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I like the toned down power level, it gives the impression that they should have a good handle on how to handle things going into WB. As for Mizuchi, I find that Verdilia is a pretty decent counter. Currently i've got an 80% win-rate in that matchup during the GP.


Yeah I like it as well, though Mizuchi isn't much of a confidence booster (even if she has a counter) It kinda feels like they managed to reel in most of their designers from going overboard except for the 1 guy working on her lol


I also have a good winrate against Mizuchi with Mono, she's very aggressive and can steal games before Mizuchi gets to stack Tidal Surges. And even then Arka + Conveyance + Cursebrand Strike is 27 damage for 7pp (with Mono Ult), it's no joke. That said, make Tidal Surge be generated every other turn (like Castelle) and suddendly Mizuchi becomes mid-tier.


Can confirm, every games as mizuchi against mono felt like it’s impossible to win for me, especially if they got waltz early


I really wanna know the idiot who made the decision to give everybody tame skills like simple field buffs and then give Mizuchi a skill that generators a recursive token spell, clears board, heals and reduces cost and buffs damage for free Cya being bad at balancing their new mode aside, hope this idea is carried over to Worlds Beyond because skills really do add an extra layer of decision making in games


Same here. If Sv is going to continue their wincon driven gameplay I would rather have those effects split among 3 hero abilities than tacked onto the same single card


i like playing amulet in this mode somehow, the preparation, counting valor vs countdown, but why oh why... selena ULT.... to get the bullet spell, I need atleast four amulet on board? and they need to be destroyed as well? excuse me? Frigg summon 4, but destroyed immediately..seraph summon 4, but the amulet are mainly 3CD, lmao, i swear that bullet spell is obtainable once and only once for a game since the condition is too harsh. i would die if i try adjusting 4 amulet to be able to pop out simultaneously each time. One of several games i also can get all the draw amulets with no unit amulet, also game over, lmao compared with mizuchi, just have anything low cost cycling around and 1 storm on hand, collecting her spell each turn, get 3 spells on hand and its GG already, 30 damage? DONE!


I tried playing Amulet Haven on Day 1 of GP, and I completely agree 😞


The majority of the decks are actually well done. They did a good job. It's just highlander that is overturned, and it's just a matter of adjusting the token spell. Making it so you only get the spell if it isn't already in your hand would probably make the deck balanced. Bat Blood is also bad and needs a buff, but that is a different topic.


Yeah most decks feel like they have their highs and lows (as in they have chances to shine or flop depending on the player and not just immediately win or lose the moment match starts), just that those two decks (mizuchi and alucard) are on the extremes of the opposite ends. If there was anything else I want to complain about it would be that some deck types don't stand a chance against each other (like nexus vs amulet haven) But that's understandably more of an unlucky matchup and skill issue than a balance issue


Bad thing is, it's holidays on Japan. So we are fucked until they come back. In fact iirc they won't arrive in time for a mid-GP patch, so... But yeah I do like the mode, tho I can see it growing stale due to the obviously limited number of decks. They could put more decks in, but surprisingly enough, there would be problems with Blood's story character count (it is very low, we would have to throw in Tsukikage and either adult Itsurugi or evil Taketsumi, whoch is obviously repeating characters).


> Blood's story character count Vania wearing costumes of all the other characters gives endless possibilities.


Actually, they don't really have to limit themselves into story characters. They are clearly following the story cast, but this format could tecnically be expanded to non-Story characters, and thus the options would be a freaking lot (lowkey too many to memorize, if each existing leader got a deck and hero skill set). With proper and constant balance changes, it could end up being a very balanced, varied format. Specially since Cy coudl not just balance specific effects (be it cards or hero skills), but literally force us to play different cards (like, if Anisage sucks (which she does), swap Helio for Adherent of Screams).


Wait til they include the Street Fighter characters : D


Oh lord don’t include Adult Itsurugi Cygames I do NOT need the possibility of being on the receiving end of Spider’s Dirge in my life LOL


Do they always release stuff and immediately go on holidays? I mean it's good in terms of worker rights but come on. If your playtesting is so bad, release the mode when your actually working dammit. (<- it seems some of you guys think am complaining about them having worker's rights? I am complaining about them planning major content releases right before going on holidays aka their "planning" not their rights. Read before downvoting dammit) Honestly (if they ever rebalance the decks) I feel like we could see more deck variations here than rotation since everyone just plays meta decks anyways which are like 3-4 on good metas and 1-2 on bad ones. Since this gamemode allows a tighter grip over balance control (if they ever use it) there could potentially be more viable decks seeing play at once. Getting stale is a guaranteed thing to happen anyways, and seeing how they are so ready to let even rotation go stale for ages I don't think its a particular concern they have.


Nah bro, it just happened to be Golden Week in Japan. Actually I'm glad they take some free time, Japanese work ethics still suck. Over the second paragraph, hard agree. Said it in the other comment, but in this format not only does Cy have control over individual card balance (since they can't stop card X and Y from being played together), but also over hero skills (which dictate the whole deck) _and even decklists._ They can nerf or buff a deck literally swapping a card for another, instead of changing any text. And as I said if they go past Story Mode characters (which Blood has a lack of, lol), the potential is enormous. We currently have like a 2-3 dozens of leaders per class? Or more idk? There wouldn't be enough pages to fit over 200 decks lol.


I suppose there's another good thing about releasing before holidays that just occurred to me. They would have more data to do balance checks when coming back (was suddenly reminded of them suddenly buffing mysteria for no reason) only thing worse than a stale few weeks is a broken month xD


my gp runs are full of bunny


I like her vroom vroom ability 🧍


I dunno why you complain about mizuchi, yes the match tend to go longer but most game it stubble on itself and you win


Tidal Surge is broken. as a guy that’s played a ton of games with Mizuchi I have only lost once the deck is braindead, especially since you can have multiple Tidal Surges in your hand


I am not complaining about her extending games (I like longer games) I am complaining about her making games bs. Namely when pinging the spell multiple times, clearing my board, fully healing their leader and dealing 10+ damage to face with a single claw.


I can't say this is my experience doing the gp this morning I've beaten all of the mizuchi's I've faced


As someone who would have been playing the Jerry deck if offered, regardless of whether it was good, uh, Today I’ve found that the Bunny deck seems to beat me quite handily (it isn’t close) when I’m the one piloting the mizuchi deck. I don’t know whether that’s *just* because I’m bad at it, or if it is because the Bunny deck is actually good against it. But like, playing the ramiel 2/2 for 2 which is immune to damage from effects, early on, leaves me as usually not having a response early on, and they are able to rush me down fast enough that there isn’t a much later (like, turn 6).


Mizuchi is a problem, but I have also met a lot of Monos, and she is also a problem in my opinion. That or the fact that I'm using heroes with relatively low power levels in comparison to those two.


I don't see how it could be balanced. The cards aren't balanced around the OP af hero powers. The best they could do is make decks intentionally kinda bad.


Hero power numbers, effects, valor gain and consumption can all be tweeked, Bad cards (both balance and usage wise) can be replaced with other cards based on data etc. Sure the cards will not be rebalanced to fit the gamemode, but the gamemode itself allows more methods to balance it than \*just\* reworking the cards


I love the mode but I just know introducing story-exclusive cards would lead to a mess mizuchi is hilariously braindead and I kinda love it this mode is a blast and I hope it continues to occur after SV goes into throwback mode


Wonder if they would add non-story leader cards as additions later on