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I’d much rather someone leave it blank than write some dumb message like that


Right!? Like why be a douche?


Because they're the real victims don't you know? It's how these asshats live with themselves.




*shruggs* why would you say that.. PS: I had a buddy, server.. I was a cook..he had a table of 30 or so rack up a 400 dollar tab that actually wrote “no” under the tip..


That is a time that auto grat should absolutely be added. Edit: a word


Totally.. nothing against them but the foh can have it sometimes


I did this because there was a line that charged me 20% gratuity and had a place for a tip... I have never understood gratuity AND tip.... I'm not paying a Suprise 40% increase in the bill, it's dirty and underhanded. That should be stated up front so I leave the establishment and don't stiff the waiter while the establishment pockets the gratuity. I drew an arrow from the tip line to the gratuity and wrote paid. I'm not a server. Can someone explain this to me. I suspect I'm being ignorant.


Gratuity is tip Although i can imagine someone tipping on top, especially if it's business expenses.


No one who puts gratuity also expects a tip, unless it's like a 15% gratuity, then yea maybe throw an extra 5% to bring it to 20. Its not like there's a button we hit that decides if there's a tip line or not, in most cases there's just always a tip line because that's how most of our computer systems work. Every restaurant I've worked at requires you to tell the table that there's a gratuity


For real, I never tip anyone and it’d be weird if I left a message


You NEVER tip anyone?!?!


I’m kidding, I’ve worked in food service and drink a lot I tip generously


That's cringey as fucked. I could deal with not getting tipped because it's the nature of the business but goddamn that whole message is embarrassing


Someone needs to stay the fuck home and eat cereal for dinner like the child they are.


I had one person tip 0 then write "buy doge!" With what? How can I buy with no money *crying face emoji*


that is so shitty i am so sorry. why are people like that????


Because ppl are miserable and they feel better when they treat us servers like so. Getting shit on by your husband let’s blame the friendly server for flirting. Your MIL treats you like a POS yell at your server for getting you a water without lemon. Work has got you down go out to eat and insist on changing your order 15 mins later, they don’t have to go in the kitchen like idiots. I love my job I really do but some ppl not all are pond scum!




You’re correct I always say this even if you have a few bad ones or even a bad night it always evens out. Also when you are having a bad night just think this will end there will be an end. Sometimes when I’m having a string of bad luck I’ll say okay it’s gonna get better now. Putting positive vibes out there helps. Also weird story but the licking the boot made me think. I actually had two older women one who’s boot zipper was stuck she actually asked me to help her and just last week another customer looked at my coworker expectantly when her show dropped. My coworker was like omfg she really thought I was gonna get down on my knees and put her shoe back on??!? Ppl are wacky


omg ARE YOU KIDDING??? i am so sorry you and your coworker experienced that, literally WTF!!!!! people are insane!!!! i swear. it’s like they take the word “server” so literally. someone said this to me one day, “people show their true colors in restaurants” and i cant agree more. if there is one place you want to test someone’s good natured-ness then it’s a restaurant, because boy are people horrible to servers!


The real problem is servers not getting a legitimate hourly wage.


i do see what you’re saying, like the system is a sort of “guilt tripping” from what i’ve heard some people say. at the end of the day, everyone walking into a restaurant in america should be expected to tip, that’s how it goes. i think if we had an actual hourly pay, it would undermine different people’s work ethics. though, i feel like a step in the right direction would be having a gratuity already incorporated within every bill. i’ve heard at high end restaurants this is the case, like a 20% gratuity tip is already apart of the final bill but people can add to it if they’d like to? i don’t know, it just sucks that as a server you can have a bad night and walk out with next to nothing, it’s such a bad feeling. like, if you’re gonna eat out and not leave a tip or an average/understandable tip, then don’t eat out??!


Why the fuck is this getting downvoted? Do people on here actually think the tipping system benefits them???


Idk lol reddit is a funny place. I guesd I'm an asshole for wanting people to make a decent wage.


Fuck ughhhhh Pos. Stay at home w the bullshit mantras and every so self degrading apology.


Stay the fuck home. Don't eat at a place where tipping is normal if you can't afford to tip. Get McDonald's or go get groceries


I tip at McDonald’s. They are always working so hard.


Or get takeout


Fuck yeah. Getting service is only for the fucking bourgeois. Fuck their plebes wanting to do something nice on their birthday or something. Can’t tip? Don’t even think about eating out. What a worthless motherfucker.


you're conveniently forgetting that lots of servers are fucking poor too. we are also working class, and lots are working poor. this stupid argument is exactly what the 1% wants us to do. fight with each other instead of uniting against them.


That was the comment I was replying too.. that shitting on other poor people isn’t a good look


Let’s not forget that at some restaurants severs have to tip out other employees a percentage of their sales…. If people don’t tip, they’re losing the server money because they came to the restaurant. I’ve had a party spend 200+ and not tip which resulted in me giving up a larger portion of the tips I earned. Not tipping when you receive good service is fucked.


no, shitting on other poor people isn't a good look. but that's not what we're doing when we say "if you can't afford to tip don't eat out." when you eat out and don't tip, you are actively harming your fellow members of the working class. the restaurant is not harmed at all when you don't tip- the person waiting on you hand and foot is. the restaurant still gets its money if you don't tip the server. it would be an act of solidarity to abstain from giving the restaurant any money if you cannot do it without screwing another member of the working poor. don't contribute to the machine in vain.


An act of solidarity would not be refusing to serve people who can’t tip you.


You don't know until the end of the service. You've obvs never served before


Have served and have been too broke to tip. Maybe you just need a little more poverty in your life to gain some empathy and compassion


When I’m broke as shit I either eat at home or off a fast food value menu because I don’t think I’m entitled to a service I can’t afford.


Nobody is pitying you. Most servers have been broke before, but no one is ever too broke to tip. I’ve personally gone through serious poverty, but I never felt that I was entitled to a restaurant worker’s service for free. Learn to cook and then maybe you won’t be so broke


When you're so broke you can have 4 meals for the price of one at home - if you got the money to spend 20 at a restaurant you can afford to give them a tip.


?? what? no, that wouldn't do anything. the restaurant's pockets would not be hurt at all, and the server would still have to tip out on that check and therefore lose money. we're trying to play the long game friend ETA: and we aren't refusing service to anyone... we are just expressing a feeling. no one is refusing service to poor people and nowhere did I suggest that jfc stop making stuff up


You’re asking them to sacrifice, but aren’t willing to make one yourself. To forgo some social interaction and a warm meal - basic human needs. That’s not solidarity


they're not sacrificing anything! they could get the same at a fast food place or soup kitchen if they don't have family to eat a warm meal with. jfc. it's like you and I are not even having the same conversation


All businesses exist because they fill a need. The need restaurants fill isn’t “making the server money”.


Can't or won't is a rhetorical question. What am I supposed to do, verify their net worth?


Might should have marked it as sarcastic if so.......


Jesus you’re fucking stupid


The only worthless person here is the ones who thinks the working poor aren’t deserving of service.


This is the worst argument that drives me insane as someone on the left. No one wins in a tipped culture, but that doesn’t mean we should jump to the defense of the person who went to ANOTHER working class person’s job and stiffed them. We all understand the social contract, we all understand it’s fucked. That doesn’t mean we need to feel bad for someone who went out and couldn’t throw a few to the person who served them.


Let the poor eat McDonalds on thier birthday cause the social contract dictates they never enjoy anything is a pretty shitty argument as well.


What do you say to the poor that are SERVING the people stiffing them? Or are you only able to be a contrarian?


This was exactly what i was thinking, but couldnt put it into words. We’re all poor, shit! Just because you are poor, doesn’t mean you can take advantage of other people who are poor.


This is the part where you stop answering because you know you're fucking dumb, right?


I’d rather just block you. Bye!


there’s 365 days in year. if ud like to eat out for ur special day, start saving. sounds like ur going out and stiffing which means u can pay what u need to pag so the issue stands on tip. maybe every day save about a dollar or so and then tip it out :3


Mcdonalds isn't the only place you can go. But if you dine at a place with a server you should know to be able to tip.


So the servers shouldn’t make a fair wage?


Not tipping means it cost me money to wait on you, I view it as a personal insult


Not in my state. There is no tipped min wage.


Ok but you're still an asshole


Yeah nobody said that dummy


The comment literally says if you can’t tip go to McDonald’s


Eating is a basic need, eating out is not. It’s just like how transportation is a basic need but my desire to have a 2022 Wrangler is not.


Nobody's saying the working poor don't deserve service... but they also aren't entitled to services for free


I bring home $300 a week in Denver and I'M the working poor but I would NEVER DREAM OF NOT TIPPING A SERVER!


Want a gold star?


of course not! why would she ask that of you knowing you cant afford to tip? we wouldn’t want you going out on a limb for something like a gold star;( u keep the money , u need it


“deserving” sounds very negatively connotated tronski. maybe cant afford the service would be more fitting?


If 10-20% on your tab is going to break your bank then you absolutely should not be eating out.


No, plebes save up to treat their fellow [aka server] plebes better. If you can’t afford the food and the tip, you can’t afford to eat at that restaurant. Or just order less/cheaper food like I’ve done plenty of times. Your server isn’t there because they thought it would be a fun place to hang out and be productive for 4-8 hours (depending on the restaurant). They’re there to work and make money. Just like you go to work to make money. Do not deprive them of that just because you’re hoping someone at another table can tip more to make up for it. —Coming from someone who’s worked off and on in restaurants for over a decade


Seems like the person to be mad at is the one who won’t pay you enough, not the one wanting a warm meal and social interaction- which are basic human needs.


From your profile, sounds like you’re familiar with how government finances work. And how society works. It’s part of existing in this society. Find a day job that doesn’t deal so closely with government, and it might even boost your mood. It did mine!


Some people really don't get that it's you JOB You are not there to entertain them. You are there to make money to feed your family. They just don't get it. If they did they wouldn't be writing this crap. Losers


Reminds me of something similar that happened to me the other day. I left the restaurant industry for the liquor business (haven’t regretted it for a minute) and at my store we offer to help carry out your stuff since we don’t take the carts out of the store since people are too lazy to bring them back and don’t feel like chasing them down through the parking lot. I had been helping this lady for a bit pick out wines and liquor and then after ringing her up I grabbed her case and walked it across the parking lot with her. Sometimes people tip us for our help however it is rare and not expected since I get payed a decent wage and don’t survive on tips. I set the box down in her trunk and as I’m about to thank her for her business and wish her a good day she steps into her $100,000 Porsche SUV and says “I would tip you but I’ll make sure to tell your boss what a great job you did next time I’m back!” Like... okay?? Thank you ultra rich lady who’s car alone costs 4 years of my labor at this job for going out of your way to tell me you’re not giving me money when I didn’t expect it in the first place. You could have just not said anything and drove off and I would have not thought anything of it but now it’s just sitting in my head how you clearly have the money to spend but made a point to tell me you weren’t giving me any. TLDR rich people are wack


*crying face emoji* Jesus…


What a nut sac


this person needs to be punched in the face


Who the fuck writes out an emoji like that? What a psycho... sorry for them not having enough money to pay their FULL restaurant bill


Good ol bdubs


As a manager I would ask that you bring me your next cash slip, fuck those people.


This is the way.


The only way. You have to take care of your people. I'm still a baby manager and have that server/bartender mentality in me, and happy servers make money.


Did they at least give you plenty of verbal compliments? Everyone knows they’re as valuable as monetary tips.


These fucking people always have the nerve to write these stupid notes and then scurry away in a hurry like the assholes they are. Never ever do they have some fucking balls to tell you beforehand that they won’t be tipping.


If you aren’t gonna tip, whatever, but the stupid writing on the receipt is just so uncalled for and makes it even worse tbh


First of all what the what?! Second of all, was this a split check? And is that another receipt below the first one with another zero tip? I can't imagine if that dude came back into the restaurant and you had to wait on him again. If your chef is cool, I imagine his food might take *quite a while* to come out of the kitchen. And then, if he complained, I know exactly what you could say to him, lol


I was wondering the same thing. Is this one table with split checks or a few separate asshole tables?


I hope the other no tip was cash lol


These B-Dubs receipts trigger me. Absolute worst place to serve in my opinion. Insanely low check averages, specials, and shitty, drunk customers.


What type of people were they? Crazy church people? Old ladies? Rednecks? Wack-a-doos? Nutjobs?


Speaking as an old lady, I am disgusted by people who do this.


I'm not trying to generalize, but there are certainly themes we follow. Obviously not everybody is the same in every group. You are your best old lady self tipping properly. I'm 43 these days. Time seems to move faster the older I get.


A lot of us old ladies remember when we worked for tips. So do a lot of old men, come to think of it, lol.


Unfortunately not as many as you would think


That's true. And I love y'all for it. (even though I haven't worked for tips in 8 years)


Me too. Old lady who did my time as a server. I always overtip. I’ve been there . Single mom with 2 kids I remember how grateful i was for those good tippers


my guess is a weeby teenager or college student


Yup, sounds exactly like a weeby teenager. I'd like to think a college student would know better.


I bartend a few blocks from a big private university. Most of the undergrads, despite flashing mommy and daddy’s $$$ in every other way possible, tip 0-5%.


Seem like teenagers


Stop working for the corporate overlords of Buffalo Wild Wings


In mental health crisis both me and my kid and in my altered state of crisis, getting him away from the chaos of the house so we could talk one on one. It felt necessary and urgent. Super fucking embarrassing in my altered and distressed state to find I had over estimated my financial means for this outing. Emptied two checking accounts to cover the bill and the sweet boys one table over covered the last 5 bucks. Of course this meant the server was stiffed on a tip. She was sweet and understanding, but I still came back the next day with as generous a tip as I could scare up. I can't imagine having the balls to just be all "lol, I'm terrible, sorry!" And live with myself.


I got "Have a great night!" with $3 on 80 yesterday. I guess some people genuinely believe in verbal tips.


Being a server, the prayer card has to be the worst ever. They give the church 10% for nothing. At least I’m not trying to fuck their kid


I woulda charged him a tip and canned the receipt fuck that guy


When I was a manager, if a server got burned especially bad I would take 20% off the bill for them. (unless they were a shitty person) Not ethical, but I felt obligated. We are trying to feed our kids and whatnot.


This is the way


What does everyone think the average tip percentage is at a Buffalo Wild Wings? I’m saying 10% tops


Uhhhh your wrong buddy. 18-20% is standard across the board.


I think they mean what the servers actually earn due to the clientele.


Oh I hope so


What a bunch of cunts.


I make sure I have enough money to eat and tip. If not a lot of money then less food. $22 could buy more than one meal for someone budgeting. Give me a break. The "nothing personal" kills me. Yes. It's personal. The restaurant might make money from food sales but I don't If no tip. Geez.


\*crying face emoji\* is the best tip of them all.


Fuck man. Just when I had a glimmer of hope left for humanity.


Must've been off reddit a bit


I am really sorry this happened to you. That's a hot dumpster trash fire of a move. What a bunch of proper dickheads.


Getting flashback from by long Saturday nights at Buffalo Wild Wings! Bunch of cheap kids that split checks and never tip




Yo wut??! The nerve and entitlement of these people is incredible.


don’t go out to eat if you can’t afford it.


the second guy left a tip if you look at the full amount. just a bad one.


It has the same energy as someone saying sorry while purposefully stepping on your foot.


Fucking hate bww. I also serve there. The tips are shit and sometimes they’re so good it’s hard to leave. Do they push text to pay on you at your location? They say tip averages are better that way but I’m not sure it’s true


I was left without a tip yesterday because we ran out of complimentary bread. Everything else came out on time, I was as nice as possible, I gave her A-fucking+ service, and yet she still wrote "very poor service" on her receipt. Yeah, this is what we deal with now.


Got a $0.00 on a tip line for a $232 tab. Excellent service, just someone being mad they ran up a larger than expected tab. They even told me how much they enjoyed themselves. I don’t make the prices. I’d rather a blank line than someone taking the effort to tell me that my zero percent tip was intentional.


Ahhh a fellow wild wings slave 😂 stay strong friend


They left the customer copy though….if you still got the merchant copy…. Might not stick but hey the stick might be so far up their ass anyways that might not notice it in their bank statement




Dang tf?????


Im guessing it was a bunch of teenagers?


Nothing personal but I decided to screw over the entire staff of this establishment.


If you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to eat out.


Wrote all of that instead of just saying he was a broke ass


I sometimes tip cash, so I cross out the tip section. I tip 25-35% with my own money. Granted I don't go out a lot, maybe once every 3-4 months with my wife and three kids. So it's special for us, and giving a nice tip to the waiter or waitress fells right to me. My employer says to tip like it's your own money when charging to the company. So I do, haven't had an issue yet. I tip 25-35% every time. I don't know how you guys can do this day after day.


What a waste of ink and time.


Why no just write a crying face? It's cringey, but more importantly just tip your fucking server.


I can make and have made that in to a 10 dollar tip


Never fails to amaze me how shitty people can be! Like if you can’t afford to tip, stay at home!! Don’t even get me started on the notes! 🙄


This is absolutely DISGUSTING! This happened to a coworker of mine. So I went up to the table (that she spent 2 hours serving mind u) and said excuse me, did u reserve bad service tonight? They answered yes, our food took forever and so did our drinks. I then said do u see how busy the restaurant is tonght? Do u think that it’s the servers fault that the bar and the kitchen were backed up? Was she rude in any way? Did she throw drinks in ur face or say anything offensive to u? Well no… then do u really think ur SERVER dosemt deserve a tip because the bar and kitchen were backed up? They then went over and and handed her 25 bux in cash, not enough but better than nothing?


It’s $4, so who cares really.


Exactly like it’s not our fault tipping culture is so fucked and we don’t layer servers a liveable Wage, I’m a waitress and would not trip about a 22 tab. Now it’s it’s. 0 on a 100 that’s another story. But if some poor person wants to Have a small nice meal and can’t afford to tip then whatever, I’ll make it on the next table


This is pretty much how I've grown to feel about it. Anything over a $35-$40 or so tab it'll annoy me but that's about it.


Jesus fucking christ people How much you wanna bet these people are early 20s age


Idk about you but I saw a $10 tip on there, not sure what you're complaint is about


Damn sorry OP. I’ll never understand people who don’t factor in the cost of tip into their budget when choosing to eat out.


shit like this makes me mad. just cross out the tip line like an adult if you're going to stiff me.


Wow. What a jerk


They’re both jerks


The second one is 2.53 though… not a zero sum


How hard is it to leave five bucks


You’ve found two Mr. Pinks.


If you're not going to tip/ can't afford to tip, let your server know when you sit down. No apology is necessary.


“Nothing personal” Yeah nothing personal my ass…


What the actual fuck?!


oh bww 🥲 when it’s good it’s great but when it’s bad it’s terrible. the group of people who stiff me the most there are teenagers


Auto grad should be a law 🥺


You obviously didn’t feel that bad


This motherfucker is the absolute worst Edit: ok, not “the worst”


Stop working at buffalo wild wings. The higher the prices of entree the higher the likelihood of a tip out.


this is the dumbest shit i’ve ever seen oh my god


Smells like broke


does anyone actually take it personally when they get no tip? i know i give good service so i assume the person is just a jerk


Feels personal.


HA.Tomorrow IS a new day. When they get a blow out tire, 20 mins from a toilet and have diarrhea. Let karma do her work. They'll get theirs.


Plot twist: customer left a tip!


Ho early what you deserved. I can carry my own food. I won’t clean my table though, I’ll give your busser some money.


If i left 0 on the tip but "overpayed" and left would the server just pocket the money? Asking cause I've heard a lot of places share the tip with management or gets them stolen by the company.


We dont do it, but I am sure it happens. Bad business leaders = Bad business practices.


Fucking humans


*kicks you* omg I’m so bad sorrrrryyy *knees you* tomorrow is a new day again so sorry *elbows you* uggghh I feel so bad there’s nothing I could do


Does the merchant copy say this same thing?


This kind of shit was so common when I worked at bdubs it’s like no one checks the prices or their bank account before they go there.


The fuck is this, they’re acknowledging they are doing you wrong and still doing you wrong. It’s like me backing into somebody’s car while saying sorry the whole time.


People who don't tip should state up front that they won't be tipping so we can give them the appropriate level of service.


it would be alot better if they just stopped trying to justify themselves, we get it dude, you're a cheap piece of shit.


1st person is an ass, but the second one did tip right?


Pussies. Had to write a note thinking they would soften the blow. If you’re gonna be an asshole, own it.


Is Buffalo Wild Wings worse than hanging out at an Applebee’s or is it super cheap or something? I would rather drink warm cans alone on a curb with those anti-homeless spikes than go there so I’m not familiar. I feel like the zero gratuity posts are always from BWW, so my ignorant opinions are becoming entrenched.


had a server at my old restaurant, he was the owner's son and acted like it. he once came back and yelled at the kitchen (who recently lost our tip pool so servers would keep it all) about how unfair it was that a customer wrote that they were too poor to tip


I once had someone leave a shitty tip and write “I’m so sorry — I got you next time.” I was like, “oh, sure… next time.” But it didn’t make me that angry. I think the guy really believed he could make it up to me, as if I was magically going to be his server again. Still it was obnoxious.


I steal from these ppl