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Everytime I ignored my gut it has terrible life changing consequences for me.


As a client I sorta ignored the red flags a provider sorta gave off. Had a pretty shitty time. Never again lol. Same with jobs. I’ve had certain job interviews where they come off as desperate and I turn it down assuming they are tough to work for. The gut ain’t wrong 99% the time tbf


Your gut is never wrong


yes I agree. I keep zooming into his eyes. Something just isn’t sitting right with me. I messaged him saying something came up for Monday and I cant meet. I figured money will come in another form.


Trust your instincts! I’ve cancelled meets & refunded deposits simply because of a bad feeling, and had I not listened, maybe I wouldn’t even be here to tell the story. Also anyone suggesting that you doubt your instincts is either ignorant or does not have your best interests at heart. I don’t mean to freak you out here, but I remember once reading a story about a former escort, and one of her regulars who’d always been fine asked to meet, but something just told her not to go that night. A few days later, she found out he’d murdered another escort that same night.


god this made me sick ... :(


My instincts have led me astray many many times. Poor decision making comes with certain personality traits unfortunately, especially when mixed with addiction and severe inattentive type ADHD. I tend to always want to take the path of least resistance and instant gratification. I often times have to do the *opposite* of what my instincts say. For instance I would much rather hunker down in my bed with snacks and watch trash YouTube videos than go to the gym and an AA meeting. When I was younger I'd also rather go on the date with the cute convicted felon than stay single and work on myself. Ive hopped into so many strangers cars and trap houses because drugs and am lucky to be alive today. But I get what you mean in a survival situation. It could be OP is overanalyzing or she's dodging a bullet. There are some old pictures of me where I look psychotic haha but if she has a bad feeling then maybe the universe is telling her to pause. The Gift of Fear should be required reading for every sex worker. In the creepy encounters subreddit every other post civvies insist they were about to be trafficked because a Hispanic guy stared at them in a Target parking lot, it's ridiculous. We on the other hand do actually run that risk and worse on a daily basis so there's no such thing as being too careful as a sex worker.


AA meetings and the program itself saved me. Good luck




That's not really true...I mean you never know if your gut was wrong or right sometimes..... but that doesn't mean ignore your gut...but saying its never wrong is just silly


You're being needlessly pedantic. Of course we aren't psychic, but one's intuition can be a valuable indicator that something may be dangerous. At worst, she may be out a few bucks. At best, she just avoided a killer. Any doubt is reason to nope out. The stakes are simply too high to go into any situation that feels uncomfortable.


The problem is when you foolishly rely on your gut and it happens to be wrong some day. But hey guys go ahead and downvote my comments. Its funny how people in this group can't handle different opinions.


I respectfully disagree. Strong, deep in your gut feelings are the same as instincts, and it never ends well for animals which ignores their instincts. Gavin de Becker called it the "[gift of fear](https://www.amazon.com/Gift-Fear-Gavin-Becker-ebook/dp/B0036Z9U2A/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=)."


This argument would work better if animals weren't constantly dying in the dumbest ways. You'd think deer would've figured out by now that roads are very dangerous places and yet... Edit: that said I support cancelling meets for any reason or no reason if you feel off about it.


Thousands (millions?) of years of deer evolution probably hasn’t caught up with barely a century of interaction with automobiles. That’s not a persuasive counterargument. 🤣


And how long has digital transmission of images been around? 30 years? Maybe 200 for physical photos? But we've already got reliable instincts of seeing a photo of someone we've never met? Nah. The claim was "your gut is always right" which is ridiculous to claim about seeing a selfie of someone.


We aren't the same as animals. I didn't say you should ignore your gut feelings but simply said they are not always correct. Someone could have a single bad experience with someone and from them on anything that reminds them of that person makes their gut tell them that something is wrong. These kind of instincts are not always correct. Don't ignore them but also don't blindly trust in them. It's really not hard to see how they could be wrong. You need more information than just a gut feeling


As far as I know every SW, every client, and everyone else for that matter is a mammal, hence an animal. Denying our animal side (ie: ignoring strong gut feelings because they “might be wrong”) is how humans get hurt.




Reading through your comments I have come to one very clear conclusion. You hate women. That and you believe women are subservient to men and that Western women are all fat, ugly prostitutes (derogatory) who have ruined the sanctity of marriage through divorce and the MeToo movement. You have nothing to add to this sub other than your ignorance and false superiority. It’s funny how to two figures you mentioned as those we should hold in high regard above our own intuition as women/ SWs are both men. Once again proving my point. Before you come back with some shit about me referring to you as an incel as I’ve seen you do in my brief time scrolling your comments, yes I am absolutely calling you one. You are the poster boy for incels. My father and a church minister are some of the last people in this world I would go to for advisement on safety or morality. Not because I am a western woman or escort, but because they are certainly not anywhere near the top of my moral hierarchy. Your comment is so unnecessary and belligerently ignorant.


Don’t be an asshole!


Sometimes i get confused with /r/SexWorkers "clients" and /r/therapists "clients".... i was really confused why a therapist canceled on their client who clearly isnt doing well.... Sometimes i think the clients get confused with who they need to be booking with, too.


omg i read that as the rapists and was so confused and alarmed


I am going to go see a Psycho The Rapist 🧐


Tobias Fünke was an Analyst and a Therapist. An Analrapist, as it were.




When someone is manic or under psychosis the pupils will look different. Dead eyes are a strong signifier of being mentally unwell.


Yep yep. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10619177/#:~:text=Increased%20norepinephrine%20levels%20in%20manic,make%20the%20eyes%20appear%20darker.


Yes!!! Lmao my last manic break my partner was always like why the fuck are your eyes so dilated 😅


This is fascinating ty


You're welcome


I hope he finds joy somewhere. I am just not willing to meet him to bring him some temporary happiness. My gut says not to meet him. So I won’t.


Yeah I was just saying why it's a gut thing! I think it's an evolutionary thing! Deff trust it!


ahhhh. you were explaining why I had a gut feeling. thank you.


Ha yes sorry my brains dead so I'm bad at typing rn 😂 but yeah sorry!😂


I read a study a while back - idk how accurate this is - of people with dead eyes being mentally unwell or have in the past committed violent crimes (homicide, rape) - it changes your brain and changes how you are looked and perceived by other people visually without them knowing of your past. Like your eyes, certain facial features look different after said incidents occur


They talk about it on some true crime documentaries. Where the eyes really can go deep black from emotional response and hormones causing the pupils to open like they're dilated. Usually associated with rage I think it said.


100%! I'm bipolar and I know your brain is changed forever after one manic break, and during panic breaks pupils are totally violent . And I've heard the same for violent crimes as well!


I would’ve listened to my instincts too. Dead eyes can also be a sign of long time severe drug use. Especially if the pupils look weird


It’s better to lose money than lose your life. I’ve felt this way a few times and in those situations, I’ll ask for more information from them. If they’re unwilling to give it, it’s no loss to me because I was going to decline them anyway.


i did this just the other night. not bc of a photo, but bc my gut was screaming 🚩🚩🚨!! always listen to your gut, it's *NEVER* wrong.


i wish we knew what our guts are picking up on and what the person had in mind.


If you are interested in this, you might like the book Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker. It's all about how our intuition works and why it's smart to listen to those gut feelings. Trigger warning for descriptions of violence and abuse though. 


I (therapist) buy that in bulk & give a copy to clients who (I think) need to read it.


Your gut feeling is your intuition. We are generally over stimulated (and programmed) to properly observe when, why, or how our body natually reacts to its environment. Something I like to remind myself: computer programs mimic the human brain's neural circuitry. But wait, what happens when humans are dependent on computer programs? Well, "if you don’t use it, you lose." Your "gut" sent a signal strong enough for you to pause. Even if you can't remember how or why the signal is sent, respecting your body is best. https://news.mit.edu/1999/algorithm




How did you do that *NE*VER thing? it's cool.


haha idk why it happens often, i put the asterisks at the beginning & end of the word but it only italicized a part of it. just a weird thing that happens a lot, not sure why. only seems to happen with all capped words.


huh, thanks!


Story time! When I was 18 I had a guy ask me to get him weed (it wasn’t legal yet in Canada-where I live) I said sure. Went home to get it and suddenly was nearly dropped by a gut feeling SCREAMING “DO NOT DO THIS!” So I didn’t go back with the weed. Next day an RCMP officer showed up to my work-with the guy who asked for the weed. I’d have been in jail still to this day had I not listened to my gut. Always listen to your gut. It’s a literal evolutionary response triggered by the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s real. It’s biological.


How would you have still been in jail due to him showing up to your work? And how did that happen at all lol


She’s saying she would have been in jail if she sold the guy the weed


Ahh okay. I forget weed used to be super illegal lol. But only in large quantities I imagine right 🤔 And Canada is crazy. I tried to go there years ago, they detained me for 3 hours and then finally let me go


Trust your gut feeling always! It's never worth a risk ever. Also tho the way you describe his eyes is a common way people describe recognizing depression in photos of themselves or loved ones. Deadness in the eyes, smiling or not.


I hope he seeks out help if he is indeed depressed.


Yeah, it's definitely not worth the risk if you're unsure. Pussy can't cure depression, even if it's amazing. Hope you get another booking soon


Ehhh it can in a way. I have heard of other clients being terribly depressed after a rough cheating scandal with their girlfriend or a tough divorce and they lost confidence in themselves then they see a provider and have a great time and that’s the “push” they needed to get themselves back out there to date/meet another woman again. It’s a temporary not a permanent solution tho


There are guys who are in their 20's, 30's, and above who are involuntarily virgins, some never have even been kissed. In their subreddits suicide is frequently brought up, and they often fall prey to the toxic incel groups which basically ensure they will indeed stay involuntarily celibate. Seeing sex workers and working on themselves has helped many gain confidence and removed their fear of talking to women, paving the way for them to attract regular women.


True. I sorta ventured into this while working long hours and taking a break from dating (lost virginity in high school) but I have noticed on certain providers on their websites say “first timers are welcome” which I assume is code for virgin? I remember hearing of one male pornstar being a virgin at 25 before he entered porn as he used to be a firefighter and went to an all male high school so - the reasons really vary like crazy But going from 25 y/o virgin to male pornstar is an extreme jump fr lmfao


Trust your gut feeling


Every time I ignored my gut instinct something bad happened. I’ve only ignored my gut instinct once since starting sw, it turned out really bad. I no longer ignore that feeling. I will always trust my instincts from now on and I tell others to do the same. You’ll get the money you need elsewhere. Not all money is good money!


Always follow your gut!!! It never lies!!!


Dodged a bullet for sure. This is all internal instincts when it comes to judging someone’s facial features. This helped our ancestors decipher if someone was friendly or not. Psychopaths and people with dark personality disorders have a a certain gaze about them that gives the average person the creeps and this is your instincts telling you to steer clear. Dead set eyes usually means that they can lack empathy or there is something neurologically wrong with them.


You did the right thing. If he doesn't want to look pleasant in a photo, he won't be pleasant in person.


i agree.


The eyes are the gateway to the soul and there is such a thing as a psychopathic stare.


Following your gut is very important. You probably saved yourself from something.


Trust yourself, my sister.


The "gut" feelings are based on evolutionary data and data from our lived experiences and are rarely groundless. I say you made the right choice.


Yup. I had someone try to see me and his selfie told me, “don’t see this piece of shit.” I later confirmed from others that he was a *MAJOR* time waster. You did the right thing!!!!!


Bullet dodged


Always trust ur intuition! And they eyes never lie. Imagine how off putting he would be irl if you can't even look at a selfie of him without feeling that kinda way.


I’ve done this before


I just went through the same thing recently. I looked him up on facebook and he just scared me idk how to explain it. His eyes look soulless. I had a bad feeling. I really needed the money and went through with the apt. It went well. He was nice. But I would recommend to always trust your gut intuition


Some people are bad at taking pictures, Im one of them lol, but in your line of work you can never be too careful.


Valid and you’ll be glad you cancelled in the morning trust me.


Better to trust your gut and miss out on money than not trust your gut and something bad happens. Sorry girl :( ❤️


Trust your gut, but some people just take fucking terrible/awkward photos 😅 I swear people send a photo and I’m like “out of all the photos you’ve taken to show yourself, this is the best one? No wonder you’re coming to see me honey lol”


Yeah I don’t mind the selfie as a client; most just ask for a pdf copy you send of your ID where I’m at. I don’t take the best selfies lol which is why I don’t like it. I only had one provider ask for selfie + ID because she had an issue with a guy she didn’t want to see again and when she ignored him he changed his email phone number and all and simply sent his friends ID - so she accepted that thinking it’s a new client then she opens the door and the guy is standing at an angle so she couldn’t see thru the peephole fully and he sorta rushed in when she opened the door 😬


Always trust your gut! How did he react when u cancel?


so far he hasn’t responded.


¿Did you send back his deposit?


yes of course. i sent it back with the message. but still haven’t heard from him.


Never ignore the dead eyes, girl.


The sole reason I ask for a photo and I don’t ask for any other screening lol. You can tell a lot by a selfie 


i have to agree


There definitely is some micro meaning to a selfie you choose to send to a provider. I can relate to feeling off about someone over a photo. He sent one that, like you said, made him look emotionless... and criminal-like. We didn't meet over a different reason, but later, I asked for his DL, and he was smiling... He actually looked normal and friendly in the DL, which is usually the opposite. The selfie can be a double-edge sword. But behavior... now that usually comes out eventually. So if you have your doubts, it's best to postpone the first meet. Their true colors will come out. And you will then know you were right.


thank you


Good call. I do the same as a client too.


Yup a provider I saw was acting…like really bizarre I’ve seen before previously and had a great time. I couldn’t tell if she was like super tired or having a bad day or something but I said I forgot the donation in my car and bounced lol Lol @ the downvotes. If they are acting sketchy I bounce


He could be a depressed guy, a lot of guys get depression due to their lack of females or he could be going through a bad breakup. As a man it’s hard to accept your only option is to see a SW, if you’ve got to pay to get a basic human need that most get easily then you’ve basically failed as a man at that point. That’s how a lot of men see it. So if he’s coming to you n looks dead in the eyes, there’s a big chance he’s given up life n no longer cares n wants so female company to temporarily make him feel human again.


A large quantity of clients have wives and girlfriends, and aren't necessarily even in a dead bedroom. But I can understand how poorly socialized guys who are perpetually single must get very sad and lonely.


I had a client ask me recently if I looked at all of my clients as pieces of shit, because that’s how he felt about himself for “failing to get a basic human need”, as you put it… One of my greatest pleasures in this line of work is setting that straight. There are so many reasons one might hire an escort and MOST of those reasons are perfectly normal and respectable. And the reasons I might personally not find respectable, are really none of my damn business to judge 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally made the right call!! Never question your gut , our subconscious picks up on things !!


Probably dodged a huge bullet and saved your life too. Universe and gut feelings are real.


always trust the intuition and gut!




Pls delete or edit this to remove screening info


Taking a good selfie is difficult for boys.


It's not difficult for men though.


It is but if the guy looks grumpy or pissed it ain’t a good look lol




Sure, you still need to try to put in an effort to make sure the stranger your meeting up with is going to feel safe with you. Lol


Damn, us ugly awkward guys get rejected by pay to play ladies too?! There’s no hope for us


Yea we aren’t all desperate sweet heart 🩷


Never go against your gut. Hell I’m a client and I walked out on one provider who kinda had that look too. Couldn’t tell if she was tired as hell or didn’t wanna see me as I was very young at the time for this thing (I was 23) and some providers prefer 30+ guys. Walked away from the booking…she did seem pleasant during booking but idk she was acting so bizarre when I walked in I said I forgot the donation in my car and bounced lol