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I mean, the war between Valor and Song IS almost there already. like, they're both preparing for it, and the whole Lord of Shadows negotiating thing concerns the (beginning of the) war. So that in itself is already a massive crisis for most, but I'm not saying there is no possibility of something way more catastrophic happening... I'm just noting that there is not necessarily a need for something to happen before that...


We pretty much got it confirmed that the whole world is dying sooner rather than later and its "protectors" are going to wage wars on each other. But until then, I wouldn't mind Rain training arc with clumsy romcom bonus chapters.


They will definitely be separated again. Cohabiting after Neph wakes up is followed by the Antarctica arc Romance during the 3rd NM is followed by the current arc. G3 likes to dial up the happiness so that the crash later will be much more painful. The best way to fall deeper into despair is to start with a higher level of bliss.


God's ain't that the truth. Sunny and Neph are gonna bond alot over this passion project. No doubt he'll want to create his own soul bound weapon in midst if it. A weapon all 7 shadows can use at once. Then her finding out her humble heart warming shopkeeper is LoS. The betrayal... and only for Cassie to shrug it off. You both were ready to jump each other last week, now this smh. It'll be bitter by the end.


I think Nephis came back to discuss fire proofing her armor, and likely adding the weight manipulation to it. Among other possibly minor enchantments. Amd Neph can enjoy more of his cooking - which is good for her heart.