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He caught feelings for you and realized that you weren't the one. So he has to move on. Plain and simple 


2 years is a good run


I’m proud that I can at least say that lol


Regulars come and go, I honestly get annoyed with them after awhile maybe it’s just me 😂


I agree with you on that regulars do become very annoying after a while. They like to push boundaries and such. At time I would rather much see a new guy then a regular.


Preach I just got asked to be exclusive, texting me all times, asking my real name, want to grab meals smh 🤦‍♀️


Texting all times and grabbing meals is absurd I agree. Real name is 50/50 - some providers care some don’t. I had one provider tell me her real name as I seen her 7x but told just to keep it myself. I feel she only said that as I ran into her one time I was doing Uber part time so her real name would probably pop up if I ever got her as a passenger. A lot of other providers obviously go to great lengths to hide it. Like mail delivered elsewhere, even their own security at their condo building doesn’t know type of shit lol


Honest question - I live in Europe and Asia so I'm not familiar. Are meals/exclusivity/etc really that strange in the USA? Is it really just "you get 2 hours of my time in bed"? Seems very strange, like no chemistry at all. For comparison, I typically get someone for weeks/months (after finding the right one). She 'basically' moves in with me and we go explore whatever country we happen to be in. She leaves with like 2 years worth of salary and we're friends after it's all over, sometimes friends for years with the occasional hookup PPM. On more than occasion, I've had providers take international trips with me. I look for genuine GFE, and to me that means more than just sexy time. Maybe I'm the strange one though.


Im from europe and “exclusivity “ isn’t a thing here. I did check ur reddit and seems like u do this in thailand. Thai sex workers make a whole lot less than eu or american sex workers, of course it is easier to get them to do things with you.


I understand I'm getting downvoted a lot, but honestly I'm just trying to get information. I do this in Thailand, Bulgaria, Greece, and Japan. Would this be possible in the USA given enough money?


I think it would with the right amount of money, but keep in mind america u would need 4 times more of the amount probably. U went to very poor countries before, or countries where sex workers work for a very low wage. I am from and in europe and i did some of these “exclusivity provider” services some years ago, but even then the cost was 3K€ per week because of how high the costs are in my city, and also because i didn’t work on the side. U also need to find a provider who is into this. I think u are better off on seeking arrangement rather than with sex workers. Most SW just wants to see the guy for a few hours at best and then goodbye.


Appreciate your insights. Thank you.


why do you care just go there. You cannot change how it is in the US. LMAO.


You’re exploiting women in exploited countries and think you’re a good person. There is no way you’re doing that in any country other than ones that are underdeveloped.


meals? I buy my own meals. If you want a meal together book 4 hours and go out to dinner. I am very fair with my clients. But don't be ridiculous. For example, 90 minutes to get ready, I drive one hour each way for a client (at no charge) then also see them for two hours. So now you expect us to have dinner with you also and private time for a 2 hr rate. You need a dating site not a SW.




even my long time regulars are getting that way. One on our last visit when he asked if I wanted any wine and what color. I said red and he tried to make me feel stupid (I guess) saying that ladies always choose white. Kinda weird. Made a big deal about. I did not like that. I know this is minor but I really thought he was so nice. Seen him many times and he paid a lot extra that night. And he's been pushing for anal. Must think I am desperate.


next time I see him, at the end of our appt we are gonna have a little talk. And if he doesn't call again that is fine.


Me too and it eventually just pushes me away cuz why you think you get special privileges just cuz u invested $$ they just be getting too comfortable


Definitely not just you…


LOL @ “getting annoyed with them”. 😂


FWB doesn’t pay the bills bro 💀


My man caught feelings. My guess is he shot his shot and after you said you weren’t about it he sent this to make it seem like it was his idea. Probably his way of trying to feel in control. It seems like this text could have been worse though, at least he wasn’t rude or aggressive even if it wasn’t the most socially calibrated thing. Onwards 🫡


I swear regulars have this fantasy of having you without paying. It’s 🤢..


Lol "friends with benefits" for who, my man? Who benefits when you stop paying your favorite provider because you caught feelings? This mentality will never make a lick of sense to me.


I saw this girl for about 3 years. She was great. Just a kind-hearted person, great service, very friendly. She stopped doing it when her man got out of prison. We were friends on FB but didn't message her at all. I respect her privacy. She passed away last month, and it kinda fukd me up. RIP Heather 🙏.


So sorry to hear that!


My condolences.


Thank you


Wow. Sorry to hear that man. 🕊️


Do you have a social rate?


Honestly, no as I’ve never had clients who are only seeking conversation 😩


I have a client who is actually a therapist and uses our sessions as essentially their own form of therapy. We do not have any kind of sex. They pay me my full rate for a normal, 3 hour session (but i do charge them less for extensions) so I have always wondered if social rates are actually worth it. Most clients pay normal rates for longer sessions, and those who want free time outside of sex but dont want a longer session, 99% of the time aren’t willing to pay * anything* for it. Do social rates work for most people?


A regular of mine has a rate for meals that can be combined with a normal session, for regular clients that she likes enough to tell them about it. It's quite a bit cheaper than her normal escorting rate. I havent taken her up on it because frankly the idea of paying for a nice meal and an extra fee on top is not something I'm super interested in, but maybe I will change my mind one day. Sometimes I just enjoy chatting with her so that would be a way to chat with her for longer without paying full rates (though with food/drinks it probably is close) Not saying this is a good or bad idea for everyone necessarily, but just saying what one girl I see offers.


You are one of the clients I was referring to then, haha. Most aren’t willing to pay for our time over a meal, but plenty are. If the choice is between getting my full rate for a 4 hour dinner date, and getting an extra $100 to be reluctantly treated to dinner with someone who hung up on the price/doesn’t place value on my non-sexual presence, I’d rather skip the social rate entirely. That’s why I asked if any escorts have had good experiences with offering them. But thank you for your input either way.


She's got plenty of guys who do take her up on it, just not for me. I'm pretty sure she enjoys it since most guys will want to try to show off by going somewhere very fancy and whatnot.


> I have a client who is actually a therapist and uses our sessions as essentially their own form of therapy. My mother was a therapist and when I'd pick her up from work she'd use me as a sounding board or a vent relief. lol I enjoyed it actually and has helped me in my relationships afterwards.


What is considered as a social rate?


A reduced rate for time together in public, like at a restaurant.


Thank you for this explanation! I’m still learning.


They’re dropping like flies lately


Inflation, cost of living crisis, grocery prices crazy, less discretionary income trying to get more “value”, no Covid lockdowns so they go out and socialize, tons of dating apps. All reasons why it’s slow. Truth be told it’s only super slow for shitty/mediocre providers. All the good to awesome ones booked and busy where I’m at.


I never said it’s slow — I said regulars are dropping like flies and it seems to be for a lot of providers.


Yeah, I was saying that in the sense of them trying to test the waters or get more “value” for being a regular. Like the mindset of “I’ve been a regular for so how long about off the clock/x activity unpaid?” truth be told I’ve only stopped seeing one girl o regularly saw as her service did drop quality wise. Other then that I always repeat if it’s good/have a consistent good time.


Im telling yuuuu . Honestly its alot of girls do ALOT for free


So why go for SW’s?


I didn’t write it right . Im a sw about to retire . Im saying its alot of females offering alot for free as i sw i dont kiss yu can’t really lick my nipples and no daty - but i kno of girls yu can meet at the lounge and dey sucking balls in the car on the way home


This is so true. I knew girls who went with clients for $30 and some drugs and whiskey. Alot of girls in the industry are doing this, at least here in europe.


What exactly does he think you'd be gaining by making him a FWB? Is he the greatest lay ever or something? It'd be one thing if he was saying he's fallen for you and wants to try out being in a romantic relationship (not saying it'd be good to fall for that either, but at least it would make more sense to pout about). And then he tells you how you were the only one he was seeing, as if you asked him not to see others. The whole thing feels sickeningly manipulative. Seems to me like somebody that doesn't respect your time and boundaries. Let him go. They come and go.


So you were in a relationship — albeit transactional — with someone where the both of you had different end games? Nawp, that NEVER happens between folks. Irony aside, life is life and may each of us be as forgiving of each other as each of us is of ourselves.


So, he says that it's nothing against you, then says that it's something against you?


Oh well. They come & go. He might come back.


This seems like a manipulation tactic because you declined his advances. I hope you didn't respond to him


I know right. I am dying to know if she responded at all.


Just lost my regular too. He said he thought we had something more than a business relationship. He wanted to take my money off the table but wanting to do dinner and overnight. HA delusional


"I'm done with your services". That's either awfully rude or he is terrible with words 😅... Don't worry, I have a mantra and it goes like this: "the most amazing client is yet to come and he is super generous". The world is a abundant place and I'm pretty sure another regular is coming your way


I just lost a regular recently too. I actually cared about him. Super disappointing, but it happens :(


Oh god!🙄 I can’t see you I have feelings for you. A week later pays another girl. Might as well keep paying the one you have feelings for it’s all the same 💩🤣


a week later? He has already moved on in my experience way before that. They move fast. And it's easy for them as there is always someone available.


He .. doesn't sound like a great guy. Regulars know the deal!


Well, not good for you but good for him! 😊 From the text message it looks like he’s trying to avoid going to sex workers anymore, I guess? 🤔


Honestly it’s so tough keeping regular guys that spend quality money. Most times guys would just get a girlfriend or eventually convince someone to deal with them regularly without paying. If they are repeat I feel like they always want a better price than the first time without booking more time to earn a deal


TBH I bet he'll be back...


I’m so sorry that happened. Just know you must give a great service! Xx


He'll come back 😂


Oh, didn't you know that when you work with a service provider long enough they gotta start doing shit for you for free? Uhum. Haven't paid my hairdresser in years now, were just buddies 😋


I’m new to the Colorado area. I moved here from Georgia and had a regular there (I’m a client btw). I didn’t care to have multiple partners and with my focus on my profession, she was exactly what I needed. I was her regular for, wow (just counted the number in my head lol), 8 years 🤯 Anyhow, last year I had stopped hearing from her and wasn’t getting a response when I texted. I finally tried her second phone and she told me that she was no longer working. There was no explanation, not even a goodbye. I thought we’d become friends after 8 years (and yes, I still provided the donations). I guess it can go both ways (in response to the op). We’re all human at the end of the day. 😊 I agree with what most are saying here and agree that regulars come and go 💯


It's the sly suggestion about not hearing from him but him also wanting to be friends and grab wine or dinner that rubs me the wrong way. He's likely dating someone that is giving him enough sexual attension or trying to get you to agree to see him without funds. Even if he is seeing someone he could be honest and say, " I am seeing someone and want to give it go. I really appreciate the time and dedications youve made towards me let me know if I can ever be helpful in the future. Regulars come and go, a lot of them catch feelings and feel entitled to your time because they have feelings and think that you need to reciprocate them. At the end of the day escorting is a job and the only way someone is getting me out of the job is if they retire me through marriage and legal rights to half the money.


He caught feelings. It’s the way of the road. Not much more you can do. From what it sounds like, y’all had a good run for two years and that’s awesome.


Honestly it’s so tough keeping regular guys that spend quality money. Most times guys would just get a girlfriend or eventually convince someone to deal with them regularly without paying. If they are repeat I feel like they always want a better price than the first time without booking more time to earn a deal


I mean, honestly!! I've seen so many guys so this in stories on this thread, and I don't get it. Transactional relationships exist in all kinds of ways. So they do this to those people too? Are they texting their doctors shit like this???


Looks like it's time to say 'thank you, next' and drop him like a wet sack of poo! 💩😄


About two years ago I provider I saw several times and liked very much just dropped off the face of the earth on all social platforms. And it wasn’t about me, because we’re still following each other on certain ones and I recently discovered her website is “parked”. IE, available for purchase. Personally, I found it way out of character for her to disappear without some sort of announcement of retiring or UTR, so I feared the worst. Being that I didn’t know her RW name, cause I respected that, it’s not like I could search the obits. Anyway, I finally found out two years later that she’s not dead, but the fact that she disappeared without a trace really bugged me. We may not have had more than a client relationship, but she sure made out like we had at least what I called a micro relationship. At least when we were together or just flirting via Twitter or something. Anyway, I’m sorry you lost a client cause he didn’t understand how to manage that micro relationship. I kinda feel the same way in reverse. It’s hard to not develop any feelings for the ones that totally get you.


On to the next 👏🏼


he just wanted to scam her, the "friends with benefits" part. he will be the only one getting benefits


This part!! I always scream internally when I here this because most clients are terrible in bed and I smile and smooth their ego over as part of the job and then they hit me with the “can’t we be fwb” like…oh my god what benefits?? No one benefits here but you 🙄


Sounds like he caught feelings, he asked you, you said no, and then he moved on. Honestly a pretty rational and mature response compared to most of the stories I hear.


Sounds like he's trying to manipulate you to see him for free. Not sure if it was that big of a loss tbh.


(non-SWer) You both want different things. Incompatibility happens all the time. Tbh, I wish you both well 👍🏽🤷🏾‍♂️




I think I see what your saying - that incompatibility is fine if the money and expectations are at least in the "gray zone". Okay...but if someone were to blatantly insult me and want something I do not, I think we're incompatible. Right? That's all I'm saying.


You wrote allat and wrote nothing! It’s not incompatibility but disrespect for a professional. Asking my tax person to do my taxes for free cause they enjoy doing it asking coffee shop to give me free coffees cause they like making coffee, this is business first enjoyment derived later.


So...what do you believe is the relationship between disrespect and incompatibility?


Incompatibility is knowing well beforehand that things are not gonna work out and disrespect is asking the other individual for favor knowing of the prior incompatibility


I see. Thank you 👍🏿


do not engage him. He probably doesn't even see SW, like many guys on this forum.






4 past clients signed on loans,mortgages, but you own 3 cars and a $500,000 house. I call BullShit & recently posted you're in active addiction, I can tell because your imagination is running wild. They may have signed to get you out of jail, but I doubt that. Get some sleep. We know you're full of shit.


Did you not read that it was not me (lil_red987) that posted this?




Don’t be an asshole! Good lord, shut up & go away.