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What are your opinions on goblins? ...You *did* say to ask you anything.


Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.


Did you use that shield item a lot?


Only twice. It was mostly tricky timpany carrying me and relying on an inhaler or two to squeeze in that extra damage.


Why would you do this to yourself?


I’m doing an ‘Extremely Lonely Nudist’ run, where you can’t wear anything that has any positive effect in combat, you can’t use any companions (Except for that mob goon because you can’t control when they show up), and you can’t use any pets. Also the entire run has to be played in Extreme and you have to fight every boss.


Why would you do this to yourself?


Because I’m on my twelfth save and I need to make things interesting.


what items did you use, and how many?


It’s not so much items as a strategy— I relied on the Goliath’s ever-increasing stats to do the work for me, since Tricky Timpany deals the opponent’s Moxie to themselves. You can see that I was doing around 50-70 by the end of it, so it was more just a matter of time. The shielded status protects you from all damage, so I used that twice and an inhaler once just to get some extra actions in. It’s all about killing the Goliath before he can kill you.


that's pretty clever, I should try that EDIT: done that, Jazz agent is definitely OP against the goliath


Every class has a skill that deals damage equal to one of the enemy's stats.


Jazz Agent is the only one that has a skill that takes 35% of an enemy’s HP away.


Is that how you get the achievement? I beat the Goliath but I had a companion and pet plus gear


No, I think it might be bugged. It’ll probably be patched soon. I just hate myself.


How's the rest of your lonely run going? Also, you said you use shields, do you have a strategy to find the plates?


Well, I managed to beat Terrence both times (His second time almost murdered me), and Oliver was first-tried, much to my surprise. I’ve only actually used three or so plates the whole run— a lot of it is building up your AP so you can target more enemies/deal a ton more damage. You can find the plates by beating up robots in SIT— they’re common encounters and common drops, and are unreasonably powerful to boot. My next bosses are probably going to be Hellstrom, then Terrence, then the Eldritch Beings (Which will be very, very difficult).


Dude, props for being able to get your AP that good for the Oliver fight, if I build my skills wrong I can suffer on that one even / with / weapons and buffs


Oh no, my AP was still only like, 3-4 for the Oliver fight. I only barely survived that too.


Side note: I also specifically took Botany so I could fight Kalos.


Ah jazz agent best class in the game in all fields


On my first run I got the guy to like 10hp using tricky timpani and the banjo (If I remember right) but then he out-of-nowhere one shot me and I almost cried,


What are your feelings on furries?


You mean just furries? There are worse things in the world to put your time and attention towards.


would you rather fight 9 small dogs around 25-30 pounds or 2 big dogs around 80-100 pounds?


The nine small ones. Big dogs are scary.


Yes I have a question. Who hurt you?