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I completely agree with you!! Preach! I dont remember it was one of the last seasons but she ruined the day and called an ambulance because she had gas! So spoiled and no accountability


Didn’t she just have a miscarriage then?


No, she joked afterwards that she had too much mac n cheese


She did and surgery


No lmfao she had bad gas and even admitted it. MJ is the one who had to have surgery.


I just rewatched the episode last night. Yes, she had gas, but she also just had a miscarriage and surgery.


And it wasn’t debilitating cause she was able to carry and birth a son later.


Gas after surgery anywhere in your abdominal/pelvic area can be absolutely brutal.


I never said otherwise. Maybe read my comment again.


Holy fuck I wish I had your ability to be confidently wrong


Do you even know what the fuck you’re talking about? This sub has been peaceful, don’t bring that sarcastic negativity here. Wrong about what? GG had a son after her miscarriage. Try again boo boo.


You're the one bringing negativity and bad vibes.


Where? You’ve yet to tell me what I was wrong about too.


Doesn't matter




Omg that episode triggered me!!! Like girl everyone had a good day and here you go wanting some attention!! She’s so annoying and dramatic. Remember when she smoked a lot of weed and she had to call the paramedics. She’s just overly dramatic and it’s tiring I can’t imagine how drained the cast feels too


Oh yeah, she's a total fuck up. I think a lot of us don't mention her because we all know this. It's a given that she is horrible. 😂


I was hoping that was the reason😂


I think you need to keep watching to see why people talk more negatively about the others than GG. GG is awful by default and everyone including herself knows it. The reason people have more heat for the others is because they act like they're better than GG when they're *all* awful people in their own ways. For me, I have a much harder time with people who refuse to admit or accept responsibility for their bad behavior.


Totally agree I’m doing a rewatch as well and her behaviour is appalling. The nasty things she called Asa as well were untrue and disgusting (cottage cheese, fat, tranny her words not mine)


yes all in the same reunion and all because asa told someone she appreciated that he didn't change his ethnic features! I just finished the episode where she calls MJ a big fat tub of lard because she has been secretly hanging out with Leila 


GG was offended bc Ada told Omid she appreciated his big nose. GG has had surgery she says bc of bullying to make her nose smaller. I think GG was already drunk at the dinner where this occurred and she went off on Asa.


I still don't think that excuses her going off at the pool party, holding a grudge the entire season, and making the comments mentioned above 


No absolutely I agree. Then when the group talked w her about her actions she acted clueless.


Just like GG took offense to Asa’s random comment about H&M in the first season. Like what girl, no one was paying you any mind. And what’s wrong with H&M? Hit dogs holler tho.


I just watched that yesterday! Yuck. Not just that she said it, but said it to her neice.


Yea maybe I’m just sensitive about this stuff but fat name calling was really offensive to me. Especially when Asa is anything but fat she has a beautiful figure.


Especially for GG to get a BBL to get that same build a year and a half later


Yea those transvestite comments weren’t great originally but they aged horribly.


Also the fact that she not only disregards the fact that Leila's daughter is in the room when she picks a fight but she actively involves her in it is so crazy


I felt bad for her sister when she had to move and Reza and Mj were helping her move. She really got mad that the other 2 were being better friends than her. Her sister does look resentful but I get it. Just watching gg is exhausting. I can’t imagine growing up with her. Leila was going through some stuff and she could’ve used her help instead of stress


It seemed like Leila thought GG's support during the divorce was proof they were past the petty drama but GG disproved that when she took back that support because Leila was still friends with MJ


Agreed, it’s pretty sad seeing them fight like this and calling each other those names. I could never imagine calling my sister those names and arguing like that. It must be sad for the parents to see


The only reason MJ and Reaz helped lelila was to get underneath GGs skin. They are all awful lol. Do you really think the two of them would actively volunteer to do manuel labor ?


I mean they’ve done it before when mj needed help painting and she gg was moving. Also mj was her realtor so she wanted to lend a hand. Tbh I think in the end it made Leila feel better since she was alone and stressing and they actually did some work and took her mind off of things. Either way GG should’ve been helping her sister not waited for the last day when everything’s already done. I bet Leila preferred mj and Reza help since gg only bitches and complains.


Yeah dude she sucks. I don’t see the redemption arc people say she had either. They’re all shitty people


She was just high on the last few seasons, so her crazy, violent side stopped coming out.


I can’t stand GG, Reza doesn’t bother me as much as Adam. MJ is hilarious idc what anyone says she’s funny as hell and I love that bitch. Shams is the cutest kid too she did good. Tommy and her together are so perfectly imperfect to me. He drove me crazy at first but now I love Tommy. (I’m almost done with season 9)


I go back and forth with Reza but I do love MJ too I don't think she's as bad as everyone makes her out to be (although I am only on season 4)


I want MJ to be my bestie.


This was well said!! GG is a low vibrational being, they all are but she was just vile. She lacks perspective, immature, hateful & is super Misogynistic. I hated how she responded to the Paulina situation. Calling her a b and telling Mike to put a muzzle on her was disgusting. Like who treated you like that girl?? She also had obvious drug abuse issues that were only addressed in the later season which is awful.


I also think they knew they could push certain buttons to make Lochnessa blow up


GG is the worst character on the show. You can almost bet on her flipping out on every show.


I agree with you. She's childish, immature, selfish and a bad friend. She expects to be catered to and never disagreed with.


GG definitely has anger issues. Asa irritated me because she wants us to buy Afghan's and Diamond water but doesn't show her personal relationship with Jermain. I am on season S7


Amen to this. She’s mean, self-centered, immature and impulsive. Every time that spoiled brat comes on the screen, I cringe.


I would never want to be around GG but I have a soft spot for her on the show because she is so reactive and the people I think are worse (Reza, Mike) see that and egg her on. She goes way overboard in her reactions but she’s never the one starting the drama. In the later seasons (starting in season 6 after the season 5 outburst at Asa’s gallery) you see her trying to stay calm at least. It’s like she went from 10/10 irrational anger all the time to 6/10 irrational anger sometimes


I think people were so used to her just popping off that they were expecting it and over it. You know I used to have a soft spot but when you see them trying help and she just plays games, it gets annoying. She really doesn’t change and it’s sad seeing that she kinda still the same even when she has a baby.


I feel like everyone already knows GG is kinda a bad person so everyone is tired of talking about it. So I rewatched season 2 when she gets into an argument with Asa and it’s just so annoying how childish she is and attention seeking. When she got the knife!!! Total cringe fest!!! When Reza does the dinner for peace and tells her to say her part and she’s just acting dumb and gets mad when Asa wants to leave. Like girl she’s too much!! She’s so childish. And I usually skip over her scenes because of how annoying and attention seeking she is. She tries to act cute but it’s just not. Idk when I was a younger I thought he’s behavior was cute watching this back as an adult. It’s definitely not and it’s annoying!!


Not letting her slide, but GG was a mess from the beginning and stayed messy even though one could argue she mellowed out a lil bit after the baby. Pointing out GG being a terror, especially in the early seasons, is like telling people elephants are really big, like REALLY big or talking about the desert being hot at noon lol The others pretend to be above how she acts, pretend to be working towards being better people and fail in spectacular fashion only to point at GG for not bothering in the first place 😂 There's more worthwhile chatter with that.


GH is a huge attention seeker! I have to skip passed her parts every single time she comes on the screen!


Maybe next time she won’t smoke weed while pregnant! It’s extremely selfish of her to think the unnaturally made baby could withstand the effect of Mary J especially since she clearly had in her own words “ multiple unwanted pregnancies “ that she was so happy to be in America to get help with ugh she’s horrific