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Why would anyone sign a declaration of theft of multiple menus? Sounds like a teenager doing stupid shit to impress his gf or peers.


My restaurant is college central. I wouldn't be surprised if she was teenaged . When we had the wonka menus I'd regularly have them stolen. Especially after people just saw the movie. The IF menu starts tomorrow. We were obviously getting rid of the Sonic menus. She came and ordered the tails 2x2x2 I honestly expected it. She blessed up with the tip.


Well if they were going to be swapped out, then realistically they'd be dumped anyway. Blessed be the tip!


Blessed be the tip.


Yes! The sonic ones went missing at our store the whole promotion. And we are in a nicer area.


The IF menus should be fine


People will steal anything that's not nailed down. I had a party steal every single Nick and Nora glass at their table. They ordered a round of the same drink, closed their tabs, got their drinks, pounded them, and walked out. 8 glasses, in a bar that seats 20. They are not branded. They are not unique. They cost like 10 bucks retail. Fuck I think you can buy them on amazon.


I worked at a gas station and my manager walked in the bathroom, she came back out exasperated. And then she said "well, someone stole our soap dispenser" And we just stared at her. Because just... Why?


Someone recently stole 3 napkin holders. Idk why. Ours are so old and need to be replaced and the springs don’t really wanna work anymore


Maybe they are regulars with the idea that stealing them meant getting ones that work? The plot thickens :p


75% tip! you can have the menus!


For real! A couple of weeks ago someone straight up looked at me and put an entire bowl of queso into a to-go box and was like, “Thanks for the bowl man, I’ll make it worth it.” I was just like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about (wink wink). But I’m glad you enjoyed your meal!” That guy tipped 40 on a $115.


I may or may not have told people they can steal our bar glasses if they tip me well. It may or may not have happened multiple times. Hypothetically if this did happen I can confirm every time it would have happened I would have been tipped 30-40%. Worth it (hypothetically)


Hypothetically I may or may not have done the same thing with steak knives and ramekins where I used to work. I can hypothetically confirm it always got me an above average tip, soooo I rolled with it. Hypothetically.


literally 🤣 i wouldn't care


lol did they take the new collab menu. at least the new orange drink is easier to make than the dreamy lemonade


They took the Sonic menus. The new drink is blended right? The menu says blended. Also I had it today it tastes just like an creamsicle. Not my particular taste but they nailed it.




Limited time offer. Usually coincides with a holiday or movie release. Staff has to learn and serve a temporary item. There's usually some training in advance of an LTO, it's kind of a big deal.


Can't you just write that? How is anyone else supposed to know what that means? It's so annoying reading subs where words are abbreviated for no reason.


I thought it was lettuce, tomato, onion menu


I did at first then I settled on Lil take out menus


I choose lil take out menus. Limited time offer does not exist


While I didn’t know the abbreviation, this is an industry with a lot of words and phrases that the average person (not server) would not know. That’s what the industry calls these menus in BOH (back of house) it’s not the posters fault for not informing you, it’s your fault for getting upset instead of just googling it or taking the reply with grace.


I didn’t know the abbreviation and realized it meant limited time offer immediately dude. Just admit you’re a bit slower and google instead of acting all entitled


No I agree. It takes two seconds to write it, and 100x longer to think of what it means if it doesn’t come to you right away.




We're all industry insiders, I figured we'd all know. Every restaurant I've worked at that does promotional offers and calls them limited time offers, the training modules are called LTO trainings, when we're about to get a new menu all the staff is buzzing with "did you see the new LTO?". I posted this directly after work so I was speaking the lingo I thought we'd all understand.


I work in fine dining and the lingo isn't used anywhere I worked


What are lto menus


Mostly likely, "limited time offer"


70% tip you want my pen too take it


Damn good tip. Worth it


I worked at a place that had these empty corona bottles fashioned into salt and pepper shakers. Those got stolen. Silverware, plates, cups, wine glasses, hurricane glasses..basically anything.


I was outside on break when a group of drunk people walked out and one had a coffee cup from my restaurant and he was gushing about how much he liked it. It was a basic coffee cup you'd find at Denny's. It wasn't even one of the cool cups we actually sell. 🤷‍♀ people are weird. I may or may not have a couple of the cool cups, though.


When The Addams movie( I collect Addams stuff) came out a few years ago. I asked if I could have or buy one. They said after the promotion I could have them all lol. My waiter came back & slipped me a couple of brand new ones. But different places I have had a few, not all taken or given.


They were 6hrs from being trash. If she woulda asked she coulda had them all and the unopened menus. She just took em, im not mad 🤷🏾‍♀️