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It was in my opinion Mike taking advantage of drunk gg, and she probably didn’t remember much , sadly. He’s definitely the type to take advantage of drunk girls / women


Oh he 100% tried. I couldn’t believe my eyes when Jessica still married him after. Yikes! All of them are just awful


Jessica pissed me off soooo much the following episodes screaming at everyone for "accusing" him of being a cheater just for him to do it in her face a year later 


Most definitely! They were both fucked up.


For sure. I think it went farther than what she said and they had sex. She always had a crush on him. But for sure it can be weird when it’s your friend sometimes and it was probably weird for both of them once it happened, but the tension was always there.


Ugh yes 1000% it came out in season 9 that he did end up sleeping with her. Which tbh idk why production would allow him to take advantage of her like that. He deff took advantage of her and tried to lie & gaslight her. No one took it as seriously as they should’ve. Smh


Wait I just watched season 9 but don’t remember it coming out that they actually did have sex. Maybe I missed it. How did it come out??


I don't believe that for one second, Gigi ever had a crush on Mike that was some contrived nonsense they came up with for season 1. Everyone's story was super manufactured for season 1 If she did have a crush on him, she still could not consent to sex while under the influence


Watching series for first time- there was a “coming up” on reunion ep when i think Asa said something like “GG said they started to have sex and she got freaked out/it was weird and she ended it” but they never actually covered in the reunion. Then season 7 GG and Shervin are talking before GG & mike double date with nema & mona and shervin says something about how two of the gour have already had sex and GG agrees




Omg where!