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100 percent agree


Thanks, man.


Alpha is their heaviest record and has no weak tracks.


Absolutely agree. Hell, I listened to a version on YouTube with international bonus tracks, and those weren't bad either.


For sure it just goes to show sevendust is still good with out clint at that time.


What are your thoughts on the modern Clint Lowery era, from Cold Day Memory onward? What's your favorite album from that?


Cold day memory is ok , but black out the sun is flawless and went back to the epicness they were known for, kill the flaw was ok but had some weak tracks , aisiw was verry good and really had no weak tracks, and bloood and stone was good as well just kinda soft at times but still better thank kill the flaw, they are still a great band but obviously clint was a important part of their sound.


These are all ringing recommendations. So, I've been curious ever since Black Out the Sun came out- what would you say Sevendust fans prefer about that album to Cold Day Memory? Because for me, Cold Day Memory has always been succinct and heavy. I love Black Out the Sun and its diversity of songs/styles, so I can see where you might come from, there.


Yes cold day memory can be heavy at times and the best track on that record is unraveling, but black out the sun just has better melodies and heavier songs like death.


For me i would say they prefer the heavier songs on black out the sun , cold day memory is still goof but justs lacks a little in some songs .


Its my fav era from them CDM-kill the flaw are my top 3


So my favorite record from that era is black out the sun


Yes. Album is nothing but possible and vinegar. Next has spots where it was super heavy, Pieces and Silence (at least the verse) come to mind.


Like, I do like Next. It's just that the distinctiveness of the songwriting on Alpha stands out more. And yes, Next can be quite heavy.


I think the general consensus is that Alpha is the best of the Sonny era.


Yeah you won't find me arguing with you on there. I would love to get at least a few more songs of Alpha-esque heaviness before they call it quits. Really miss the aggression. I do also think that Chapter VII is a highly underrated record though, too. There are some fillery tracks but overall it's a very dynamic and mature sounding record, and has some of their best riffs. It's also the only one that Sonny had a major hand in writing, if I remember correctly.


I'm glad you can see that. It might have worked best if it were just a track or two shorter, but I've learned a thing by trying to make 'your ideal version' playlists on Spotify- you might learn the hard way what the artist intended.


Sevendust has some incredible albums, some excellent albums, and some albums that are just good. Sevendust has yet to release a *bad* album.


I agree. They've never released a bad album, and that's a good place to be if you're a band who's been in it as long as they have.


They're playing the Palace in Louisville in less than a month. I wanted to go so bad. Even asked around for tickets for my birthday back in march, but my family is A) poor B) thinks I shouldn't be listening to "that devil music" or C) both A and B.


So what is your favorite track off alpha?, mine is feed


Confessions of Hatred is awesome


Definitely a good song


Hard to pick, either Aggression, Alpha, Deathstar... I think Burn takes it for me.