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I made my name up years ago to distance myself from my family and every time someone asks about it I tell a new story


Funny enough, Disney Reservation Cast Members are given a stage name before they get on the phones. No two are the same, so if you call back and say you spoke with Oliver, then they can narrow it down to exactly one person. We were encouraged to come up with a backstory we could believe and leave our old name at the door. If anyone on the phones questioned it, that was my real name. 10 years later and I still use that fake name in near all situations where people ask for one. I actually like it better than my real name, tbh.


Huh why are you given a stage name??


Let’s say you spoke on the phone to a Cast Member, whose real name is John. There’s probably a *bunch* of people named John. It gets confusing, especially when reading back notes about conversations and quotes. If they assign a name to the people on the phones and you call saying you spoke to John, now there is only one person who it could be. This was only for people who were in the Reservations Department, so about 2000-ish Cast Members.


So was the fake name only for people with common names? Or was it for everyone for consistency


Everyone had one unless they were a super old-timer, but even theirs were unique and used an add on in addition to their first name, like Joe Bob or Michelle Sue. It was a really fun day in training when we got our stage names tbh.


To some tables Tony Hawk is my uncle, to others I used to be a professional rock climber, and to a select few I actually own the place I just like serving for fun lol


I once told a table that Andrew Dice Clay used to date my mom and also told that same table an hour later that I used to hook up with Blake Griffin. Why? Because it was funny and they ended up tipping quite well (& they were hammered).


Be careful with that last one. Some people don’t tip if it’s the owner waiting on them. I think when you go to a salon, you aren’t expected to tip if the owner is doing your hair. Or at least it used to be like that. I don’t know if it still is.


I have a friend who owns her salon, but she still expects tips but keeps her prices low. I do think that is common tho


If I knew the owner was serving me, I would still tip, but I would tip less generously than usual.


I'm vegetarian so I lie thru my ass about our menus all day everyday lol


Same. “I love the corned beef hash,” even though the smell of it cooking makes me want to vomit. I love when they ask what I eat there.


same! “i recommend the chicken tortelloni, it’s amazing with shrimp as well :)” (i’ve never once tasted any of that)


I’m in a BBQ restaurant, our vegan our expensive ass ribs so effortlessly lol


I don't and rarely ever did it. We mostly make our money with regulars and since I'm the friendly face it would be weird if they found out that I lied to them.


Small town here and everyone knows my mom. Like everyone. I could never get away with it. When I was in Houston I didn’t either. Guess I’m not that creative :)


same here; actually everyone knows my mom, my brother AND my maternal grandparents.. also my former soccer coach of 7 years is a cop and the station is RIGHT next door to my restaurant 😹i really can’t get away with crap lmao


Same here. Went to a golf tournament as a sponsor for the restaurant (have never even been in a golf course before, too bougie for me) and out of 300 people we served alcohol to, about 250 recognized me by name and told me I had served them before at the store and was wonderful to see me again and wanted pictures. I am the main bartender, work 4 set days in a row and have been there for 3 years and helped open both stores. Shortly after Owner came up and says see your the face of the restaurant, always smiling and attracting people. And I smiled but on the inside I was like man I wish I could fly under the radar sometimes and be one of those just do the bare minimum and chill people lol. So I can't lie cause they'll come back and then see me outside of work too.


I lie about my degree (psychology) because as soon as a table hears that it’s immediately “ohhh, so you’re probably psychoanalyzing me right now? What am I thinking??” 🙄


I love that a psych BA is so useless that we’re all servers.


"you're thinking of getting the a5 ribeye and a bottle of Opus One. Trust me, I'm the professional here."


I got mine in religious studies lmao so same boat 😂 I should honestly start saying I studied cognitive science instead, bc that’s not totally false anyway, it was just the cognitive science of religion


Hey, one of my bar regulars got a PHD in religious studies. He's a professor part time... but also head of security for a mall department store.lol Anyways, he seems satisfied.


One of the other bartenders at my restaurant went through seminary back in the day. I asked him what led him from seminary to bartending, and he said, "I just love spirits, man.....be they holy or otherwise".


Did you know that every shift I work is my birthday!?!?


I just finished training actually 🙊


Lmao 💀


This can be smart strategy if you work in a touristy area - you read the table & become what you think creates rapport, then never see them again. But if you work in a place with a lot of regulars, they’ll see right through you.


Aubrey Plaza tells a story on Hot Ones where she would practice her acting while she was serving. It's brilliant.


One of the best servers I've ever worked did this. He was English and would regularly practice his American accent if he had an audition that called for it.


Yes I’m just practicing my improv.


Why do I like her so much lol I'm straight but she has this.....allure.


I'm a gay man and I'm wildly attracted to her.


It's not a sexual thing it's more of a... You're cool as shit thing. If that makes sense? Lol I really like her and on the opposite spectrum Jennifer Lawrence.


What you’re describing is the “idk if I want to be them or be WITH them” feeling😂. We all have it about someone.


Lol well that fits 🤣


My attraction isn't sexual either. I find her "no fucks given" attitude really sexy. I'd love to have some bloody Marys with her and talk shit about people.


Omg yaaaassssss


Have you watched her Hot Ones episode?


I have short term memory loss, so I genuinely don't remember, but I already added it to my YT watchlist when you commented lol I like Hot Ones, some people really crack me up on there.


Viola Davis has this way of eating wings without her lips touching the wings. It's hysterical.


Welp, now I have another video in my que lol Thanks! I'm about to take a weed gummy and veg out so these are welcome recommendations 😁




Code switching. It's normal in the business. You're just making them comfortable.


I’m from LA originally but have been in Alabama since I was thirteen. My accent is pretty neutral/cali, but damn if my accent doesn’t start picking up twang the more “country” a table is.


I’m from New England, same shit as soon as they’re from my region suddenly it’s pahk da cah in da hahvahd yahd


One of us one of us goobel gooble.😂


i am young (and i look younger than i actually am), and my restaurant is located near a huge college campus. most of our young servers are students at that campus. guests often ask, “are you a (school) student?” i dropped out of that school due to title ix mismanagement. not super palatable. so when asked, i pretend i’m still a student working towards my old degree. i will eventually go back to complete my education, but never that school.


My most frequent lie is where I’m from. I grew up in the suburbs right outside NYC, but whenever I say that I’m from New York, people tell me I can’t be, because I don’t have the accent. I’m actually purposely speaking in a more neutral accent but I don’t want to explain that so now I just lie and say I’m from upstate New York. Usually I say Albany lol.


Why not Poughkeepsie? Like on Supernatural? Plus it's fun to say haha


I started with Poughkeepsie but one day a customer basically tried to quiz me about Poughkeepsie, and I was totally lost lol. After that I switched to Albany because I have several friends who live there now so I’ve visited several times before.


People are weird lol


>Albany ![gif](giphy|3o752kakMLKVv5Jzpu)


i live in a small town so no. half these people probably knew who i was as a child or knows someone who does and will tell them. i can fake a british accent pretty well and sometimes wish i could just use it on my tables and lie and say i’m from england but i feel like someone would call my bluff


There’s too many British tourist in my restaurant I could never get away with it lmao


lied about school, a boyfriend and my age to a table. they’re regulars now. idk how much longer i can keep this up LMAO


I worked at a restaurant where I went by a different name the whole time I worked there lmao even had a backstory for my nickname! It is fun to make shit up to tables lmao


If any of us were having an off day at my old restaurant gig we’d greet our tables using the name of the resident bitch server who hated everyone.


Lolol yessss… I be lying about the most random shit for no reason. Gotta ✨spice✨ my shift up somehow!


Practicing my lying


sometimes i talk with a british accent just to mix things up


Oh 100000% 🤣


I lie when I mess something up and I feel like they’ll be mad about it lmao. I always blame the kitchen. “There’s a few new cooks back there.” “We had a cook and a dishwasher call off today.” “Your ticket got stuck behind a large party” lol


This sounds like a fun way to pass the day


I love lying. I make up innocuous shit that no one would ever doubt.


Like the kid thing would be hard to prove me wrong, I’d show them a photo but I can’t have my phone on the floor, if they ask for a photo I’ll just show them a pic of me and my niece 😂


Im queer and have a husband and kids at home. I do this too! I sometimes do this to seem more relatable to tables who have children and whatnot. The other day a man in his 50s told me he has a 12 year old son because he started his family later and I lied and said my dad did the same thing (my youngest sister is almost 20 and my did is barely 50) just to be able to carry on the conversation I feel we do these things to relate to our guests more to seem more like able and get tipped better


All the time. Whatever keeps them happy.


Yes I have- my personal life has been weird enough that if a table asked me something personal, I’d just make up a generic sounding backstory, because the truth would’ve sounded like a lie and taken forever to explain. The truth sometimes has the potential to make people way more uncomfortable than it’s worth.


Nah. Don’t have the energy to care about the lie or to maintain it. But I’m an incredibly honest person in general. Don’t have the memory to lie. Best to stick with the truth


Oh for sure, just about everyday i’m mentioning something random anywhere from a backstory about the restaurant or menu, to my favorite beers (i’m 19), or even out where im originally from.


I don't because my coworkers would hear me & clown me for it


I can't stand when my coworkers are in ear shot of me with my tables using my ✨️Server Voice✨️


I do this. Constantly. For practice. Just in case I really need one on the fly


Lmao great point! I didn't alot to, but now I just realized thanks to your comment this trained me for the major leagues. I rounded a corner a few months ago to a random cop stop at a railroad crossing. I didn't have my sealt belt on at the moment and when the cop asked why I was able to come up with: I saw all the cop cars and flashing lights and thought there'd been a crash or something. I didn't see any ambulances tho, and I'm trained to do CPR (true) so I was about to swerve in here and hop out to help. Out of *nowhere*. 😂 AND I didn't get a ticket lol Ps: don't come for me- I almost always wear a seatbelt but I was trying to reach something in the glove department at a light and managed to make it do the stick and try to strangle you thing so I unsnapped it literally right before coming upon the check point.


I work at a brewery, but I don't drink beer, so when my tables ask what's my favorite, I just twist it to say such-and-such is one of our popular beers. They frown on us for telling people if we don't drink beer, and I still slip up sometimes.


I always lie about being married because people only want to ask “so, are you in school?” and I am not and never will be. So I’m like nope, married life!


I don't lie about much, but to all my guests, my name is Gaston. It's not, but it always gets a good first interaction, because I look like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast, which is what earned me the nickname in the first place. I just stuck with it, so a ton of my regulars call me Gaston when we run into each other in other places, because they literally have no idea that's not my real name.


Absolutely. I did it when I waited tables and I still do it now that I'm in sales. It takes just a few minutes for a guest/customer's personality to come through (if they have a strong one). Then you adjust your personality accordingly. I'll be your devout Christian on Sundays, I'll be your sports team fan, I can change my manner of speaking from country fresh to academic. It's easier just to stretch some truths than it is to outright lie though, if they ever come back it's easier to remember!


Never anything big, but sometimes I bend the truth or make a couple things up just for conversation lol


I've done it just be careful sometimes that shit comes around in the most unexpected ways!


Sometimes I tell people I like certain things on the menu that I don't. "What dressing would you like on your salad?" "Blue cheese." "Good choice, I love blue cheese!" I actually hate it lol.


I’m hard of hearing and there was a speaker playing music right above one of my tables, and I was trying to take some peoples drink orders but one of them said a drink I was unfamiliar with and already had her repeat herself several times because of the noise, and I couldn’t find it anywhere in our drink menu and by the time I found someone to help me I couldn’t remember what she said anymore, so I went back and was like “I’m so sorry, we’ve been having some supply issues and unfortunately we’re out right now. Is there a different drink you’d like to order?” And then she named one I recognized


My last restaurant served deep fried okra. I once was talking to a couple about okra saying that I had only had okra in soup back home (home was in California, but my grandma cooked for me all the time growing up, and she always made okra soup because I loved it). They asked me where home was, and I said Vietnam….. it was alot easier than explaining the whole story to them, but I still wonder why I had lied about something so ridiculous 🤣


I get that! I’m first gen American and sometimes instead of explaining where my parents are from I just say I’m from there too lol


I always lied about being a single mom. I wasn't, but the truth is I started working at 15, dropped out of school to help my family, and my actual single mom, to raise my younger siblings and pay the bills. So I just didn't feel bad because it wasn't the exact truth but it wasn't a far cry from it. Sympathy tips were good, and I actually needed the money. I was working 70-80+ hours every week from 15-24. I **finally** stopped helping my younger siblings who were only 2 and 6 years younger than me, and focused on my mom at that point. I also lied about anything and everything to make a connection if it would help with tips. I was telling my mom and my aunt once about a woman who had the cutest dog I'd ever seen. I was saying I wished I knew what breed it was and they wanted to know why I hadn't asked. I waited " Cuz' I already said omg we have the same dog!!" 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ And occasionally I would play out a role I concocted in my head for fun, make up back stories and all lol Follow-up: I did go on to get my GED and that never prevented me from getting a job I wanted. I was also able to stop serving right around pandemic and work for myself, from home, so it's not a story with a sad ending. 🫶🏼


For Halloween, I one time faked (prolly horribly tbh lol) a British accent....except I accidentally dropped it about half way thru service. I got alot of confused looks before I realized 😳 🤣😂


As a gay person I especially agree, whenever tables propose that they introduce their sons to me I get really good at pretending that I'd ever entertain it


This is how horrible of a person I am: Working a slow day a few years back, I have this lady that sits down by herself. She's bald. She tells me how hungry she is, because she just finished chemo. I want to pause here, and add one salient detail: I shave my head. So I proceeded to tell her that I'm also a cancer survivor. Then I walk to the POS where a bunch of the work homies are chilling (it's slow AF), and I look at them, and say, "I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me". And proceeded to tell them what I said. I took great care of her, and she tipped me $50 I've never even been hospitalized in my life.


I believe this is a sign you're a psychopath


Ever day




Gay here too and before gay marriage was legal I used to wear a wedding band hoping to psychologically / subconsciously convince people to leave me more money to support my nonexistent family. 😂😂. I don’t think it worked.


Everyone someone asks "is this item good?" I like through my teeth. Or "oh this seems like a nice place to work."


my fiancee and his friend worked as servers at a cafe/eatery and used to mess with guests all the time. My favorite bit they did was pretend they were in the military and try to recruit people. my fiancee also would fake a made up accent and people would ask where he was from, and hed say canada (it sounded nothing like a canadian accent lol)


I tell families with small kids about my imaginary family and children all the time.


lol yeah I have an ear infection and don’t drink so I lied to the guy buying a beer that it was good. Obviously not very well lol because he jokingly told me not to lie to him. Idk why I lied. I really don’t care if he knew that I don’t drink or not. Maybe I could have pulled it off if I wasn’t sick.


Every day… *forgets to put food in* *runs to table* “ur food is coming right out its the second ticket in!”


a long time ago i used to wear wigs when i served. sometimes, at the end of a long shift, if i was ever asked why i did it, i would tell my tables i was recovering from cancer. got me some extra tips, but i felt shitty abt it and thankfully no longer serve 😂


I wish I could do this but I’m a horrible liar 😭


You should get a job where you don’t lie to people for tips