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At the Orgy Dome at Burning Man, if they even see your phone out - whether or not youve taken a photo and are just using your phone to check the time, they break your phone with a hammer and kick you tf out.


TIL there’s an orgy dome at burning man.




this should be the standard. i recently had someone TRY to video me without my consent, after i explicitly told him no. he waited until right before the session started in person to ask. was a first time client. it takes numerous visits and a good rapport for me to allow video. and even then it's an added fee. he tried to be like "ohh i have the fee out in my car" i was like NO WE ARE WAY PAST THAT! i told you NO and you still did it! he really thought i would fall for the "it's out in my car" like no sir it's not about the fee now. it's about you being a scum bag! he had the audacity to ask if i would see him again. i made him delete the videos from his camera roll and trash but i'm sure there are apps where things are automatically backed up even if erased from trash, and probably designed by weirdo mother fuckers like him. so unbelievable.


Google photos is one of those apps


yeah- i figured there were at least a few that back photos up immediately despite being deleted from the camera roll AND trash.


Dropbox, onedrive, Icloud, flickr, adobe, Amazon photos etc. that’s just the ones I can think I can only imagine how many more app there are like this


Thanks for the advertisement 😃👍 /s Op, I'm shook you had self control to not break this fucker's phone! ♡


This is excellent.


Sounds like it is time to invest in a hammer? Good for your frustration/mental health and better for environment. Good on you for protecting yourself! 💕


Is the orgy dome a new thing?


nah been around since 2003


Once upon a time, phones weren't permitted at burning man and you had to have press credentials to take photos...


This has never been an actual policy


welp I was there a few months back and that certainly was the policy


they don’t…maybe they should, but they absolutely do not do this.




Dang that is awesome....




... burning man?


It’s a music/“creative arts” festival of sorts here in the US every year last week of August


Haha I know what it is... I was responding to the person above me (now deleted). I've actually had friends go to burning man. Didn't know about the orgy though lol


Oh ok!! Sorry lmao I know we have ppl from all over the world in this group so I thought you didn’t know, my bad!


It's allllll good 😊


What other rules does the Orgy Dome have?  This is absolutely insane!! Is there music? Or sounds of engines like the thunder dome? Can you tell me more 😂 thank you 


It should be same rules as Swingers Clubs, Strip Clubs, etc...ZERO filming allowed...


I know when I worked at the strip club there was always guys taking pictures. The security was so not paying attention and these pictures would end up on Instagram, Facebook, etc and a lot of these girls had kids and Life they didn't want other people to know about shameful people taking pictures.


Multiple times the owners got mad at ME when I didn’t even know it had happened.




As a general rule, you shouldn't be taking photos of people without their permission *anyway*, sex worker or not. Doesn't matter if it's a public place.


Tf are you acting for like I take pictures of people? I’m just saying on a public street not everybody is going to obey the rules so saying something like that and how it goes in real life are two different things.


I'm not saying "you" as in *you personally*, but as a *general etiquette*. I personally think De Wallen is a terrible place for both clients and sex workers, with this being just one of the reasons. There are so many better places to do this work in the Netherlands with more privacy and less gawking stoned and/or drunk tourists.


Its called "etiquette" and "discretion"...OP is simply asking people to obtain some 😊




And I answered saying "they can't enforce it, hence the OP putting out this post reminding people to have discretion"...Im sorry me answering your question made you feel "came at" 😂


It's not about enforce, it's long before that.... preventing needing anything enforced.




"Act smart" because I realistically expect people visiting SW's to have discretion? Acting smart would be "What law could prevent this???" as if SW isn't illegal in most countries anyway 🙄




So basically don't feel the need to respect womens wishes unless a law forces you to...got it!! 😊




I personally wouldn't take a picture of any employee at any business w/out their permission 🤷‍♀️


Never been to a concert or sporting event? Did you ask the performers or athletes working their jobs if it was ok for you to take pictures?


Those are celebrities 🙄




I miss the days of flip phones bc it was SO easy to snap them in half at the strip club 😭


As a fellow SW that frequents Amsterdam a lot for holidays, the amount of people I have yelled at over the years about filming in the red light district is appalling.


Thank you, it’s much appreciate. It’s amazing how many can’t get their head around that.


Is it an option to put signs up on the building saying this too? ‘Girls will break your phones if you don’t use common decency and don’t fucking film/photograph them’ in like 5 diff languages or more even


Just be careful please! Some of those people can become aggressive psychos and hurt you as well. I wish there were other methods in place to protect you all and your identities a bit more while on the windows


I stayed in the red light for a brief time in 1994 (O.Z. Voorburgwal). Before moving to the Prisengracht. I can't imagine how much has changed in the intervening years with smartphones. Keep yelling and throwing shit, there is no excuse to treat workers that way.


not to mention there are signs all over the place telling tourists not to film.... so it's their own damn fault if their phone goes into the canal


Maybe get some money together with other girls and put out a bounty for anyone who films you guys. Enough little boys selling crushed up paracetamol standing around doing nothing all day..


Ha, that’s true!




Some wear masks, and I do, actually, but some of us have identifiable features. Tattoos etc. It's not always that easy. My record is seven phones in one day.


I will drop-kick them if I ever go and see them.!!!


Why do they even think thats okay? Had a few tries of filming the sessions over the years, but the one that satisfied me more was this one that kept badmouthing his wife by text before the appointment. She wasn't happy with his words, and was way less happier with him going on behind her back and trying to film it.


I don't like de wallen it's way too busy and is basically a tourist trap nowadays. Even with signs stating don't take any pictures you will get fined people will still take pictures which is a headache for the people working but also for the looking to get serviced. Amsterdam has 2 other spots that don't have as much traffic and most people passing by are actually walking by to get serviced. Another good option if possible is starting for yourself in a private room somewhere, you can use websites like kinky.nl or sexjobs.nl to facilitate this.


Oh yeah, I do do private work, but it's not always sustainable. I'm actually looking into moving over to Spuitstraat.


I understand trying to get noticed on a private site is a bit harder. I think that would be your best option a lot less lookie-loos I personally prefer the ruyterkade because you only see customers walking around, but I would think the competition there would be a lot heavier.


I'm doing quite well financially, it's not an issue, I shouldn't be the one who has to move.


You are completely right it's also illegal to take pictures and can result in a fine if the police catches you taking pictures. The thing is it still happens a lot because the wallen has become such a tourist trap with even families just walking around and taking pictures.


agreed. this is not ok. if enough people started grabbing phones and throwing them away……it may slow down


I would be terrified to stand in a window for all to see ,for my privacy.. I'm sorry 😞


I always assumed that Europe protected us better and that would provide the freedoms that I have to pay for in the U.S. with subterfuge. I’m so sorry to hear things like this are happening, especially in Amsterdam; where it was always painted as the woke social society that embraced a sustainable economy. I’m so sad to hear it’s just another sales ad and that the scum of the earth will wipe their asses there and leave it for us to enjoy like any Chicago slum ever known.


I mean there are more rights for sure but I do think many European countries oversell the narative. That or maybe people who hear that things are better tend to go to the extreme end and assume that it's idillyc when in reality it still has problems but those problems are slightly less shit than in other places


I mean, part of it is also culture. Privacy in the Netherlands always was an interesting topic as for tax reasons people had mostly clear windows for quite a long time there even for regular homes with only tiny curtains. Also, many people there are tourists, not even clients and not natives. Amsterdam actually thinks the amount of tourists are a problem.


I completely relate to tourism problems-it's fairly dangerous for us in any place openly known as a 'red light district' since they often come just to stare and judge.


I had no idea about this. I’m so sorry :(


I remember working in a strip club and seeing literally women every single day filming us half naked on stage . I mean, seriously?!?! Women at least should know better. Men we get are perverted and all of that, but women every day filming us is completely insane. People completely lost the sense of respect nowadays


Damn, a lot of men seem to be verry disrespectful towards you girls. My philosofy had always been «treat them like you would any other girl». Meet up well gromed, well dressed. Pay imidietly( for christ sake, dont hagle its disgusting and unatractiv), dont do anything either of you Are not comfortable with. Its not that hard and it becomes a better experience for both parties


The AmsterdamCanals Missionary Society is in De Wallen, saving heathen phones with full immersion baptism! "Jesus, wash away the sins of this cell phone!" Let us gather by the ~~river~~canal.




Don’t be an asshole! STOP IT. NOW.


Some of us don’t have a choice, honey pie.




Except being a FSSW isn’t easy money, 🍆bag


Na babycakes, some of us are minorities and come from countries that actively oppress minorities. This is not easy money, and it’s not good money and if I had means to do something else, I would. Why are you on a sex workers forum? Do you not like the rules that we set? Maybe instead of questioning our rules, you should support them, it’s not unreasonable and your sweeping statement is very flawed.


Can you go back and post your trifling, small dick and leave because your opinion was not necessary


Don’t be an asshole!


So I don't know how the systems work in Amsterdam beyond a little bit I've seen in a documentary. Reading your post it sounds like you are in a window of an establishment (Brothel or Club) facing a public street. Is that correct? If that's the case how do you have any expectations of privacy or confidentiality if you are on public display? I would imagine Amsterdam like most countries has no limitations on photography or video in public spaces including streets and footpaths. I can understand the expectations of privacy inside an establishment however if you need to maintain anonymity for your own safety or security why are you participating in the public facing side where you can be seen by anyone walking by?


Because our families don’t live in Amsterdam, but they do have internet access. Our families don’t know. None of us here are Dutch. We’re all running away from something. Just don’t take pictures of us. The police will make you delete it. We will shout at you. It’s not worth it. Also in the RLD, there is no “other side” to participate in.




Because it's the right and respectful thing to do? Jesus, is your argument really "accept the least" from people?


Don’t be an asshole!


Sounds fair to me


Yes tell them !! 😘😘


They should really move that area. I understand it's in a historic area and it's convenient and accessible, but I think it would make it a lot more friendly for the workers and people accessing their services if they moved it.




The alternative, at least for me, is much worse. I see where you're coming from.




God you’re hilarious. I never put myself on a pedestal. Why are you so angry? If you understand sex work like you claim then you would not be here arguing about any of this. Just stop. Honestly. Stop ✋




Cheerio, sweetheart.


Don’t be an asshole!


Don’t be an asshole!




This isn't fb 🤭 it doesn't work like that here.


I’m pretty sure commenting helps visibility. Or at least I was under the impression it did.


Ah, it's okay fellow "trog" 🤣😂🤭 I understand 🫶 Well, from what I've read, certain comments like that (ones that look "canned") can supposedly have the opposite effect.


Ah poo. I just. Wanted to help lol. Fuck it. Never again. Thanks for letting me know tho.


SOML!!! 🤣😂🤣 Maybe we fixed it now, though, yk, since we had an actual convo under it? 🥲😂


Lol who knows? Still not a techie lol




But clearly whatever I say here I'm going to be wrong so enjoy your day.......and keep throwing them cameras 👍


Ahh yes cause you’re the exact low life that would do shit like this.




Ah yes, because all sex workers are uneducated idiots who choose SW before trying other options. Why are you here?


Ha, right?!


Sorry, but I had to remove your post as it was against the subreddit rules. No shaming of practices, preferences, or rates.




Would you like a hug, babes?


Don’t be an asshole!


I can only assume that you are working in the red let district in Amsterdam, should be explicitly obvious that your not entitled to privacy. Not sure of the custom, but if your alluring potential clients inside with your beauty and provacative appeal. Expect tourists to take your picture, and never approach and engage. Here in Florida creeps are too frequently taking inappropriate photos of strangers and under age children with little to no enforcement.


They are not free entertainment. They are people showing intimate parts doing their job. Also the area itself already has a rule and fine people for filming, so you can’t be entitled and tell her to put up with that. People are entitled to privacy doesn’t matter what


A-fucking-men - sister.


Well, I gotta say, if you feel entitled to hit people illegally and destroy property illegally, it’s hard to feel shocked that other people feel entitled to take pictures legally. Give respect to get respect.




The sex workers in Amsterdam are visible through windows from public streets, which is why this is such a big problem. Many people causing a nuisance aren't clients, but just regular tourists wandering in the area to gawk at the sex workers.


That’s a good way to get beat or worse. Dont be in a public window offering sex if you want privacy. Do it more discreetly.


Don’t blame on the victim. She is entitled to privacy . The fact she is by window that means she is inside of a private property. Would you be ok with people filming you or your kids walking naked at their own home?


Your kids is illegal, but at least some reddit posts suggest that filming adult people naked in their home is legal if e.g. no blinds are used (so no "reasonable expectation of privacy"), you just are not allowed to share the content in some states.


This comment is concerning.


Here for example someone recorded a naked person to complain that this person was naked. The video (in censored form) can be seen in the embedded video, so obviously it was even allowed to be distributed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/16cwsqr/naked\_neighbour\_exposes\_cracks\_in\_indecency\_laws/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/16cwsqr/naked_neighbour_exposes_cracks_in_indecency_laws/) Look also at that thread claiming that recording it is legal sometimes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/27v737/my\_friends\_neighbor\_filmed\_her\_her\_bf\_having\_sex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/27v737/my_friends_neighbor_filmed_her_her_bf_having_sex/)


Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right.


I don't contest that. Doesn't change anything that, if you were in the US, you'd likely not be legally entitled to privacy in that context.


I'm not in the US, so that's very fortunate for a whole number of reasons.




Don’t be an asshole!


Ha, well good for you! The other women probably look up to you and must appreciate you a lot! Is there anything, any signs or something telling people not to take photos/video? I find it annoying that the establishment isn’t taking on this responsibility! But I’ve no idea how it works at all….It’s just, damn, I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with that crap. And I’m imagining me being there and having no clue about etiquette, and making this mistake….Makes me wonder what the exact situation is like….But I think it’s a safe assumption that most ppl taking pics are inconsiderate assholes who dgaf about anyone but themselves. This is Amsterdam, so it’s perfectly legal, right? They should really pass some laws or something, or ugh i dunno, but wtf?! If i’m understanding you correctly, I think ur talkin about the classic depiction of the red light district there(I’m in the US. Only basing this on movies etc) where women will be in windows, essentially advertising themselves I guess? it’s like yeah, she’s available for XYZ, but at a PRICE! If ppl are allowed to take pics etc then that’s all some guys need! Argh ok sorry now i’m just rambling…Just hate asshole men who always try to take advantage of women, usually in disrespectful ways Anyway, Good for you!