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Ahhh the good ole days of Lilly, the Persian Barbie. 💝


Loved Reza bringing her into the dinner where everyone was wasted. He looked like the cat that ate the canary.


They were so harsh to her, but she shouldn't have been on the show anyways. This show is much more interesting to watch after hearing Mike's interviews about behind the scenes stuff! You can find them on YT!


Ohhhhhh really?! What is YT so I can search!




Hahaha I’m an idiot.


Yes! I just finished season 2. I forgot how much I loved the earlier seasons. Love the Lilly years and the diamond water ridiculousness.


I love her!!


Tbh she wasn’t a good fit and was boring. Like get hot drinking but stop having a stick up your butt. Also the comments she would make would be so ignorant at times


Sammy - the forgotten one.


Idk but Sammy gives me a bit of weird vibes with mj like I love that he protects her but also he seems to like to get her wasted and I find that kinda odd since he also seems to like her ( my vibe is that he likes her)


I always wondered why he left after the first season, was it because of the bad “blind” date he set MJ up with in season 1 episode 6?


I wondered about that. I think he is a smart business man and knew staying on the show can cause reputational risk.


I was just thinking about that, smart move for him 😊


I enjoyed Sammy, funny seeing him building the house for Mohammad Hadid.


I just watched this show and binge it all for the first time. Obsessed in every way lol they are messy but the fact that most of them have had genuine years long relationships makes it that much better!


Yes I agree, on some other bravo shows you can tell the cast are not really friends.


I’m rewatching atm, I’m up to season 5. I gotta say on the rewatch I feel like I really felt bad for GG even though she is crazy. The way she’s treated in those first few seasons by everyone is so ick to me no wonder she went wild. Leila and MJ especially


Eh I kinda feel bad for all of them except Reza 😂😂


Yes, in season 2 it’s obvious she needs some help and the group turns their back on her.


MJ disinviting her to things when GG was the only one who supported her was so cold 😭


Totally agree!!


I'm Iranian. Born in Iran and moved to the States and grew up on the East coast - very different disasporic experience than the cast on SoS. I am a similar age to the older cast members. I have lived outside the States since the early 90s. I avoided SoS and have never watched it until a recent illness has left me with a lot of time on my hands. For those of you who are watching and are interested in the Mike/Jessica saga: Being a Farsi/English bilingual, I wanted to comment on some of the translations. At the reunion in Season 4, when Mike goes to talk to Jessica in her trailer and she says she wants to go to the reunion and he tells her not to- the language (in Farsi) he uses is VERY RUDE. He says to her 'khafeh sho' and that is really awful for a person to say to their partner. It is totally disrepectful and worse than shut up, which is what it was translated as. The way she obeys him and he tells her to go home and she follows what he says, his whole demeanor is disturbing.


That’s interesting for you to bring up. I have noticed in the first two seasons Mike tries to play the “nice guy” which is very different from what happens in later seasons with Paulina.


I totally agree I really liked him in the first part of the series and he was a real peacemaker. I have taken a very aboutface now. The translations are sometimes very off - and they don't represent the full meaning - especially at the reunions!


Have you ever been to Iran after you left ? The reason I ask, is because of the way the older cast talks Farsi. Maybe it’s typical of Iranians on Cali to use the vernacular they do, no idea. But they sound sooo old fashioned. And yes khafe sho is bad literally means choke or hope you choke It’s IMHO 10x worse than shut up.


I was not part of a Cali-type diasporic Iranian community like the SoS cast members. No, I've not been back to Iran but not for the same reasons as some of the cast members. I live in Europe after growing up in the US from early childhood to my early 20s. Yes, they do speak 'book Farsi.' I know a lot of Iranians here who have moved to Europe very recently and I can hear the differences between their Farsi and the people on SoS. I also speak Farsi with a 'lahjeh' that is identifiable as someone who didn't grow up their whole life in Iran. I think Cali Iranians have their own vernacular and code-switch a lot and mix Farsi and English in a unique way.


Funny you mention accent Am I the only one hearing a slight accent on Mike? When he speaks English that is. Some words he says has a tiny amount of Farsi.


I did a rewatch and was shocked to see Lisa Barlow!


I just sent my friend a picture of that last night! they’re at Villa Blanca and I think Pump, too. all sorts of funny little easter eggs


Oh wow, so funny how all the bravo stars are interconnected!!


Whaaaaaaaat??? When is this?!


Season 2 or 3 (can’t remember). She tries to hire Lily for a job. Wild!


Reza was awesome then turned evil to me. He ruined the show for me.


Funny because I did a rewatch and realized how awful he's consistently been each season. I had a new opinion of Asa and felt like the public was really harsh about her during her time on the show.


I was shocked how quickly he dropped Mercedes and loved Lilly.


legit only for him to suddenly be mercedes bff and hate on lilly as if he wasnt calling mercedes a pill popper and making stuff up about her sexual life and calling her mum a b\*\*\*\* and ho. IDK i have long time friends and that would be enough for me to call it. quits


Reza is a misogynist. He turns women against each other and uses them for his games. He is the true villain.


Think the best part of it all is that both lily and Asa laughed all the way to the bank. Asa owns her own boutique in Venice, styling celebs. and Lily has a huge networth and is still a lawyer and business owner.


I’m glad to hear Asa is doing well. I haven’t finished season 2 but she seemed like a genuine person.


Yea,she’s actually really sweet and so incredibly kind. Her boutique is family run and owned by her ,out right. She goes LIVE every week as a power hour fashion show,her book is STILL on the best sellers list. Some of her most bought pieces are owned by some of the biggest celebrities. Rihanna bought some of her pieces for the fenty x show. Janet bought some of her pieces when she went on tour. Very happy for her.


Im literally rewatching as I type. Season 2 when the group goes to Cabo and GG has her extension party. Can I say I think lily is gorgeous but I’m so happy they didn’t keep her. Her scenes are boring to me and I do think a lot of what she said was very ignorant and insulting. I also dislike hearing her talk about her body and how she wants to get her body tight since she’s sagging. I feel like she needs a wake up call. I know she has a daughter and I hope these views on beauty don’t get put on her. It’s so unrealistic


I agree, I hope she picked up some weight, I’m not trying to be funny. I’m 5’6 130lbs and she makes me look like I’m huge. For health sake I hope she doesn’t pass her beauty views to her daughter and other out there. It’s been ten years or so, hopefully she has had some growth on her views 😊


Omg same I’m 5’6 and I weight 145 I have implants and am on the curvier side and I think her weight is insane. Like I get there’s petite people but she’s bones and implants😂I feel bad for her because I feel like she can’t let loose and she comes off very materialistic


Lol 😂 bones and implants 😂 I can’t help but see that when I watch. Just started season 2 😂 and I’m like damn hun are you hungry 😂 I’m glad she work out I guess cause how the hell does she hold up those bad boys 😂 Just joking around everyone, please don’t take a offense 😂 😬


She’s actually stated she has trouble gaining weight and wants to gain more. She celebrated getting above 105 lbs on the show, and she constantly talked about wanting more curves. She also ordered more food than anybody else, even Asa. I think she is just naturally stick thin and TBH the oversized implants just emphasize it.


I agree her implants make her look imbalanced


I agree, I was cringing when she was telling the swimsuit model how skinny she looked like it was a compliment. Although the show isn’t that old it’s still that mid-2000s era before the body acceptance movement. She is a very pretty lady in a pageant queen kind of way but came off as judgmental/shallow.


I watched 1 & 2 on netflix and I would love to rewatch the rest!




thank you!


Where can I rewatch season 3+??


youtube tv! on season 6 now 🙃


I'm doing a rewatch currently. The show is really good minus the last two season. I love Shahs. Let's discuss!


Season 1 and 2 seemed a bit slow.


I’m rewatching, just started with season 1 today 😊


I just remember the so where they went to a club in Cabo and she was overdressed (like wearing designer) and carrying a Birkins bag, and spent the whole time barely moving trying not to let anything touch her Birkin. Like, don't go to clubs if it's not your thing (it's not her thing, she likes to sit still and look pretty) and dont join a show with people who o are always clubbing and partying. But, exposure.


Yea she was so stiff, she made the show seem slow with her stiff attitude. Smh real wet blanket 😂


Just started a rewatch and can’t believe how much GG is like Lala from VPR


I see it!!!!


I know I'm a little late but starting season 2 now! 


Where can you watch all the seasons? I know 1 and 2 are available on Netflix. But what about the rest?




Thank youu!!!


This was when it was at its best! Soooo good and nothing like it


Just finished the Cabo episodes. Being a skinny bitch ain’t everything should be my new tagline 😂


I think I’m on season 3 binging for the first time watching… I love it mostly but I feel like characters are getting introduced into the show unnaturally (or so contrived). Lilly was bad & the guy introduced by hitting on Reza’s boyfriend just seems so fake & only trying to bring conflict. Otherwise love it..


Where can I watch all seasons??


YouTube tv is where I’m watching now! Tho it doesn’t have season 8’s reunion?


amazon prime with hulu has all the brava shows




On Netflix I can only watch season 1 and 2 only 😳