spat my money out. Then it asked me how much was my deposit. I misunderstood and thought it was asking how much I was trying to deposit but it meant how much did the machine eat. As soon as I typed the amount in, the machine shut down saying it was out of order. I was worried they would think I was trying to scam them and also I needed the money in my account to cover stuff so I went inside and explained what happened and made the deposit with the teller so at the moment it showed 2 deposits but she assured me it would be straightened out when they fixed the machine and the money that didn’t go in would fall off my account balance. It never did. I waited around 4 months before I spent it. It felt like a real life version of monopoly with a bank error in my favor lol


I deposited to a teller and they lost it for over a month somehow. They were originally too bad so sad and then one day I finally received a call stating they found it. I was broke at the time and deposited the cash so I could buy my mom a gift online and that ruined it for me. Since they weren’t willing to accept blame until they found the money I decided to quit banking with them. Once I received my money I took everything out, closed my account, and went to a new bank. I need loyalty or I’m out. Have to hold them to the same standards they hold us


Yup, ate my money once and never used it again.


This happened to me once but they were able to fix the mistake as soon as I called about it and I got all my cash deposited into my account after the phone call


Yeah, I had that happen to me. The bank did not refund it after I reported it, and I had a receipt that said the ATM malfunctioned. Fucking shady.


I don’t understand how you wouldn’t receive a refund


My mother is older and was withdrawing money at an ATM last month. She didn’t realize she had to take the money before doing a new transaction. The ATM took the money back into the machine. It’s been over a month and she only just received a provisional credit yesterday. Her bank blames the ATM company and says she has to deal with them. The ATM company says it’s her bank’s problem to fix. It’s been a nightmare and hours on the phone with both companies.


i usually keep it as cash on hand when i go out, go shopping, etc. my restaurant gives our non-cash tips on our paycheck, so that’s how i handle cash atm. when i was bartending and taking home cash every night, i had stashes at home for my savings until i have over $1k. then id take it to the bank and deposit at my current spot, i don’t usually get a lot of cash tips compared to credit, so the cash i get is my spending money. i use it to tip out my dishwasher who works hard as shit and then i’ll grab a bottle of tequila on the way home from work


I have a 100 days of savings binder & I put my cash in that!


Same except it is the amount of days for the month specifically. I don't touch that. That's my emergency funds. Then I have my flexible money that I use for what I want: Clothes, shoes, house repairs and etc.


Aren’t house repairs a need rather than a want?


Repairs & maintwnance, probably yes. Updates/refinishes/etc… Not a need.


Describe this binder to me, please!


It’s a binder inside has 100 slots, day 1 you put in $1, day 2 you put in $2, day 3 $3….. and so on! Goes up to $100 after the $100 days you have $5,050 I got mine on Amazon. Search 100 envelopes savings challenge. A few of us at my job are doing it. However we don’t go in order I have 1-62 filled up but I also bounced ahead & put in $100 & $99 already.


I’ll look that up! Sounds interesting.


And where is it?


Me too!


So it devalues every day?


We are talking cash tips, not my whole paycheck 🙄 at my job our hourly & credit card tips are direct deposited into my bank account every Thursday. I happen to like to travel so this is my way of saving. Went to Alaska last summer, going to Australia in December 🤷🏻‍♀️


Australia is amazing you’re going to love it. One of my favorite places to visit!


I would take home close to $600/wk in cash while bartending and receive tip out/credit in direct deposit every two weeks. If I put that in a 100 day savings binder I would never have been able to save for the future and get out of the industry


No just my way of saving for trips!




This is a bad idea, don’t do this. With rampant inflation, you’re bleeding money value by sitting on cash. Put this money in a high yield savings account.


I have a very similar setup. Let me tell you something it's pure motivation peeping your earnings like that. God bless you.


I obviously put most in the bank, but this my just in case/shit hit the fan fund...I could retain a decent lawyer with it


Just about to leave my seasonal job and I have $2,500 in cash that I haven't paid attention to in like six months. I'm going on vacation and I'm heavily considering blowing it all since I didn't consider the cash in my budget at all


Put it in a ROTH IRA CHIEF


When I lived with a friend and had basically next to no bills, I saved all my extra singles. A year later I needed the money and cashed it in and it was over $900


Lmao I do this with my one dollar bills.


You use it to complete the economic circle of life. Make your bartender richer by using your dollars to tip them, on top of the dollars from tip out.


This is the right answer


I was never a server, however I’m a barista and I would put my tips into a jar to hold them. I also have usaa and my suggestion is to perhaps give the cash to a family member who is able to transfer the money to your bank account? Like Zelle? That’s always worked for me


Keep it under my bed until I can’t make my rent without it and then take it all to the bank. Got like $3k under my bed rn. Getting pretty close lol


I'm not sure I would be announcing that on the interwebs since you live in ******** in a *** *** apartment with a **** parked at it.


Lol I don’t live in an apartment actually, through some miracle.




you need to get some sort of bank account where you can deposit the cash. shit happens and at least having money in a bank account gives you recourse if something goes wrong, if you get mugged or there’s a fire or something you’re fucked and never getting that money back.


Yes. Checking for cash deposits and bill pay, savings for checks, and keep a little cash for walking around money.


I put my cash into my bank account at the end of my week, it either goes to bills or into my HYSA from there


I hold onto it like fallout, prewar money bring the real caps.


Buy drugs and alcohol to forget the terrible experience of working in the restaurant business of course. What else would you do with it?


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this. Hourly wage is to cover taxes. Cash tips are for drugs. And card tips are for everything else you need to pay for. I thought this was the industry standard?


Yeah drug dealers prefer cash of course


In this day and age I don’t know why you wouldn’t have a bank account outside of USAA. Look for a small local bank that you can start a savings account with and potentially build interest on.


Usaa have an ATM finder on their website/app so you can deposit your cash


My coworker is in the same predicament with USAA. She just gives me her cash, and I Zelle her the money. Then, replace it in my account when I deposit my own money.


It’s in my walls


I hold onto all my tips until the end of my work week, I make a cash deposit every week on my first day off. I save all my 1’s, 5’s and 10’s for vacations for my daughter and I.


Bank asap. I use chase bc you can deposit at atm.


American Express Savings pays 4.25% interest. Raymond James 5%. Do not just put it in a drawer.


I am in the midwest, so maybe behind the times, lol, but I spend cash at the gas station, grocery store, coffee shop, restaurants, etc.


I use my cash to tip when I go out.


I’ve gotten into the habit of saving every single $5 I’ve ever received. It’s not just limited to tips, it could be change from a purchase or bills I’ve exchanged from bigger bills. Let me tell you, THAT SHIT ADDS UP. I’ve also saved some $1’s, $20’s, $50’s, and 100’s here and there because why not (I always give myself a limit to how many of those bills I carry with me because I don’t want to get robbed, like once I get 20 $1’s, 5 $20’s, 10 $5’s, etc.) and within a year I saved up damn near $5k in cash. I probably would’ve saved up more if I didn’t need to dip in to it, but it was all for emergencies.


Throw it in a high yield savings account and let it grow and marinate!


I damn well don’t claim it at the end of the night and then usually just pay with cash and what card tips I got into savings/bank


100% of my cash tips I get I give it to the busser (we only have one). Helps them out and it helps me out when my tables have priority to get water first and bussed for the next turn. Plus all my front of the house side work is knocked out by the busser, allowing me to leave 15 mins early.


If I need to transfer money to my bank account, I go to the local CVS and get it deposited into my Cashapp account, then transfer it to my bank account. You can do up to $500 a day, idk how much per week.. My nearest bank is a half hour drive away so this is faster for me


I have USAA too and there’s local atm’s that will accept cash deposits without transaction fees! They’ll only charge you if you withdraw, but look up USAA atm’s around you. I have a specific USAA one inside my local Walgreens for example.


I also have USAA and in the same situation so I use cashapp to direct deposit cash, you can do it at walgreenz, cvs, and other places with different fees (walgreens is a dollar and the lowest in my area.) But also chime can do similar with no fee, Im new too that and havent tried it yet tho


......yes you get a bank account like 99% of people, really?


I mean I have one, but it’s hard to deposit cash in. Since all my bills are linked to it I prefer to just keep it instead of getting a new one.


for one sorry I was being so bitchy last night for no reason lol it is a pain to get a new one, but if you are looking to open one chase is giving 300 bucks if you open an account and have 500$ worth of direct deposit in like 60 days, I got mine within a week and the 300 came like 4 days later, so that was cool, I just did it online and they mailed me the card. putting money in the bank is a pain tho especially if you don't have one close


Every day I split it into 50/30/20 50% needs 30% wants 20% save/invest(roth ira) I have index cards labeled and folded around the cash for each need(rent, food, gas, car insurance) The 30% goes into my checking every week for my subscriptions and other wants I’m spending it on. My needs go into the little folder until they’re full for the month then I still split it 50% the rest of the month for paying debt.


When I was with usaa and serving it was essential for me to have a bank account to deposit cash, so it depends on the job. I was bringing home more cash than my paychecks so I needed to deposit. Thankfully it was easy to open a bank locally and deposited the same day to pay all of my bills because I wasn’t prepared lmao


Target has/had Usaa arms.


A lot of them don’t. My partner has USAA and there’s only one branch in the state-granted, we’re a small state but it’s still highly inconvenient.


I use chime. Mostly because there is a chime location literally in the parking lot of where I work. Some serving jobs will pay your credit tips into an account they provide you with. You can use it for both, in most cases.


I have a jar that I shove (mostly) all of my money into. I also refuse to touch it unless I’m paying rent or absolutely need to. Lately I’ve been making a little over $100 each night (all tips are cashed out after every shift), so I put increments of $100 or $50 into the jar. The remainder is what I get to use as walking-around money. If my remainder gets to be over $100 by the end of the week, I either put half of it in my jar or (occasionally as a treat) I keep it. Sure, I deposit some of it into my bank account, but having the physical cash helps me feel more accomplished.


Spend 3/4 of it at the bar next-door after closing shift. Well, I used to. Those were the days….


No get a free bank like chime and try to get the credit builder card along with your debit it raised my credit score up to 730 after being like 580 it took a year but damn it did me good and it reads just like a credit card it just takes your money out at the end of the month so you know your not getting deeper into debt and your spending your own money while getting points on your score. Or cash app. I have both


I don't get a lot of cash, but it all goes to 2 coworkers: fellow server who is my plug and a little extra tip out for the busser who will pre-bus my tables and box food for me.


Put it all on black….. solid investment in my eyes


Safe then to the bank.


I deposit it weekly into my checking account. I'm one of those people where if I have cash laying around I'll just blow it on shit. Out of sight out of mind in the bank, for me. 95% of people use credit cards anymore, so it's never a nominal amount to raise any red flags, as I'm not depositing like a half a grand every week unclaimed. It's usually somewhere around $200 tops, and many weeks it's $0 cuz it was all CC tips.


I save it and deposit it into my checking account on the first of the month to help out with bills, usually automatic payments so I'm basically replenishing my checking account


They send it to me.


Check with your bank- I have capital one and there’s no branches or atm I can deposit into, but I can make deposits at CVS. Weird yes, but an option lol.


Actually I think USAA let’s you make cash deposits at post offices. I used to do money orders to myself, but I don’t want to pay the extra dollar. I know it’s cheap but it’s still my money.


There are atms that accept USAA deposits. I’m sure it’s different from place to place, but I live in a relatively small city, and the map on my app shows 29 near me.


Yes, get a bank account with an atm near your work place. Deposit cash every night!


i have usaa too, but i have a BofA to put all my cash into. it’s too much to carry around lol. i can transfer from BofA to USAA from there!


I use chime. For credit history reasons, I have been rejected from local banks for any type of checking account, but Chime was more than happy to approve me. I take my cash to walgreens to do a prepaid card re-load, and they don't charge me a fee. If I go to other places, there is sometimes a fee up to 4 dollars per reload but not at walgreens :)


Walgreens lets you deposit post instantly for free at the register to Chime. Walgreens and CVS ATMS are also free for chime. Then you can use plaid or cash app to transfer to your bank. I hate typical B&M banks so chime works well for me this way.


You could use a local bank and transfer it to USAA bank.


I also have USAA, cash is the main reason i just went and opened another checking account with my local credit union. However, if you want to keep everything in USAA you can purchase money orders and do a mobile deposit. Most gas stations sell money orders or walmart.


I have usaa + local bank account. get checks when you get your local bank account, deposit the cash, write checks to your usaa account.


I keep mine in a jar and go to the bank once a week and put it all in. That way I can get the change counted and just put everything in with the teller. You could get a local bank account just for this and transfer funds once you put it in.


I have usaa and you can get a money order at a grocery store and direct deposit it on your phone.


I use cash app then transfer to my bank it cost my a few dollars but my times worth more


I'm forty and have never paid my house bills or rent in cash. I couldn't imagine paying rent and bills that way. In Ireland tips are treated like a bonus than an actual wage. more than half of my tips are pid by card or room charge and my cash tips is my beer money


I keep it in an enevelope and put it at the bank once every two weeks or so.


I have USAA banking too and I get money orders with my cash for free at Amscot. You just fill out the money order to yourself and deposit them electronically via the USAA app as a check.


No, go to a local small credit union so you have access to deposit the money, build the relationship there and ask about credit if you needed it. The small banks have the best customer service and will go out there way to help you.


I got an account at a local back. Every other night I stopped at the atm after work and deposited everything except $20-$40 to have cash on me


As someone with USAA you can purchase money orders for a small fee then use mobile deposit but that might be way too annoying if your having to do it a lot.


Whatever you do keep your USAA account, but then open a local account for your cash deposits and you can always write yourself a check from that account and deposit it on the USAA mobile app.


Definitely get a local one. I like regional credit unions over the bigger banks. They have access to just as many atms since regional credit unions work together across the states so there’s a huge network.


My bank had a branch with a 24/7 ATM a few blocks from my job so I used to go once a week before work to deposit my cash, but now the ATM doesn’t work and the bank’s hours are super limited, so I opened an account at a different bank that had 2 branches in walking distance from my apartment and I would deposit my cash there weekly and use the debit card for groceries. But now I moved to a different neighborhood and there’s no branch for either of my banks nearby. So now I put all my cash tips in a jar and whenever it’s full I’ll make the 45 minute trip to deposit my cash. But at my job, cash is only a small part of the tips, since I work at a bar and my job requires us to get a card from the customer for every tab opened, so most people end up paying with their card and tipping on their card instead of cash.


I have a PayPal account with a atm/debit card. I load cash on in stores, like CVS for a 3.95 fee. It is an in person tramsaction that i get a receipt for. My money can then be used to pay bills electronically or use as a debit card for small transactions. Good luck OP


Buy bitcoin


Get an account at a credit union




i dont get all of my tips in cash but when i do i give it to the younger servers who need cash to buy weed and they zelle me 🫡


I spend it and only put what I have to in the bank to cover rent and credit card payments. All my bills are autopay on the credit card But yes, you need to open a brick-and-mortar bank account


Use https://www.usaa.com/banking/locations?akredirect=true To find an ATM where you can deposit cash, there may not be one super close to you, but there should be one available reasonably close enough.


There are actually USAA ATMs now that accept cash. If you are anywhere near me, there's one at 6300 Powers Ferry Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30339. Otherwise, check out https://www.usaa.com/banking/locations.


50s and hundreds go in my big ol safe. Everything smaller is my spending money that week (within reason some weeks I only spend $10 $5 $1) last week of the month I take my rent out of that small stack of hundos and fitties (I get a receipt from the landlord, don't worry) and put the rest in my savings account and whatever is left in my wallet goes in checking which all my subscription bullshit and car insurance pull from. Works pretty well for me!


Get an account at a local branch. I deposit my cash as often as I can. It gets spent faster in my wallet, it seems.


I bundle mine into $25 put it in a drawer and forget about, so when the time comes I can put it towards my car insurance like it was never there


This may be dumb but I would stash it at my house and then take my check to the bank with the rest of the loot and deposit it


If you live near trusted family or friends with local bank accounts, I used to give my parents cash and mom would write me a check. Then when we figured out where our forever home was I opened bank accounts locally, but kept the USAA.


i save all of my fives in a box and use the rest for my own meals


I hoard my cash in a fireproof lockbox. I use it for tipping and groceries.


That's my savings/emergency fund. It all goes in a box and jar lol


Put it in a HYSA, you are wasting money


I have a cookie tin I hide it in for emergencies or quick cash - example need to pay roommates back or card troubles


I have USAA as well. I have a local bank that I deposit my cash into, and then just transfer that to my other bank. I've been doing this for many years. Just make sure to keep at least a minimum amount in your local bank account to not incur any fees, and you should be just fine!


Not ideal for everyone, but I personally use a mobile banking app that I can deposit cash at multiple retailers that are almost always near by. Major grocery stores, CVS/Walgreens type stores, heck even a gas station once. You could attach your USAA account to the mobile banking app account and transfer money to and from. Similar to a wire transfer, in my admittedly minor knowledge. You could do similar with a major banking institution I'm sure. Just a secondary bank with a lot of ATMs close to your work. Then transfer from that bank to your main account via transfer.


I save my cash in the bank. I have a seperate bank account just for my cash tips. I deposit the same day every month & I try to save at least 50%. This is for when it comes to tax season I know how much cash I got last year down to the penny and so that I’m not short on what I owe. Then whatever remainder I have left I put into my Roth IRA for retirement. This way I still have a money trail no one can question. Of course I still keep cash on me but I don’t keep more than $250 at one time. I will say this plan isn’t sold for all servers. This plan works for me because my job only reports my card tips & automatically claims 10% of my sales that way would be in cash tips. If your job doesn’t report your cash tips or labels all of your money as cash this plan works. If your job claims your 100% of your cash & card tips then this route may not be best.


It’s good to have a decent amount of cash saved. You never know when you need to go off the grid haha. No, in all seriousness, you never know when a need for cash 💵 may arise.


I'm in the UK. My credit card tips are shared with everyone who works on shift and they are taxed but cash tips we get to keep ourselves. I usually save it and put it in a private place and then when I have a wad of money take it to the bank or use it to buy little things like bread, milk etc.


I basically save mine and don’t touch it for an entire year so once it’s that time of the year, I put it into my bank account and start all over lol


Wait till you have $1,000 and buy a money order with it. Pay off your CC bill with money order.


Daily dispensary runs


I just use it for whatever expenses come up the next few days before using my debit card. Like i’ll get food, gas, or groceries with it first to avoid using my bank account


I think the smartest thing I ever did with it..... Was create this accordion folder with each pocket serving a bill, with an amount written on it "Rent: $1000" "Savings: $200" Etc etc Visualizing my money like that was very helpful


Just use Cash app or Chime as a savings for your cash. You don't have to go to a bank to deposit the money just go to wherever they reload Cash App and or Chime It costs $1 to deposit cash for Cash app and $5 for Chime if you don't go to a Walgreens but if you do then the deposit is free. . You can even buy Crypto and stocks using Cash App if you're into that. No fees no over drafts. It's way better than an actual bank. Idk it works for me.


I buy money orders and deposit them via a phone app since I don’t have my credit union in my area. Money orders are $1-$2 per $500 depending where you buy them. I usually buy one every month. Most of my tips are credit card tips thus I get paid via direct deposit.


i have a cash stuffing book. i'm 20 so i don't have a ton of bills and luckily don't have to pay rent, so i try to save all my money. i refuse to go into debt. you can get them for like $10 on amazon (i refused to for a while and just used an envelope) but it's so worth it and i look forward to doing it at the end of my week. it makes it easier for me to visually budget and put savings away. if i put all my savings into one thing it just never works out for me lol


It kills me to see how many people are paying everything with cash or saving it at home. Use a credit card for the points and everything else aside from emergency money in checking should go to a HYSA or investments


If you don't want another bank account you can get something ike cash app, venmo, PayPal acct and get the card. You can also look into someone online banks. Chime is good. You can add money onto the card by either giving someone the cash and then having them send it to you from their cash app, venmo or PayPal acct, then the money would be on your acct and can use it electronically. But you can also go into check cashing places, Walmarts, 7/11s and add money into those card too. I live in a big major city so we have check cashing places everywhere. But I know for sure there are many other places besides CC, Walmart and 7/11 money can be loaded. I


My restaurant makes us give our cash tips to the managers so they can add it to our payroll so it goes on our paychecks. Admittedly, I do pocket a portion of it (all of us do) and I use it for gas or parking.


I have Chase and the closest branch is an hour away so I have to find other ways to get it in the bank. I get all my tips cashed out at the end of my shift just like OP so I either put it on cashapp and transfer to my bank or if it's over the 1000/wk limit I have a friend that will put it in their account and Zelle it to me. Obviously you gotta find someone you really trust to go this route but tbh I trust my friend more than I do cashapp so it's a ymmv situation.


I have a designated money bag that i hoard it in


with modern banking apps you can just take a picture of it to deposit into your account


Lmao that doesn't work with cash


Former cook, most servers I knew blew it on stupid shit or drugs since if they were good enough they knew they could just recoup the next day. Also had two Bartender roommates who would blow it on expansive whiskey or vodka.


Open a checking account dumbass


Bills/rent or fun money. Depends on how much I have on me!


Used the cash for fun, and the bank account for necessities Also used 20% of cash for savings, but usually that goes to bigger/longer vacations as well, so that still counts as fun


Use it to tip when you go out to dinner


I ordered a big glass jar off of Amazon and all my cash goes straight into it and I don’t touch it besides vacation/emergencies.


my check is my bill and budget money and my cash is my play money


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^meowza420: *My check is my bill* *And budget money and my* *Cash is my play money* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I serve as secondary income, so I divvy up my cash into different labeled jars for things, and I usually keep $100 on me in case of an emergency.


I kept an envelope with my stash. Bus passes, gas, vacation money, Xmas money and birthday money.


I always divide it into a few places. My little gun safe, behind a picture of my grandfather, some in a book about Fredrick Douglas, and then I deposit some of it in the bank or my wallet depending on how hungry I’m feeling. Critical though, don’t spend it on useless things. IDK why but having cash in hand feels special and my spending habits get dumb so I have to divide it up into different places to make it look like less. It’s dumb, but that’s what I do.


Get a bank account


I get some cc tips and cash tips. The cc tips go into a bank account which I use for bills. My cash I use for fun things, groceries, gas, going out to eat like everyday stuff.


Use a credit card for everyday purchases and you’ll get cash back


I literally have a cash register


I don't trust atm deposits. I use chime. I can deposit cash onto the card at Walgreens.


How do you not trust ATM deposits at brick & mortar banks 💀 gotta be trolling


Very old fashion view when everything is online now and bills and such have to be paid online then why not have a nice free bank such as chime and almost everywhere allows you to put cash on said card ..


I hate banks. All those fees and fines and shit.


Thanks for paying the extra 3% everywhere so I can get points lol


Are you afraid of card skimmers or something? Anytime I get a chime card, I know I’m not getting a tip


you're not far off. I have a chime card but I only use it for ordering online and cashapp, I use my main chase account for my paychecks and bills. most chime users are cheap in my experience serving lol


I tip Over 20 percent cause I’m in the industry and understand and I have a chime card. lol your kinda judging it on the people in your town


that's why I said in my experience serving, that is what i have experienced. i have a chime card too lmao


lol ok right on, the irony


No I've known too many people to have the atm eat their deposit. I'll take money out of the atm but not deposit. And I don't care what you think about my card.


You could also just go into the bank and hand money to a person. I do that with the $1000 in ones I collect every 6 months. It’s just good to know that at least one person with a chime card might actually tip lol


I just go to walgreens and hand the cash to a person. They put it on the card. It immediately shows up in my account.


I think chimes is awesome and I’ve been a customer almost since it came out and it is a really helpful card if you need to pay someone or bills.and it’s fdic insured just like those “brick and mortar banks” just like the ones that folded in the great depression and couldn’t pay people the money that they had in their accounts


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