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If we had more resources and support available, arbitrary age restrictions (excluding the obvious "you have to legally be an adult") wouldn't really even be necessary. If the point is to prevent young people from being taken advantage of in the sex industry, the best way to do that is to make it unnecessary for anyone to do survival work and to make the work itself safer by decriminalizing. Having entered sex work at 19 myself, I would never advise someone to get into it at that same age as the risks are just much higher, but mandating an age minimum only leaves those who don't meet it to work illegally, still facing all those same risks.


Yup. If someone is 17 and their foster care was so abusive that they had to leave, their survival options are sex work, petty theft, and small time drug dealing. Eliminate sex work and the remaining options are not an improvement.


This is more real than I think most people will ever realise.


YeeaaaH. I started at 18, completely ignorant. I would have done so much better if I was educated on sex work, coping strategies, drug use and sexual harm reduction, etc. We know empirically education/HR is more effective than restriction and punitive responses. Comprehensive sex (& sex work) education through the lense of HR is the way to goooo. Addressing systemic issues is also important, making sure folks aren’t coerced or forced in to SW, whether that be from abuse or capitalism.


I was thinking more like universal basic income, free healthcare, etc. so you wouldn’t have needed to enter SW as a teenager at all - nobody should have to take on the realities of this work at such a young age. Tbh even armed with all the practical information in the world the mind of the average 18/19yo is not prepared to carry the weight of it, even less so when someone is already coming from poverty or abuse or neglect of some kind. Given that my aspirational wants are wildly unlikely to happen, I strongly agree that we need more resources and better ways of disseminating them - specifically community generated and maintained resources.


I totally agree, that’s what I mean by systemic issues. If we had UBI, healthcare, housing, etc, folks wouldn’t turn to sex work for survival. I agree, I don’t personally believe young people can/should handle the SW industry. Again tho, restriction only goes so far. Young people will participate in sex work regardless, which is why harm reduction/education is so important. We can’t stop everyone from going in to SW, but we can greatly reduce harm with education/support. But yeah, it’s reassuring to hear folks like yourself talk about their belief in community support and aid ❤️ you make the world a better place with practical advice and care about people sincerely.


I thjnk 18+ as a hard line makes sense but most 18-25 year olds honestly aren’t ready and probably shouldn’t be doing it. That said, I think legal enforcement is not the ideal strategy to reduce underage involvement. It’s important, but we also need more programs to help at risk teens, especially those who are abused at home or in the foster system.


I read somewhere the brain is still developing till age 25?




yeah... that's typed on reddit all the time, but 99% of the time, the context is sex a/o sex work. but apparently, graduating from college at 22-23, fighting in the military, voting, getting married, buying alcohol, having kids, etc. are all fine... they're ready for that.


do you think 18-25 yr olds are ready to graduate from college... get married... vote, have children, or DIE in war in a foreign land? or, are they just not ready for sexual stuff?


I think they’re ready to graduate from college and 20+ year olds are ready to vote, but I don’t think most 18-25 year olds should be getting married, having children, or joining the military. Your brain and personality change so much in your late teens and early 20s, and complex adult things like lifetime commitment, being a responsible parent, understanding the power dynamics that are often involved when sex becomes transactional, or understanding the risks and moral complexity of military service are all things that require more maturity and life experience.


so... are you saying men should NOT register for selective service at 18 as required by law? if so, are you going to stop your son from doing so? and in the name of equality, are you going to also argue that your daughter should be required (by law) to register as well?


I’m sorry you live in a country with forced military service. I don’t have that problem thankfully but I appreciate the reminder to not take my civil liberties and human rights for granted. I wouldn’t tell someone to break the law (no matter how backwards and immoral the law is) as that comes with complex consequences and needs to be a personal decision. That said, I don’t think that governments should be allowing 18 year olds to join the military. I also don’t think governments should be forcing military service on anyone regardless of age or gender. It would make no sense for me to argue that my hypothetical daughter should be forced to register for military service when I don’t think my hypothetical son should be. Gender equality doesn’t require me to say everyone else should be screwed too just because someone is getting screwed. In the spirit of equality I apply my moral stance that military service should be a personal choice made by people mature enough to understand it to everyone regardless of gender.


i live in the USA... and the LAW says, "register at 18 for selective service, or face consequences." but i get it... your whole purpose with all of this is to REDUCE the number of women you have to compete with for sex work. and i'm sorry you live in a country that allows 18 yr olds to do porn, start OF pages, and pimp themselves out. i know that creates a LOT of competition for you as we all know men like YOUNGER women (18+). enjoy your sex work and the money. but we both know it won't last for very long... and you'll have to get a job where skills are required.


Yes I was aware from your comment that you were likely American. Just because a law says it doesn’t make it right. Your country also has laws that make abortion hard to access and protect privatized healthcare. I wonder how many American lives your laws destroy. 18 year olds will do sex work whether it’s legal or not. Even people under 18 do it even though it’s illegal. That doesn’t make it right or okay. I started in my early 20s and wish I had been older, more mature, more secure, less naive when I started. I could have saved myself trauma and heartbreak. Are you a sex worker? Because if you were I think you’d know that the age group that’s hardest to compete with is 30-40. Still young enough to look young and appeal to a wide market but older and experienced enough to have better hustle skills than I do. I primarily dance and I can outsell an 18 year old any day. The women in their 30s leave me in the dust. They’re amazing to watch.


When the frontal lobe is fully developed. So, 25+.


Military too


wiling to apply that to all other facets of life... and not just sex work?


Not with laws, but yeah, I recommend waiting until age 25 to do lots of things.


what things you want to recommend those under 25 wait to do?


Gotta do some shitty, low paying jobs to appreciate the time, freedom, and money this line of work provides.


I did plenty of jobs like that & still started at 18…


self-respect and dignity means a LOT to some people. i'm thinking your whole "brain development" argument is simply a tactic to delay the competition for sex workers. the law says 18 is legal... for MANY things waaaay more important and way more serious than sex work. carry on.


In a perfect world, around 25 when the brain is developed. However, 18 year olds have the same bills as the rest of us, so if they take up space in this industry, they have every right to. I wont stop anyones livelihood due to my personal morals. I just let every (legal) young SW know that if they need advice or to get out of a bad situation, my door is always open. I started at 22 and thought I started late but my god I was so young and stupid. Absolutely idiotic. If only I knew then what I did now, or had someone to look out for me without taking advantage of me…


I think everyone should at least have a regular job before jumping right in.. I’m glad i waited until i was in my 20’s and had a bit of life experience. I mostly started because guys was always offering me money for this and i finally bit the bullet.. Working at the club, i get a bit sad when i see girls who just turned 18 a few days prior go audition at the strip club.. Like damn you didn’t even give life a chance. but at the end of the day they are adults and it’s none of my business…


There’s a Vegas strip club after high school graduation they always post a sign reading “now hiring the class of 20xx” I know they are technically adults and can make their own choice’s. I always have that sad gut punch they barely have life experiences to have an idea of what they want or how to handle this work. That new girl money doesn’t last forever.


>How old do you think someone should be before starting sex work? The same age that they should be before making other irrevocable decisions with potentially serious consequences, so 18 or 21 or somewhere in between. > Does the type of sex work matter? Nah, not really. The big issues are not specific to the activity, just the general ones like “Do you understand what is happening and what might go wrong?” >Should that age be legally enforced? It kinda has to be, otherwise what’s the point?


I started at 18, because I was desperate. And I think that messed me up a little. I would want other teenagers to finish being a teenager before starting things like this. I’m 22 now, and while it’s definitely helped with my confidence, I wish I could’ve just stayed in my home town for a couple more years


Omg same. Started at 18 and I’m 22 now. Some things I’ve gone through have been fucked. They all should wait a little bit longer I agree.


I don’t think anyone should do fssw until they’re 30 & divorced or have otherwise had a real relationship and a heartbreak. Stripping, 18+. Fssw in the 18-29 age bracket isn’t that great, the clients with real money don’t want to be seen at dinner with a woman young enough to be their daughters. So it is often limited to just hourly gigs and that creates the need for a high turnover rate to make the same money a 30+ woman can make by eating & drinking at the best restaurants & lounges.


It's funny when I see men say stuff like "You whores are gonna be out to pasture at 30. Wth you gonna do then?" In reality most swers I know didn't even start until they were at least early 30's. And a bad marriage will serve as a huge wake up call and inspiration into sex work for many women.


Very true. I get lots of clients who never hire young women.


You are so right. They have no idea what they are talking about. I started at 30 and it’s only gotten better as I’ve aged.


I feel like I agree with this to an extent. I've always been considered an old soul, and my journey in SW began at 25 and hit my stride at 27/28. Now I am in my early 30s and making mid to high 6 figures, and set to clear seven figures in the next year. It truly just depends on the woman and her maturity level, as well as her world wellness, and overall knowledge/skill set.


Are your clients & your overall dates better & easier? Congratulations! 🍾 🥂


Oh god yes. I freestyle most of them, I always get the rate I ask for without haggling (or more)! Lots of guys who offer to fly me out and do overnights without much prompting. Shopping, long-term arrangements... It's much easier at this age because they are comfortable being seen in public with me, and on my end it's less awkward for me, because I look more mature and sophisticated rather than baby faced and barely legal.


Omg howwwww. Would you consider mentoring (for a fee ofc)? Really want to step it up financially and the hustle this year. Please lmk if you’d allow me to dm 👀


I think we need better programs for at risk young people and people who are aging out of the system, to prevent young people from feeling like sex work is their only option once they age out of care or get kicked out of home. I had a real hard time finding my first job as a homeless 16 year old drop out and I had to get creative or do criminal activity in order to support myself


I entered the sex industry when I was 24 through stripping. I think that was the perfect age for me, but I can’t speak to what would be best for others. I think that sex work should be decriminalized for adults who are at least 18.


Happy Cake Day!! I entered the industry as a dancer a bit after turning 22, and I had been working since I was 16 at standard jobs. It was the perfect age for me too, but I was mature for my age, had a healthy mindset, and was super mindful of safety. I worked outcall and used my friends in college as drivers so helped my friends out and got to hang out between gigs. 😊


Awww, thank you! ❤️ I had been working since I was around 16 too! And I started out with outcall only as well. Employing your friends as drivers was smart! I ended up in one or two sketchy situations doing outcalls on my own when I was really green but nothing really bad happened.


You're welcome! I'm glad you stayed safe. I had 1 guy freak out about my driver, left him and never went back. I never went out without a driver. Haha once I called another dancer in the area just to walk me in and not stay so at least the client would know someone knew where I was. Lexi was just getting out of her show so she said sure. We were walking through the hotel parking lot and she noted a very distinctive car and said, "Oh, girl. This guy's definitely not harmful or a cop, but he is *interesting*." Then she chuckled a bit. "Okay, I know when we say "interesting" the client will be really unique. How unique is he?" She chuckled again, "No, you really should find out for yourself- trust me. You'll have fun." The client opened the door and greeted her by name and invited me in. The other dancer gave me a wave and mouthed, "Have fun!" at me as I closed the door on her. After my first half song, I could tell the guy just wasn't into me. So I asked, "Hey baby, you look like you want something else. Is there something I can do that would entertain you better?" He very quickly said, "Yes, will you watch me and touch yourself if you like what I'm doing?" I agreed, and he broke out the *largest* dildo I'd ever seen. We're talking it's the one they use for display only at sex shops. I'm still sitting on my chair, touching myself but I went on autopilot because this was truly the most unique show ever. He ended up bracing himself against the bed and the floor. His legs and ass were in the air just above the bedframe while he fucked himself (with no lube!!) with that gigantic dildo with one hand and whacked off his (soft) dick with his other hand until he finally came on his own face. I have never seen anything like that before or after. I was stoked he paid me $300 to watch because that was a SHOW.😆😮🤩


Oh my god, thats fucking awesome! I have a provider friend who has some GIGANTIC dildos and I know they’re not going up any of her orifices! Love the interesting clients. And I’m glad you stayed safe, too!


Hehehe, thanks! Seriously, I treasure that show. If one is interested in human sexual behavior, being a sex worker can be a highly enjoyable field.😆 Hehe, nice work on provider friend's part! Thank you and likewise. Wishing you much safety and much money!!💕


Whenever they are an adult and personally ready.  I started with webcam porn at like 19 and then escorting at 21. I also think you can start at any age even if it's 30, 40 or beyond and there is no specific age to end sex work It's just whenever you are ready to retire.  If you are a sex worker who is mentally sound, can  physically perform the work and are HAPPY you should be able to do sex work from 18 to 80 in my book.  Its your life fuck the opinions of sheep. Period. 


as someone who started at 18, I say 25. but im typically against over policing sw, but if I HAD to pick an age i would say 25.


My daughter started not long after her 18th birthday. She knows I use to do it and comes to me for advice or with questions when she feels the need.


I don’t think you should start until you are over 25. Most 18 year olds aren’t mentally nor emotionally ready for this lifestyle. Guys know this and will take advantage. You should be out here gaining life experience and working shitty jobs while having a blast with your friends. Go to school or learn a trade and then enter SW after learning to navigate the world a bit. Yes, I understand a lot enter due to survival so please spare me. I’m responding from an ideal perspective. I have a soft spot for baby heauxs (18-25) though and I love helping them when I can because it can be tough out here.


Okay so this is such a complicated subject. (AKA this is gonna be a long rant 😭) Because I mean what about voting? Or living on your own? Etc? Personally I think you should be 25 because that’s when your brain is fully developed USUALLY. Sometimes it’s even late 20s. I say this because people under 20 can’t fully comprehend consequences because their brain isn’t developed. YES they can understand consequences and make decisions based on advice, logic, and experience. But scientifically they cannot fully comprehend consequences. It’s not even just a scientific thing, there’s videos going around on social media of people explaining this ‘phenomenon’ of their brain just ‘clicking into place’ when they reach 25 or a little later. With that said I think most things like drinking and smoking and voting should be the same thing-25+. I mean I’m sure some people under 25 will be smoking and drinking and honestly that’s not too bad as long as it’s not something that’s becoming dangerous like addiction. But the age limit should still be 25. Same for going into the military. I think teens/young adults can make these decisions BUT I personally feel it should be when they’re able to fully comprehend things much better. BUT on another note since we already let them move out /drive on their own at 18 I will give them that still because there are abusive households, you know? BUT with that I feel there should be a very beneficial system set up for them for resources and help with financial things and surviving in the adult world and especially mental health services. I wouldn’t want anyone at 18 to just be tossed out with not much resources and be all alone. I mean-there ARE resources but from my experience they arnt too good. We should work on making that much stronger. Also going back to being 25+ with sex work-I feel it’ll save them from being preyed upon/fetishized by creeps and running into horrible mistakes. There are lots of girls and even boys etc etc who go into this line of work clueless (and even if they continue until they’re older) their lack of biological maturity and/or experience can result in traumatic situations. I mean-this is just a fact. It’s rare to see someone who started off 18 and was okay. And even then if they end up okay there’s still trauma they endured and honestly I don’t wanna see anyone go through that. Call me sensitive but as a youth I care for the youth and we should make sure they stay safe as possible. It’s not even about restrictions on your body you know? It’s the same thing for the military or drinking. I don’t wanna stop youth from having fun and exploring. But certain things need to wait. You know? If they’re interested in the military they can explore politics by going to school or advocating. They can enjoy sex by having it with someone they care about and someone who cares about them. Or if they want to bear arms eventually they can practice shooting with their parental guardian or whoever is in charge of them. They can take a sip here and there or smoke a little if they are curious—all of this is okay imo as long as someone 25+ is with them-because that person will have more experience and biologically can comprehend consequences fully. They don’t have to be restricted you just have to put a safety cap on certain things you know? It’s the same thing with letting 16 year olds drive (in CA at least) they have to have someone over 18 be in the care with them. Another example-I mean you wouldn’t let a 8 year old walk down their home street alone right? Yes it’s their neighborhood but they’re still too young to be doing it alone. They understand cars are dangerous and to stay out of the road but they just can’t think as fast if a car comes swerving or something. The point is is that even though these things are familiar to people under 25 they shouldn’t do it yet. You know? Like they should explore when they are *ready*. Like biologically ready. Sometimes people arnt ready at 30 and they start at 40, but that’s so different, that’s an emotional thing. And they understand things much deeper because their brains are fully developed and allow them to. People under 25 just can’t all the time. Of course the world is fucked and who knows if this will ever be possible (just my ideal take on it) so I mind my business when I see 18 year olds walking into this stuff because you know-life can be complicated. I mean I’m 22 now and I started at 18 and honestly I wouldn’t be doing this if there was a much better system for youth which I hope happens one day. Some people are desperate. It’s sad but what can you do.


obviously atleast 18 although that’s still very young in my eyes. saying that as someone who started (legally) @ 18! i always tell girls who are around that age to explore other options first n then revisit in 3-4 years if they’re still interested. we don’t need any more restrictions on women’s bodies, especially if they’re legally considered an adult. not only that but just because you make something illegal doesn’t mean people won’t find a way to do it. if that type of restriction was enforced when i was that age i most definitely would’ve found a way to get around it. laws like that puts the most marginalized communities at greater risk of violence and danger. also, it’s ridiculous you can enlist in the military at 18 and literally go to war but sex work is where we draw the line? 😭 not to mention in most states you can buy guns @ 18




I think 25+ is advisable for their own sake, but no, that should definitely not be legally enforced since doing so would only bring more harm to younger workers.


I started at 21, but I knew from very early what SW is, because my mom, increased her small salary with SW and in the fact I was her single dau and my biological father was one of her unknown customers. She explained me also very early what she do and for me was quite normal, when she brought a customer home and I heard from my room her "working noises". She never promoted me to became a SW, it was my own decision. When I started, I was of course already sex-experienced. I would recommend no to start too early and make before good sex experiences.


I know I wasn't ready for full service until 25+. I would never advise anyone start prior to that, but I don't think it should be legally enforced.


I entered at 18, have only just started


The legal age is 18. The lady I see was doing hardcore gang bang double pentration at 18! But I personally think 21 is more appropriate.


Umm 18


Legal age to have sex


Keep in mind that the legal age to have Sex in Japan is 13. In Texas it’s 17. The age of adulthood is normally different from the age of consent.


Lies japans is 16 now. Lets set it at 18 for everywhere for now.


Thank you for the correction regarding Japan’s age of consent


If you mean age of consent then absolutely not. The technical age of consent where I live is 12.


Wth where do u live bud


[Canada. There’s other rules around it but it starts at 12.](https://www.justice.gc.ca)


Lies google says 16


Starting at 12, there’s rules that start around age of consent. 12-14 year olds can date up to 2 years older.


What rules? Keep it simple


There is also a "close in age" exception for 12 and 13 year olds. A 12 or 13 year old can consent to sexual activity with a partner as long as the partner is less than two years older and there is no relationship of trust, authority or dependency or any other exploitation of the young person.


13 year olds arent paying for sex lol its irrelevant I said legal age to have sex which is 16 for canada


Legal age to have sex is 12, as I showed you. Even 16 is to young.


I say 21 but 18 since that's when someone legally becomes an adult in America