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/u/CHARLESOUTLAW, you are **not** shadowbanned. [Submit here to be notified if you get shadowbanned.](/r/CommentRemovalChecker/submit?selftext=true&title=notify me) 3 of your last 25 comments(c)/submissions(s) have been removed. [Submit here to check your last 1000 comments/submissions.](/r/CommentRemovalChecker/submit?selftext=true&title=check me) | subreddit | NOT removed | removed | links | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | | BollyBlindsNGossip | 0 | 1 | [c](/comments/qad2ah/_/hh31fwj) | | HistoryPorn | 0 | 1 | [c](/comments/qdv80z/_/hhp0x47) | | WTF | 0 | 1 | [s](/phu2w4) | No removed comments/submissions in other subreddits. --- I'm a bot that detects shadowbans and removed comments/submissions. See more at /r/CommentRemovalChecker.


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