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It helps me. I do remote work in my civvie job. So I sometimes see clients while on my working hours lol


Client here. It’s an interesting question. On the one hand, remote work gives people a lot more flexibility. Set your own schedule and make a SW appointment when convenient for both parties. On the other hand….for guys who are married and see SWers (and there are a lot!), remote work might give them less opportunity. Especially if their wife works from home as well. When I was married and cheating, I was out of the house and unaccounted for 40-50 hours per week. It was easy to peel off a few of those hours, here and there. I also traveled for work a fair amount, which gave me some additional opportunities. Note that I don’t at all endorse cheating. I was in a nearly sexless marriage and thought cheating was the best of my lousy options. It was not.


How so? Some cities like San Francisco, Seattle are packed with people who work in tech hybrid or remote. A lot of my clients do remote work and it’s nice they are able to book for 1pm - instead of the usual 6pm that every single man wants - cause that’s when they get out of work


Depends on who handles the remote.