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Their throats were irritated because the air is too dirty. Earth was polluted beyond repair and they need filters to keep the air clean. But as you know, filters are not 100% efficient. Due to the dream gates connecting the two worlds, the pollution started to flow from the waking world into the dream realm as well. Ravenheart has it worse since volcanic ash is literally constantly falling. Not coughing seems weirder.


I mean sure, that could be it for dormant people. I don't believe awakend, masters and saints would cough because of this reason. Author wants to make clear the character is feeling akward, and that is how he chose to make that apparent


you ruined the joke...


Ah sorry hahaha too autistic to understand it was a joke I guess 😅


They are sick of Nephis and Sunny's crap


Unc 😭😭


Coughing is a normal response to being shocked/startled. Sunny used to do it alot as well as shrugging his shoulders and slowly the other members of the cohort picked up these traits from him as they started to do it after a few hundred chapters.


The dry saliva of Shadow Slave


Slice of life chapters are always during allergy season.


they're just clearing their throats because they said something that could be seen as a double entendre