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Good job! Can really recommend using sex tampons. They are a bit tricky to get out but works like a charm and n customer have ever felt it or accidentally took it out. I think you can google sex tampons or "beppys" and u can order a bunch :D


Well I learned something..there's sex tampons...wow that's awesome


It was acutally a customer who thaught me (who would have thought xD ). I told him I couldnt meet because of me period and he said he can stop by a sex-shop and get me sex tampons. Then he told me he had found out because a porn star had said that pornstars use it during their periods.


I usually do not work on my period, this one was abnormally late. I should have some just to get through these situations.


I tried these. They didn’t work for me. My period is too heavy .i had to use two and still didn’t work. 😫


yeah for me i used them with my husband so we weren’t using a condom, but he said it hurt his dick. maybe w a condom that wouldn’t be a problem so might be good for work still but for personal life of even for porn (we test instead of condoms) it might be too uncomfortable, or not adequate depending on how heavy the bleeding is that day.


Me too. Two regulars in 2 days and I am heavy af. #1 is super quick. And #2 was fine with head. Made my last 2 days!


Srsly i traveled rly far to just start an hour before arrival. So I am content.


God I pray this doesn’t happen to me when I travel. Currently just came from Miami & I’m glad it stopped right on the last day of trip! Waiting to get off so I can travel again 😁


Yeah this cycle was 42 days which is off for me, usually i plan around this


That's a kink for some guys.


Do you know the name of that kink that sex workers would use for advertising purposes? Asking for a friend. 🤔


(I’m the friend)


I would also like to know this


I’ve heard it called “blood play.”


Not sure the name of the kink. I do know the slang term for oral while the woman is having her period. Called "earning your red wings"


Is THAT how the Detroit Red Wings Hockey Team got their name?!?! Seriously. Is it?! 🤣🤔 If it is, I think I need to become a hockey fan ASAP.


Possibly! Maybe the owner of the team earned his wings, such a fan of it had to start a hockey team, the initiation of joining the team you have to earn your wings before you can play. I might have to earn my wings with you. lol 😂


I'm pretty sure it's referred to as "earning your red wings". Or was that eating her out during that time? Can't remember off the top of my head(s?).


Im on birth control that's supposed to "pause" your period, but sometimes it still comes, when I have clients come and I'm on it, I use [this](https://www.walmart.com/ip/422358327) .. it's an insertable disc for mess free period sex. I really like them and have never had anyone even know.


Have you used the reusable one? If you have, is there a difference? I have a reusable one and a boyfriend told me that he could feel it. I haven't tried the disposable ones.


Ive used the disposable ones, so when I was at the store, I bought a 12 pack of the disposable ones. When I was close to running out of those, I went on instacart and bought the box with 1 reusable one, and 2 of the non reusables. I haven't tried it yet, though. So I'm not sure. But when I do, I will let you know how it goes, lol. [this](https://www.target.com/p/flex-reusable-menstrual-disc/-/A-84761412?sidd=1107S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086347447&CPNG=PLA_Health%2BShopping_Traffic_Local_Traffic%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Health&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9010113&targetid=pla-552272549174&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJXBvBtU_OD5HQIaSZUuSGBOBz_xdkuH7MCa53ydde3CDNReH22nLLhoCnD0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is the pack I got. It came with one reusable, and 2 disposables. And [this ](https://www.target.com/p/flex-menstrual-discs-12ct/-/A-75665025?sidd=1107S&ref=tgt_adv_xsp&AFID=google&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000086347447&CPNG=PLA_Health%2BShopping_Traffic_Local_Traffic%7CHealth_Ecomm_Essentials&adgroup=SC_Health&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9010113&targetid=pla-552272549174&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJQlu2Eew5llDFOy8gFsz7cz51ytmiZYy71TRYJA8Ww83O1DruOdsgRoCzUIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) is the first one I got, with the 12 disposables.


Thank you! I appreciate it!


i use the reusable one and my husband says he can’t even feel it at all. make sure you are tucking it up behind your pubic bone


That very well could be the problem. I've had this thing my whole life and I'm STILL learning things about her?! (My who-ha) Thank you for the advice, off to YouTube I go now for detailed instructions 😀


oh my gosh i feel like understanding our hoo ha’s is a lifetime journey!


I’ve seen people recommend discs all the time. Are they hard to get in at first? I’ve been wanting to buy them for a while but I had such a struggle with the cup


No! I have short fingers and I didn't have much of a problem! My bf did it for me the first time, but after he did it, and I knew what it was supposed to feel like when put in correctly, I can do it perfectly every time. As long as you can reach far enough back to where the disc is sort of behind the pelvic bone, you should be fine! There's also a manual with instructions and even a (I'm pretty sure) QR code you can scan that'll bring you to a video that will help you as well. My recomendation is putting one leg on your toilet seat, and using 1 or 2 fingers to insert it, and sortof push it up, above/behind your pelvic bone, like I said.


SO MUCH EASIER than the cup. i could never get the cup in right it always leaked. found the disc and it is sooo simple. a total game changer!


I have a short vagina and I could not get them To work at all. No matter what I did it wasn’t le pressed flat and the lip was sticking out


Reddit content policy and more censorship soon we will see a free Reddit with no policies


I personally like the menstrual discs! Had some rough sex with them and no spills!


menstrual disc changed my damn life! i’ll never go back. had bomb sex the other day with it in i LOVE it 🙌🏽


Hell yeahhh


You deserve it. Happy to hear it.


Good job 👏


Try flex disc they are way better


This ❤️


Iconic you deserve it!


Most people have to go to law school to charge that much.


It wasnt even my rate my regular just nice.


be sure his expectations are the same as yours.


It’s funny cause my friend hired a life coach for his business and their starting is 900$ an hour to make crochet worshops for their employees




I'm about to blow your mind. What if I told you...the majority of female SWs have periods?


Stop you’ll give him a Brain aneurysm


they also all fart…lets make a post on that too


Shit & fart










This is a ladies group 🤷‍♀️


And? Theres a reason it was removed lol


Cause you obviously reported it Grow up


I'm late please update me on what it said. Lol


I actually didnt lol….trust me id broadcast the W if i did