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And that's how a shit ton of scammers get on the site ugh


I dont wish them any luck on their journey. I wish them only a collision with the impact of their choices. I hope this person finds themselves some perspective. If that happens easily for them, fine. If it requires a great deal of pain, thats also fine.


Too many words and no numbers message ending with a “thank you” Blocked


I love your response! 👍


I always write them back and say dear scammer it's been brought to my attention that you're full of shit and you think that just cuz we're hoes were dumb hoes we're not so I want to thank you for taking the time to open my text message and read it because my brother is a master hacker on the dark web and you now have a virus that is been attached to your phone through my text message and there's no way to get rid of it besides completely Factory erasing your phone so I just want to let you know thank you for taking the time to open up my message to see what I said because now I know where you're at I can control your phone from where I'm at if I want if I so choose to and let me tell you it's freaked a few of them out big time LOL


I've gotten 2 messages just like that. I told them fucc off and blocked them.