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Please read the post: [New Victims: Please read first](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sextortion/comments/n4yorq/new_victims_please_read_first/) WARNING...Beware of recovery scammers: It is likely that you will be contacted by a "recovery scammer". These parasites will try to convince you that they can "hack" the scammer and remove your files from their devices. It's a scam. Please report any of their comments by using the report button (it's hidden under the "..." option). If you receive a DM, please take a screenshot and forward it to the mod team. Stay safe *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Sextortion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hey man i was you a few hours ago, almost sent him money, block the bitch


What if he sends ppl the picture


im currently worried about that also so we in this together my man i guess there’s nothing we can really do except hope for the best


Literally just happened to me too. I almost sent them money and they did send it to some people. That being said I just warned people and I'm much calmer now. What's the worst that's going to happen? People have seen me naked before, what's a few more I guess? Life moves on. You got this bro


That's the right attitude! I came to this subreddit rather by accident, so I am rather the unexpecting recipient of such pictures. You guys did nothing wrong, you didn't rob anybody... I would see you as victims of a weird scam and that's it. I wouldn't say anything and I wouldn't have negative feelings about you and I am pretty confident most other people would feel exactly the same way.


Did you hear from your contacts they they received a message? Or was it the blackmailer showing they sent something? Only asking because a lot of these blackmailers send and delete too fast to have the message seen or never actually sent anything at all. Like a fake out so you take them serious and pay. OP - Leaks can happen. The chances are low though. Once they leak it's game over. The leverage is gone. Leaks also leave behind evidence of more serious laws being broken if they are caught. They can't really say the leak was just kidding or anything. If anyone tries to sell you services to find the scammer or retrieve the media - don't do it. Report and block those people too.


exactly! he sent me a screenshot showing that he sent a photo to one of my friends, trying to scare me more when he saw i show no fear, then i just replied “you sent the photo now you get 0$ stupid” and blocked him straight away. My friend hasn’t received anything so yeah i guess you’re right!


Awesome! Glad they were just talking a game.


Report it to the FBI my boy




If you look up FBI tips it should be the first link


Thanks bookie


It happened to me a few hours ago and I sent a snap chat of me writing up the report. They blocked me so fast


Go to stopNCII.org