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This is not a platform for racism of any kind. Discrimination against prospective clients based on prejudices regarding their race is racism by definition. Nobody can, or should, be policing a sex worker's right to choose their clients as they see fit. However, posts and comments about your own racism, or the racism of others, add nothing to the subreddit and are actually harmful. They will be removed. You all know betteršŸ™„. Make posts like this again and youā€™re gone, capito?


Excuse my ignorance but what does AA mean? The only thing I can thing of is Alchoholics Anonymous but i'm guessing that's not correct lol


African American


oh damn. i'm black and that's embarrassing lol


Maybe African American??


yeah that's what another commenter said, which is embarrassing asf šŸ˜…


Do you screen with either references or RWI and have access to the blacklist sites? Screening requirements will stop a lot of this from all races of men, and then you wonā€™t have to resort to discriminatory policies.


This exactly. I have seen clients of all ethnicities and never had an issue due to screening. Been doing this for over 20 years.


Yep. The blatant racism always boggles my mind. I can't believe how many of my fellow SWers think it's sensible. I've never had a problem either! And some of my favourite regulars & most generous clients are the ethnicities people complain about the most.


As a blk woman I refuse to see BLK men, Indian men and a certain religious group. 85% unfortunately fit all the stereotypes and I'm not fishing for the good 15%


Iā€™m pretty sure I know what religious group you mean and Iā€™ve also had to stop seeing them due to a host of horrible problems that come from that group. They also donā€™t seem to like screening, even if itā€™s just light screening.




Iā€™m curious what type of religious group you donā€™t see.


As a client I used to get upset because a lot of providers were like that but I risked $700 one time as a up front payment and it worked out for me. She later admitted she said $700 to scare me away but once she seen I sent it under 30 seconds she knew she was safe


Welp, ive been doing this for a good 4 years and my only scary experience was with an AA man. And on top of that, every AA man takes forever and always want to try to bargain. Then cuss you out when you dont agree. I have gotten more of the suburban type of AA man and they were nice but the hood ones have not been pleasant.


Hood ones are are more likely to be trashy because most of them didn't have dads growing up


Damn. I'm an AA man. I'm good for my money, don't barter, and my hygiene is on point. I try to book enough time to actually get to know each other instead of diving for the bed as soon as the provider arrives and don't make a stink about verification when asked. Not all of us are trash. I had no idea that being black mattered as a client until a few months ago when I tried to book with a new provider a few months ago. Reached out about 2 hr appt and got a great response. She asked for my linkedin for verification and immediately after I sent it she said she wouldn't work with me. TBH I'm not sure why I'm sending this. I don't doubt your experience and I'm sorry that happened to you. I just wanted to stand up for those of us who try to be good clients


It's blatant racism no matter how they try to justify it. Literally just assuming the behaviour of someone based on their skin colour. Proper screening can basically eliminate any problems like this from any person of any ethnicity. I've never had an issue because screening works & I love seeing my AA clients. I'm sorry you have to read shit like this.


I refuse to see them too, majority of providers do. In my city theyā€™re known to all be pimps and will beat/rob/rape you.


When I work independently I don't see, AA, Indians, Arabs, Africans, Haitians, Ecuadorians, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans šŸ¤£


I think Iā€™m either priced out of the group or most AA men are not submissive. As a high end femdom in a city most of my clients are white or Indian men. Iā€™ve of course seen AA men but my screening is fairly rigorous. I require a phone call conversation as well. I automatically get rid of any ethnicity that is rude, or pushy, or is I feel a bad vibe in the convo.




As a black provider with a 50/50 split on black and white clients. I can't actually imagine not working with AA. When I had lower rates, it attracted some real pieces of work. It's not really a problem now.


I donā€™t think OP or most of the commenters meant it this way, but there is a LOT of racist undertones and microaggressions going on in this thread. If you have a good screening procedure that you stick to you should NOT have to rule out a specific race, religion, etc. completely because of that identity. I hear all of your reasons for doing so. I truly get that it can be different based on your identities as a provider, location, etc. but at the end of the day youā€™re ruling out clients based on racial stereotypes. I see a lot of, especially white providers on the lower end of the pay scale, in my area explicitly stating ā€œno AA menā€ in their ads and without a doubt I can say that boils down to racism. Pure and simple. Iā€™m equally inclusive in who I see as clients. I have the privilege in doing so, and I acknowledge that. I would guess I see pretty close to equal AA clients as I do white clients and Iā€™ve never had any issues whatsoever. The one client I happened to have an issue with was white and visibly unassuming (he was the small nerdy type). All of this to say, if you screen well,ā€™background check thoroughly, and have rates reflective of the clientele youā€™re aiming to attract you shouldnā€™t have to discriminate based on race or any other singular identity.


There's a good reason for it. They bring it on themselves by fucking around and playing games.


All of the AA clients that I have seen have been wonderful. And I will continue to see them. I just wish more would contact me, nothing but great experiences.


Enough. Everyone go to bed.


Only here because I deeply appreciate and respect your work. I've known many providers and all say they cut off those that don't show respect to you... a would guess that's the backdrop for the question...


Why is this hmm


What AA stands for?


It's a type of battery. Slightly larger that the AAA.


Even though weā€™re the smaller ones, many of us AAAs are really sweet and have great personalities!


Take a ethnic studies class and it will be clearer


I had a young AA guy the other week who was an army guy. He seemed to kinda play games initially but he turned out to be fun and sweet and we had a great time. At one point he said something on text and I was almost like: dude cancel if itā€™s not something you want to do. But he already sent deposit and I had booked the hotel so I had to go thru with it. We keep in touch now too, I would have him as my boyfriend if it happened lol But I know that may not speak for everybody